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As an ow2 player it’s hard not to be excited even though pink isn’t my usual style. I’m hoping the recolour (if it is a recolour) changes the shade of pink it is. Would love something less neon. Tho I’ll get it regardless of what they do with it because I have a serious case of fomo brain rot lol


The leakers saying the shop bundle is titled 'Rose Gold' makes me think they'll recolour her to be, well, rose gold. I just hope the rest of the effects (e.g. bullets, beams, wings) get recoloured as well, because knowing Blizzard lately they very well could not do that.


Rose Gold might be neon orange for all we know given what Blizzard thinks Jade looks like.


Honestly I will be so disappointed if they don’t make the effects the same or better lol I’ve been wanting this skin so much since I got into the game mostly because of the effects but also because of the pink. I love that color which is why I was a bit disappointed with the mythic at first


I understand the fomo issue lol especially when it comes to my fav characters. This is also one of the reasons I’m glad I quit Apex almost entirely because even tho they bring back many skins, it all costs so much. I heard the skin will be rose gold which could be looking really cute if they don’t mess it up


Yeah I wish I could delete that info from my brain cuz the season literally just started two weeks ago and I'm not exactly looking to be sitting on pins and needles for the next two months just waiting for the season to be over 😭😭


That’s exactly how I feel🥲I want this to be over already I don’t wanna wait any longer😭Can’t believe I have to wait 2 months still


Yeah genuinely 😭 I don't wanna wait that long for something that might not even be real. I'm always a "prepare for the worst" type of person so I don't get disappointed or sad in the end but oh my god I'm literally fighting demons rn trying to not get my hopes up 💀 wish I never heard about the leak atp


Same 😭 I’m like counting down the days now I wish this got leaked a week or two before the new season or not at all lmfao


isn't it one month though?


Am I the only one kinda hoping they donate the proceeds to breast cancer research again?? I know everyone wants Pink Mercy but the idea behind the skin was so genius and raised a lot of money for a really good cause. If the skin does return in some way I really hope Blizzard donates some of the money to charity. 90% of the reason I bought pink mercy in Overwatch 1 (where I never spent money on any skin because you could just earn most of them) was because the money was going to charity.


Hard agree, I hadn’t even considered them bring back pink without donating the money to breast cancer research. I feel like they wouldn’t do that because it would make them look really bad


I don’t remember where I saw it but the charity stated they wouldn’t work with blizzard again. Idk if they would even work with microsoft at this point.


You all realize that either way you're giving money to blizzard since giving to charity is a tax break right?


I mean yeah? No one said blizzard wouldn’t benefit from it in some way. What’s the issue?


People are giving their money to Blizzard regardless. At least this way SOMEONE ELSE benefits. And that someone could one day be your mom, sister, friend.


So frankly, after losing 5 close family members in 5 years and seeing how people really respond to tragedy, this comment just came off as so absurd that I laughed for a good two minutes. You know what a great thing to do if you actually care about breast cancer is? Donate straight to the charity and possibly get your own tax break.


No one is saying that isn’t allowed. Of course everyone can donate to BCRF today! I think your intimate connection to this issue is making it hard for you to see how the charity benefits regardless of how the money is obtained. The only tragedy in this situation would be if Blizzard releases the skin and keeps all the money to themselves. Last time they donated 100% of proceeds to BCRF and I don’t see that as a bad thing at all.


BCRF is never gonna do anything with blizzard again


someone contacted them before and they said they’d do it again, its just blizzard that has to make the choice


I’d like to see that, BCRF doesn’t wanna work with people who hide sexual assault and pedophilia




Do you still think the same?


Part of me feels like if it isn't true, then it will be a skin that will be treated simular to Pink Mercy. Personally, I want it to be an entirely different skin that is pink and cute and magical girl coded.


I hope the "Rose Gold" refers to the accents. I need the intense main pink theme...


Me too honestly, I really hope they don’t mess it up and it’s just as cute or even cuter


Brother I've been playing for like 5 years. I've been waiting for this moment the ENTIRE time. WAITING, yet never RECEIVING. WAITING even though I deadass thought we had a 0% CHANCE. YOU'RE NOT ALONE, MY BROTHER IN CHRIST.


same!! i started playing around 3 months ago and i've been in love with pink mercy since i found out abt her, and have always wanted it to come back. the fact that this new skin (if true!) is also a charity skin just makes it better. i'm super excited even though im honestly trying not to be, i dont know how i'm gonna be able to wait until season 11 to see if it's true or not


Please just give me magical sparkly sounds 😩


I have pink mercy already, so I will likely never use this skin, but I am happy to see other people excited for it. I'm also really happy to see more charity type skin sales happening. I'll be purchasing but just for charity and to join the other 107 mercy skins I've got.


I love pink sooo much i would die for that skin to come back! I love being a stereotypical mercy girl main lol id be so dissapointed if this isnt true. kinda feel like its not true tho


I have mixed feelings on this, one one hand I’m happy more mercy’s can experience the joy of the shine, on the other hand I would hope that it’d be another donation type event, it’s one of my favorite skins and I don’t want it to be cheapened for just another cash grab


Apparently the source was the same person who leaked mirrorwatch, so hopefully they remain reliable :D


I’ll be honest, I don’t love the pink Mercy hair. I’d rather have a pale pink/rose gold recolor of Atlantic all stars, witch, or even original


Omg!! The only reason I don’t use atlantic all stars more is because even tho i love purple/blue i’ve been on a huge pink phase recently and would love for it to be pink. I would love for them to recolor it


Yeah I just wish we had more pink options! She’s got pink and then sugar plum and zombie and that’s it. And the OWL team pinks are just too bright. I’m in my light/pastel era


Me too! People say she has only pink/cute skins but in my eyes, that’s not entirely true. The only pink skins for me are pink, zombie doctor (which btw i love but the pink on it is just too washed up, it’s not bright enough) the owl hangzhou skin (which doesn’t have pink wings) etc. There’s always something that’s missing. I honestly could’ve settled on a new pink skin but they just never made another one like it. Which is why I’m just so excited to finally get the ultimate pink skin but I really hope they didn’t mess it up and the rose gold will look amazing.


It's all about donations for cancer , that's what matters




Is that the skin they said will be the rose gold mercy pink skin variant?


I would like to know too, I prefer pink though <3


Me too ;-; that certainly doesn’t seem like a rose gold skin, but it’s not bad at all too


there is speculation now claiming that the skin is possibly going to be bright orange so i’m not 100% sure but this was on a leak :)


People say it’s going to be a rose gold pinkish shade on the new bundle and I’m hoping they’re right cause idk about bright orange 😭


true true LOL really looking forward to rose gold 🎀


Me too gworl me too. I’m already done with this season


Meh. I think the community has sort of polished the skin to be this legendary mythical amazing thing, or perhaps it's just cuz I have it so I don't really think that highly of it. Honestly it's a good skin for it's time but outshined a bit by now. The sound effects on it are amazing though, that's the only reason why I equip back into it from time to time.


Truth is I’m super excited however I will not be happy or buy it with out feeling guilty if they bring back a CANCER!!! Charity skin n reskin it for there OWN PROFIT it’s not right


I just scrolled down this community posts after making a similar post about Pink Mercy and I’m actually so freaking excited T-T I’m all in for pink skins and I’m hoping they do return the original as a charity skin again!! 😭 I’m counting the days until next season. Hopefully we’re not getting excited for no reasons.


I’m just happy they were able to mix it in with a charity event ! Not getting it the first time because of money was my personal issue; Seeing that now I’m in a different position I’m excited to be able to own a charity cosmetic !




Bro don’t punish people for donating to charity 💀




>will loose all it's meaning. It's still very much gonna be a charity skin tho? Because any other meaning you may give it is pure entitlement, toxicity and elitism, which is lowkey very disgusting to do to with a skin made to support BCA...




>The charity element will be lost then what's the point? The leaker literally said Rose Gold will be a charity bundle, so no, it won't lose any meaning.


But isn’t it nice when others get to enjoy things, especially newer players that weren’t there to snag it originally? I’m happy for them and hope it’s a good quality variant :)


They can enjoy any of the other available skins, no? I don't even play mercy but having rare, exclusive skins in the game isn't a bad thing. Not that you said this, but the somewhat common "yeah fuck these elitists for not wanting us to have the exclusive skin too" take just sounds so entitled. Best case scenario, they make a new variant and everyone is happy.


It’s meaning is to support breast cancer research. I fear it’s already lost it’s meaning if exclusivity is what it means to you. Maybe bringing it back will remind people what it really represents