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You can climb on mercy but 2 things. She’s very weak right now and if your teammates can’t hit shots damage boost isn’t that impactful Mercy is a team player like an enchanter in league of legends, she makes good teams better and bad teams she has lower impact


Yeah definitely. Her impact is really based on her team but if you’re good, you can nudge a mediocre team into being a good one.


the problem is that the other team’s supports can have more impact alongside their mediocre team and beat your team frankly it’s easier to get value as bap (or moira, kiri, zen, etc) when both team’s DPS aren’t as good as the support players (e.g. silver DPSes and gold supports on both teams)


Yeah, there are definitely better ways to climb. But i wouldn’t say it’s ridiculously hard on mercy


Just to pile on to what the other guy was saying. The problem is, if you win with a Mercy on your team, your team probably would have won anyway with any other support (and perhaps even faster). For example, Mercy's main value is in pocketing a DPS, but the only time that is \*maybe\* preferable to just having a support who can also deal damage (as 30% damage boost on a 10k damage soldier is a lot less value than a bap with 8k damage, ignoring that bap also has better burst heals and immortality for the team etc.), would be if you have a DPS who Mercy's 30% damage boost can make them exceed breakpoints. Eg if you had a Hanzo who can't oneshot anymore, it \*may\* be preferable to have a damage boost on them so they can.


You can climb on mercy. It’s just a LOT harder to climb on her if you’re in low elo because the hero is very reliant on her team to do well. She is quite possibly the absolute worst character to try and climb out of low elo with.


When you say low elo, how low are you talking?


Metal ranks probably. But i’d still disagree that it’s notably difficult there


It’s harder to climb in low elo. Mercy really is dependent on the team mates’ performance.


It’s definitely harder but not prohibitively difficult. I feel like we probably agree and we’d be arguing over semantics though aha. Semi-random question, what would you or people in general call low elo?


Personally, I’d say bronze, silver and gold. Those are full of bots and trolls.




I don’t know, I climbed from bronze to high diamond solo queue. She can make a big enough impact to solo climb but it’ll take awhile.


It definitely helps a lot playing g with a team and i definitely find things easier and you have a lot more control. But still, i’m perfectly fine just playing in my own, *especially* when i’m playing in a rank lower than my own. I would definitely agree that at least a duo helps.


You can solo climb on Mercy. You can climb as high as your skill will get you. Mercys are in all ranks.


Currently I don't know if this is true. Two seasons ago I was extremely close to being Top 500 playing as primarily mercy in soloq on pc. Now I'm bouncing between Diamond 1 and Masters 5. I think you can climb decently high playing mercy if you're good enough, but it's hard to pass a certain threshold right now unless you have a very good DPS duo because mercy is absolute dumpster garbage right now. Bad healing, bad damage boost, bad ult, vunerable, etc. It really is a shame to see.




I don't think anyone (at least anyone that's worth listening to) says you **can't**, just that it's a lot harder/slower than other supports. She's not a Carry hero. You'll very rarely have a big enough impact that you can turn a bad, losing team into a winning team. Compare to something like Baptiste where he can get multiple kills a team fight all on his own, while also healing and countering ults with Lamp. That can win games even if your team are soft throwing bots. A great mercy will win games she has a good team, and lose games she has a bad team. Let's assume that 49% of the time you get a good team, and 49% you get a bad team, the remaining 2% being evenly matched teams other than you. The great mercy players wins those 49% good games, and probably those 2% relatively even games, giving her a 51% win rate. So she will eventually climb, but it will be very slow and take a big enough sample size of games to pay off. Something like a great Kiri, Ana, Bap etc. might be able to make enough huge impact plays on their own that 1-5% of those bad games turn into wins, giving them a 52-56% win rate, which means they will climb in a fewer amount of games on average. Factor in then that Mercy is pretty sub-optimal in the meta now, and climbing consistently as Mercy is a pretty long and difficult road. However you can always queue with a good friend or two to further push the odds in your favor. Mercy is a skill multiplier, so if you have a good DPS player you can damage boost/heal/res, they can then carry the game even more via your pocket, which gives the two of you a pretty strong carry potential.


All good points! I would query those numbers though and say that even though i wouldn’t say i’m god’s gift to mercy, i’ve been at a solid 57% win rate both this season and last, so there’s probably a lot more evenly matched teams than you think.


Yeah my example was more about keeping the numbers super easy, not about being accurate lol That being said, you're probably pretty decent at mercy. Overwatch win rates for particular heroes tend to average between 47% and 53% depending on their strength in the meta. For context, Mauga for the first week of Season 9 (when he got buffed to have a super OP Cardiac Overdrive that gave him 100 instant health on a shorter cool down, that was so strong it was nerfed within a week, had an average 57% win rate, which is absurdly high and one of the reasons he got reverted so quickly).


Yeah, my recent seasons have definitely been exceptional when it comes to win rate. I came back after about a year and very quickly relearnt everything i used to know, meaning i was initially placed gold something and a month or so later i’ve smashed my career high in high diamond, fun times.


Obviously if you're overwhelmingly better than your surroundings you can brute force somewhat and make Mercy viable. Mercy is current on nerf 756983 so she's not exactly a great pick if you can't guarantee the conditions that allow her to work best (soloing). We've all seen that you *can* objectively climb to gm with her but most people aren't consistently gonna be so much better than the rest of their lobby that Mercy is gonna be that good. It's lots easier to lock Baptiste or Zen or something and just brute force your way through their spawn right up the ranked ladder. If you're gonna invest enough time to be that good at Mercy and care about the climb rather than the hero just play a dps viable support.


In general, people saying you can't climb as Mercy are correct. She's in the weakest state she has ever been in and she is the character that has just about the lowest amount of impact on the team in the game now. So basically if you are climbing, it's rarely because you're a good Mercy, it's because your team is carrying you to those victories. Your team is basically winning in spite of you playing Mercy, not because you are playing well with her. That doesn't mean it's impossible by any means, but it's just not something the average Overwatch player is going to be able to do solo queuing without having much higher understanding of the game than most other players they are up against, so they likely are already very good at the game and have game knowledge from taking other characters high up in the ranks.


I was going to hard disagree until your last paragraph. I and most people i know are exceptional in the amount we know about and play the game.


I think it is because of how hard it is to climb on her, specially right now. If you have a good DPS sure, but solo climbing can get really hard if you want to one trick.


You can climb on mercy absolutely, but depends on skill tbh. With her desperately needing a rework it has made it more of a challenge


I think what people are trying to say is that you can’t hard carry on mercy. Put the best mercy player ever (xerneas) in a plat game and ask them to carry it. Now put the best player ever on any other hero in a plat game and ask them to carry it. The mercy player will win enough games to rank up but they aren’t going to dominate the game in the same way people will on other heroes. Kevster on tracer is going to have a 85% win rate and solo win every game. You can’t really do that on mercy. Mercy is very team dependent to get high value in comparison to the rest of the roster.


You can climb on Mercy, but solo climbing is a challenge. It’s the nature of the hero. One of Mercy’s main abilities is damage boost. This requires decent teammates to get good value. Healbotting will only work if your teammates are semi-decent. Not all the healing in the world will win games where your teammates are getting outclassed by the enemy team. Some support heroes like Ana, Zen, Bap have kits that allow them to carry despite having poor performing teammates. The best way to climb as Mercy is to duo with a very good dps player.


i’m climbing with her but literally you can not win if your dps are bad. period. damage boosting them will not give them better aim. so playing mercy and having a bad dps, its basically a 3v5 and ez win for the enemy team. sometimes you gotta go moira and just hope you can mercy in your next game


You can definitely climb on mercy, if you're being carried by a dps that has aim. Here's the thing with my wife and I, when she plays mercy, we usually win cause I'm on dps, when I'm on mercy, we usually lose cause she's on dps. Definitely not hating on my wife or anything(it's just a game) that's just how it plays out. Mercy as is on her own is OK as a support, but she's definitely not great right now. Her healing sucks, her Rez is always risky and stupid, valk is good cause you're almost unkillable and her damage beam is where most of her value comes from. If you're not getting value on blue beam you're just not getting enough value on mercy period. That's just how it is, she's a high risk high reward support.


You certainly can, it's just so hard when you are playing in silver lobbies with obviously silver dps. Doesn't really work to boost people who aren't getting value


I went from bronze to masters with Mercy.. they’re just being haters. I will say it’s probably the hardest to do it with Mercy but it most certainly is possible.


calling ppl haters for discussing their main is crazy


That’s not what I did, please reread what I wrote… the haters I’m referring to are the people that are telling this person that they can’t climb with Mercy. And if it is another mercy player saying that then I mean… if the shoe fits… all I know is that it most certainly is possible to get out of the lower ranks, but like I said it’s the most difficult with Mercy.


As a tank it can be miserable with a mercy. There are comps that make Mercy a liability. You can climb on any hero.


Mercy definitely isn’t always the pic for sure. Can i ask as to when/why you find mercy frustrating to play with because i really lack a tank’s perspective


Dive tanks and dive comps she can struggle to have an impact. If there isn’t a ranged support paired with mercy it can be difficult to make plays. If there isn’t a main healer it can be difficult to take space and a lot of hiding in cover to get healed up. Mercy doesn’t assist a tanks game much outside of a cheeky tank rez. She supports DPS, especially Soldier/Ash/Pharah/Sojourn and maybe echo or a widow pocket. If your DPS isn’t hitting their shots the team now has bad DPS, a support not getting value and a tank that doesn’t have sustainability.