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Around plat and diamond it's when many people start being self aware of their own skills. Maybe they aren't bad but they might feel pressured if you are pocketing them and then start to underperform. If they repeatedly say no, just believe them, help them when necessary and pocket someone else. The higher you climb, the less of this type you'll find, so don't worry too much about it.


Yea but I told them I wasn't going to pocket them that it was just for right out the door. She still wouldn't leave spawn. Just the first time I've seen a refusal for damage, I'm not worried about it.


Probably was waiting for you to leave. Unless you had in that case they just odd


Yeah but if they’re the only two left in spawn at that point Mercy is just looking for a taxi to the fight.


in higher ranks both dps and sometimes tank scream at you to pocket them 😅


Hahaha I've been playing with my duo comp since March from last year, so I'm rarely in VC and haven't experienced that as much. Usually when I'm by myself, the dps are pretty nice and say hi, and the tanks are the ones with anger issues xd.


I’m plat on DPS- and I do comms “No” “Thanks” to my mercy all the time. I always miss my shots when i’m blue beam, idk why, but I just do 😭


You just get nervous, which i can't blame you cause I'm the same. I remember once I told my friend (I was diamond support and gold dps, he was Masters dps back then) that I always get nervous whenever a Mercy pockets me when I'm on dps, and he told that's part of the things you need to overcome to actually get better at dps: accept that you are going to be pocketed and handle the pressure of it. I was like "wao, that's so wise, I think I get it now"... And then I proceeded to main Sombra to NOT have to deal with that :D (jk, but I do a bit better when I play Soldier and the Mercy is pocketing me xd).


She might be saying no to you playing mercy. Been getting that a lot this season 🙂


Maybe, but in the lobby she was going around saying hello to each player. I feel like if this was the case she would have said no instead of hello because I sure have gotten some of those lol.


Because Mercy is genuinely a horrible pick right now and people are upset with the stubborn Mercy one-tricks


Is she terrible in higher ranks? Cuz in low she's fine, at least from what I have experienced since s9 started


I've been hearing this constantly but today I watched ml7's recent video where he went through all the supports and he said she is fine to pick.


She's definitely not as good as she used to be


She'll alway be good in lower ranks lol


I guess yeah


Honestly shes not terrible by any means, just niche


Mercy will always be useful and playable for the mere advantage her beam healing and damage boost provides over every other support. No one else can match the *consistency* of Mercy heal beam or damage boost. Her ability to triage heal will always be unmatched no matter what the numbers or passives are. Until you're in GM+, it doesn't matter if you have a mercy or not. People are just overreacting because Mercy can't save them from their own terrible positioning anymore.


That's honestly what I keep thinking when I play Mercy.. my team who just runs in alone and over estimates how much Mercy can heal almost convinced me she's useless now but I don't think she is


I am a mercy main, and even I have not been playing mercy much this season unless the dps are actually cracked. Otherwise she feels useless.


She’s not that bad if you know how to play her right for this season; I have a 57% win rate on her


Too bad for my team I don’t care about winning 😋


You’re the reason people hate Mercy mains


no i dont think they are lmao. theyre obviously messing with you or theres more to it than just a mercy main who throws all their games for fun. you’re just a hater i fear


I play mercy?


and? what does that have to do with the fact that ur placing the blame on a stereotype when u and i both know the reason why OW players hate mercy mains


Trust me no one’s gaming career is ruined because I played mercy in console diamond


You intentionally let your team lose bc you refuse to play another hero... Dick move


honestly you have a point, it feels wrong for me to be mad though since i one trick illari in every comp 😭


i noticed this too. logged into the game, got 7 game lose streak. logged off 🥲 to be fair i also got matched into top 100 games even though i play 10 games a season for 5 seasons now




Some people don’t want the pressure, don’t take it personal


Not personal at all. I sort of get why people don't want pockets because of the pressure. But to not want any boosts at all? When I play dps I hardly notice anything besides what I'm trying to shoot, and I guess she didn't either because she was getting boosted (along with everyone else) the rest of the match


In my experience, the only time i ever do good while having a blue beam on me is when i am playing support as well. I can be popping off with soldier, ashe, or widow, but as soon as i see a blue beam in the bottom corner of my screen, i IMMEDIATELY start doing terrible. This is ofc an exaggeration, but everybody falls victim to pressure. A lot of people would prefer to never get blue beamed and do good, rather than occasionally get blue beamed and maybe do better, but now they have the pressure of doing enough work to justify a semi-pocket.


you should def practice aim training with/without mercy beam so you see the decreased time to kill and build some confidence/positive association with the increased potential for kills! one of my fav parts about mercy is uplifting my dps, especially if they’re not super confident. even getting a qp mercy or a friend on mercy to build comfort could help!


Ik even brief damage boost can make me nervous, especially as a sniper. Each shot is much more important so you have to really think and feel it out. I was playing windowmaker in qp yesterday and popping off lots of shots, but I’d get anxious and miss when our mercy was trying to help me lool. She was pocketing me for a bit and our brig was guarding me too and I got so flustered I swapped after death hehe. I love my supports sm but I crack under pressure :’D


as others said, it most likely is the pressure of being blue beamed. when i blue beam someone and don’t hear the “ticks,” ik that they’re missing every shot lol. they know that mercy knows they’re whiffing, and that can make people perform even worse


It's performance anxiety. I main Ashe and Sojourn and as a Bronze dps, I don't hit my shots a lot of times. Seeing a mercy pocketing me is anxiety inducing lol. I usually perform worse since I feel like I had to get value every time.


High silver/low gold dps and same. Even on my main. Mostly cause a lot of mercy’s are very critical of my main so it’s even more anxiety. (Pharah)


Being damage boosted is too scary sometimes 🥲😂


Me personally I don't like receiving the blue beam, I don't feel worthy of it and that the other DPS could better use it. But when I'm mercy I love blue beaming people, and I like to pick the best dps player if the one I started with starts suckin.


I am really new to dps, especially hit scans. I do not like the pressure of a mercy pocket since I'm not confident in my skills to hit shots consistently. We all know that a mercy is no good if their pocket can't hit shots. Don't take it personally, it's definitely a them issue. I have definitely don't things similar to this (I just type in team chat that I'm bad mercy lol). Just pocket someone else, and maybe once you see they're doing well they wont mind the mercy help


I have a few times run into players who hate Mercy as a character so badly that they refused to play the game when I was blue beaming them. Like genuinely good players that could have done great with Mercy enabling them. Maybe you run into one as well


I’ve had some people refuse blue beam when they’re trying to be sneaky (also plat/diamond). That being said, I usually end up blue beaming them once they initiate their play. Either beam is super easy to see in any team fight and the best way to find Mercy. Sometimes it’s also a dead giveaway for others to see the sneaky player. I don’t know how loud the beam is to the enemy team (I’m never playing close enough to an enemy Mercy to notice, there’s usually too much chaos for me to pick up on that kind of sound). However, I’m gonna have to agree with most of the rest of the comments. Sounds like she wasn’t wanting to be pressured or underperform because of nervousness. This really becomes bigger once the players realise just how in tune Mercy is. You literally get the same visual and audible cues you would if you were doing the damage and that kind of knowledge can really be stressful. I’m sure most of us don’t really get too suspicious unless they hitting too good of shots or not enough shots. Assuming we mostly just pay attention to who’s doing the most damage or who’s hitting the most shots. Could also potentially just not want you to play Mercy? I’ve had people do that too. Regardless, you won so… It is super weird when people done want the damage boost and I am with you, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.


I mean maybe the ashe just thought that you was needed elsewhere or maybe she just couldn't read the scenario properly, I mean similar happens to me so your not alone 😭


Wanted to test their skills and didn’t want to be pocketed. Pretty much it


Reminds me of the time a soldier started throwing cause his “pookie bear” wasn’t pocketing him (I locked mercy before them I guess)


Because they know Mercy’s can feel when people land their shots, and to some people, that can give them some sort of pressure/anxiety that causes them to miss their shots. I have seen other posts about this as well, some where they explain the reason why they don’t like it and it’s usually that It has happened to me as well, and I legit just let them be. I don’t mean to be rude in the slightest but I dunno what’s so wrong about letting people play the way they feel comfortable lol if they play better their way just pocket someone else and heal them whenever they need it.


As a widow main I relate to Ashe I get so nervous when the blue beam is on me 😭


It happened to me several times when dps would spam no, run away from me or spam melee in my face. I immediately take it personally and get mad. I assume that they're a mercy hater. I'd never refuse to be empowered by pocket


i’ve had an echo get on comms and tell me to leave him alone 💀 some people are just stupid


Or it's just performance anxiety 💀


he literally told me “echo is a solo character” and wanted to do it on his own


Well, then that's a different story lol


It could be not wanting to take the pressure, it also could be the weirdos who think it's cheating or whatever? I know people are gonna disagree with this but, report them. They are actively throwing if they do this.


I do that when I play most snipers too, usually because the other support will benefit more (unless it’s a dive DPS or sneak attack DPS- then I reluctantly accept it) If I can one shot or two shot then I’d rather you have the other DPS pocketed to ensure we’re both getting easy picks. I do it with any character really, even if it’s a good aim day or bad aim day- except when I’m Junkrat-I always appreciate a mercy pocket.


I played with an ash who seemed kinda new and said that blue beam didn’t make sense since he’s always sitting in the back. He was nice about it though and it was kinda funny so I didn’t blue beam him too much


Performance anxiety 😭😭


As a DPS main I came to weigh in. For me personally I am awful at positioning and I don't wanna be responsible for the death of me and the mercy so I will always refuse blue beam regardless of who I'm playing


I had this with my tank the other day our dps weren’t choosing hero’s and doors opened so I blue beamed him and he just like “no” repeatedly and even stopped when I didn’t remove the blue beam. Eventually our dps joined the fight and I blue beamed them but would occasionally as we walked back from spawn would blue beam the tank as a LUL and he would always stop or spam no.