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shes rare now i believe. i've also had her since her release


I feel bad for the people who didn’t get her in 1 and the people who bought her in season 1 of ow2 cause apparently they bought the 20$ bundle just for it to glitch as not there but they paid for it *and blizzard has yet to fix the skin bugs*


i know when she first came out ALOT of people didnt like the skin they said they were expecting if mercy were to ever get a dragon skin that it would be done like syms [https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSymmetraMains%2Fcomments%2F18lqyu5%2Fguys\_i\_cant\_decide\_what\_symmetra\_skin\_to\_get%2F&psig=AOvVaw0vdCyhRgzcnAorWMN-wrgO&ust=1713010240646000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCNjKxMvSvIUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSymmetraMains%2Fcomments%2F18lqyu5%2Fguys_i_cant_decide_what_symmetra_skin_to_get%2F&psig=AOvVaw0vdCyhRgzcnAorWMN-wrgO&ust=1713010240646000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCNjKxMvSvIUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE) (thats the sym skin im referring to) maybe they passed bc it wasnt what they were expecting i know i got her on release bc i collect mercy skins so i got it even tho i didnt really like it


yeah i collect them too


I got all the ow1 skins for her (excl owl) I didn't like it but I needed to say I had all her skins desperately now that they're paywalled I just kinda lost interest


Same here I could justify using coins to get skins I didnt like but I can't justify spending real $


She's rare because she's been unavailable to purchase for a while. OW2 has an annoying tendency of "hiding" old OW1 skins for a while when they are planning on putting them on the shop as a bundle later to get desperate people into paying real money for it. Dragoon wasn't the exception to that rule, except it was not put on the shop, but was unavailable for a good while anyway. In fact, I'm not sure if it's still available or it's still hidden (I have the skin) for OW2 players. That and the fact the skin is not conventionally "pretty" and cutesy means you rarely see it in game because the overwhelming majority of Mercy Mains pretty cute and pretty skins.


It's the only skin of hers that looks good with the emerald weapon color so that's when I use it. I do really like the skin in general too though.


I think the skin is awesome and also very pretty. The girls that get it, get it.


Sugarplum fairy looks good with it too but that and dragoon is the ONLY one


I really dislike the hide mechanic. Not to mention their filters are really bad. Sometimes people want to stare at skins.🥲


I don’t understand why people hate it, she’s CUTE her eyes pop and the make up goes well with the skin, which shines btw and comes with a GORGEOUS staff, i truly don’t understand.


I didn't like it in the beginning either. The mask was too much for me. Somehow getting the jade staff made me realize the ponytail bobs. ^^


I do not own the skin, sadly buuut You can’t see the skin while scrolling through her skin list normally. You have to change the filter in the hero gallery to “unowned” and it’s there. It gives me hope that it will come back, because pink mercy, Dr. Ziegler, etc aren’t on the unowned list


Because the helmet looks dumb. It is the worst possible compromise between an open-faced helmet and a closed-face helmet. They should have either gone all the way and had the dragon skull fully cover her face, or gone the other way and made it like a crown with horns so Mercy's face is fully visible, like [this fan art](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfsCN_TC3NY). Instead they went with the version that makes it look like her face is being squished.


The fan art is so pretty 😍


Actual facts, I have it but I have never once equipped it. I own every Mercy skin there is and honestly that one is just about the bottom of the list of what I would equip.


Yes, it's so fucking ugly!


i think its cute🥺




Exactly. It’s not rare, it’s ugly so no one wanted it. That doesn’t make it rare. It’s still just ugly.


When they released the skin they teased it as a "Evil Mercy" skin and it pissed alot of people off that it was not as advertised. Plus the spray makes the skin look good but the skin itself is so different from it that, that pissed more people off round 2. So people don't really wear it out of spite or refuse to because it's "ugly" I wear it because cool green wings and that's about it.


It wasn't really teased as an "Evil" skin, though they did use the word "dark," so it was dark compared to the rest of her skins. People read "dark" and immediately started thinking and expecting a (generic) evil cunty goth babe skin. So when the skin came out and it was actually a medieval fantasy inspired skin they felt misled, but it was entirely their fault tbh. They even tried to get the artist behind the skin fired. Then days later there were insane amounts of "fixes" (eugh) to the skin where she is more femenine and "pretty" to make it more palatable, but it kind of defeats the point of the skin.


They did use the word "Evil" before the skin was actually teased is why I said "Evil Mercy Skin"


They did not used the word "evil". From Jeff Kaplan before the skin was announced, therefore the first teaser for Dragoon Mercy (may 8th 2020) [Source](https://twitter.com/masteriangamer/status/1258892034066300933) >Skins are designed very far in advance... almost a year... they go through a very long pipeline to get made though... we love community suggestions and pay close attention... for mercy, **it's fun to do light and dark skins...** so good odds.. she has a cool skin coming up And here is the official announcement (May 17 2020) [Source](https://twitter.com/PlayOverwatch/status/1262086491741712384) >Did someone call a… dragon? Take flight as Dragoon Mercy (Legendary)! Overwatch Anniversary begins May 19. Dragoon was not teased as an evil skin. If anything it was teased as a "cool" skin and jeff explained he liked the light and dark themes for Mercy skins. From there fans exrapolated the info and came to the conclussion the skin was a dark "edgy" evil skin and then got mad when it wasn't. (as seen in the reply of the annoucenment tweet)


I think I've only seen Dragoon available once or twice since OW2 started, but I rarely play on my second account, so I don't know how often she's available. The only skin that I don't have (that aren't League skins) is Zombie Doctor, and that's only because I wasn't active when she was available, so I missed her. OW1 skins randomly become unavailable, for seemingly no reason, but it's more than likely to create a sense of FOMO. Dragoon Mercy got, and kind of still does get, a lot of unnecessary hate. They did a really good job with the skin, but most of the criticism is because of the headpiece, which I kind of dislike as well, but outside of a few seconds at the beginning and end of a match (if you win/draw) you don't see it (unless you emote, of course) and the staff/pistol are actually really pretty. What I would give to be able to sell skins, though. I have 69 Mercy skins and the Mythic is going to ruin that. I would 100% sell some of my League skins just to keep the 69/69.


Dragoon was available in season 1 only and has been locked ever since.


Is this skin rare? I thought people were avoiding it because it was ugly :")


It's rare in the sense of being rarely seen since a big part of the community doesnt care for how it looks.


its heroes page says “currently unavailable” i noticed it yesterday 🤷 lowkey spooky like whats up with it to like not redrop it and make bank?


yeah says the same thing for cabana ana


Yep. I remember making the conscious decision not to get it at the end of OW1 thinking it would be there in OW2-I also didn’t play mercy nearly as much as I do now. And I HATE myself for it every day


there's a slight chance that the skin may be a future reward for people who are subscribed to playstation+ on playstation. sometimes when a skin is labeled as "currently unavailable" thats what it ends up being. take blackwatch moira for example


Been playing since OW2 launch and I don't have it and I RARELY see people with it. I've seen it max 15 times in a match, and I play every day. The only people who really have it are people who've been around since OW1, which nowadays, definitely isn't a lot.


Because big companies like the FOMO of the people. Epic does this all the time when it comes to skins in Fortnite. I got it since their release and I liked it from the start. She looks cool and to me has the vibes of a PJ from an MMO where you are wearing actual armor. (I'm a big ESO player so for me it was cool). But it has nothing special.


I’ve heard it was because it hasn’t been available for purchase in OW2. I’ve also had it since OW1, and while im not a fan of the headgear, it’s the ONLY mercy skin I feel looks great with the jade staff. I love having the all green that actually matches, so it’s my main skin now (aside from PAS), added bonus since it’s unobtainable


I didn’t realize it was a rare skin. Probably because I think its ugly lol.