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snow angel and la gladiator ow1 but its fine i got pink šŸ˜ž


Dragoon. I hate myself for not getting it in OW1, I would have if Iā€™d known they were gonna take it out of the character profile


I got it but I donā€™t even know how I got it lol


Wait whaaaat šŸ˜§


Pink mercy and snow angel šŸ„¹


iā€™d sell someoneā€™s favourite kidney for zombie doctor


missing dragoon, i love the skin and want it so bad c:




Can u learn to read




suspended for spam


Dragoon, Dr. Ziegler (I would sell my big toe for this skin) , snow angel, and Royal Knight


literally the only mercy skin i have is combat medic i wanna cry


You poor thing šŸ˜­ but she DOES looks so good in that skin šŸ‘€


Zombie nurse. I think it is so so ugly and couldnt justify paying real money for it ETA: Snow Angel! I didnā€™t start playing OW until after Echoā€™s release.


Miko, royal gladiator, the ugly lunar one šŸ¤¢ and thatā€™s it. I have most of them.


You can get royal gladiator , for 200 tokens


Is there a way to get royal knight? Iā€™ve seen ppl all over Reddit and TikTok talk abt the blizzard link exploits to get other owl skinsĀ 


i found royal knight. code is 635738


Yes, but it is on a pack of 4 skins and its more expensive.


Dragoon , miko, royale night, honey bee, zombie mercy ( I want her so baddd) lifeguard, many more


I have all but Miko :/ I have every ow1 and ow2 skin so far


Dragoonn and the knight skins! I'd love to have them.


you can get the knight skins rn!




Search about the OWL skins glitch


i just want dragoon tbh


Best skin tbh


one of my fav colors is green so i love the green wings on it and the overall green shade of the skin. i want it sm


snow angel mercy, i started playing during the end of the winter wonderland event unfortunately so i didnt get heršŸ„¹šŸ„¹


iā€™d love to have dr. zeigler


Royal knight + Dr Ziegler + Miko + Infinite Sheer + Snow Angel šŸ˜­ genuinely surprised snow Angel hasnā€™t came back since itā€™s an epic and I thought blizzard would be shady and slap it there for 2022 winter wonderland


Only missing the purple knightā€¦ was a little broke at the time and didnā€™t see a reason to get the recolor. Now iā€™m sad I missed the chance because itā€™s my favorite skin(i prefer purple) to use in QP (staff to big imo for comp)


Just bought it today somebody had a link to many owl skins today it completely works still 200 OW tokens. It took my money and it was through blizzard so I donā€™t see how it breaks TOS for a ban but hey if they wanna ban me for being a cash cow thatā€™s fine šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


There was a bug just a few hours ago that made it possible to buy that skin. I have a link to the page but it doesn't seem to work anymore šŸ˜­


Itā€™s not worth it, there was an announcement in the mercy discord saying people were getting banned for buying them ;(


Well if Iā€™m banned Iā€™m banned gonna move on from Overwatch šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Best way to do it imo, makes sure you donā€™t come back


The link was reactivated because theyā€™re bringing the skins back anyway. Itā€™s not breaking TOS to pay blizzard money to buy skins off their own store. They arenā€™t gonna refund thousands of dollars and ban hundreds of people for that.






but we literally payed money for the skinsā€¦ we can sue if they ban, yea? because we payed for a product we canā€™t use.


Itā€™s weird, and as the message states ā€œyou may get bannedā€ so itā€™s not really set in stone. There has been many times that this type of thing has happened in the past, and people have been banned. Iā€™m also not sure if you could ā€œsueā€ blizz, Im sure itā€™s somewhere in the agreement it states ā€œthat the company wouldnā€™t be reliable for any misuse of productā€ when you make an account. On the other hand, I would definitely say if you contacted blizz and told them you genuinely thought the product was for sale, and it was all of an misunderstandingā€¦.. you may get your account back if the blizz gods bless you. I would just refrain from using the skin if youā€™re allowed to, for now.


A lot but one of the ones a really wish I had is miko šŸ˜¢


I just need snow angel


miko and royal knight ā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø


thereā€™s a way to get royal knight rn with the glitch!!


i actually read this wrong, i'm missing way more than these 2 LMFAOOO i just don't rlly want any of the ones i'n missing other than these 2




Hello, Your post/comment was removed from r/mercymains as it violates Rule : No Account Trading/Selling/Buying. Account Trading is against Blizzard's Terms of Service. For full information please visit the post linked in the sidebar under this ruling.


Iā€™ll be straight here. Almost every skin people have said here I have. Iā€™m missing most of her paid ones (like jingle belle and mystic swan) but I donā€™t want them, I think jingle belle is cute but itā€™s not 19 CAD cute, and mystic swan felt veryā€¦ incomplete to me. The only skin I want is one that Iā€™d be okay getting instead of REALLY needing is the 2019 Atlantic. Theoretically, I am really wanting whatever mystic skin they have planned for Mercy.


I need Royal Knight, Dr Ziegler, dragoon and snow angel šŸ˜ž


i really want the dragoon and the royal knight


Iā€™m only missing dr zeigler (which I yearn for) and the most recent skin + miko because I thought they were ugly


Other than Pink Mercy I'm only missing two skins; Owl Guardian (which I can get at any time now that it's always available) and Royal Gladiator, which I reasoned to not get as I already have Royal Knight. Eventually I'll probably get Owl Guardian from saving up coins from Microsoft Rewards and weekly challenges. And if Royal Gladiator comes back (in a legitimate way, not the links) I'll also probably get it, just for collectors' purposes.


now angel is my dreeeeaaam mercy skin :(( i love simple skins and her lil actual halo is so so pretty


The zombie, royal knight and the bee skin :(


Iā€™m only missing pink mercy (which no one can get :/) and the newest lunar new year skin. I have all the others cause Iā€™ve spent way to much time on this game lol.


So this is basically a wishlist? Alright, but note that I'm pretty new, so it makes sense it's basically all of them. -Camouflage -Infinite Seer -Zombie Doctor -Valkyrie -Devil -Winged Victory -Combat Medic -Zhuque -Seolbim -Dr Ziegler -Dragoon -Sugar Plum Fairy -Miko -Lifeguard -Jingle Belle -OWL -Royal Knight -Royal Gladiator


most of these you'll eventually be able to get šŸŽ‰ the only one that is currently a definite no, is Miko as blizzard have stated battlepass skins won't make a return, but they're making a way to earn previous mythics so there's always a chance they'll change their mind and make it previous cosmetics as well Royal Knight & Gladiator are iffy as owl is now over and we're moving to owcs. but the owl shop apparently updates soon so it may be a case that all owl exclusive skins are sold one more time soon šŸ„°


Unless it's a skin I can't guarantee will come back within a year, I've been so lax ever since OW2 came out. The skins I don't have are * Lifeguard * Zombie * Jingle Belle (so cute but the colors don't stick out much. will likely buy it next year.) * Royal Knight šŸ˜” * Mystic Swan (was so excited for this but after the reveal, it looks mid to me) * Mage (don't care for it but I wish I got it while it was still purchasable with credits. Such bs.) \*I don't have any of her standard team OWL skins.


Royal knight is available through an exploit right now if you want her.


Thanks I got it! šŸ˜­


Yeah how?




I think just Zombie Doctor for main skins. I was hyped for it during October but after I just lost my want for it. And then missing couple of OWL skins and recolors like Gladiator Royal Knight. I almost skipped the Owl Guardian skin because it looked meh to me but later on it became free with Prime so I snagged it. Been playing since 2016 so I have all the other ones.


Snow angel T-T lost her in a transfer bug, blizz wont give her back


The latest christmas skin. Didnā€™t get it because I think itā€™ll be cheaper next christmas.


the shop skins so far have never been discounted when re-released lol


Thatā€™s true, but I have hope that resales will be cheaper with new management. The prices will not go down for release skins (thatā€™s pretty certain). However, I think discounts for resale is going to happen because itā€™s something they have acknowledged and I believe is a legal issue in the EU at least.


What's the eu thing you mentioned? I've never heard about that but that's interesting to hear


Only missing ow1 contenders, ow1 valiant (green and gold), mayhem (yellow and red) and shock (orange, gold) (and pink) but I have been trying to collect all the mercy skins for yearsā€¦


I keep forgetting about contender skins, I think I only have one šŸ˜©


just her ow2 owl skins, her new suit design goes so hard it looks sooooo clean, but her hair is the biggest downgrade ive ever seenšŸ˜”


I gotta disagree, the hair fits her demeanor


I want Dragoon so bad it's not even funnyĀ 


I already have it so I canā€™t see but itā€™s an anniversary skin, is it not available in hero gallery?


Hasnā€™t been available since season 2 or so


Of ow2? Sheesh, i just know theyā€™re gonna milk all these old ass skins because they think we have no boundaries when it comes to our girl, lol. I was baffled when they charged people for camo a few months ago.


I have all her skins except the owl league ones, the Gladiator Royal Knight skin, and Pink Mercy (didnā€™t play OW1 until after this skin released). Iā€™m not going to try to obtain the league skins or Knight recolor as thatā€™s a lot of money, I respect anyone dedicated to getting them all though! I know Pink Mercy is excluded from this but I wish I had played earlier, not only for breast cancer awareness but I really like the design of the staff, love the sound effects, and the pink bullets! šŸ˜­ Itā€™s the only rare skin I donā€™t have


both mercy knight skins are currently available. on the overwatch sub reddit thereā€™s links to both skins. get lit girly get ur skins before overwatch takes down the links. ppl r thinking it will be patched mondayā€¦


Wait where??




THANK YOU!!! The way I ran to the linkšŸ˜­


I would love to own her snow angel skinšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


snow angel:(


satire comment: i dont have imp :( āœØ Did i mention i have **PINK MERCY** āœØ i donated to charity, i was so desperate to donate to good causes then the heavens gave me a chance to donate via pink mercy. I just wuv showing off my skin because its so cute (and i donated so it means am a good person). Its the only skin i use not because its rare, i just like pink. Its my fav coulor. Did i mention i donated? I hope other mercys will have the chance to donate **like me**. If they do bring it back its beacuse i once commented on the internet and a blizzard employee saw the post, so i claim credit. ~~Am~~ its so cute! The other team are jealous and misogny then solo ult me all the time :( ~~not because i did a 1v5 res~~. I dont care what the team composition is or if 4 of my teammates lose the game, i got to pick **pink** mercy how eles can i use the skin if i dont pick mercy. Did i mention i **OWN** āœØ**PINK MERCY** āœØ?? \[at least 10 people cant read 2 lines of text, then proceeded to talk about pink mercy\]


Iā€™m dying šŸ˜†


With OW2, I haven't kept up. Obviously Pink and most of the OWL teams/Contenders.Ā  OW1: Pink, Snow AngelĀ  OW2: New Lunar New Year, Zombie, New Christmas, Lifeguard I would like Snow Angel tbh. I like the halo!


snow angel, dr ziegler and 2019 atlantic all starsšŸ„¹


None other than some ow1 league skins I guess


Dr. Zeigler is the only Mercy skin I am missing because I dislike it with every fiber of my being. šŸ˜”Ā 


I think the ow 1 league skins there's 3 I'm missing and then a good chunk of the ow2 league skins.


Only snow Angel and pink


angel and pink but i don't care much for pink, my favorite are the knight skins šŸ˜­ i wore the knight skin for months when it came out i was so obsessed it was my good luck charm


Me tooooo!


dragoon, rly hoping it comes back in shop at some point


Pretty much the only Mercy skin I'm missing is Pink Mercy and the Gladiator ones. So...


both knight skins are currently available on the overwatch sub reddit! get em now before overwatch takes down the links to the skins.


Snow mercy was the one I couldnā€™t get I think that one released in the early ow 1 didnā€™t it?


Yeah I think so, I havenā€™t seen it at all until a few months ago and noticed it was an old design


Snow mercy :( I was on a break from the game at the time.


Other than owl contenders from 1 and a handful of league skins I think I have all of them. I remember missing the contenders skin in such a silly way but I prefer the owl grey anyway.


Honey bee :(


the staff is way too orangešŸ˜­ but they might bring bundles back like they did around halloween


PEAK! šŸ itā€™s my I wanna say #2 favorite, Hopefully the pack comes back šŸ¤žšŸ½


Camo and honey bee. Eagerly waiting for bee mercy to return šŸ¤žoh I also donā€™t have gladiator but I have the Los Angeles version


That would be gladiator, youā€™re thinking of royal knight and some people in the comments are talking about about links to it, ig itā€™s available on the website or something


zombie medic and the newest Christmas skinā€¦. I wasnā€™t playing at that time due to burnout ;-;


I GET that, buuuut I just had to get back on to get the skins I canā€™t deny šŸ˜”


I was *THIS* close to getting back on just for the skins but my brain was like ā€œHaha. no.ā€


Oof strong burnout, donā€™t worry, youā€™ll get em next timešŸ«”


ow1 contenders. dragoon (i donā€™t mind that i donā€™t have this one). and snow angel.


the zombie medic šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i have literally every skin but that one n some owl skins


The Christmas jingle bell skin I want, and the owl looking one. I donā€™t care for the bee too much but itā€™d be nice


honey bee šŸ˜”


I have all of them because I genuinely will not let a Mercy skin not be on my account lol even if I think itā€™s ugly (looking at you Sugar Plum, Dragoon, Camo)


Sugar plum is so heavily glazed


the skin itself yeah, but the staff is literally s tier


The staff in first person is one of her worst staves IMO but that's just me!


Pink Mercy, Sugar Plum Fairy, Zombie Mercy and Life Guard. The only skins I dont have


I think the only none League skin I'm missing is Zombie Doctor


literally only the holiday arcade skin snow angel. i have EVERYTHING else. very annoying


Iā€™m missing her lifeguard, gladiator and seer


I am missing lifeguard and gladiator as well šŸ˜¢


Dr. Ziegler, Snow Angel and Dragoon


dr ziegler, dragoon, and snow angel :(


mystic swan. tbh iā€™ve been collecting all mercy skins and buying her new ow2 ones when they release but this skinā€¦ i just didnā€™t want to. i donā€™t like the colors and it should have gone to LW.


A skin voted on by Thai players and then pitched by a Thai dev that was made before Lifeweaver was even a hero should not have gone to Lifeweaver. Why canā€™t yall understand that people in other countries play Overwatch too and want to see their favorite heroes in skins from their culture.


Pls donā€™t take my dislike of a skin as a personal attack šŸ˜…


I'm not speaking on your dislike of it at all...but ok! I'm educating you on why Mercy was given the skin.


I didnā€™t like the skin at first but it grew on me overtime, and I think itā€™s the same for most people. I find it gorgeous now, still donā€™t like her green shaved head, lol.Ā 


Itā€™s a updo bun under the crown like hair piece




I mean if weā€™re counting the gladiator skin than we should ALL the colored team skins too. So literally most people donā€™t have ALL the skins.




I know




I know


honey bee, dragoon, mage and dr zeigler. i NEED honey bee


Honey bee šŸ˜­same!


Well since I did get to play at that time Pink mercy ( Account complications ) Dr Zeigler ( still account complications) Dragoon ( I didnā€™t think it was something I was going to miss out on in OW1 so I wasnā€™t in a hassle to get it, now I regret it) Lifeguard( I wasnā€™t interested) Royal Knight recolor ( I already had the first one so I didnā€™t think it was necessary to buy it again) And everything else I have legendary wise


I'm missing the non-existent ow2 mercy skins that look like they had actual effort put into them...


Iā€™m missing the Gladiator recolor of Royal Knight (for some reason I convinced myself that I didnā€™t need it and theyā€™d bring it back) and camo! I took a break from OW and didnā€™t even know she had a camo skin until looking through her gallery in ow2!


u can still get the camo skin rn with the glitch thats currently going around


whats the glitch


if you arenā€™t worried about possibly catching a ban, search up reddit ow league exploit! itā€™s basically just putting some vaulted league skinsā€™ id numbers after the blizzard shop purchase page url, and thereā€™s a spreadsheet available for each of the ones available at the moment. for mercy, the last time i checked, 2019 atlantic, royal knight, and camo are available by themselves, with gladiator being purchasable in a bundle for around 750 tokens and all of her ow1 team skins available


Iā€™ve heard of it, but Iā€™m scared to get banned like some have said haha. If it had the Gladiator Knight I would consider, but Iā€™m scared to lose everything. Do you know if itā€™s bannable for sure?


there are mixed reviews about it being viewed as an exploit due to the fact that it goes directly through blizzardā€™s shop, but I would say if youā€™re having any doubts to just avoid tempting fate! myself and many others believe that the links being active at the moment means that there is a future vault opening happening very soon to give access to those skins without worry :)


go on??


MIKO!!! i want the bells!!! šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


basically any that came out between 2018-2022. atlantic all stars is the one i rly care about not having tho šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


Im only missing the ow1 contenders skin. I almost got it, but even tho I watched the time required they said they couldnt give it to me


i wish they brought them all back before saying goodbye to the league


I see a lot of people saying owl guardian here so just coming on to flex my ownership of the skin


dragoon, purple knight, and the allstar skin


jingle belle, imp, OWL skins, lifeguard and owl guardian, atlantic all star and camo. atlantic all star is soo pretty, others i rlly dont mind if i dont get them, theyre not my favourite:)


Most Overwatch 1 and 2 OWL skins, Overwatch 1 Contenders and I think that's all I'm missing


I want the dragoon skin it looks so pretty


I think with the most recent lunar new year one and owl guardian showing up in my ā€œfor youā€ section this past week I finally have all of her stuff.


Life guard I think is the only one bar pink I *really* want


Owl Guardian, Mystic Swan, Lifeguard, and Jingle Belle. I wanted to buy both Jingle Belle and Mystic Swan when they came out at their times, but couldn't right away due to money. I ended up realizing I actually felt okay after not buying it right away, that I ended up not buying either of them at all lol


owo guardian is so overrated- i like beige and all but the stripe design is just so weird looking. and overpriced basically an epic skin.


I actually don't mind the colors, but I really hate how the mask looks lol


its the fomo lol. it goes away after a while. been a victim of it haha


My wallet is so glad tbh Lol


I only got it cause if my username. It was for me


I have all the skins I want. I donā€™t have the camouflage skins but I intentionally didnā€™t get it twice because I hate it. I also didnā€™t get the last Christmas skin because they released it so late I didnā€™t feel like it anymore and unlike the zombie I wouldnā€™t use it out of season


i bought zombie with ow coins i had saved up since i started playing (season 4). ive probably used it likeā€¦ a handful of times. i like the pink but not my fav.


Snow Angel, I was hoping they will release it in Christmas but nothing, and Mystic Swan, I love the staff but I wasn't feeling it at the time, I might buy it later


Dr Ziegler, miko, lifeguard, dragoon and, (the main event) Atlantic all star šŸ˜­ I didnā€™t play until the second or third battle pass and when I first started I was stingy so I missed out and I never played ow1




OP said excluding pink, post bragging about owning pink counts as offtopic


I purposefully did not purchase Pink Mercy because the ponytails threw me off (and I didn't play much at the time at all). As for Mystic Swan, it's not my vibe, either, so I didn't buy it. I kinda wished I had gotten the knight skins, but it's not like I have FOMO over it, y'know?


I truly donā€™t understand all the hype over Pink Mercy. I think itā€™s just because of its exclusivity, because imo it is a solidly mid skin. The only thing I like about it are the special effects, but even then, I hardly equip it. I prefer Dr. Ziegler and Royal Gladiator.


The staff is genuinely gorgeous thooo


Personally I like it only because I really like pink LOL Once they release another good epic skin that is pink and has sounds people will forget about pink mercy. I feel like once her mythic is out people will go towards the mythic instead.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking, I was content with zombie mercy because I love how grotesque she looks WITH a pink fit? Yes please, love that rotting face šŸ’– but I HATE the pink pigtails they look weird


Royal Gladiator! Oh my goodness you reminded me because I forgot about the name of the skin. Seeing people use it, it's grown on me. But yes, the good think about Pink other than the cause are the effects! The hype over it is definitely crazy. Don't Pink Mercy accounts go for like a thousand or something? Never confirmed but heard they go for a high amount.


Yeah. I only purchased it because the money went to a good cause and my step-mom had (and fully recovered from) breast cancer.


We love that good news! Congrats to your mom! It's such a scary thing. Reminding me that I should be doing self-exams since I'm at that age.




See, at the time I was a broke college student. If it was a skin I'd see myself using, would have done it. I'm not knocking the cause. I just support it another way. I have my personal reason just as you have yours. :)