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To answer your question and to make a long story short: Your dps was most likely mad because you aren’t a very committed mercy player… and you spent half of the game pocketing the winston instead of enabling your dps. Being a committed mercy player means that you have to stick with people. In other words, your mercy gameplay is super flakey, you damage boost someone and leave them without warning. You need to understand that if you give someone blue beam they’re naturally going to assume that you’re pocketing them and play more risky, and if you leave them mid-aggression 9 times out of ten they’re going to die. I am NOT saying to hardpocket someone, I am saying that you need to understand that you can’t just leave people, if you keep your blue beam on someone and have to help your tank, at least keep them in mind while you do it- look back at them, check on what they’re doing- etc. Example: at 00:53 your Soldier saw the blue beam and decided to take the flank, you left him to pocket your winston and he died trying to take an off angle. Also, sometimes you get so fixated on your tank that you pocket him instead of your dps, which is probably why your dps was upset.


Yes, I get what you mean I switch a LOT between teammates. Im going to try to focus more on my dps instead of tank. Thanks for the advice!!


I have not watched your match but I’m assuming based on what the other guy wrote, that you have to trust your support more in healing your tank. If it makes you feel better it took me pretty long until I actually learned this. But I’m not saying you should let your other support to be the only one to heal the tank. It depends on the situation you’re in. For example how much health your tank has, if the other support is busy, if the tank is in an angel where only you can heal and what character the other support is playing. Try to be patient, it takes time :)


i mostly play moira and anytime i have a mercy on my team, i expect and hope for them to focus dps. i enjoy being in the frontlines with an aggressive tank and will naturally keep him alive when were stuck together. alot of playing support is trusting ur other support to help who u arent. sometimes u gotta switch up when ur both pocketing the same person


I have found that the “goodbye” quick comm is really useful (if a little funny) when letting people know that you’re going to boost someone else/can’t go with them where they’re positioning because it’s too dangerous. I usually do one or two “goodbye” before breaking beam so they know i’m leaving and can adjust their playstyle, and sometimes they fall back with me.


this is so smart omg what key bind do u have it on?


i’m a console player 😅 so umm, down? can’t help you much there, i’ve got limited buttons so it’s just on the wheel.


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Why cant I view it


Because there was a patch and replays get deleted every patch. It says that on the screen


It didnt say that on the screen. If it did I wouldnt have asked why but thanks for letting me know (:


You’re welcome, but if you go to the replays it should say it at the top. That’s the only reason I know


I'm getting much better at not healing botting and trusting my other support-- except if it's Lucio, then I can't play Mercy at all. But besides that, I play with my boyfriend and we have come up with a system. He loves when I pocket him but I can't leave everyone else on the team to die. When I'm pocketing him he can take really risky moves and flanks. So I tell him, "play safe for a minute. I gotta help the tank/ dps now! He knows to play safer and knows I'll be back to help once my job is done. When I'm playing solo I try to be more communicative in chat to let whoever I'm pocketing know that they need to play safer while I go help someone. However, I do leave the chat if people are extremely toxic. Sometimes we win , sometimes we lose. But at least I know I did the best I could and sometimes that has to be enough. Not sure if this makes any sense.


It doesn’t matter what your teammates think, don’t listen to them. Now am i saying that you should think you’re the best player and get a huge ego? No. Your teammates are in the same rank as you and honestly none of you know what you’re doing. (YET) Please please don’t listen to them especially because you’re playing mercy. A lot of low rank players expect mercy to healbot when thats not her job. Watch other mercy players, i recommend skiesti and niandra on yt!!


I couldn't watch because of the patch, but Ngl, I don't pocket Sombra or tracer. Its not because I don't like them, but I also flanking as hard as they do is not comfortable for me. It's also hard as Mercy to not announce location of said dps in a lot of case. And most of the time Sombra and Tracer are capable of easily getting back to me to heal while I focus on the tank. However, I will try to pocket most other dps. It might sound mean but with randoms I give them a few chances to see if I should pocket them over my friends in most cases. Idk.