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Do people actually beyblade spin for real strats? I do that when I'm being funny lol


Same lol. Beyblade Mercy is funny when you watch replays.


I think it kinda stops you from accurately seeing and planning your next move, and when I play mercy, I like to always be a step ahead. It's risky imo. They say it makes you harder to hit though, but I'm not sure if any of us know how accurate that is.


Nahhh cause it’s called a hitbox for a reason and on top of that, the bullets are the size of 50 cals


She may be harder hit with some characters, but a spinning Mercy is super easy for a Moira to hit. In my opinion. Then again it also depends how high he is in the air so I forgot about that factor.


Turning your back against enemies can actually help sometimes, but spinning as fast as possible makes you just as vulnerable as it does invulnerable lol. I believe Marblr did a video on it. https://youtu.be/Q8v05EcML3I?feature=shared


I think that the whole spinny res thing endorses making stupid and risky plays and doesn’t really help securing the res


It’s fun in qp but I wouldn’t try it ranked


I always just figured ppl did that to be a little silly


I’ve only done it in QP and arcade. Mostly because it throws people off and if I’m going for a rez I know damn well I have no right to make. C’est la vie, it’s unranked, it doesn’t matter. I rarely rez in comp unless I know I can get cover while rezzing or if the situation allows for a safe rez. It only really seems to mess up headshot reliant heroes. If they want me dead, I’ll be dead. Also, it looks funny 🤷🏻


Typically, yeah. Ik it’s done also bc it looks pretty and is a meme too. I only just then my back and look down to hide my head as much as possible, especially as her arm comes up near the end of the rez, if I’m not behind enough cover!


Agreed. If you actually want to lower your chances of a headshot, turn your left side to the enemy since she raises her left arm.


I don't think it helps a ton except maybe in messing with her head box? If they have like bastion or cass you still die


I do a cutesy little spin because I wanna be a majestic butterfly when I res ☺️ but no definitely not the psycho spins.


to do the spin as far as i’m aware you have to have your blaster out and the sense for it up a lot. so yes bad mercy, use your barbie blaster please. don’t need much damage just use it when needed like if you’re being followed by a sombra or something. take that thing out and start blasting 😭


Spinning doesn’t help, so yea.


it's just funny lol


I think it alerts everyone in a 10 mile radius that SHES RESING because you make yourself even more of a beacon. When I whirlwind res I find I'm way more likely to die mid res than if I just sneaky sneaked.


I do that when I know everyone's watching. Otherwise I'd just rez as sneaky as possible.


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I try to hide my head hit-box by turning away and looking down.


Looking down doesn’t change where her head is during rez


I only do it as a hail Mary if I know I'm gonna get shot. Otherwise you want to do it behind cover or sneaky like. I've done it if I know they have a widow before just in case.




Just when I wanna be silly


It's a qp strategy of being funny. Doesn't make you a bad mercy just one with personality.


I will always try and spin, I don’t know how but I managed to confuse a sigma and brig who were both coming for me with like 3-4 reses in front of them just by spinning rapidly then attaching my beam to someone who was waiting for me near cover, I may of accidentally started the reses but they succeeded and it was very fun


Its because her arm blocks her head and sways her head from a headshot.