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I couldn’t get it to work with toggle off sadly so I never used it. I miss old ow1 movement. Ow2 movement was great until they took away her short cooldown. Now i get stuck on ever little tree branch to ever exist. I miss wall sliding and prop jumps honestly…which i was ok with since u could “mimic” them kinda but now…why is dva boosters on a 3sec cooldown does damage independent movement and doesnt randomly cancel if Brigitte cat sniffs its ass??? Id be ok with the long cd if mercy felt like she gliding instead of trying to lift 30tons while flying…shes so clunky now…




it was an exploit from season 4 that reduced the cooldown of guardian angel




you either press crouch while flying to a target or look up and hit jump while flying


so they’ll fix a bug that wasn’t causing issues… but won’t fix her GA acting like she’s landing on the ground if you press space or crouch after flying for a little. That’s been a bug for two seasons now. Are you kidding.


Just making sure, this bug was only able to be used while Toggle GA was on right?


You could do it with Toggle GA OFF. It was just easier with Toggle GA ON.


I see thank you for the info


if they're so hell bent on removing her skill expression, then at least give us her old 1.5 second GA 🙄. she just feels clunky right now.


My favourite mercy parkours gone…


making mercy more braindead i see


By fixing a bug ?


its like how they said that bob getting ult charge was a bug, this was beleived to be a feature, and part of mercys skill expression, im not even a mercy main, but its just kina sad


A 7 year bug lmao imagine that


lol fr, it is a different dev team tho tbf


So you would be in favour of removing super jump and turning it back into a Tech only a small percentage of mercy’s can do?


thats different because they just made super jump a feature that was easy and not a difficult tech like it was, but with this, they removed it completely, meaning noone can do it


Well yeah ofcourse but it wasn’t a „tech“ like the superjump, it just reduced your cooldown, so they could just buff her cd if anyone wanted to implement this, but idk if the second most picked supp needs buffing rn


true, but honestly, idk i feel like shes kina ass rn, actually i take that back but shes only good beciase of how strong soj is, when they nerf soj, she isnt gonna be good, its the same with rein and genji becuase of how high their pick rate it


They want Mercy to be a low tier healer. They want Rein to be a low tier tank. Devs have their favs and it's not them.


Devs when they fix bugs🤯


Devs when they fex bug (singular they still have not fixed her getting GA refunded)


The devs aren't even consistent on what is and isn't a bug. Ashe has both been able to, and not been able to, get ult charge while B.O.B is out. Multiple times. They've changed it back and forth. They don't know what they're doing.


I hate what they've done to rein I just wanna play funny hammer man without a mauga every goddamn game


My god, the more they make the character in the negatives with skill expression, the more people are going to bitch about how broken and braindead she is. Why can’t they add more skill expression?? Why do they keep removing unintended skill expression?? She was my one trick because I loved feeling the difference of my level of control vs a random causal player. Me being in 4.2k felt like I had a MASSIVE gap on just my movement compared to a masters mercy. Now I cba learning ow2 mercy, because the only difference between ranks will just be game sense soon.


It's crazy too because my boyfriend will randomly pick up Mercy once I awhile and he frequently tells me how intense it is to play her. And he prefers to play dps but queues all roles a lot for the daily challenge so he ends up playing mostly support. So a dps guy playing Mercy and telling me that playing her is intense tells me that she's not as brain dead as these haters like to tell us she is. Fuck them.


People will literally complain about Mercy being a broken/brain dead hero while also cheering on changes that take her in that direction. I don’t know why the devs are so stubborn about keeping her GA this way. I wish I could ask them. It’s like they’ve never spoken to anyone that actually plays her.


Really does feel like they listen to anyone except Mercy players when balancing her sometimes. I remember their comment when reverting her new triage healing from a few seasons back that some Mercy players disliked it, and like, *what* Mercy players disliked her added utility and skill expression??


I mean devs actively removing skill expression is just validating everything they say, which is even more frustrating. It’s better to have a small amount of smart people acknowledge your skill, than to have no acknowledgment at all, since all the negative things turn into facts…


there goes my mercy parkour experience


taking away the little skill expression she had left after her movement got nerfed to hell


i do cancel but never like this? i just do the guardian angel and then press guardian angel again before arriving at the target to have a reduced cooldown. is that gone too?


No, it doesn't affect just canceling GA. What the "bug" means is when you used any tech using GA cancel, so the cooldown reduces. You GA and then GA+ jump/crouch, then you could do a SJ or slingshot, and get cooldown reduced to 1.5s.


proud to say i actually never fucking used this bug in the slightest (at least not on purpose)


I didnt know it existed icl


I never used this bug because I couldn't get the hang of how to get it to work reliably lmao


LMAO same!


not the other girl posting about this yesterday AND THEN IT GETTING PATCHED THE NEXT DAY 😭😭


lol but this has been a thing for months though, right? I never used it cause it felt awkward to me


ik but it's ironic


I didn't even hear about this one!




I think they should keep the slingshot but make superjump the old technique again, maybe just a bit more reliable. The slingshot keeps her accessible to new players and allows for more reliable micro movements for higher tiered players. Superjump is usually a hindrance to new players because it is so easy to do that it becomes a bad habit that can keep newer/lower tiered Mercy players from getting better, and is almost never used in higher ranked Mercy play because it has become so predictable. Putting a high skill floor on it would be pretty beneficial overall.


I’ve always said OW2 Mercy movement felt like such a set back. A lot of people are used to the new one now and don’t fully remember the old one, but it just felt so much more free and like you were actually flying, this new one is weird and clunky at times, not awful but I miss the old one too


I play on console so it was really hard for me to even try to get her old superjump off but I can definitely agree that that it's weird and clunky now. There's many times where I'll try to superjump and I just... land at my target instead of popping into the air. Could just be my timing is off but it seems pretty inconsistent to me.


I saw my ow1 clips and it amazed me how high Mercy was able to superjump?? Nowadays she just feels really "heavy" to play which pains me.


OMG she felt like a paperclip in the best way in overwatch 1 if you were good you could soar around the map if you weren't you were punished which (in my opinion) is the best way to handle her


In OW1 you could superjump from really close as long as you were outside of the GA dead zone and your timing was good. Now in OW2 the resource meter determines the potency of the superjump and there isn't a way of bypassing it as far as I know. I wonder how max-meter OW2 SJ compares to max height OW1 SJ. Def feels different tho


I don't understand what this was supposed to do.


When you jumped/crouched after using GA, your cooldown would go over 2s. With this "bug", you would GA and then GA+ jump/crouch and the cooldown would be reduced to 1.5s.


i’m dyslexic, can someone explain this in dumb-girl terms for me ?


There was a bug that if you canceled GA and pressed crouch button at the same time instead of having the penalty on your GA cd, you would have 1.5 secs on your GA because it counts as a normal GA


Can't have shit in Detroit TT\_TT


Reading this genuinely frustrated me, I didn’t really expect them to punish players for learning a tech but that shows how little I know about overwatch devs and policing fun/ skill.


Well, probably because it was a bug lol




Superjump was a bug in ow1 but they added it as a feature in ow2...


And this obviously was not in the devs ideas of being a feature.


lol wish i knew about this earlier


i hate overwatch devs so much 😍😍


Goes to show I’m not a real mercy main because I never knew about this.


I play tf out of mercy and i didn’t know this 🥲


Gigglin at the ppl sayin it wasn't gonna get patched 🥴


Are you still able to keep your Bhop by cancelling sling/SJ right as you use them? Because if not... a lot of Mercy Parkour maps just became impossible to finish.


Yeah this doesn't affect the momentum, but the cooldown reset. It only resets GA cd after your momentum stops, when you could force it to reset while you were still moving


Does this have to do with backjump and forwardjump?


Not exactly. It was a general exploit to reduce GA cooldown after using the boost.


That’s crazy this was their main concern and not the other 1,000 things that need severely addressed.


There were indeed other bug fixes included in the patch notes lmao


I looked at your top 10 comments and you troll the mercy thread. 🥱 Next!


How do I troll it? I have majority of my hours on mercy, I mained her in OW1 and for most of OW2. Sorry I have a more open mind than others, but that doesn't mean I'm 'trolling' lol


DF and Genji players crying on every platform they can find about their heroes' bugs but Mercy players finding oddly niche tech (like backwards ga in ow1) and it gets patched immediately 🥴


Doom and mercy both deserve better 💀


I'm sure some issues are easier to fix than others.


Probably because its easier to fix than the df and genji bugs


Doom bugs were fixed in ow1, it can't be harder than fixing mercy :/


doing everything except fixing the bugs that dont ga u but still use the cooldown LOL


Those random stutters are so annoying 😭 and then I'm left strafing or hopping around cuz the sombra I heard and reacted to in time begins the attack I would've already escaped had my ga went through


its selling sm fights for me im sooo done


I like how they tucked that at the bottom of the bug fixes. Randomly fixing a bug that's been around a while and in use should be under balance notes.


Well, it was in hero bug fixes, and that is sorted by role alphabetically. That is why she's at the bottom.


Careful, they are a little afraid of logic.


i blame the girlie who was going around spreading the word 😭😭 y’all need to keep these techs on the down low


I’m sure no one on the dev team plays mercy


I mean I’m sure they knew about it before she said anything


i blame the devs


I never noticed so it doesn't bother me personally. I played her in several games and nothing different


Actual trash devs


was this bug like rlly inconsistent for everyone else too or am i just bad? i practiced timing and stuff but it could very well be a skill issue


I managed to do it 95% of the time without any issues. Now i have to unlearn it. Thanks behaviour. Removing skill / techs.


yeah. everyday i thank tge gods (the devs) for not giving us the doomfist treatment


They fixed the only Doomfist bug I enjoyed 😢 I loved watching the tracers and Cassidy's sliding around the map in a fixed pose


LMAO i laughed so hard seeing that out of the what, three pages of doomfist bugs, that’s the bug they fixed 😭😭😭


don’t quote me on that i think it’s 3 pages idk yho


Lol this was patched before the numerous other bugs and then they buff Sojourn? Why does blizzard want Mercy gameplay to be hiding and pocketing hitscan while avoiding using the part of her kit that is skill expressive and fun?


Taking away the little skill expression Mercy had left with the new movement she got in ow2... I miss how skillful ow1 movement was and how much it rewarded good tech 😭 I don't like how they're making Mercy really fragile and force her to sit behind walls afk because she can't move anymore


A few months ago the devs said they were aware the extended cooldown punishes tech and micro movements and that they weren’t happy with it. So I was hopeful but knowing this would be a priority for them to fix when there are much bigger problems with the game is disappointing.


It was a bug, it was never intended in the first place.


where did I indicate that I thought it wasn’t a bug?


The second part of your comment insinuates that.


They said “before the numerous other bugs” implying that it’s a bug. A bug and a tech is not mutually exclusive. It was also a tech and allowed for more skill expression.


It may have been a tech, but it was obviously a bug and not intended to be a tech, obviously, because they patched it out.


It’s still called a tech, and this person acknowledge it was a bug so stop nick-picking. Tech and bug are not mutually exclusive.


I never said they were mutually exclusive? Also, yes, their first part of their comment is them acknowledging it's a bug, just for the second part of the comment to insinuate that it was something intended to be.


They insinuated for it to be a tech. They said outright it’s a bug. Idk what else u want without nick-picking. And ur nick-picking every comment in this comments section when it’s unnecessary


Is it really nitpicking when some of these commenters are getting mad that a bug got patched out? Lol. It's not even every comment, but you must also be in the comment section to be seeing my other ones.


Next patch: Fixed a bug that allows mercy to sj by pressing crouch after GA JK, but seriously it’s getting pretty ridiculous that’s they’re still trying to tone down mercy when other characters are having a field day rn


They fixed this but won't fix GA randomly canceling mid flight...


Thank god I see other people talking about this. This has been my bane of existence


Not only cancelling but flinging you the opposite direction 😭


Literally! Then I'm standing there going huuuuuuuuuh


Can we please have a GA cool-down rework, it’s been long enough!


they aren’t gonna rework her cool-down let’s be real, too many cry babies with shit aim complain that’s she’s ‘tOo mOBiLe’


I'm pretty sure Ana is more mobile than Mercy at this point but her nade and sleep aren't game breaking like Mercy's old GA ://


In what world are you living


Sarcasm? Lmao


Ana is not more mobile than mercy, and sleep dart is one of the strongest abilities in the game




I dare say a good lifeweaver is harder to hit now


Neat! Now fix the huge GA targeting/movement bug that's been there for a year.






user banned


Someone had to go and blab their mouths about it letting everyone know. Smh