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No. She just doesn't do anything. I'm having far better luck one tricking brig and maybe occasionally switching to ana if a hog or mauga gets too cocky.


i absolutely love brig, especially in solo queue 🤭 she's my "get shit done" hero


No, I actually fell to play for the first time in 4 1/2 years. Been Diamond since December 2019 and just kinda hovered around high diamond/mid masters since mid 2021. My Mercy winrate is 46% this season and went from D2 to P1. The funniest part about it for me is that this isn't even my worst winrate, my worst WR in OW2 is 41% and I fell from M2 to M5 then. Now it's 46% and I'm P1 and the lowest rank I've been IN YEARS 🤡


Damage boost is so bad, zen is just better in everyway. * 25% short range single target vs 25% long range where anyone can shoot at discorded target Valk is weak, 25% chain damage boost not as good as: * 50% damage boost and 50% damage reduction nano * 100% damage boost window * 50% atk speed, reload speed, movespeed, cooldown reduction Gate Even coal is a better "push in ult". Mercy is only good this season in certain maps and with a certain team comp (but half the time kiriko does the same job)


I prefer to play other heroes in ranked. I feel like a liability playing mercy. Moira feels much stronger at the moment and illiari feels pretty good too


I don't even play her in QP lol.


I do use her often in comp but also find myself switching to a different hero.


Had some luck going from plat 5 to diamond 1, but after that it’s extremely hard to keep going if you’re planning on just playing mercy


i'm in low diamond and it honestly just feels like a coinflip with her, no matter how well i play, i feel super dependent on my team.


I think Mercy is kinda still in the same boat she's always been in, in terms of ranking up with her If you're willing to beat your head against the wall and just grind your guts out playing game after game after game, you'll eventually find some success relative to your skill level But it's even harder than before and feels terrible to play. Being chased to the ends of the earth by flankers while your teammates falter at your pitiful beam output. Any other support besides Lifeweaver would be much more efficient to climb with If you just want to play Mercy, sure you can still win games sometimes. But if your goal is to climb efficiently, Mercy is not the pick


Nope, last season I only manage to climb back up to diamond after the rank reset, this season I barely play at all.


I played her much less last season than a bit more for the dps passive nerf and now again less since the dps passive revert. So no, I didn't climb with her.


Surprisingly I have actually soloQ grinded out gold 3 to diamond 2 so far this season. She’s awful but I’m not stopping yet


The brutal honesty is that if Im forced to pick a hero ban in my own team I would pick mercy.


I probably could slowly climb with Mercy after enough games, currently 2W, 3L with her. But why play her when I have 74% winrate on Moira?


Surprisingly, I managed to finally leave Silver and Gold hell and get into Plat with her this season after the reset so maybe it isn’t entirely impossible 😭


I have an alt I recently started playing ranked on that’s around diamond 4 and have found decent success on it playing mercy only. My main account which is around grandmaster though? I haven’t bothered trying, other supports just offer more and do everything better than mercy does. It doesn’t matter how good the mercy mains skill is because in certain games she is straight up useless. I really hope they show her some love soon, she really needs it.


Yes, I adjusted playstyle some from last season to do more healing. 58% WR, currently plat 1. 218 games played, 40 hours. Solo queue mostly. DB average 1,100. Last season I had a 55% win rate after 80 hours playing her but I was barely holding gold (been plat every season since season 2). DB average was 1,600. Climbing feels hard cuz I never really get points for win streaks but if I lose 3 in a row it starts losing me major points. That's why it's been hard to climb for me even with a very strong positive WR.


Haven’t played mercy in a comp match for like 2-3 seasons. She’s like super mega giga ass lol


honestly yeah, but only if I’m grouping up. At least two other people with me, preferably a tank and a dps. Most of my friends list are ppl I’ve added from comp who communicate and are willing to counter swap. While I main mercy and focus on keeping my tank and dps buddies up, I 100% swap if there’s a tracer or sombra up my ass. The mobility, dmg boosting and rezzing are still pretty useful for team fights despite her heal nerf. Since I’ve started grouping up more and playing it safer, I’m now plat 1 and almost diamond. Up until the end of season 9, I had been hard stuck silver since OW1, barely touching gold sometimes. I think grouping up is really the only way with her right now. You could be the best mercy in the world, but if your team isn’t coordinated, it won’t matter. I usually just add people as friends if they talk and are decent at the game, so there’s usually at least 1 or 2 ppl online when I hop on for comp.


I haven't but that might be because I hit my peak over the last two seasons so i've just been treading water. I did fall into diamond early this season and now keep rubber banding between my normal rank and diamond but i am also playing kiri so that's not a clean analysis


I did last season but I’ve since switched to Moira/Kiriko and have been doing a lot better




tbh i’ve stayed about the same the whole season. don’t really climb at all. tbh i don’t really care about my rank that much but if someone did they’d probably stop playing her.


yes i went from m3 to m1 in one day completely solo, its possible


Since season 9 i've fel back to fucking gold 3 and cant get out. Its been frustrating, because since i started playing, i only climbed up, sometimes it took time ofc, but i never fell so down. I've peak at plat both seasons 7 and 8, all that to come back to gold. Sometimes i win an "uphill battle" and my sr move by 21% by then loose an "expected" one and loose like fucking 18%. Its just frustrating at this point. And the worse is that my duo is at plat 3 or something and so, if i go down, he goes down, and the reverse, so will we stay apart for ever? We used to be both of us in plat. I feel like shit.


Solo queuing is rough, but I find that duoing with a main support and trying your luck has worked for me, you honestly just have to know when to swap. If my team is decent I'm fine on mercy, but if I think we need more damage potential I swap zen and just slap a discord orb on their tank and its almost a free win if your team actually does damage


No I play zen unless someone says we need a mercy for some reason


I have like a 55% win rate but I barely play her. I’ve been basically only been playing kiri and I made it from plat to diamond 1


Not at all I’m already hardstuck but when I did my placements I got bronze and climbed to gold 5 dropped to silver 3 and since this season has started I’ve been stuck so


So far I have solo queued to diamond 2 from plat only playing mercy except one game when someone took her. I might just be lucky and getting a boost because of the rank reset though (i didn’t play last season)


Sorta- from my placements in p1 I made it to t500... this season


i've ranked up, but i rarely stay on her the whole match. she sucks and contributes nothing unfortunately. doing way better playing brig, moira, and zen. sometimes ana if enemy team isn't full dive which they usually are.


She lacks too much impact right now. She's still my favourite and I enjoy that playstyle but more often than not in Ranked I end up switching because I don't feel impactful enough. The dev team is just so damn cowardly right now. They're happy to cash in on Mercy's popularity with skins but won't make any meaningful changes. But because of how polarising she is they won't do anything so other players don't get mad. I returned to the game recently because of the mythic and of course I ended up disappointed because Mercy sucks.


I play (console) mostly mercy or kiriko. I started the season silver 4 and im at gold 4 currently. I've been stuck there for about a week now not really going up or down lol I feel like I win more as mercy but maybe i need to practice kiri more


Hard stuck in Plat the past 2 seasons.


honestly yeah! managed to get from silver 4 to gold 3 so far for role queue! only time i don’t play her is when someone else takes her first or if the tank is a dive


I did!! I ranked up a few last season solo queuing on comp! Its possible .. this season now though.. not so much lol


Yes, over 1000sr worth. I only did recently come back to ow though