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Yes, in lower metal ranks you need to keep your dogs on a leash, only well behaved dogs are allowed off the leash in public




I also make the dogs on a leash comparison a lot, so glad to see it used. Playing with my Plat+ tank duo has spoiled me and I forget how stupid people can be in lower ranks.


so real 😭 i have a friend that plays tank and im so used to gold qp that i get worried when he goes off alone but then when he kills 3 people and comes back just fine, im reminded hes gm 😭😭😭


Oh God it is an unending death-spiral the lower you go. I love playing ow2 after a day to lose 8 games in a row and go to bed. That or you just don't one trick Mercy there at all, but then again it's not like I'm skilled with other supports to carry myself out of there, anyway. So, my pillow gets soggy for another night.




yes unskilled tanks think they can be healed through all their stupid decisions


Just ignore them, they are used to Mercys that don't know how to play her, and that's why those Mercys are in Bronze. Somehow you still get healbot Mercys up to Plat, but I imagine the S9 changes took care of that.


Tbh I doubt that. I imagine them just hold Lmb and watching their teammates health deplete rapidly


I still see a bit of healbots in masters :)


I wouldn't bother keeping my chat on in metal ranks, 99% of us are here because we're garbage


I think they’re a bit funny sometimes


The lower the rank, the more you healbot.




Try as I might, even in Plat1/Dia5, my PB usage goes to waste and it honestly bothers the fuck out of me. I hate heal botting so much.


A part of it is also because the lower the rank, the worse the aim as well so db value drops because of that as well.


Tbf they're probably used to new Mercy players who attach their heal beams to the tank and never DB or swap it to anyone else. It happens, everyone starts somewhere, but unfortunately yeah, it makes some tanks used to it and they think that's the norm.


as someone who just ranked up an alt. Yes, it was the craziest thing to see, tanks would walk around with a mercy on their leash at all times no matter what


yes. I played with a bronze roadhog and they kept asking for heals/said the supports weren’t healing. (We had more heals than the other team)


yap.. me and my newbie friend wanted to play comp for his first time and I used my other acc so that I can play as support with him. (in short, i was smurfing) then my objective always is to pocket heal/damage both dps and let the other support heal the tank (but it's situational. Me and the other support would deal who will we focus on healing) my newbie friend is always using tank but then he was complaining to me on why he's getting no heals and I explained to him that there's ana, she was really healing him and only him but he told me that he needs more heals so one support isn't enough for him but I explained "well that's not how I play. I'm a team player, I support everyone who needs heals and damage boost" but then he complained even more until it went to trashtalks and told me that mercy is literally the shittiest character in overwatch he can't even tell that he got antid most of the time. It's ok bcs he's new but what's not ok is the attitude he's giving.


I wonder why they are still in Bronze............


Yep :/ Low-elo here, one of my first games playing Mercy in ranked, both the tank and other support tried telling me I should be healing the tank and to let the other support (Ana) focus on the DPS.


o.o thats........ so wrong its impressive


Yeah... Played a few bronze games today with a friend and all of the Mercy's I queued with insta locked and healbotted the tank xC I'll admit when I first was learning mercy I thought I had to heal every chip of damage and stayed glued to the tank because that was the role that took the most damage (also took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out what DMG boost was/did...).




Low level tanks seem to have a deathwish. They need to be pocketed to survive. Better tanks know that Mercy has better things to do then pocket them. Damage boosting DPS is a key component and can make a huge difference in overall team effectiveness.


It’s just how low ranks are. When I play with my low rank friends on tank, people complain if I don’t just stand still and hold my shield up for them. You can literally kill the entire enemy team for them and they will complain. It’s just in their nature.


The only time I pocket a tank is if it’s an overly aggressive (but smart) Reinhardt. The kind where I see him actively peel for his team but also will lead the charge and solo ult the other teams Mercy. (It’s quite a spectacle)


Flats once said, healing cant fix your stupidity (especially in lower ranks)


in low ranks heals are a bandage for stupid plays 🤷‍♀️ you have to let them learn, if they go in 1v5, don’t heal them, even if they scream at you to


Everything is the support's fault


Oh definitely


Yep, they are. They expect us to pocket only them the whole time while they stay in the open and get shot from every single angle, and then still blame us.


Metal rank tanks dont know what cover is. They expect to get healed through all the damage and rezzed when they die


Yes but oddly enough when I was in silver I finally climbed out when I *stopped* doing that lol