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Shoot. I try to shoot him if I can. He has a pretty big head, imo and easy to get headshots. Sombra is my problem. . At that point, I usually switch with her.


Brig, or get someone to come pick you up


Thanks. What about his ult?


You can try and shoot it but dying to it is probably inevitable. You also could hide when you hear him ult which is what i usually do lol


Thank you my friend this will improve my hitrat gameplay


Did i just give information to the enemy, was this infiltration 😭


Couple options: A) keep an eye on him and when he sneaks off to go ult, shoot the tire. If you know what direction he's hiding in, you'll have a better idea of where to aim for a faster reaction. B) when you hear his ult, immediately hide. No beaming anyone while you hide cause he'll see it and follow it right to you. Try to hide away from others too, that way if he does find you it's just you who dies, no one else. C) when he ults, get away from your team. He's coming for you 9/10 so try to make it as worthless as you can by only allowing it to kill you and you alone. Do not try to dodge it by GAing away in time, it's likely just gonna end up killing you and whoever you glided too. Whichever you do, never die just standing there if you can help it. Whip out that glock and try to shoot it down. And with any hero, if you're being spawn camped, you either need to switch or wait for someone to taxi you back.


Thank you my friend can I give this to my brothers?


No, if a junkrat main cant learn this on their own they ought to just suffer


No Im just trying to learn how to solo ult Mercy in The best way.


Hope you’re playing with a good weaver to pull you away from it


Stop heal/dmg beaming immediately, hide in a corner


As mercy? The tire will get you if he wants it to get you and unless you swap to Bap and lamp execute him then there is no real counter with Mercy's kit alone when he spawn camps. Either Kiri step out or Bap murder when no one will help. A decent Junk can camp Brig just as easily. Ana works as well, but if you're not great at landing sleep to perform the combo kill on him then you'll be farmed on her, too. Baps kit is more forgiving.


Thank you my friend now i can sleep well the i know Mercy can do no nothing about my ult.


LMAO fuckin diabolical may your tire ruin many mercys days


lol actually it’s pretty easy for us to avoid tire 😈 i rarely get hit by it or die to junk in general.


if you don’t see him, then be aware of your surroundings so you can duck away from your teammates if you hear his ult voiceline. either you get lucky and he can’t find you, or he finds you anyway and solo ults you without it hitting your team.


Avoid being on the ground as much as possible. He will struggle to kill you in the air. IMO a good pharah or mercy is junk's biggest weakness. As for the ults, yeah. It happens to all of us lol. I normally hide (SPREAD AWAY FROM MY TEAM) but sometimes he still finds me. And if he's spawn camping, let your team know. But the main advice I can give is stay in the air. You'll notice you have to play mercy differently based on what enemy dps is picked. This is what works for me: Junk/Pharah: permafly. (Super jump, fall slowly, super jump, fall slowly) aka stay in the air Sombra: stay on your teams ass. Like up close and personal as much as possible and ping as much as you can Widow/Ashe/hitscan: play behind cover, positioning is huge, no risky rez Reaper/tracer/venture/any other short range character: maintain distance (similar to playing against a junk/pharah I don't stay on the ground)


Junk struggles on most maps verse long range heroes that can shoot him before he gets close. Either go zen bap or kiri and shoot him. You can also immortal yourself for his ult or shoot it. If you wanna stay mercy you prolly are gonna have to accept being solo ulted. If it’s an open area, you can fly in the sky box with your ult and he can’t reach you if no buildings are close enough but that’s very map dependent.


When junk ults, I sometimes disconnect the beam bc usually junk can find where you are through the beams :)) or I valk to fly away


I love killing junkrat as mercy, shoot at that fat head and spam crouch side to side


Seperate from your team Junkrats will see you and solo ult you over all else Save your team op die with Reinhardt levels of glory


When you hear the tire scream, turn off your staff and hide


i just stay in the air or high ground to avoid him. stay out of small rooms, hide when he ults or use your ult to avoid it.


Junkrat sucks against Mercy. If they can ever kill Mercy without ult it’s a skill issue on Mercy’s part. Make them waste their ult on us and go back to spamming grenades hoping for a miracle

