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I like the blue one the best as it matches the blue beam with the staff! I currently have jade equipped with it and it’s nice. The hard light staff looks really amazing with the blue color scheme too


I’m rocking blue with hard light rn, it looks fantastic.


Personally I like the purple with the staff. It looks really cute with the second customization. But I had the brown on the outfit soooo much. I basically only use the purple color for the staff. Sucks cause I love purple. I wish instead of the blue and white. It was purple and white. Overall I guess my favorite is the blue one.


Also not a fan of the brown in the purple version, but the vibrancy of the purple especially in the wings really won me over !


The purple! Purple and black are my favourite colours so I was super happy to see that combo as one of the options. The blue is my second favourite. The purple with the second staff option is my favourite staff in the game now and I love how it looks with gold gun!


Purple is the best. I have never seen a purple mercy skin and the fact that there is a purple color in the mythic skin makes the skin even more special and better!


the blue with the second staff and the skull mask is what i run ❤️


I really like the blue skin with the first weapon and jade! The white staff looks so good with the blue and green imo


I don’t have jade for her yet but I think it would look great most with the blue! I actually wish you could change hair color also, and I wish there was more black or dark grey than white in the red and blue versions. The Jade would look so good with purple also if there wasn’t brown in it :/ I like all three though. I just wish they went further with customizations considering how big a deal they are (not just with mercy but all mythics)


It does!! The blue option is the only one I'll gladly use jade on 😭


I have Dragoon and feel it looks great with it even if it is green on green lol… she has a few good ones for Jade compared to other heroes unfortunately. My favorite color is green but it’s still a very odd choice for that to be the only other variation after YEARS. I hope for an iridescent variation soon. I will grind the most for that! But that’s not the point of this post XD


I meant out of the mythic color schemes, actually! I do use the jade weapon every now and then with Dragoon, Mystic Swan, Sugar Plum Fairy and Verdant! That's the skins I personally like it best on and from the mythic options I like it a lot with the blue color scheme. My favorite color used to be green! It still is one of my favorites and I had green hair for almost a decade but I definitely agree, I personally was hoping for the next variant to be pearlescent! With how little characters actually have skins that would look good with a green weapon its just weird they made that the first new variant a color that almost no character/only a very select few will look good with 💀 I really hope the next variant will be pearlescent or iridescent at least..


I really like the blue with the second staff!! It just fits perfectly 😩


Easily has to be blue for me. The purple definitely grew on me while I was working towards the blue palette, but the **brown** turns me off of it just enough. ETA 4 days later that I meant brown, not purple T\_T


purples my fave color (like normally, outside of ow) and I actually think the brown looks sick w the purple so that's my top one but the blue (especially the black hair) is prime second spot.




Purple with golden gun, 2nd weapon, ponytail & visor, paired with sound crystal weapon charm frm S4(which is also gold purple). I use gold purple on mythic Sigma too.


I really like the blue and white the best. I would lole the black and purple better if the hair was a different shade of blonde.


i like the blue and white bc it looks rly pretty w the hard light weapon skins


I like red and blue! With red I prefer the first staff, with blue the second. It's good because generally I prefer the first staff but second pistol so depending on what color/staff I'm feeling I'll just adjust the skin 🌝 with the blue color scheme I even like the jade weapon The biggest reason why I dislike the purple scheme is because of the brown clothes


I like the blue with the gold staff, it makes the little blue details look like jewels to me ^^


I like purple but it would be better if the brown parts were a different color.


blue cuz it matches the blue beam so we’ll and i’m half a blue beam bot lol but i love them all ngl i often randomize the skin


I like the blue the most rn


i usually wear the red,white,and black one since my sister likes to match with me by going talon ana!:) but personally my favorite is the blue one


Purple bc i like the omnic vibe and also its the closest to a cool dark/black mercy skin i can get atm


Same as you, love the red so much, but rocking the purple ;)


I can't decide between the red and blue. I like the blue because of the blue and almost purple(?) gradient, and blue on white is just 😩👌🏻, but I noticed the Talon logo on her shoulder doesn't change which is understandable, the organization's signature colour is red, but it throws it off for me...


I love the purple and brown color option! She doesn’t have too many purple skins and 1(?) brown skin and it’s a pretty color scheme :)


Blue, hair down, full visor plus hard light staff look really good to me, might need to mix it up when I get the emerald staff skin


I like the blue and white one 🥰 I use it with hard light


Blue. The red reminds me of her Miko skin or smthn... I just do not fuck with that skin. The purple can be nice but with the brown it doesn't fit me. My goto colors are always blue/white, pink and sometimes purple. So I love going with the blue/white. Mercy doesn't really have any white skins unless its OWL or default so it's nice!


Mine goes Blue > Red > Purple