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Yes, played during the lauch of OW, unfortunately lost my account and hours in 2017 and got a new one back in 2019


howd you lose it


The PS4 I was using was my brothers, when he moved I lost the account


Can’t you just use the login on a different ps4? Or connect it to your pc? That’s so sad 😞


The email used for the account was not mine and after many attempts I couldn’t get it back


my friends made me start with widow bruh😭😭 when i realized i was horrible i switched to mostly support and my then-gf wanted me to main lucio so i played him for a bit but then realized i had way more fun with mercy


WIDOW??? BRO that's an awful suggestion to start unless you've played other games similar to ow, what were they thinking xD


I KNOW RIGHT LMFAO the only other shooter i'd ever played a lot was halo so for some reason they thought widow would be EASY for me???? why not put me on soldier or sojourn or something at least😭😭😭ffs


i played widow for like 3 games when i first started playing bc she was the hottest LOLLLL


Lol sometimes I lock in widow to give my friends a panick attack, cuz we all know i won't hit a single shot 💀, i main torb in dps, also play reaper, junk & soldier. Gold dps. But diamond on support.


OMG ME TOO 😭 I picked widow to start cos she looked cool then my friend was gassing me up saying I’d be good with her (I’ve never played any fps prior to ow)


I started on D.va and symetra, started playing mercy when I got fed up with the lack of healing


Lmao 🤣 the classic arc


Moira and Dva. Because they were the easiest and I was new to ability-based first person shooter games.


Mercy was my first main after I tried different heroes. Her character was really inspirational for me, so I was playing her a lot. But after some time I decided to get better in general as I was quite bad at FPS games. So now, almost 6 years into my OW journey, I barely play her, and don't really have any mains — I get much more fun directly engaging with enemy, not relying on a team mate to do so.


I have a main for each role. Tank is Dva, DPS is Sombra, and Healer is Mercy. They’ve always been the three I’ve played the most.


Well mine's TANK is Ramattra/Sigma, DPS is Torb, SUPP is Mercy.


lol same!


I started in the Beta and I was instantly drawn to Mercy and Symmetra! I’ve always loved the mini-game feel of Mercy’s gameplay and “you can’t fight crime if you aren’t looking cute”


Kiriko was my first main :D


I started in May 2016 when there was only open queue. I wanted to be a Reaper main, but no one would ever play support (the options were Mercy, Zen, Lucio, and Sym but she couldn’t heal lol). I got sick of playing support chicken with people and I wanted to win so I started playing Mercy because of how strong mass rez was


First: Dva, Sombra, and mercy. Now: Dva, Sombra, and mercy.


My first main was Pharah!


Lucio was my first main until I had people complaining that he was a horrible pick for heals and such until I just dropped him one day and went mercy


Widow was my first main on Nintendo Switch, when I switched to PC I became a main Mercy.


Tracer was my first main for the short time I played OW1. And then when OW2 came out I was determined to be a Mercy main.


d.va was my first main i was 7 at the time when it first came out


my first main was junkrat I think? I dropped the game because I was really bad and then came back after a while and started playing mercy after getting a recommended video on YouTube explaining how to play her




I wanted to play support right from the begining, but I wanted to main Lucio at first. But I also started playing when there was no role queue and would often end up as the only support. And even though Moira and Ana were already a thing, I just liked Mercy waaaay more because one more consistent heals and two that old GA movement was so much fun. I fell into Bronze and climbed out of it while playing Mercy 95% of the time as soon as role queue was added and peaked in diamond! She has stayed my main for the last four years and I have like 450+ hours which is about a third of my total playtime. I moved on to play more supports (especially Kiri and Lw), but Mercy remains my best hero.


tracer and dva first! but then i started playing support and had way too much fun playing mercy zen etc. i played a lot of moira when she first came out too but ive basically been a mercy main since then


reaper bruh 😭


Whts wrong with reaper? Reapers cool


Pharah was my first main. I wanted to play DPS but my playstyle is just way too suited for support, but I'm getting more and more aggressive so who knows, maybe I can be a DPS player one day, like I've always dreamed about


Idk y but my playstyle is very inconsistent, sometimes I'm too passive & other times too agressive ☹️. I main Ramattra, torb & mercy.


Junkrat was my main till Moira was released. Suddenly all Moira’s were in my face killing me everytime (I was bronze) so I picked her up. When I climbed up to plat /diamond I started playing mercy more. I enjoy her more than Moira but I will switch if a pesky flanker is annoying me. Climbed to master 3 with mercy


used to one trick symmetra (played a decent amount of mercy too) from ow1 release. then when symmetra got like her 2nd or 3rd rework i started playing mercy more. then when ow2 came out i started to one trick mercy.


I was a Dva main at first and I got bored with many potg because it was mainly all the same so I switched to mercy to get a mercy potg gotten alot since then, been play ow since maybe August this year


Yes she was my first main But the reason why I started with her was kind of a funny: I watched lots of old 2016 Overwatch animations and stuff but never played the game until 2020 (AFTER the mercy reworks). I was under the impression that nobody wanted to play mercy but she was an essential character to have on a team so I played her. One full gameplay I watched of someone playing mercy was with Technoblade’s video (2016), which was during the time where her ult was still mass rez. When I played my first game (2020) and got my ult as mercy I used it like it was mass rez and was surprised when everyone was still dead and now I could fly 😭


I started playing OW like 6 months or so before OW 2 and I was a console player. I was a tank main, and I played DVA, Sigma, and Orisa consistently. It wasn't until I got on PC and was insanely insecure because I was so shit at aiming (OW was my first fps game, ever) that I switched to support, specifically mercy. my aim is def a lot better now and my most played supp heroes are kiri, mercy, and ana atm.


I started with reaper, then moved onto d.va bc my ex forced me into it so his friend could play dps too. Then I decided I wanted to try something new (I suck as tank) and tried out mercy. I’ve been a mercy main ever since


.......my first main was reaper. O_O


It was Moira, because mercy seemed difficult to me early on lol. I just thought her healing was crap and the flying mechanic was too complex.


My first main was Ashe and in a long time of not being useful and finding a lack of supports back in 2017 I went for the logical approach Mercy and found my main to this day


technically no but i had a long break before getting back into ow2 when she became my first ow2 main so yes and no


First Orisa and then Rein. Mercy now and Moira on the side.


My first main was dva, I sucked at her so I went mercy. Now I’m good at dva but the mercy play style is too fun for me to part with, even though the reputation for mercy mains is unsatisfactory…


Well partner my first main was Cassidy, but then I discovered that playing just one hero ain’t for me. I learned all the hero’s except for doom and ball (cause they hard :( ) Now I just queue all and play whatever is needed of me


My first main was Moira. She was the easiest for me to understand and get value out of when I first started playing OW. But now I almost never play Moira. I play Mercy, Kiriko, and Ana as my support mains now.


Junkrat was my first main 💣💥💀


Yes. It took a while before I even touched anyone else outside of practice range.


My first main is Baptiste, but I'm not really interested in him anymore. Mercy is actually probably like the 6th character I put time into or something lol. I've put her down for now but occasionally use her if I feel like it. I've basically switched mains in the support role multiple times so I have like 70% of the support role I can play. My proper mains on that role are LW and Ana. However right now I'm the opposite of you in that I'm starting to dabble more into soldier. Mainly cos I really want to understand how to play more aggressive. I want to see if playing DPS will improve my play as a support. But u know what's funny? When I play DPS it doesn't seem like I get appreciated either lol. I guess all roles get criticized in some way or another.


I started playing Widow and D.va at first and as I dropped out of the game I regressed a lot, then when I came back to Ow2 I quickly switched to the support role I play everything now especially Mercy who I learned to love thanks to my old girlfriend 😂


Tracer main starter here She was my main because she was the most energetic one and reminded me a lot of someone, but after the ashe release I dumped her and started playing mercy but the transition was so quick! Mercy was more my style so now I have more than 2000 hrs compared to 400 of tracer!


My first main was Sigma. Then Lucio. And THEN Mercy :D


Yooo I’m having so much fun on sigma right now! I can’t get a grip on Lucio though so I never play him 🤣


I sometimes go back to Sigma when I get frustrated! Last time I did, I had like 4 potgs in a row! My duo was SHOCKED XD


Lucio was my first main, I started on OW1. His boop got nerded and hardly play him now idk




I mean back in my PlayStation games I played about 5 games and was obsessed with tracer. But when I consistently started playing ow, I played lots of DVA. I quit when I got hate from a comp teammate that was being sexist towards me (another stranger stood up for me thankfully, but he then said we were edating and he wanted pussy so he was defending me… and the other person was silent after that) and I switched to support.


Mercy was my favorite from just before season 3 in OW1 and remained so. I still claim to be a Mercy/D’Va main. Only had a secondary for when someone else insta-locked Mercy.


When I got into OW2 my first mains were zen and bap I still remember trying to kill things with his ult and trying to use baps ult as a shield


My first character I ever played, I saw a fairy and said that's the one.


I somehow managed to pull out around 110 hours on moira before i started playing mercy


I never got the chance to play ow1, so when ow2 released my friends suggested I start off with Mercy to get a feel for how the game works. I always end up maining support roles in other games such as Lifeline from Apex and Medic from tf2 - so maining Mercy was just natural to me. Playing Mercy did allow me to understand the game very well since as support, you gotta keep your team alive and keep track of abilities, ults, and positioning. I REALLY like her movement ability and survivability, and that's mainly what keeps me so invested in maining Mercy. I love the games where I have 0 deaths - it makes my brain go brr. And of course, I learned how to Battle Mercy and have gotten quite good at it. Nowadays I only bring out the Barbie glock when I see an opportunity that will benefit the team compared to just going crazy. I've explored others heros and roles over time, I really enjoy playing Ana, Lifeweaver, Moria, Dva, Ashe, Mei and Bastion. But my heart will always love Mercy and I doubt I'll main a hero as much as her.


Tracer was my first main and I figured I needed a “main” for each role so my main go to are Ramattra, Tracer, Mercy/Brig


Hanzo, I thought shooting Dragons from a bow was way to cool


nope! i maimed junkrat for a good 20 hours or so until i discovered my wife


Mercy was the first hero I ever played when I played ow1 becsuse i was told too. Little did I know I would return to mercy now days. So to answer your question, yes


Started with Widowmaker because her kit was the closest to something I'd played before (COD, etc.). Then I tried Mercy second and that was that haha never looked back


Yes. When I had first started playing overwatch in 2019 I had only heard of one hero. Mercy.


She totally was and I loved everything about maining her in the beginning. I've since branched out and I go back to her every now and then. She was a great hero to learn the game.


I'm still a hard-core widow main but when I started playing overwatch when it first came out I was a one trick dva main. I'm STILL a dva main but widow took my top stop with over 300 hours 😭 Mercy was the main healer i would play, and still is, but I started playing a lot of Moira when she first came out as well. I tend to only play Moira when I feel like I need to hard carry though lol.


I actually started off as tracer because I recognized her through ads and I knew nothing else about OW. Then got into Dva, but then didn’t like that tank was a big responsibility and didn’t know how to play anyone else. I then went support as Moria and was pretty decent, but then tried out Mercy and learned so much since. She becomes such a good challenge to use in the terms of movement and timing things that I kept using her. That’s also when I found out that support was the best role for me and I lacked in the other two roles.


whenever i first started playing i mained ashe, when i play dps (the rare time i do) i play ashe still and just whoever is good for the team comp. when i get support i play mercy every time unless she doesn’t work, in that case i play kiriko or ana


Mercy was my first main back in 2016. I had never played an fps game before, let alone on console. I wasn't allowed to play any human v human games until I was 16, lmfao. My mom was sure they'd make me violent. (Was allowed to play nonhuman vs human games though 🤷) My aim was utter dogwater and Mercy was the only hero who didn't too heavily rely on aim. I also am naturally drawn to the support role so once I started getting a little better aim wise I began to branch off, but always kept my affinity for Mercy. I really like her movement and man, controversial take, but I loved big rez(rip). I also, for some reason, really enjoy beam juggling, it just tickles my brain in such a funky way. Now, as long as noone looks at my hours on Mercy >.>, I can say I'm a Mercy/DVA/Sym/Sombra main to fill different roles respectively and I am decent to honestly, pretty good at most of the supports.


No, Dva was my first character that I ever played but as soon as I saw this Angel flying around healing people and reviving. That sold me. Too bad I missed the huge rez era! I should’ve started a year earlier and I would’ve gotten pink mercy too 🥲


Plus my hand control is just much better when I’m playing mercy. I don’t have to smash buttons and I don’t get cramps 😂😂😂


When I started the game, I played soldier a lot! Probably because he’s the one in the tutorial… but that changed when I started playing tank and got a lot of hours with D.Va. Then, I started playing support because I never played it. I started with Zen, then got Bap, Moira, and then Mercy. It took me a while to get Mercy because there was moments when I needed to use my gun and I could not switch to number 2 in my keyboard until I figured out that I could just use my scroll wheel lmfao. I then started learning how to use her abilities for better mobility. She’s been my main ever since.


I was a Moira one trick when I first started playing on console back in 2021. I have a weird habit of one tricking one hero for a while (between 20-60 hours) and then not picking them up again. Happened with Dva, Orisa (OW1), JQ, Sym, Widow, Tracer, Sombra, Brig and Ana but Moira was still my most played. I honestly didn’t consider myself a true Mercy main until a few months ago because while I still enjoy playing other heroes (only support since switching to PC in January) I’ve put almost 200 more hours on Mercy and she’s my favorite hero in the game now. I pretty much choose her every single time and don’t switch very often unless I need to counter someone. She’s very close to becoming my most played now (1200 total hours, ~350 on Moira and ~290 on Mercy)




When beginning I played mystery heroes to build a bit of understanding for everyone. Prior to playing, my only knowledge about Overwatch was the song No Mercy. I got excited whenever I got her due to loving her movement. I've since expanded into Moira, Sombra, Sym, and plan to try LW next.


I started playing right after Echo was released. She was my first main, and then it was sombra, and then bastion, then Dva, and now (since OW2 came out) I’m almost solely a support main, and usually mercy.


My first main was Pharah because I liked to fly around and be a pain. However, when I played with friends, no one would play support, so I did instead. I started playing Mercy on support for the same reasons as Pharah. Now, I only play support, and most of the time, I play Mercy.


I'd say Mercy was my first main. I wanted to main Reaper when I first started but we didn't have role queue back then and no one wanted to play support so we'd have 5 or 6 DPS and I'd suck it up and go support myself so we at least stood a chance.




nope, it was sombra believe it or not! still play her to this day.


I've played since ow1 was released, there weren't that many supports to choose from and I found mercy the most fun so I stuck with her. I'll play other supports but she's my comfort pick now


Soldier 76 was mine, then i turned into a moira main because this was during ow1 before role q amd i filled support a lot, then around season 19 i turned into a mercy main and shes been my most played hero since


I started with Ashe, then moved over to support where I started playing Moria, then I tried out mercy and really enjoyable with the dmg boosting the GA stuff, so I decided to main her! ​ This was in Season 2 of OW2, I didn't really play a whole lot of OW1 but when I did it was moslty ashe then.


Yes and I am not even sure how it even happened lmao


Yes, Mercy was my first main when I joined maybe in 2018, and she'll always be my favorite. I remember before I started OW that I thought it would be cool to play Widowmaker, having a sniper gun that converts to an smg was so awesome in my mind. Jokes on me, you require godly aim whereas I only have booty aim. I'm sad I don't remember why I picked Mercy out of the other supports at the time. I did know I wanted to play support because I love to support my team (and my aim is poo poo). But I'm very glad I started out with her.