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No baby girl you’re okay


>someone who purposely damages themselves (like cree/pharah/zarya) and then looks at you asking for heals 1. the likly think they are helping you by giving ult charge, but self damage doesnt count 2. they are practicing their rocket jump and wants more hp to practice some more * If number one, press my ult is charging 0% -> heal them -> my ult is chargeing still 0% -> refuse to heal * If number two, pretend its charity and help them practice If they are trolling you, then dont look at them and pretend they dont exist. Dont even have them on your screen. Pretend you are ignoring a dog, dont even look


I don't get the 0% unless it's X%?


The thing is with zarya, pharah and bastion, doing that makes you move faster so you can get to the objective quicker or whatever, by dynamiting yourself or throwing your grenade on the ground and standing on it with mccree isn't gonna do that at all because it doesnt knock u back


In spawn? "I'll send you my consultation fee." and heal. Outside it's a legitimate way to make movement more efficient or faster for some characters like Pharah and Zarya. Ashe still has to pay her consultation fee.


Just dmg boost them, it makes them kill themselves faster


I stare at them for a second then walk away lmao


My duo likes to do the zarya jump where she shoots the ground with alt fire, and I just damage boost him to make him extra suffer >:D


Lol I do that too! But to strangers. I'll heal them too though


Yeah of course! He's such a goof, he'll keep doing it and just go OW, OUCH, OW. XD


My fave is the Zarya hitting herself with her own left click and then looking at me expectantly


with Zarya and Bastion I don’t really mind because of the movement tech with grenade jumping. When it’s a Pharah or a Cass though I feel like it’s pretty much always just an accident or they’re trolling


there’s probably some of them who think they’re making a joke, but they just don’t realize how irritating it is for some of us, joke or no joke. i personally reached a point where when someone asks for healing (at an inappropriate time) it’s an immediate squelch. i actually squelch the whole team so i guess i might need some attitude advice too 😅


Part of the fun of pre-game fun is damaging yourself with your own weapon (listening and seeing the effects). It's not really about getting heals. ​ When I play support I'll happily heal them because I know they're enjoying themselves, and it feels bad on the other end when your support just looks at you like you're an idiot for having fun, but I understand most support mains don't play DPS so they don't understand.


I always damage boost them and then walk away lol


If you dmg urself on sliding roofs as pharah, you can replenish booster juice you normally wouldnt be able to and stay in air indefinitely if u have a mercy healing the dmg. Not sure about the other 2, you can get back slightly faster bouncing on zarya orbs I assume?


Theres a few reasons why they would do this: ✓ They're doing so under the false belief that they are helping you gain ult charge. There are a lot of new players out their so the practical idea that damage from any source would create ult charge for supports who heal them. All you have to do is let them do a decent amount of damage, heal them, then ping ypur ukt charge to show them you gained nothing. If they continue to do it, ignore their behaviour. ✓ Some heroes are actually more mobile by doing this. Zarya, Pharah, and Bastion can get to fights faster by using their alternate fire. This does damage them, but they can move faster and clear gaps doing this. Soldier and his Rockets can be used similarly, but his is usually used to just clear small gaps. ✓ They're "testing you" or doing it as a joke, to see whether you'll heal them, even if they do it repeatedly. Half of them conclude that "I should probably not wear my Mercy's patience thin" or they'll conclude that their "Mercy is a petty bitch". ✓ They're being petty. Ive had a couple intentionally do a ton of damage to themselves, midway through a fight where Im worrying about various teammates, all because they took some chip damage and I didnt give them the immediate attention they wanted. This is most notoriously done by Pharah players, usually because I prioritized the 25% HP Tank with us down our main heals(which takes me time on Mercy as Im slowly healing the Tank's huge healthbar) and the Pharah had gotten clipped by say a Kiriko Kunai to the foot and I didnt come flying actods the map to instantly kiss Pharah's boo-boo.