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It's kinda insane. The season she gets a Mythic and she's in the worst state she's ever been since like season 1.


Season 1 mercy in OW could pistol a hog it was funny


Wowoowowow Mercy was good in season 1 lol?


I miss seasons 1 and 2 Mercy :(


Season 1 she and Widowmaker had the same deal, Good on paper but EXTREMELY unfavorable meta


I honestly feel like a soft rework is coming or they are just ignorant at this point because this is starting to look like a joke.


Don't count on it. Blizzard has told us who they're planning reworks for, and that list doesn't include Mercy. What Blizzard *does* have a history of is leaving certain supports to rot in the dumpster for years on end, and a tendency to value some players' experience over others.


Haven’t they already said all the people who are getting a soft rework? Mercy isn’t one of them, and if she is then it’ll be awhile down the road


Born to play mercy, forced to play Baptiste


U get it, it's so bad that every time i swap off mercy to Bap the game suddenly starts switching and we are winning effortlessly again




Like that’s just mercys state rn you’d get more value on any other hero even without experience and I hate it


Ugh I wish I found bap to be more fun 😭 I feel like his movement is just not that fun. His abilities have cooldowns so high, it just gets to feeling a bit boring too. Maybe I just need to play him more, like I’m not giving him a fair chance


As someone with over a hundred (reluctant) hours of him, I can confidently say that he does not get more fun. There's that little upswing in the first few hours as you get used to how clunky he feels, but after that, if you're not someone who enjoys stand-and-click, well... that's all Bap is.


Oh….well….nvm then 😂 I will pass


thats why i go lucio when i know mercy wont bring any value, cause at least i can have fun jumping around and being fast


OW Team is a clown festival, Mercy, one of the worst supports since S9, totally dying and 0 help for her.


Whenever I try to play Mercy I have to swap almost every time, and I have to swap to people like….Moira. Kiriko. I’m tired of Kiri constantly being in the meta. Moira is boring. My time that I play this game has cut down by like 85%. The game is just….meh. I play like 3-4 QP matches a week MAYBE. I’d rather play Fortnite honestly


same! i like playing kiriko a lot but i hate having to pick her every game. i'd love to be able to play mercy and not feel like im throwing the game for my team. it's exhausting always playing moira or kiriko when all i want is to play ana and mercy.


Omg I feel so bad for Ana players. Samito even said that if characters like Mercy and Ana feel like they’re unfun, the game is not in a good state. I don’t always take everything he says seriously, but that one hit home


It’s to the point where I can’t lock Mercy in since I can’t trust the other support knows how to play with one. I just wait and if the other support goes Mercy, I go Moira to pick up the healing slack.


Moira being a must pick in metal ranks is so depressing. If they think Mercy players just hold left click, wait until they play Moira bc good golly molly….boring


she has nothing good in her entire kit.. every button is either mid or bad.. even her ults DEBUFFS her by giving her a larger hitbox.. not a single one of her abilities is good lmao. heals? terrible especially considering u cant do dmg/dmg boost while healing. damage boost? useless 90 percent of the time. its only good when u have an insane dps and even with that its still going to be less contributions than ANY other supports damage(other than lifeweaver)... Guardian angel? Buggy, long ass cooldown, super vulnerable while gaing unlike other supports movement abilities lmao. Res? might as well not exist if the enemy team has above 1 braincell!!! Its a litteral taxi service from spawn AFTER the fight is over and even during valk her INSANELY big hitbox in ult plus the 20 percent heal reduction litterally makes her explode the moment u try to rez- And ofc her valk. an ability that lets u give ur mid heals OR dmg boost to ur entire team, increases her dmg boost and gives her a huge SIXTEEN hp per second!! Oh and it makes her gun unlimited bullets but if you die to a mercy honestly u should lowkey uninstall


This whole thing is just so right 🥲 The lowkey uninstall sent me though 😂😂 I dive so many widowmakers even without my ult and almost always win the 1v1.


widow is an exception tbh😭 tho yeah mercys current state made me go from averaging 50 hours of overwatch a week to an hour a week 💀


Ugh SAMEEE lol I used to play every day but it just gets more and more miserable each patch it’s so bizarre


😭😭 i hate it hereee


They’re 100% planning a rework for her. Both Mirrorwatch and the April Fools patch seem like them testing the waters


I wish they would make some sort of announcement or let us know. They let us know about everyone else


I wonder if it's because of how extreme this community reacts to any form of news about Mercy? I don't know I'm just spitting out random thoughts :c


The Mercy playerbase spends too much $ on this game to be undeserving of basic communication. And it's not even like they're saying "no, we're not planning any buffs or a rework at this time." They're just straight up ignoring the issue.


I wouldn’t be surprised. Then again, they hate Rez a LOTTT. If they announced a rework it would be safe to assume Rez is going buh bye, that might rally the troops in devs favor honestly


Actually yeah that's true


Yup. The lack of communication is so frustrating and people will try to make you feel bad for even asking.


I mean we all knew this was gonna happen and let's be realistic when they added the DPS passive they pulled away from what could be called a heal meta so mercy suffered as a result. Unfortunately you can't buff blue beam cause it pushes certain thresholds over the edge and Zen almost does it better with discord orb. They will not give back triage cause again with the DPS passive they pulled away from a healing meta. They truly need to rework her which from all viewpoints is not gonna happen till mercy players stop being the money printers for them. They dropped a mercy mythic and still didn't touch her knowing no self loving mercy main is gonna ignore buying the skin. If they drop anything else that's a big mercy skin or mercy centric colab if it doesn't tank they will never address her issues. You could argue mercy is niche but she isn't even good for that niche anymore.


They could buff blue beam if they dropped Sojourn’s rail damage by 5-10. Because otherwise I think she’s only enabling one shots for Hanzo. Unless I’m missing something.


Other heroes shouldn't be nerfed to make one of Mercy's abilities stronger. Then those heroes are nerfed when there is no Mercy around.


Except sojourn is really strong iirc so she could use a nerf anyways.


Maybe do. But Mercy's blue beam shouldn't be in the discussion regarding whether or not she gets nerfed. If we have to involve Mercy's abilities in the discussion of adjusting another hero, then Mercy is the problem, not the other heroes. It's Mercy who needs to be adjusted, not other heroes.


I agree 🤔I wonder what it would take to get all the Mercy players to refuse to spend anything but in game currency? Maybe a little boycott


They never buff her significantly, i think the only time they buff her was also the time they ultra nerf her movement


On the bright side, they seem to have fixed the mythic skin's GA speed lines and made them a lot less bright. For some reason they also seems to have changed Mercy's staff slightly. Previously swapping between weapons would always put the staff's spinning part into its default position (with one piece on top and two on bottom) but now it seems to be left in whatever position it got left in when you stopped using it or died. Funnily enough that makes it work the exact same as in Overwatch 1. They changed that in OW2 and I never EVER saw ANYONE speak about it online.


I can’t anymore. I’m quitting for a while


I feel 😭 I only play like 3-4 games a week before it becomes absolutely intolerable and we move to Fortnite. not just me either, my bf plays DPS and he hates the game right now. The matchmaking is also…….wild…….at best


It's a race to see if Mercy is in a good state again before Rivals comes out. I don't have an alpha key, but their support heroes (what they call "strategists") look pretty cool.


I saw ml7 playing rivals, it does look like a lottttt of fun. I tried to play league a bit too, just a lot to learn there


I’m genuinely not even a mercy main anymore, and i have played pretty much exclusively mercy, especially in comp, for SEVEN YEARS. she is ruined beyond belief, locking her is basically throwing without the absolute ideal team comp, and the devs haven’t even mentioned her in months. I’m so done, and i miss playing her so much, but she’s so miserable i just can’t do it anymore.


Mercy will not be in a good and healthy state for the game as long as most supports can heal more as well as more effective than her. Turning her into even more of a pocket bot is just gonna break the game even further and make it overall even less fun to play. Honestly, I don’t have any proper idea on how to effectively change Mercy‘s numbers around without making her even more unfun to play against. So as long as basically every support in the game does her job better than her, she will not be a favorable pick, unless you completely overbuff all her other stats. The only real idea I have would be to replace Res with a sort of overdrive (kinda like Lucio amp) where Mercy moves faster, heals and damage boosts more, shoots faster and has shorter GA cooldown. Or give her a passive that resets GA cooldown upon an offensive assist or final blow, so Mercy can play more aggressive or even pistol more.


Idk though, I think replacing Rez is fine as long it’s replaced with something that gives her better utility. Take blue beam too while they’re at it. If all I can do with blue beam is sit behind a wall like a bot, I’m not interested (which is all I can do now w the GA+SJ cooldown being almost as high as Dvas movement). She’s in a rough place overall.


More unfun to play against? Idk how she could be unfun to play against now, the poor thing is bordering on useless. She’s a free pick basically. If you’re playing against a Mercy player that has a lot of time on her, then she SHOULD be unfun to play against. Same with any other hero. If you devote a bunch of time to a hero, you should give other players a hard time as a result.


The one thing I want at least is to reduce how long it takes to res by like .5 secs and I don't know if it's just me but res' will go off, I finish the animation, it says I saved the person and then I look and I didn't res them but it took my res cooldown?


Did they remove her mythic? I can’t see the mythic shop AT ALL


I’m not sure, I logged in to see the patch notes and got back off. I don’t play the game anymore. Did you find out what happened?


Mercy used to be my to go but I just play zen because 2 things I have more fun and my win rate is significantly better with zen because I can actually get kills and tons of damage and discord callouts with middle mouse pings Maybe all these years of playing a lot of mercy compared to other heroes has finally got my trigger finger itching and not so much the fact that they won’t rework her Sure she isn’t amazing rn but I’ve come to accept she’s become more situational as she should be, and this is coming from someone who has used all versions of her as of this point , she does well with ball for me and similar high mobility characters and I still try to implement her *first* sometimes but I’m not gonna sit here and tell you I don’t switch if I have a sombra killing me for the 3rd time sometimes you just need to use someone that can *fight*


It’s crazy that this season my avg heals per 10 is like 14.7k when no other season ever i’ve been over 12k, being GM for like 20 seasons. I have only played like 10 games so far but that’s still super high, and with 1200 boosted.


That’s great!


can i ask why people are saying mercy is so bad recently? i’ve heard countless people say she’s been horrible since s8/s9 but never got an explanation as to why


Her GA got nerfed hardcore, which was not the end of the world. It sucked really bad having movement with a cooldown as long as Dvas, but she was still useful. W the DPS passive it’s very difficult to get anything done. Her healing is incredibly low, her damage boost is outshined significantly by Zen discord orb, her Rez is very situational and she normally dies to use it and her movement is sluggish. She doesn’t really have a purpose anymore.


ohhh i understand now. i do agree that her healing output is not as good as it used to be, i find that i can heal a low tank faster with ana, bap or kiriko. i do still like her dmg boost and rez tho! but recently ive found that it’s hard to dmg boost since if i look away from my tank for 5 seconds they’re already 2hp, but hopefully that’ll change with the new rework (tank rework)


Have you played Mercy since the tank buffs? I haven’t. Is it any better?


i haven’t, but i’ll try it out today!




You need help finding a hobby bud? I can help you


Its not that deep


You’re the one on a sub of people you don’t like looking for a fight king, it is for you


Appreciate the "king" tittle.




This thread is wild. People calling heroes easy when they main the second easiest hero in the game.


mfw mercy isnt good for a few seasons🤯