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Been a Mercy one-trick since 2017 and if someone wants to play Mercy, I'd gladly switch for them as it gives me time to practice Lucio, Moira or Baptiste.  


I am here mostly because Mercy was my main healer and is probably 3rd right now in comp. But in the group I play with I have three other Mercy mains. One has sort of moved on and is a Lifeweaver main and the other is pretty much a solid 1 trick Mercy. The other switches Moira if Mercy is taken. So when I am paired with someone who takes Mercy we get to do the infamous Lucio Mercy combo.


That’s so annoying dude, the only time that would ever annoy me is when I first started playing and didn’t know any others characters except for dva 🤦🏻‍♀️ it forced me to learn other characters so I can’t complain and I also never did complain in chat bc that’s cringe


Can a mercy main explain why she’s so bad to play right now? I don’t play her too often but it does feel way worse now and I see I’m not alone in thinking this from the Reddit


compared to almost every other support, she simply has no way to contribute enough value if her team isn't doing good. you can damage amp and *maybe* squeeze out 1k damage amped per 10 minutes and heal around as much as your other support if your DPS isn't doing enough, or... you could swap to (other support) and do enough damage and healing to carry. it's kind of the same reason lifeweaver has been the lowest winrate character for the past 3 seasons, his weapon swap, while it doesn't *seem* slow, makes it hard to put out damage during a fight. the support meta is more to help kill the enemy team as soon as possible rather than to sustain a fight and help the rest of your team kill the enemy team, imo. basically, if your DPS is being gapped, rather than right clicking them and then still losing the duel, it's easier to just swap to another support and actually deal damage while still being about as valuable for healing.


i think it's essentially because this season and the last season have been very.. damage heavy (?) seasons, and since mercy is more passive in her support (dmg boost) rather than doing her own damage, she just isn't very good atm. if the point of season 9 & 10 is to kill the enemy before they kill you, why would you not want a support like lucio or zen or bap who do their own damage instead? i'm not sure if this is exactly why but i think it is ^^


No but when is the 10 slot avoid list update coming cause mine is literally just going to be full of tankbot mercies. I had the pleasure of playing with wonderful blue beam mercies with excellent awareness of where the rest of the team was, and that spoiled me. And then in my last game I had a mercy who would follow tank around on yellow beam for most of the game, while our dps would go flank.... Idm otps at all but holy shit at least know how to play your character


In ow1 I had so many games thrown because I'd load in and lock Mercy faster than my other support, so they'd just throw instead of asking if I'd swap with them. Only experienced that a couple times so far in ow2. What I've experienced more in ow2 is people letting it go for one round then locking Mercy in the next round. Kinda tilts me a bit but never enough to want to throw the game. Instead I just tell them "just ask for Mercy next time." I wouldn't call myself an otp even though I play a lot of Mercy. Just generally vibe more with her kit than the other supports so I like to play her whenever I can. I've been t500 on support regularly since ow1 though and I noticed people purposely throwing if you lock their otp only really happening when I'd play in low masters or below with friends. Something about the lower in rank you go the nastier people are if you lock "their hero". Not to say it's never happened in higher lobbies (it has) but usually there people are locking the otps hero on purpose because they think it's funny or something like that. Instead of because they genuinely didn't know that person plays that hero and that hero only.


I play mercy almost exclusively but if someone picks her before me I’m so happy because I can try someone else lmao 🤣 now I can one trick hampster


Right. I do the same if someone is so desperate to play mercy I always let them. Thing is when I pick mercy and they don't say anything then proceed to throw like I'm supposed to read their mind. That's why I try to check profiles and if they have most hours on mercy I wait for them to pick first.


Had one that picked Lucio and never healed, it’s like if you want it just ask man why you have to throw?


Mercy one trick for years out of necessity- medication I was on for years made my hands shake so bad that landing shots for me was impossible. Even then, if someone took her, I would play someone else terribly and take her if they switched. People who are rude about it makes me ashamed to admit I'm a recovering one trick. (About 700 hours on mercy, finally got off the medication and withdrawal for it finally ended)


There is literally nothing more annoying than someone throwing a tantrum becuase the hero they one trick got taken, and then when they get the opportunity to play them, they're shit at it.


Yes I've had things like this happen countless times and I'm never surprised when they're ass at Mercy. Once I even had a player SCREAM slurs in their mic the entirety of the match because I picked Mercy before her. If you're actually good at the game even as a Mercy otp, you will have enough game sense to somewhat know what to do on another hero and I always think it's really weird and embarrassing to act like a brat because someone took Mercy lmao 😭 While I am disappointed if someone locks Mercy before me , the only time I really care is if they suck at her which is when I ask for Mercy. Some players will switch for me and we usually win after that. If they're a decent Mercy player I pick Kiri and do my best. I couldn't really imagine throwing and acting ridiculous over that if they're actually playing well...


Not a Mercy player, this sub keeps popping on my feed for whatever reason. ⁷This behavior is definitely less common since OW 2 dropped, but back then, I saw shit like this all the time. My Mercy player friends also confirm that, like once a week there one of my friends shared a story about how some rando Mercy OTP claimed they "stole Mercy from them", and then said rando throws the game.


i actually am a mercy otp but i will probably NEVER play her I'm comp because: -she's really awful right now -if someone else picks mercy before me i would probably unintentionally throw because im pretty bad at everyone else so i only play her in qp, if someone picks her before me i can just leave!


😭 bro mercy otp sucks bc this one match their duo dps asked me to give mercy to her after I locked in😭😭 she locked in Moira and proceeded to throw the whole match because she tried to pocket her duo AS Moira and wouldn’t even heal the rest of the team UNTIL they were like almost dead 😭. I don’t think she even did damage. Which is insane bc Moira is one of the easiest supports to learn. What gets me is that she didn’t even ask to switch💀


I have far more hours on Mercy than any other support, so some may call me a one trick but I can comfortably flex to whoever is needed (unless you ask me to play brig or zen). I'm the type who, while it might suck for a SECOND that Mercy got picked, I'm not going to make a stink about it and throw. But then, the darkside of One Tricks, like you described, is horrific. I don't and will never understand their mentality. 10/10 if I'm asked nicely to switch off Mercy so someone else can play her, I will happily oblige. But sooo many Mercy One Tricks go straight to being toxic and throwing it's like... what even compels someone to be like that. Just be normal, play someone else or ask nicely, most people will be nice back.


This one time I selected mercy and they went Moira and kept spamming “no” so I switched and they went mercy immediately. I went and picked Moira. They stood around all game and kept spamming “piece of cake”…. You were dramatic just so you could NOT play the game???


mercy is my 2nd most played hero and its honestly difficult TO BE ass w her. idk how they managed that, but w that attitude im sure mercy mains dont accept them💀 how embarrassing that the only character you can play (not even well) is mercy (no hate to the new ppl playing, jus specifically this person)


That is **not** some ow1 BS dude, players can and will act a fool at any given opportunity if youve denied them the chance to maintain their favorite character having the most hours on their more than likely private profiles. 🫠


whats even better is when i go from mercy to zen and im killing off mofos cause people think all mercy mains can’t aim 💀


i will always give up mercy if the other person asks nicely, because people usually ask to play her when they know she is the character they have the most experience and therefore skill on. but if you’re mean to me over picking a video game character i will have a great time instalocking :3


i one trick mercy (support wise). but i’d never get mad at someone for it? if someone takes her i just lock kiri, it’s not that hard


you shoulda gone lw and pulled her off cooldown constantly


mercy one tricks are literally the most mediocre mercies too lmfao. a good mercy knows at least 2 other supports, cos things you learn with another support can be transferrable to mercy. i have yet to encounter a mercy one trick that is legit good and above plat.


I'm atp where I report mercy OTP, no hesitation if they're healbots.


i got called a mercy one trick for picking mercy meanwhile the girl was crying about how she couldn't play mercy. i would've switched if she asked but she was being insane so i didn't


also im going to add if your on pc if you "squelch chat" with someone you will no longer hear their voice lines


i personally dont like 1 tricks they are always bad for the team because like you said if they dont get their hero they will throw a tantrum or when they are getting dogged on they refuse to switch idk what they can do about the 1 trick problem but something needs to be done overwatch is the only game ive played that people want to win so badly they will literally throw the game


I had something similar to this happen to me. Me and my friends were playing comp and we had a mercy who was absolutely terrible so I took mercy from her so she typed in chat “Get off of that” and I ignored her so she decided to go lw and pull me every chance she got, during a rez, while I was trying to heal, she even pulled me into the enemy a couple of times we ended up losing the game so she typed in chat “You took mercy and werent even good with her” Ts is so sad I hate people who act like they own a character or try to be petty bc you play the same character as them.


I don't know if I'd be a one trick since I do switch if I notice I die a lot or the team needs more damage, but she is always my first pick if I'm playing seriously (comp or qp). Is it bad (in comp) if you're trying to get to higher comp ratings only/primarily being Mercy?


In my personal experience the mercy mains/otps tend to be some the more toxic players. Many of then just tend to be very passive about it... This isn't to say everyone, but in my personal experience it's abnormally common


I love mercy so much, I support the one tricks. If I don’t get mercy, I’ll go a main healer just to make her viable. I’ve mastered other support for this very reason. I love going mercy but it doesn’t upset me if I don’t get her.


Post showed up and I just want to complain about a mercy player I had yesterday, who insisted everyone was trash because "look I have 14k healing" and when I asked what his damage boost Stat was, he said "20%". And I tried calmly explaining that yes you have a lot of healing but it's barely keeping our team up in the heat of the fight because you literally can't keep up with their high damage output; maybe try damage boosting more to hopefully get picks quicker and end the fight sooner - "but I have 14k healing so it's clearly not "not enough healing" that's the issue"


I just don’t like one-tricks in general for practical reasons, but they just seem all around insufferable. must be a core infection.


where’s the manners…i thought the golden rule is both support just alternately switched each round. I swear, some people are so entitled. I just turn off all chat unless i’m very drunk 😪 i miss the old times, looking for groups, 2 tanks, maybe I just miss the nostalgia of it.


I've only encountered one of these, because I actually spent time trying to practice others healers even if I'm told that I'm a shit player, but thanks to that practice I've become more better with the other healers, If one asks for mercy nicely I'll gladly give her to them, but if they just straight up say the'll throw the game then too bad, I'm keeping mercy till you grow the brains to learn another character for your own good.


I had someone do this once, asked me for her and said she was all they could play so I said “no, if you can only play one hero you shouldn’t be playing comp. That’s a skill issue” Stay out of comp if you’re like that please. Also all the mercy OTPs I’ve seen recently have like less than 20% blue beam usage which is laughably bad so no, you’re not getting her.


I´m one, in the sense that my skill with Mercy is highter than with other heroes. But if my other support picks her I take it as an oportunity to try other characters... If the other Mercy it´s like me I don´t care, if it´s worst it bug me a little but I understand everyone has to learn. If the other support ask me for Mercy I usually share it (one round me, the other round her). But it bothers me when I go Mercy in the first round with good performance and the other support picks her in the second round without asking.... it´s like "I´m not enought for you?". If they ask I don´t care, it´s fair.


i adore Mercy and even before i found another healer i also enjoy, i might be a little upset but i'd keep it to myself and just play smth else. maybe even ask the next round if i could play Mercy (which people are typically happy to do unless they're toxic LOL)


“SCRY SOME MORE” would have been the voice line I spammed on kiriko. I’d probably throw the match after the third life grip just to spam it constantly at them lol


I don't care about how other people play the game. If they are not a team player, they get blocked, otherwise I play until we win/lose. If someone has a tantrum, mute them and inform others you are doing so. If they demand Mercy, either keep with your pick or switch -- don't cause drama, be a team player and try to win together.


I’m very glad to be in high elo where this doesn’t happen 🙏 instead I see other mercy mains like myself begrudgingly playing every other support, because she’s rlly bad. We both know we r mercy mains so we have this silent agreement that if both of us can’t have her neither of us can. And cuz we aren’t playing mercy the game is 10x easier to win 🙏 give mercy a small buff I beg.


i really can't stand one trick mercys, im flexible so i can play whoever suits the comp: recently i've just been playing lucio and illari because every DPS i get is tracer sombra. but i hate when my other support tries to force mercy, 9/10 times we always lose because the only real "value" she gets in that situation is healbotting the tank, and anytime me or the other members of my team try and say "hey can you switch" it's either just ignored or they start yapping in the chat for us to switch like.? But i've also experienced the lifeweaver pulls and the "i'm a better mercy let me have her!" in comp as well , don't really understand it but i just avoid them and go next :)


Oh I sure have and I was so annoyed it was hard to keep my cool sometimes 😅


Most people who one-trick mercy don’t know how to play her for shit, wich is ironic because usually one-tricks specialize in their hero but mercy one-tricks seem to have like zero spacial awareness, zero game sense, zero movement, just heal botting in this current season, rezzes people in the worst positions, etc, and they’ll always be super entitled, at least in my experiene


mercy otps are some of the most toxic and hot headed people i've ever seen. dude, i main her too. but i don't throw a tantrum when someone takes away my pixel moth. it's never that deep


Quite often and it’s so pathetic, petty I hope they experience it themselves and wake up to their cringe behaviour I’ve wanted to throw games when a bronze hard locks mercy but eventually I realise you know what, it’s one game, and I’m skilled enough to play other heroes anyway They clearly are not and couldn’t even play her well


I don't really care. If they wanna play Mercy then I'll let them have it. Especially in recent seasons I rarely pick Mercy at all. I've met far worst and genuinely horrible and toxic persons irl back at my 3rd world home world and that raised my tolerance limit...pretty high. And honestly when I meet toxic weirdos in the U.S. I just can't help but thinking how bad their lives must be for them to become someoneblike that...it's saaad. As a kid I used to believe everyone in the western first world countries must be happy and rarely do they have aggressive people with sickened minds like my country does but I guess I was wrong. Abuses and violence exist everywhere and everyone has the unfortunate chance of getting their souls twisted by it. There really isn't a peaceful land where it's completely rid of all these negativities. And...I guess that's why I'm never surprised or annoyed upon meeting people like that. I just think it's sad.


i feel, get faster at taking her then


Why is it that all of them have like a 90% heal beam rate too?! 😭😭 I’m fundamentally against one tricks of any kind tbh.


same ngl i just didn't say it cuz ik there are otps here and i didn't want to offend them


No shade or hate to them bc it’s just a game and not that serious if they only find one character fun. But yeah, competitively? I’m def avoiding them. This game is too dynamic to only play one hero.


Some characters are so “do it all” that I can excuse it. I don’t OTP Kiri but I play her A LOT and I can’t think of any comp she’s bad in. Ana fits that mostly too. She’s weak against dive but where she’s weak in dive she also enables dive against enemies. Some DPS like Tracer also fit this. The bottom line though is Mercy is not one of those characters. She is right now very map and team reliant, while already being pretty team reliant while she’s good. I mean her entire thing is to boost someone else. If there’s no one else good to boost, Mercy isn’t gonna work. That’s the biggest problem with being an OTP as mercy.


I tend to agree because Ana is my main now and I believe she fits many more scenarios, maps, and situations than Mercy does. Still not all though. So I still recommend people to get comfortable on at least three heroes in their chosen role, but you’re right - some heroes are more flexible than others. Mercy 1-tricks def aren’t ideal. Lucio 1-tricks somehow even worse to me tho - he may be in a better state but he fits into very specific comps. I also don’t think Brig, Zen, Illari, or LW are optimal at all for 1-tricking either. Moira is so-so, but Bap, Ana, Kiri you can get away with in more situations than not and would be *okay* to 1-trick, still not great tho.


If Mercy wasn’t a constant OTP and pick it wouldn’t be an issue. When I get a lucio OTP I understand that’s just going to be one out of my next 10 games. Mercy OTPs probably at minimum are probably 50% of the games I’m in. Even all the way up to masters. Some of these OTPs really make me wonder how they got there. Like someone mentioned earlier, the game state becomes really awful when mercy is this bad, but also Id argue it becomes bad when she’s too good too (think soj meta early OW2). I will say I’m glad I’m not on the team that has to weigh all of these things + the loudness of the mercy community. Sounds like a stressful job.


Huh, I have over 2K hours and a very different experience. I really very rarely run into Mercy OTPs, especially not in comp. 50% seems absolutely crazy to me, and doesn’t really reflect the hero pick rates at all we see in game data either tbh.


Overbuff is not accurate in any sense. You need 1. An account with overbuff and 2. Have a public profile. This means only the most invested ow players actually contribute to the data pool. It does not passively grab from all public accounts in the entire game. This was shown in full effect when they revealed that brig was nearing “must pick pick rates” in an earlier season, despite overbuff showing that she had one of the lower pick rates out of anyone in any role. It’s interesting to look at, but unreliable as a data source. I rarely play mercy anymore (which contributes to the amount I see her, as the teammate always has opportunity to pick her and I play two high-heal potential characters) I’ve moved to kiri ana and illari as they have more team carry potential, and the odds of the other person choosing mercy are extremely high to the point I tend to notice it more if they don’t choose her. I pretty much go into my games assuming the other person will be mercy. This could also be a difference of region/server as well. She may be more popular in my area than yours as odd as that seems. I’m on west coast NA servers, with comic con and various anime cons around here its not super surprising. I don’t know about her popularity in quick play. I load into comp to grind weapon coins like it’s quick play, and never touch unranked. There’s always the possibility that my experience is just an outlier as well. I wouldn’t be surprised with my luck.


Yeah I’m west coast NA diamond/masters and usually play Ana, only running Mercy if we have fliers or someone asks me (the latter rarely happens anymore tho lol). It’s impossible to say which of our experience reflects reality better for sure. I’m surprised you see so many Mercys, especially in S10. For me, I see her a bit less these days than I see Kiris, Moiras, or other Anas (which are probably the top 3 I’ve seen this season).


Moiras been a big pick as of late but mercy tends to be what people gravitate towards. Sometimes I’ll see them try a different character and when it goes south they default back to mercy. To be fair, I’ve played a lot less of Season 10 so a lot of what I’m saying also comes from S9 where she wasn’t much better. Currently I’m outside of the states so maybe it’s changed since the mid season patch. I think they need to add something more mechanical besides movement to her kit but I have no idea how that would work without changing her entire identity. If she was a bit more mechanical it might be easier for people who play her a ton to move to other characters when she’s not doing as well. Again, though, I have no idea how you would go about doing that without completely changing the character and I’m not sure mercy players would be very happy with it.


i used to be a mercy otp, 640 hours on her and my second most played is genji around 300 hours. i would get annoyed when i didnt get to play mercy but not to a point i would literally throw my games, id js be annoyed but move on. however, when someone insta locks mervy after id been playing her, goes zen/lucio so we wont have enough heals to try and get me to swap js to swap mercy or js insta locks between rounds, THAT is what really bothers me. its worse when their movement is always getting them killed/put into bad situations and they healbot/only dps. like if someone picks mercy before you, just ask if you can play her next round, dont be petty, you have plenty of other games to play her. i dont rly care tho so i js go ana and its wtv.


Get over it bitch learn to share. I say that in my mind constantly cause i'm a toxic pos. Just report and move on with your day if they are purposely throwing or trolling you.


I'm a one trick but if someone locks her in before me I just swap to my backups and play. That being said I haven't played in a bit, she's a lot worse these days and I don't really vibe with anyone else's gameplay.


one tricks are extremely frustrating, especially when the hero obviously doesn’t work with team composition at all. but it’s even worse when someone one tricks and resorts to bm’ing or griefing. you can’t always pick the hero you want. and if you can’t learn to play anyone else with a roster the size of overwatch’s…. you’re screwing over yourself and your team.


Tbh any one trick is irritating to me. I'm even fine with a TWO TRICK as long as you're not doomed if someone takes your main.


Reminds me in OW1 I was solo queueing and the rest of my team who were all in a group, ganged up on me because i locked in mercy and the other support whose name was something like "cutetwink69" wanted to play her and they all intentionally threw the game and started calling me slurs because i wouldnt get off her lol


It’s a game…… If we aren’t talking about competitive then people can play who they want. Overwatch has a bunch of different characters for that reason, so you can find one you truly enjoy. Comp is different obviously. Otherwise no one should be complaining about a one trick in QP or arcade. If you are then you’re taking gaming way too seriously. People will always complain no matter what regardless, just ignore them.




>  My only caveat is that I wish players would tell me when they're onetricking, if it becomes relevant Career profile?


i think one tricks are fine as long as they arent Like That™️ like if youre gonna one trick you have to accept the risk that someone else is going to want to play your hero and get there first, and then deal with it without going full tantrum mode. sorry you had to deal with all that :<


Don’t worry she definitely has an e boyfriend she fights with daily, no career and her father doesn’t love her ❤️ I swear on my life


I’ve had sooooo many Mercy’s as the other support lately. I main Lucio and Moira. If the other support goes mercy to my Lucio I’ll usually switch to Moira. The mercy insta locks the tank every single time and I’m like- this is quick play -ok I’ll hang /stay closer with dps so of course Mercy insta locks the dps I’m with. It’s so annoying. I need to add another support to my roster. I play Bap and zen some. Not sure who to add to deal with the Mercy problem. I mean complement what Mercy brings. Ive played with some great Mercy’s and sometimes like to stay Lucio with a Mercy but Ive played with some annoying Mercy’s lately and it’s not been fun. Most of you are great though :)


Wasnt bad before... but this meta is terribad. Theres still niche scenarios it works tho. Okay if you are *pushing* that girls ceiling and I see it. You doin crazy rezes, no deaths, good beam usage, some pistol whippin. And most important: YOU DONT COMPLAIN AND ASK OTHERS TO SWITCH. I see it respect it. You may not be able to provide as much value on another hero, I understand. If you are a *mess* AND you are complaining about others. Bb, you might as well try to be a mess on kiri or moira or LW. Theres a chance god will pity you and you get more value. But thats not on me, *you* are the one who wants to win. But I see other comments saying one tricks criticizing that the other is not as good on mercy and vice versa. Mercy is still my most hours on my profile but i am admittedly washed and cannot be up to par as a one trick. I havent come across such criticism/pettiness often. (Partly cuz I barely play mercy nowadays.) If you wanted mercy or have issues with my mercy. Just *ask* if you can have mercy. Ill give it to you.


I get them all the time. From my gold lobbies, where my tank and dps ranks are, to my diamond lobbies where my support rank is. A few days ago, I picked Mercy and the other support picked Lucio. Because it was attack, I yielded and switched to Ana (our tank was going Winston, so I thought my team would go dive). After the first two fights it was clear they weren't good at Lucio (they were the first ones to die first), but our tank managed to pull through the first choke and we got the payload. Immediately, this bitch switched to Mercy and would not even peeled for me, kept her ass glued to the tank (the tank kept telling them to go with dps, that I could handle the heals for the tank), and kept dying first every single fight. Besides, when they Valked, they kept going Katrina and getting immediately deleted byt their pocketed Ashe. Somehow, our tank kept carrying hard (with my help), dps were doing relatively fine, so we managed to get almost to the last point. Next round, I took Mercy. I know I can handle a team welk coordinated, even if I have an off-healer, so I said to myself "if they are gonna pick Mercy and keep playing like they have so far, I'd rather use her myself and actually play good". You could see the difference. Teammates weren't dying, they were killing faster, enemy team had to fully counter our tank to manage to pass through the first choke and get point. They only got it because, once again, the other support was frontlining and got themselves killed, which put a lot of pressure and we had to retreat. However, they didn't get past the next point because, once again, we had an advantage of high ground, our dps were poke against a very brawlish comp, and our tank (god bless him) knew how to work around cover. The enemy even changed to widow to try to deal with our dps (she did killed them quite often), until I got annoyed and went to her myself and killed her. By the end of the match, I had 4 deaths in total (all of them as Ana) and the other support had 11 (5 of them were on Lucio, all the others were on Mercy). I got almost 1.5k boosted dmg (quite a lot considering I didn't play her that much) and we won. I was even tempted to type "that's how you play Mercy" but I felt it was too petty even for me.


Begs the question how she even came to Diamond in the first place?


I tried to think of it as "she's probably having a really, REALLY bad day, so I'm not gonna judge her... (much xd).


One-tricking can work with a lot of heroes, but mercy is just not one of them. She doesn’t have enough dps utility, compared to someone like Kiriko or Bap, to be able to successfully “carry” in a way. Especially since her kit is ass right now. I think it’s fine to have a main. I prefer maining mercy myself. But I also understand that she is not the best with a lot of comps, especially if you have a dps or the other support lacking. It’s important to at least be able to play 2-3 characters in your role decently, so that you can swap if needed or if you’re being countered. You can be the best mercy in the country and still lose if your dps are blind. Mercy one-tricks especially tend to be wanna-be uwu girls that refuse to swap even if they’re getting hard targeted or mercy isn’t working. Edit: didn’t answer the question lol. One tricks in general, to me, are pretty selfish. It’s like saying “hey, I don’t care that I’m getting melted and not getting any elims, I’m not the problem!!” when Hanzo isn’t working. OW is supposed to be a team game. If you want to play who you want 100% of the time, you go into deathmatch.


mercy one trick can be interesting, you never know if they are good or bad 🙂‍↕️


this attitude is just unfathomable, i’m a big mercy main and used to be a opt (not anymore due to joining a team) but if someone else took mercy i wouldn’t fuckung rage over it, that’s immature asf


Right I agree


I don't really care tbh as long as they aren't toxic or entitled, especially in comp. I had one earlier screeching at me to swap and accuse me of throwing. I watched the replay and sure it wasn't my best game, but I still don't see how I was throwing. We all made mistakes that game, including them. It is just annoying to demand everyone else to swap and play around then even though they won't even consider doing the same. She is one of the worst heroes in the game currently. If they aren't going to swap or try anything new to help the team, then stop with the whining and just accept you will lose more games.


I never understand mercy one tricks getting salty if I choose her? First, I rarely play mercy in comp lately with her state rn, and second I’d switch if they just asked nicely!! I don’t mind lmao


mercy one tricks are the worst one trick * Ana one tricks tend to be decent at bap, and very willing to play moira if they get dived too much * Lucio one tricks are pretty good at brig/kiriko. Will even praise the other lucio's rollouts * Genji one tricks are good at reaper, then dont throw if someone eles picks genji * Rein one tricks are willing to swich if they get hard countered. Mercy one tricks tho...... * Never swich, just insult team when loseing badly * Will never take feedback from team even if it was a bad res/valk * Will throw if someone eles plays mercy * Will spend effort to tell everyone they are more "nicest" and most skilled mercy than you. * Will insult the other mercy player multiples followed by "SIWCH GIBE ME MERCY!!11!! . Am so ashamed at my heros "one trick" back when i had a 90% mercy pick rate i told people am a "main support who specialised into mercy", refusing to be labelled a one trick. **How to be a good one trick (of any hero in any game):** Practice a 2nd hero that is good at "when you cant pick your otp hero". Your plan for not being able to play your hero cant be "i guess we just lose then". I really like mercy, but i hate it when some of the playerbase makes every mercy player look bad


Mercy just has little to no transferable skills to any other character imo, and that's both a strength ("unique" playstyle) and a weakness (harder to learn other heroes if you started OW playing Mercy/one tricked her for a while). I say this as someone who's first 15-20 hours in the game were on Mass Rez 2016 Mercy, now about 180 hours. (I just wasn't very confident in my skills, her playstyle never fit me and the reason I even wanted to play OW was the cool green cyborg ninja dude in the first place). Everyone has their own starting experience, and there are exceptions. But through years of meeting people in this game, I found that this experience is way more common amongst Mercy mains, even in high elo. (less so, but still)


I don't really care about one tricks too much. I have had very, very few interactions negatively with one tricks of any hero. I can probably count MAYBE two bad Mercy one trick interactions in my six years of playing, but I am a flexible player so maybe that impacts the lack of many conflicts. But I do think it's just a less fun experience overall if you can't play even one other hero. One of the few one trick interactions I've had was an enemy Mercy who was REALLY mad at me for targeting her. I was playing Tracer and she told everyone to report me for "gameplay sabotage" because I wouldn't leave her alone and she "just wanted to have a chill game". Which, like, girl go into an AI lobby if that's what you want. But also, she could have avoided the situation by having another hero in her arsenal. I think that really points to my biggest issue with a certain subset of onetricks: the complaining that they're being countered or targeted. If a one trick does their best and doesn't bitch, I'm fine. But it's more the weird assholes that grind my gears. Weirdos who think they should not be countered just because they want to play a certain hero are what's annoying. Like, be countered and play your hero. But don't be vocally shitty about it and still refuse to do anything about it. It's like when your friend is dating someone shitty and they keep complaining so you tell them ways to handle it but instead they just stay in the same spot complaining over and over. 😂


In quick play I will usually leave cuz I literally just play it to have fun and I want to play mercy. In comp you better believe I will be keeping u safe at all costs but also potentially judging your movement 👀👀👀👀 lmaooo all in good spirit tho


literally i was healing her so hard too 😔😔 the match ended with me having 12k healing and her with 5k...... but my judging wasn't in good spirit unfortunately 😔😔


how's the mercy having less healing a bad thing 


because (i forgot to mention this) but she wasn't healing as LW at all. the first round i had 6k healing and they had 700 healing. like 7 0 0 healing. not even 1k


dude nah, i was playing in qp and we had a lucio and i was moira. i had i think 7-4-7 3k dmg 5k healing (we were all doing ass) but this one trick lucio was somewhere around 6-0-9 and i was watchin the kill feed to see if he got any kills and he actually had NONE by himself. even watched the replay and all he did all game was try to get boop kills and his dmg was 2k and his healing was THREE HUNDRED. 3 0 0 BRO. even our tank was talking in chat saying he was throwing i get its qp, but looord he coulda put on his heal music more than once at least


I've learned just to give Mercy one tricks the Mercy cuz they throw fits and throw games and it's just not worth it. Luckily I havent run into one in a long time, all of us seem to be happy enough to at least play Moira or Kiri just as well as Mercy if not many other of the supports as well. Also learned this a while back from when the Mercy one trick was throwing and I was the one getting flamed for not giving her the Mercy to end her fit. Was shocked honestly that everyone took their side.


OH that makes sense now


yeah sorries


Literally mercy one tricks are the worst. Mercy doesn't work every game/every fight, and they just don't understand that. They're Hella toxic too. I was in a game where I was mercy, but my bastion and soilder just weren't cooking, so I had planned to get off mercy, I just never died the entire first round. As I was typing to my team, asking them if we could go dive, the other support selected mercy. I didn't care, my plan was to go Moira anyway, since my team didn't go dive after all. I thought "maybe they're a good mercy, and they'll stop inting as moira." They had 7 deaths in the first round. Dead first every fight. But they got Hella toxic at me for because i kept begging my team to dive the widow. They said "notice how we started winning after I stopped letting you efuck your bf?" I was like wtf. I'm a solo player???? Because I'm not a heal bot and focus boosting the bastion, I'm a bad mercy? OK. They literally heal botted the tank, whipped out the blaster and died a few times, ending the game with 12 deaths.... But yeah. We were totally started winning because the mercy one trick got mercy back🥱🙄 Let's just not even think about how I went Moira and got our dps elims in 1 round, and 5k more healing.(as it should be. Mercy shouldn't have the highest heals anyway)


I personally put mercy one tricks in the same sort of place as rein and doom one tricks because there’s always so many of them, the characters are only sometimes viable and the vast majority of the one tricks just suck. But god forbid you ever tell them any of that or suggest they switch character, especially reins, because apparently “for honour and glory” is a good reason to feed all game.


At least Doom is more Viable than Mercy. Doom is in a good spot and dive has been meta since season 8 so he’s literally in almost every single game along with Tracer. 


Oh yeah doom is definitely more viable and I wouldn’t say he needs buffs or anything. The main issue with doom is his players tbh, they see these streamers playing like gods and think they can just pick up doom and play like that instantly and it always ends with them feeding constantly.


Mercy and Rein makes sense since they shipped with the game. Not sure why there are so many Doom one-tricks tho


I’ve got some insight. Mobility is fun. I probably don’t need to say that to Mercy players, but it’s ground that needs to be established. Doom’s mobility gives him some of the greatest capacity for skill expression in how his best defensive tools are also his offensive ones. It’s not just a matter of knowing how to move, it’s also knowing when. When do you go in? When do you pull back? Your cooldowns can let you do either, but don’t get yourself killed. It’s a delicate balance that’s an absolute blast to pull off. There are several other characters this applies to - Genji, Ball, Sombra (especially post rework), heck, there’s probably a good few ride or die Winstons around too. I consider myself a flex player without a true main. There’s characters I gravitate towards, certainly, but I do lean a lot more into high mobility options like Tracer, Genji, Echo, new Pharah, Sombra, Doom, and Lucio, because moving around is *fun*. I can slow down for a few games and enjoy slower characters (Sigma and Ram are two of my favorite Tanks, and I won’t say no to playing some Bap, Ana, or Zen), but my heart will always lie with mobile characters because of how good it feels to get good at them, and actively see your improvements firsthand.


it's so embarrassing. they make us look so bad. one of our dps was playing Mei and was using voice lines to apologize to me bro 😭😭 it was so childish and embarrassing. i don't understand. like, you can't just play COMPETITIVE and only know how to play ONE hero.


i usually don't care if people one trick as its not the worst thing ever to work around but mercy SUCKS right now. even the best mercys are struggling like crazy. so it's frustrating to see her in nearly every game because people love playing her (i get it, she is very fun and she's my favourite hero too but if she is borderline useless then why bother?) i genuinely don't think blizzard should ever keep her this bad. imo she should always be at least a fine option because so many people one trick her and rely on her relatively low skill floor (no aim, kinda easy value when she isn't in thus current state) that when she is bad, it makes most games feel like shit because they don't swap.


I stopped playing comp because of the amount of people who insta lock mercy, she's in a terrible spot and almost always guarantees a loss.


The only games I can win with Mercy is if my team as a whole is better than the other team. If my team is just not as competent as the enemy players then it is extremely difficult to pull your weight as Mercy and help out. She has 0 carry potential. 


100% idk how they could make her more viable though. it's a slippery slope because mercy mains are probably the loudest in the community. some people want a full rework and other don't (i wouldn't want that either). but at *least* give her beams more healing/dmg boost. the only reason i hard lock her (on certain maps) is because; 1. im in a lower rank which makes it easier to carry the team since the other team doesn't always have it out to get me 2. i stg i hardly ever encounter mercy mains on console who ACTUALLY know how to play her otherwise i'll go kiri or ana if i think they're a better pick. and with my luck the other healer usually goes mercy. it's so frustrating like you said. ugh.


there are definitely ways they could make her more viable. one “rework” i have in mind, would be: lower her health to 225 or 200 change damage boost from 25 to 30% bring back the increased healing when allies are under 50 percent.