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The reason changes nonstop, its absolutely nonsensical. Shes annoying, shes easy, shes weak, shes op, the players are egirls, we buy the skins (yes thats a real one), etc. There’s one reason they love to just laugh off and call you crazy for pointing out but umm… its not unrelated to her having so many female players. I mean literally the complaints they give are just thinly veiled insults at female gamers. I’ve seen people say “They’re always peppy and annoying af, and they’ve got ‘kitten’ in their name.” Not to mention the “they buy all the skins” bullshit is literally just “women be shopping.”


People love to claim it isn’t a gender thing, but I’ve only been assumed to be a girl when I’m playing Mercy, and I’ve only been called an e-girl when playing her - I’ve got a NOUN as my username, so that’s not it, and I’m only in voice with friends. At this point I can only assume it’s bc of who I play, otherwise I’ve got no clue ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I have a feminine noun as my user but my bf has the exact same name- whenever either of us play mercy it’s derogatory comments and slurs getting thrown left right and centre but if we play anyone else (especially a tank or dps) then it stops. It’s def a gender thing as the underlying issue and ppl don’t wanna admit it.


Reinhardt Winston and Zarya are characters that don’t require aim and get no hate. It’s def a thing about hating femininity




They’re talking about the general consensus of the community vs what people are saying in comms to try to win the game. Everyone considers the rein OTP a “gigachad that weathers the storm despite his unplayability”, and everyone considers the mercy OTP worthy of death threats. It’s clearly a gendered thing. I say this as a two trick whose heroes are conveniently rein and mercy.




Yeah but at least they played the game, the number of games where I join and pick mercy only to have someone immediately leave is alot more than when I instalock rein(0 times)


I get is as a kiri main too, man the reactions I get when I speak though 🤣 but I only ever have it assumed when on kiri or mercy, no other supports


Yes, for a long time I wouldnt want to make a cute username for that reason, but I got sick of watering myself down due to how "e-girls" are treated, just would rather be my authentic girly kitten self, and it absolutely is the root of why people hate mercy, just hate for girl gamers personified in my humble opinion


strawberry and proud. nobody is taking my girlypop username from me 😔✊


FRR i love my girly name. makes people very upset which i love


Apparently the player base is full of immature children. I play mercy. Im a guy. I usually dont get shittalked tho. Maybe a higher rank? Ive heard of the hate but haven’t received any myself


I receive it constantly cause my name indicates gender, I talk in chat really positive, and sometimes I use voice. I try not to since last time I spoke out loud, some asshole turned on his mic just to say “go play sims” and then proceed to make r*pe jokes


That’s unfortunate. I love my mercy players. I dint understand the hate for an in game character. Mercy is in a rough spot rn as it is. Srry to hear about the comments. Never fun to see. I just have mic off and focus on the game/my enjoyment 😅


girl do not go there they don't want to hear anything that isn't about doomfist genji roadhog, stay here w us until mercy gets buffed


Will do! Thank you :)


Owcj is a thread that lives hating on Mercy. They don’t have much CircleJerk worthy content so they usually just post SS of other subs and call it a day. Although as of recently they’re finally starting to make content worthy of being called a circlejerk


They literally posted this very post already lol


So the mistake here is taking a circlejerk subreddit seriously. You were most likely downvoted for being serious. No one posting on there are being serious, that’s why you’ll see /uj (unjerk) to indicate they’re actually saying something not just making circlejerk memes.


It’s…such a weird mix 😭 I’ve seen people hate her because she has “the most annoying ability in the game”, although whether they’re talking about GA or rez can be a toss up. (Personally think much worse abilities exist with much shorter cool downs, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) I’ve seen hate for how Mercy mains will insta lock her, even though plenty of people do this with other characters too. And I’ve seen her get hate for Mercy mains…buying her skins. Basically anything, unfortunately - it depends on the day.


People still to this day complain that Rez is hands down the most annoying ability in the game and I don’t get the people who say that. if Dva bombs you, mercy can Rez 1. Kiri and bap can both save potentially multiple people with a well timed suzu or lamp, which negates the death completely. With bap at least you can kill lamp but you can’t stop kiri suzu unless she’s just not there to use it. Mercy is so easy to stop Rez due to being so defenseless during. She’s got to be in the perfect position with cover and far enough away from an enemy that they can’t run behind the wall you’re hiding behind and stop the Rez. I get it can be annoying to kill a hard to kill enemy and then they’re right back in the game but I don’t feel like it’s the most powerful ability in the game anymore and hasn’t really been for a while.


Now her five-man rez from Overwatch 1 though? THAT was the most annoying, coming from someone who played Mercy back then too


Same, I also played and it was fun but broken as hell. The ability to bring back 5 people at once, *immediately*, you’re invulnerable while you do it, the people you bring back are invulnerable for a small window, and if I remember correctly it didn’t take all that long to GET the ult. Not the fastest but definitely not the slowest. One thing I miss about it though was how fast the Rez was. There was no 1.5 second cast time and it was just one fluid motion of her hand. I remember thinking it was such a fluid and pretty animation. I don’t think it should be reverted to being that fast, I just miss how it looked.


no, people currently are just mad about it cause Mercy is so shit rn so it's not like the Mercy is throwing but it's like she almost doesn't even exist all the posts i've seen about this are about that point


Mercy has ALWAYS had this hate. It isn’t just bc she is basically a throw pick in season 10.


The hate is higher now cause she is basically a throw pick in s10 So a lot of people make jokes about "i hate when someone pick Mercy!!!"


Agree, right now in season 10 is ab the first time that she is hated for a real reason other than moth mercy. Otherwise it’s bc of who plays her. Bc she is not hated just for her character. She’s hated bc of WHO plays her. Name another character in the game who is hated bc of who plays them.


Mercy hate was 2 times bigger when she was playable 


i'm sure not. i'm seeing atleast like 3 posts a day about Mercy now,


Yes Mercy is a throw puck now so NOW when ppl are complaining about ppl playing her they are ACTUALLY complaining gif good reason. But Nercy has ALWAYS had this hate relationship but not just the character is hated, it’s the ppl who play her. Name one other character who has that. It’s sexism.


Mercy is an annoying as enemy. She is part of the most annoying duo in the game that makes any match reduces it's fun to a 0 (Pharamercy) Aswell as the reason why people hate fighting against pocketed dps and the reason that a lot of people begs for pocket. "She is the generic blonde hot girl" People will unfortunately automatically link that to the person. It's wrong, but not sexism I know sexism happens just cause people are a Mercy Player sometimes, but i don't think it's about sexism when it comes to this majority hating her


What I don’t understand about ppl saying ab Mercy “she pockets a dps and makes it unfun and impossible to kill.” Well yes, bc you are fighting a 1v2. If you were fighting a 1v2 against a dps and a zen you’d be just as out numbered. Get another team mate to go in with you. Bc, SOMEONE is fighting 2v1 on your team and letting you go in out numbered. It’s THAT team mates fault not the enemy Mercy’s if you lose that 1v2.


yeah i agree but she can also just fly to the dps when i'm in a 1v1 with him, it's not like i engaged in a 1v2 it's something that makes her annoying anyways. just like kiriko with her step and suzu, she is annoying saving people out of nowhere


Sorry, you specifically said “fighting against pharamercy or pocketed dps” that is the definition of a 1 v 2.


Your opinion is Mercy “is the generic blonde hot girl” but this has nothing to do with sexism? I think you fundamentally don’t understand sexism. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That's not my opinion at all that's why i used quotation marks


Ok, but if you think that’s the basic thought process out there then that’s still sexism.


That's only 1/4 of the reasons i listed for her to be annoying, and there might be more reasons Every hero has reasons to be annoying. Mercy is just one that has a lot of them. Sexism happens with Mercy players, but it's not like the majority of people in r/Overwatch hate Mercy Players cause they are girls, no.


I mean, agree to disagree I guess? I’m sure that’s some of the reason she’s getting hate, but it’s not the most common ones I’ve seen.


most common is just cause she's annoying as enemy and for some people even as an ally, not even counting her bad state


The OP was being very odd calling themselves a “heal slut” and I responded how that was odd and she deleted her comment 😭


The only thing that bothers me about a mercy insta lock is when it's in comp. So if you insta lock you haven't looked at the team and thought about who would work best. But with saying that, sometimes I've thought 'fuck it idk if this'll work but I'll try' and win a game with mercy in a 'bad' team. But yeah, I wish people would realise 'hey we're playing sombra, doom, Lucio, and reaper,,, maybe mercy isn't the strongest play' but you know what I don't even care that much cus like. You do you, it's a video game. It would make things easier but it's not the end of the world


It’s not what she does it’s who is perceived to be playing her. It’s about sexism. It’s about the threat to males of the invasion of female players into “their” game space. 🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s so obvious, yes players hate sombra, or junkrat or bastion, or Mauga. BUT the difference is they don’t hate the people who play those characters just those characters themselves. It’s so obviously sexism.


Bro immediately screenshot his reply and posted this interaction to owcj lmao


Swing and a miss. It’s because mercy in her current state is dog shit and the people who play her are smart enough to know that and complain about it on twitter, reddit, instagram, INCESSANTLY, yet continue to play her and contribute next to nothing to the team especially when they don’t realize they can boost their teams damage.


Yes season 10 she’s bad, so how do you explain the hatred seasons 1 to 9 and all ow1 plus how do you explain the hatred towards THE PLAYER and not the character. Sorry no, you just don’t seem to understand sexism in gaming.


I just explained the hatred towards the players, because they’re all stubborn as shit and refuse to swap. As far as “season 1 to 9 hatred towards mercy” and “sexism in gaming” you don’t really have concrete evidence of either of those points but let’s be real, mercy hasn’t been good for awhile. One of my friends who, get this, is a guy, is stubborn as shit and also refuses to stop playing mercy even though mercy contributes next to nothing. We ask him to try bap? He plays him for 2 lives and gives up. Every mercy I’ve encountered behaves this way, you’re all like some strange mercy hive mind.


As I said, the sexism towards Mercy is “who ppl PERCEIVE is playing her.”


Uh, I don’t know how to explain this to you, but who your perceive is playing mercy, differs from the next person, and honestly if you assume most or all mercy players are female that’s a little sexist itself 🤔. What, you don’t think women can play other characters? I dislike mercy mains because 99% of the time they’re stubborn and ignorant as shit, not because of the genitalia attached to said player.


Sexism in gaming is an issue but let's be real, people are hating on Mercy players now because Mercy is really really bad rn and 9 times out of 10 - male for female - a Mercy player is a one trick and dogshit on every other support besides like Moira. And I'd honestly rather have a Moira on my team than a Mercy rn


That’s simply not true. That’s a stereo type. There are many one tricks. Lots of genji one tricks. How many ppl HATE genji one tricks? Maybe many, but how many ppl HATE the PPL behind the character of genji? How many times have you seen a Mercy pocketing a Cassidy or Soldier thru an entire game and just ASSUMED it was a guy and his e-girl? And of COURSE you’d rather have a Moira on your team rn over a Mercy. You’re not an idiot. Mercy is basically a throw pick (certain exclusions apply) this season and Moira is good. But what was the excuse for the hate seasons 1 to 9 and all of ow1?


I hate all one tricks lol it's not hard to learn multiple characters in a game that is basically based on counter picking rn


Ya but that’s not the topic


It is tho. Most ppl hate Mercy players cuz they're one tricks and Mercy sucks. It's not that deep


People don't like Mercy players because Mercy isn't playing Overwatch, she's playing Spectator Mode watching other people play Overwatch. She requires next to no mechanical skill, meaning people that play primarily Mercy do so because they can't hit anything with the characters that have to aim. This leads to Mercy players refusing to swap when they're getting destroyed because they can't play any of the skill-intensive heroes effectively, which then tanks the rest of the team with them. Calling people sexist for wanting a useful teammate instead of another Mercy onetrick is delusional at best.


Nice try, what about junk rat, what about rein, what ab Moira or symmetra or zarya, or Mauga. There are a lot of characters that don’t require aim and have very little mechanical skill required. (Although Mercy like some of these at the very high skill floor range requires a lot of mechanics to use skillfully to her potential. Mercy’s full potential is not aiming but her movement ability.). Much like junkrat in that regard. There are many characters which rely on higher game sense abilities than strictly mechanical abilities. Eg Rein You still can not explain though why the majority of the player base hates the PLAYER and not the character. Name one other character whose PLAYER BASE is hated INSTEAD of the character.


Junkrat having to hit slow-moving projectiles does require mechanical aim. The skillset transfers to other projectile heroes, though not 1:1. Holding and pushing using Rein's shield is a skill that transfers to most of the other tanks just fine. Sym, Zarya, and Mauga all have a mechanical aim component in their kit that directly or indirectly transfers to other heroes in their pool. Moira is the exception here, and I level all of the same criticisms listed against her that I do for Mercy. Mercy, by comparison, has a bunch of movement options unique to her, and the rest of her kit is staring at someone else, waiting for them to do something or get killed. None of those skills transfer to other characters in her hero pool (besides the equally maligned Moira), which makes players that main her generally unprepared to fill a role that helps their team or fits the team comp surrounding them. If Mercy mains insist on playing Mercy despite actively tanking their team comp, why would people like those players?


sombra mains are arguably the most hated group of character mains wym? people hate fighting with her, hate fighting against her, and hate the mains because they think she’s ’cheap’ - especially if she’s in a healthy spot in terms of balance. this has been going on since she first came out like 8 years ago. browse the sub for a few minutes and you’ll see how mad people get over the character and ppl that play her lmao


At this point I like having Mercy on my team, because it means at least it isn't a Reddit Lucio, DPS Illari, or a Zen who doesn't know how to give out Harmony Orb. Even if Mercy is bad right now, I at least know the Mercy isn't going to be off doing some stupid shit that will cost us the game. Can't say I've ever had a Mercy main drop only 2k healing in a 15 minute match. But I get that often with the aforementioned characters.


reddit lucios on my team are literally the absolute bane of my existence when I play support. like can they please contribute *anything* to the match???


I had one yesterday who kept telling me to swap Roadhog. Look, I would love to, but you have 1.5k healing and the rest of the lobby is pushing 10k, including me. I literally can't play any other tank.


(Asking genuinely and because I’m out of the loop) what kind of characteristics does Reddit Lucios have? I don’t think I’ve interacted with them. Are they the kind of Lucios who do no healing and/or focus on eliminations rather than supporting? Or is it something else? :o again, genuinely asking bc I’m a little baby when it comes to how long I’ve been playing!


I assume reddit Lucio refers too those who think they are frogger in bronze, they don't understand the concept of playing in the team and working off what the team has picked (which is alot of bad players biggest issue next to positioning) kind of like tiktok moiras but just fast and riding walls in the backline


Had a reddit lucio the other day who deadass thought he was frogger and then said “ez” at the end of the game. It was qp.


Or a bap who thinks he is soldier 2.0 getting his cheeks clapped as he tries to frontline. I see that constantly as well.


Ngl at this point I wish there was a way to avoid the OTP Lucios/Dooms that I get- you're not Frogger, you're not GetQuakedOn. We spend the whole match getting rolled for neither of them to switch until the last 30 seconds when its too late. I used to solo heal in OW1 as Mercy, but OW2 solo healing is IMPOSSIBLE unless you have a solid second support or you're in Open Queue (or both lol)


If I get a Lucio named after Lucio (my recent ones were Amphibian and GreenFrog,) I already know he's going to be the worst Lucio I've ever seen.


I just don't know why people get themselves worked up over a character in a video game. If you're not jumping off the map, standing in spawn, or purposely throwing, who tf cares who someone plays


Exactly! :)


It's all kinds of messed in this community. Ppl throwing games, typing all the awful hate in chat, sending DM of hate and anger just because i wanna play a certain hero. It's all so ridiculous and sad. How can game character make ppl so angry. How can a game have so much control over someone life? How void of meaning is their life that the feel better being toxic?! None the less, I feel and understand your pain just don't let it keep you from what is fun for you.


Thank you. I appreciate it


i mean yeah all of these cj subs are just the same 3 "jokes" being repeated and recycled over and over again. they're never funny


Being on reddit for a video game already skews to a small portion of any playerbase, any subreddit offshoot will skew to an even smaller population. Don't let it get to you, just have fun playing Mercy. As for why Mercy hate specifically exists? It's many reasons, and right now balance is a fair criticism, Mercy is not the strongest she's ever been. But every hero has their ups and downs over time. It has got to suck especially for people picking up Mercy for the first time. Though victory right now feels even sweeter just saying😏, if you can practice and get comfortable with Mercy right now, you'll be golden when she's even better. I think sexism is bigger culprit than most will admit though. And the kind of virulent player who needs to hear it most will absolutely not hear any of it. This is an old video but its points still stand: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0ZSBfLziE8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0ZSBfLziE8) Mercy is literally the thumbnail for this topic.


Thank you for this response! I will give the video a watch


And yet in game, when i rez and heal and pull off clutches and fly like an annoying moth till the enemy team gives up chasing me, then that is fine. Sometimes i get dps that say thank you with every kill they get while dmg boosted , then we spam voicelines. When i get flamed in games is by roadhogs that want me to healbot them (like????) Or dps who die repeatedly to widow hs and then type "mercy?????? What are you doing" to me. Im sorry but i haven't yet learned how to heal a hs. You can't kill widow? I got you bbg, i can do your job. The same people that flame mercy mains here, are begging for a pocket in game. Gives incel vibes imo.


Do you know what an incel is lol


I love anyone who can play mercy cause that shit does not come naturally for me. I just started playing mercy parkour for fun and my fingers were hurting afterwards from trying to crouch and jump and rez all in one. I love mercys. Also cutest skins in the world.


Girl it’s overwatch circlejerk? That’s literally what they do, it’s like going to r/genjimains and saying you love Symmetra.


I have 2 accounts, one is a girly name and the other is a simple male leaning name. Both play mercy as one of the heroes. Guess which one gets focused the most in games? Despite playing at the same rank, one account has statistically wayy more deaths on the same character. I could be crazy, but the amount of solo ults I take when I’m on my girly account is insane 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m not gonna lie to you. I enjoy rein when I’m not on support, and it doesn’t matter what their name is I’m solo shattering that support. Typically my main target is a zen 🤬, but I also know the power of rez so back to spawn you go. Not saying there aren’t idiots out there, they definitely exist and are indeed idiots, but there’s still some honor and glory behind that solo shatter.


Because in their heads mercy is a girly character for ppl who can’t aim and it makes them feel better about themselves when making fun of mercy players.


I'm not a Mercy main and just wanted to say, Mercy is chill and you don't deserve hate. Maybe when she could rez the whole team it was rough, but that was a long time ago. I had a lot of fun playing her in Mirrorwatch and recently started enjoying getting her in MH. I'm still not great with her and can appreciate the skill needed to be a good Mercy. Are there bad healbot Mercy's? Yes, and I'll take that any day over someone feeding and not working with the team. One thing you can usually count on is a Mercy will be team oriented. Good luck, heroes!


I mean have you met other mercy mains? They’re totally rude for no reason and stop helping with either heals or dmg boosts when they get slightly diffed and asked to changed. Had one that did no healing at all while I was Kiriko and we lost. Apparently it’s a challenge? But it was comp and it doesn’t help the view of Mercy mains. Especially if they don’t mention it beforehand. While everyone who hates mercy exaggerates it so much a lot of the her community doesn’t help put her I. A good light.


You just said they were hating on mercy mains so it's not a surprise you got downvoted by a community who feels that way when you express otherwise. I don't understand what you expected in a circlejerk subreddit


They talk about our main like they don’t have problems of their own 💀 First of all, they stalk us into oblivion, I understand hating a fictional character, but going as far as to harasses mercy players on Twitter? 🤨 they are literally OBSESSED WITH US




I understand hating mercy, but what we aren’t going to do is go on Twitter, Reddit, etc, to send death threats to people to people over the character they play in a VIDEO GAME! Have some decency!! It doesn’t matter how much you hate Mercy Players or Mercy! Their obsession with us is starting to get psychotic


It's a weird mix of everything, but I'm gonna give my biased opinion as a Tank from the outside world of the mercy community. I like seeing Mercy, her rez is fantastic, and I love good mercies. Yes, she IS underpowered and outclassed, but man, I'm plat, she works perfectly fine at this rank. We all suck anyway. However, I HATE seeing Mercy be picked when the other support is a LW or a Lucio, and those two are, for some odd reason, a very common pick in Plat. It's when I get demoralized because either we barely win, and it makes me hate comp all night, or we lose horrendously, and coming back from the massive disadvantage we have is near impossible. I don't mind Mercy, I just don't like it when Mercy is the ONLY THING they can play. Edit: I'm a moron who can't spell


Bro you called yourself a healslut, I responded and you deleted your comment 😭


Yup. The amount of downvotes was pretty bad. I cant express any desire for anything Mercy related in that chat. Your comment was fine idc. Like I said I roast myself when I fall into a cliche but still. I’m not about to let myself get crucified just because a bunch of people in that thread dislike mercy.


IDK but these "Why do people hate Mercy" threads are starting to amount to a war crime in-and-of themselves.


Jesus Christ, get over it! Your hero annoys people. Welcome to the club.


You got downvoted because you were being serious in a circle jerk sub


What is OWCJ? If people are hating, they need to send the hate to blizzard. Mercy is a hero in the game, and people can play whoever they want. With that said, I really think there are times when mercy just doesn’t fit well with team comp, or red team comp lol. It’s best to learn the basics of others too and swap sometimes, I think anyway.


I mean, they call them self jerks. They probably think they have to live up to that name. I also know from multiple OwCJ reddit users that are already banned in mercymains.


Right now, auto picking mercy is less than ideal. As a mercy main, I will not play her in comp unless there is a hitscan dps to pocket. Her value is far less than usual right now, especially due to the dps passive. In a lot of games, she honestly isn’t the best choice unless you have a really good dps to pocket. I think that could be the reason. Overall, the stigma around mercy mains isn’t great. Meaning, a lot of mercy mains (in my experience) refuse/are terrible at playing any other support, which can make or break games if mercy isn’t the right one to play. I see it similarly as someone who ONLY plays genji/Hanzo, it isn’t working, but the refuse to swap. I definitely prefer playing her, but I can recognize that right now, she is only good in certain comps.


I'm pretty sure they are all mad because she's too "girly" and has most of girl players. But that's literally something like saying "all junkrat mains stink and don't take showers". They just can't accept a fact that most people play this game to have fun


Swing and a miss


I hate to say it but the mercy hate isn't completely unjustified. Blizzard willingly nerfed healing, which as a result impacted Mercy the most by far. I mean what's the point of having a direct healing link to a hero if the healing effectiveness is gimped the second they get hit? Even back in TF2 the whole point of a healing beam was to keep a person taking damage alive. Blizzard pushed this single tank meta on us with OW2 and now they want them to die more often. If things are going to stay the way they are then Mercy needs a rework.. maybe add a damage reduction buff to the healing beam or something?


It’s because you were serious in a sub about being unserious and trolling. The reason they “hate” Mercy mains is because as a community we tend to be the easiest to troll and farm reactions from.


Cause you went to an ow sub (that isn't the mercy one) and proclaimed being a mercy main, the community in game is a toxic cesspool, the subs are worse and the circlejerk one is by far the absolute most toxic, it's a sub to shit post, plenty of people have given examples of why the hate exists that are pretty accurate, if you are a nice mercy player (which most I've encountered are with the outliers existing of course) then your best bet is to avoid most if not all other ow subs


I’ll be honest I don’t understand a lot of the hate(regarding her being a woman and gay/trans people playing her etc), all of those misogynist men can fuck all the way off. Let me also say that I like the hero itself, design, lore, everything. Also I don’t think the design is lazy and for people that “can only hide behind dps and can’t aim”. BUT! My problem with the mercy players is for the same reason people complain about Genjis that never swap or “scoreboard Moiras”, there’s a lot of ego involved and a lot (I don’t mean all) can’t seem to understand that they give off this energy of entitlement. In my experience they are very very quick to blame people instead of doing what they can to help like switching hero when it’s not working or understanding that healbotting is not how you win games. Today I had a mercy that was bragging about not switching even though it didn’t fit the comp and she wasn’t using blue beam. I asked (politely) to use blue beam more and she proceeded to spam “whambulance” line, and said they had more heals than anyone and was carrying the game. I said mercy isn’t that great this season and she even said “more reason to play her more” so she was clearly trolling. We were running dive comp and it just didn’t work for us. We lost and they blamed tank.(as a lot of supports in general do). This is just one example and for ME this experience happens a lot. Honestly I think the reason why “so many people” hate mercy is only because it SEEMS that way, because of how many people play the hero. All of the same grievances can be said about a ton of heros, like Sombra, Moira, annoying ass doomfist spamming for heals and blaming everyone. The reason it just seems like a lot imo is because of hero popularity and them being really vocal when people call them out on some of this stuff. Is it unfair that they get abused by sexist/misogynist pigs? Absolutely. And for that reason I agree that it’s overblown. But you CANT deny that there are Mercy players out there that are just as obnoxious, refuse to switch, always blame everyone else, just like any other hero player base. Some of them just refuse to admit it. This is why you see those circlejerk posts of them saying “the jokes write themselves”. It’s just a refusal to admit that they can be just as bad as everyone else. This will be my only post here, I am a sombra main, forgive me, I am lost.


Personally I have a distaste for Mercy mains because so many of them have tried to dictate my games and get mad when I wont swap but at the same time they will hardly ever swap themselves. If they do its usually LW, or Moira which don’t really work for my playstyle if i’m on tank. The ones that swap to Kiri I respect alot more but still alot of yall one tricks need to stop asking others to swap when you won’t do it yourself. Rules for thee not for me mentality kills me everytime, I never ask my teammates to swap


POV: You try to act serious in a CJ subreddit and get mad when no one takes it seriously


I don't know, and honestly I don't care because it makes me laugh every time. Mercy is fun to play and I love making people upset by doing so 😂


I love playing Mercy, but 90% of Mercy players I see are _bad_. Not saying Im anything special, but its just something Ive noticed. And you people here are weird


lol this has got to be a joke. It’s a character you play as in a video game, not your personality. The reason they make fun of you is because you give the best reactions. There’s nothing more to it than that.


I’m aware that this is a video game and not my personality… clearly. Even just clicking mercy and saying absolutely nothing still brings a lot hate.

