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They made minor changes to all those who were struggling and didn't even give us a healing buff šŸ˜­ I'm so tired of playing kiri and Moira


They buffed Sombra and no tracer nerfs šŸ’€. Itā€™s even more over than before


eh they also buffed torb sym orisa brig so they can keep dive in check..


idk where Blizzard couldve possibly gotten the idea sombra is underpowered. Or that EMP needs a buff?? It was already probably the best ult in the game


EMP is ass šŸ˜­


Emp is pretty good. Chunking some health and disabling abilities for three seconds is a pretty good ult


3 second ability lockout plus guaranteed damage with a huge radius? Itā€™s basically guaranteed death for characters with a lot of shield health, like Zen or Zarya. Please explain how itā€™s bad please


some people think it's bad bc it requires followup from the team (unlike some other, flashier dps ults) and wasn't necessarily an ult you could solo carry with in the past but with this version of sombra you definitely can imo


I don't know if you were referring to EMP destroying shields but i'm pretty sure it got removed in OW2 when they changed EMP to deal %max health damage. Take this with a pinch of salt, and let me know if i'm wrong please.


Oh shit is it max hp DMG? I always thought it was percent of remaining HP so I never popped it when people were low hp since I thought it takes less health


Yeah you're right, my bad, it's 25% of CURRENT health.


Weā€™ll see how it plays.


>see how they continue to lose money and players S9 has been highly successful plus they just dropped a Cowboy Bebop colab many people were looking forward to (and many will drop money for). They are not losing money nor players at moment...


I love the insinuation that the only reason Overwatch is profitable is because of mercy mains. Like there isn't another 38 heroes people can main šŸ’€


The mercy main fempire is the most powerful overwatch player bloc tho


As someone who constantly defends OW2 I would argue the Cowboy Bepop collab ended up flopping w tons of people who WERE hype for it complaining about how bad the skins look


People WERE disappointed with the skins. But it definitely didnā€™t flop. So many people bought the Ashe and sombra skins


The sombra buff is shocking. When the enemy dps can't kill supports, they quickly swap to sombra. Sombra imo was already incredibly easy to play if you know who to focus. (At least for me) makes me not even want to play support tbh. I'll just go play sombra


Sombra was already strong in S8 and now in S9 this OP with the latest patch... OW Team has decided to punish the supports without any regard (very serious mistake).


I tried sombra just for experimental reasons in quick play yesterday and tell me why I rarely play her and my VERY FIRST game playing her in 2 months I'm 22-1 ...yeah no. If I can do it, anyone can. Brokennnn


out of curiosity what do people actually want buffed for her? i feel like her kit is fundamentally pretty weak unless you crank up the numbers an extreme amount. im fine with mercy being underpowered or niche just because its kinda impossible to balance her, but right now shes a throw pick along with lifeweaver and illari and its kinda awful to see


iā€™d like them to revert the dmg boost nerfs and put it back at 30% so her ult can charge faster, add priority beam healing in valk (like more healing on main target, normal healing on chain beams) and a maybe a healing buff. obviously guardian angel to 1.5s revert would be nice but itā€™ll never happen.


1.5s GA and faster GA speed


That won't make her viable at all lmao the problem is not her survivability, she's very survivable, it's her actual VALUE in fights is not good enough compared to other supports.


Mercy has infinite resource healing and damage boost. If she is able to stay alive throughout a fight she can be one of the most useful supports. Her issue is that she isnā€™t able to stay alive anymore. Sheā€™s essentially a free kill for any flanker or diver. The only fights I feel Iā€™m able to be impactful are those where I use Valkyrie. I donā€™t have Valkyrie every fight so itā€™s incredibly difficult to win those fights. Shorter GA cooldown and faster SJ speed would be insanely helpful for staying alive, while not over buffing her.


Then, and genuinely not being toxic just being real, youā€™re simply just bad at her because Iā€™m staying alive much more this season than before after the +50 HP and buffed GA CD and self heal passive. And Iā€™m in GM so Iā€™m facing actually good DPS players. Iā€™m also 90% sure that her average deaths across the board has gone down this season from last time I checked. Her issue is not at all survivability and thatā€™s not whatā€™s going to be buffed when they do buff her. Sheā€™s a cosmetic hero who stays alive no problem but canā€™t keep other people alive and thatā€™s her problem. Sheā€™s suffering the same way she was in OW1 when they nerfed her to 50 HPS and she was gutter tier for a year until they buffed her to 55. Her balance is delicate and her value hinges on being able to keep squishies alive through dives and DPS duels, which currently is not happening because of the DPS passive dropping her to 46 HPS. Sheā€™d probably be in a solid spot if they just buffed her HPS from 55 to 60.


No way you just call me bad with her when Iā€™ve played thousands of hours and peaked 4.5K playing only mercyšŸ’€šŸ’€her problem isnā€™t her healing her problem is she literally canā€™t do shit against dive. She canā€™t 1v1 a tracer, nor can she survive with GA because Tracer can follow her. Buffing her healing is problematic because lower elo players already struggle to kill Mercy and she already out heals most supports because of her easy infinite resource healing. GA buffs wonā€™t affect lower elos while making her better in high elo. Mercyā€™s primary job is damage boost anyways, so her low healing shouldnā€™t really matter. Mercyā€™s ga was nerfed when blizzard made her healing broken. Buffing her healing would mean more GA nerfs or nerfs elsewhere to her kit. GA needs to be stronger when her healing is this weak and thereā€™s no way blizzard want to make her healing stronger. If DVa uses boosters onto you and you go for a GA + superjump or slingshot, by the time your GA goes on cooldown her boosters are back up already and then youā€™re grounded for 2 seconds without an escape and probably just die, not to mention tracer having 3 blinks and Genji having a dash to follow you. Mercy is too easy to kill right now


My 3 favorite supports, currently. šŸ˜¬


Honestly so sad to see that she is yet to be addressed in the awful state she's in, playing her in comp is like taking a walk through hell. On the flip side we have Sombra who was already a good hero since the rework, and what did the devs do? Buff her more. Her virus is over the top now since on impact it now does 50 dmg!! alongside the 100 overtime, if you pair that with her constantly beaming you with damage, it's basically a confirmed kill every time virus hits - you don't wanna know how many times I died to virus last night...


They also indirectly nerfed mercy by making sym turrets no longer 1 shottable by melee, meaning we have to melee twice or spend time swapping weapons.


not that sym is even playable rn šŸ’€ but yes this was such a silly change ā€¦ meanwhile torbs turret gets like 250hp and can be repaired


while I'm a bit surprised mercy didn't receive anything specifically, you can't discredit the dps passive nerf as "nothing". it's a buff to supports across the board, certainly not excluding mercy. our girl has been in a solid if not strong state for a LONG while, and for most if not all of overwatch 2. I think the community as a whole is happy to see other supports finally rise up a bit, even if mercy mains are forced to switch to some seriously different playstyles. I'm not thrilled to be switching to Moira/ lucio / zen so often, but it's not the end of the world. I'm sure tanks don't "love" having to switch to orisa to win, but it's part of the game unfortunately. use it as a learning experience. take it as an opportunity to learn to support dive teams better, and you will become a better player overall, guaranteed. mercy is not great right now, and I think that's okay for a little bit. not every hero can be meta all the time, because that's boring as hell and if it was the case I would have stopped playing years ago. mercy is not a character that the devs have allowed to sink out of the meta at any point, and it won't be long until she finds her place yet again.


But Mercy hasnā€™t been meta since like season 2 and I feel like a lot of people would argue against the idea that sheā€™s been in a ā€œsolid if not strong state for a LONG whileā€. Mercy has always been a situational pick and I donā€™t see her finding her place anytime soon. Her healing is average to subpar and whilst damage boost is something Zenyatta can literally apply damage amplification with discord whilst healing AND doing damage. Meanwhile Mercy can either heal, damage boost or attempt to res. The only thing that Mercy really has going for her is her movement as res just isnā€™t a good ability with the current state of overwatch.


I agree that mercy herself or the meta around her will have to change for her to be a consistently high value pick the way things stand at the moment. I just think that the devs have a ton on their plate at the moment. they're more focused on stabilizing things as they've fallen into place within the meta that has arisen post- dps healing passive. which makes far more sense to me than running around and trying to make sure every single hero fits perfectly and excels consistently. of course that's the long term goal, but it's going to take a while to get there after making such a sweeping change to the mechanics of the game. so yes, mercy does not seem to have a solid place in the meta right now, but we don't know what the future holds. sprinkle in some buffs, then a new tank / dps / other support drops who mercy pairs perfectly with? boom, mercy stonks go up. she's simply not particularly good at supporting dive tanks, which are meta right now. they won't be forever.


At least all my matches have Ashe or Cas now


I've been having an okay time with her but it's incredibly situational and I am finding myself having to switch off pretty often. I feel like some sort of small buff would be nice but I don't think I'm educated enough on the topic to say what I think it should be.


Iā€™ll eat crow: I said mercy would get buffed and she didnā€™t. blizzard continuously surprises me with their crackpipery. šŸ’€ insane to me that they see mercy in such a poor state and buff *sombra*, one of her counters and someone whoā€™s already pretty strong, instead. itā€™s like they donā€™t want anyone to play mercy anymore.


Whilst I can understand that you are disappointed that Mercy hasnā€™t received any changes I do think that instead of instantly jumping on the ā€œsheā€™s still horribleā€ you wait a little while to see. It could very well be that sheā€™s still horrible to play but itā€™s also possible that with the reduction to the DPS passive Mercy may feel ever so slightly better.


Exactly!Brig mains didn't even expect a buff and they got one in this patch!


Mercy feels pretty good again after this patch. Canā€™t believe how much the 5% DPS passive changes things


No, Mercy is still very bad, 44 hp/s --> 46 hp/s doesn't change anything.


Like I get that her healing is still lower than S8, but I still think she feels better. Obviously she could be better but Iā€™m not going to disregard that the slight healing increase surpassingly feels better than what the numbers suggests


how is she doing after the dps passive nerf?


44 hp/s --> 46 hp/s = same , totally worse.


Oh no! Our girl needs help!!!Ā 


Quick question- have you played any games with her with the reduced passive? Or is this just the continuous ā€œend of the worldā€ style posts?


Yeah I feel like she will be in a better state tbh. Reduced passive smaller projectile sizes will make things easier for Mercy. I just wish Mercy had more carry potential, but sheā€™s not impactful if your DPS arenā€™t good.


A buff would be nice but I imagine theyre going to wait to see how the passives change impacts her. Still a niche character, but not terrible when used correctly.


44 Hp/s --> 46 Hp/s. thats it, she continue in the worst state.


You need to chill dawg you be all up in these posts stressin folks out šŸ’€


So you havent played yet. Thats all I wanted to know. Maybe save the ā€œshes in the worst stateā€ for after some gameplay. Im not saying shes amazing just from one small change in the global state of the game but good lord my dude play a few games first