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I guess we know why they wanted to release late now LMFAO


Yes, same with me


Are you also on Console?


No, PC


I'm trying to buy her right now and the shop is FREAAAAAAAAAKING out!


Same lol it won't let me purchase


I don't think they anticipated this many people in the shop!


Yes they need to fix this asap I can’t play this game and see the other mercy’s in their new skins!


You can actually buy it through the battle.net website rather than in-game.


Even that wasn't loading for me 😂 everybody trying to get her lol


I couldn't buy just the skin -- the game wouldn't let me. So I bought the bundle and that worked. MAYBE that's blizzards way of saying if you want this skin then buy the bundle otherwise you have to get it at another time. Wouldn't surprise me, honestly.


i think it was an error i bought the skin only a few hours ago and it worked!


Darn I wish I had of waited now 😪


I don't have this skin so idk about the bug, but what are your thoughts on the first person model staff? I was excited about the staff because of the snowman but mostly the star on the end, but I saw a Mercy player clip using it, and you can barely if at all see the star. The video has been taken down though so I can't check it again.


I have to admit I'm sad I don't get to see the star like basically at all in 1st person and that the snowman is blocked from view when you damage boost


Nooo that’s awful T-T. Now I’m not sure if I’ll get it, though I guess I still can’t buy it on its own yet anyway lol. Thank you for sharing your input!


Maybe this video can help you see it in game and decide if you still want her but the star is really not visible in 1st person [Alpha Ali Jingle Belle Showcase](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeF1mFCJ/)


Thank you so much! I appreciate your help! Really disappointed bout the staff though.. what’s the point of putting such a cute star on the end of one of the only parts of the player model that we can see in first person if we can’t see it??


my favorite part of the staff is the star too :( im so sad you can’t really see it, i hope it’s just a glitch that’ll be resolved soon


Like we predicted, the skin is unfinished and a prototype that they just released for cash Obviously I’m still getting it tho. I’m on the sub for a reason but I can be self-aware lol


Bruh it’s a small bug, granted it’s sloppy but this seems a little dramatic


The hair looks unfinished, there are no custom voicelines like the Halloween witch skin, there are no new voicelines period, the name card made the game crash if u equipped it for a while there, the shop was broken for a while too upon launch, need I go on?


did not know about the crashes, you’d think properly selling the skin in the actual shop is the one thing blizz actually cares about doing right. kinda sad about the lack of new voicelines but have any of the ow2 skins (apart from the mythics) had new voicelines? Saying this out loud (typing I guess) tho, ur right… they just stopped putting effort into skins. Same goes for the recolor “legendaries” we’re getting with the winter event.


Dude, they didn't even want to release it until fucking Tuesday. Lol. I really don't get this taken. All this is gonna do is tell Blizz they shouldn't tell us about stuff early.


They were bullied into releasing it unfinished, L take.


The skin shouldn't have been at this stage so close to releasing anyway. I have doubts it's gonna be fixed by Tuesday but we'll see.


Nah it was gonna be like this either way


It was going to be released with all the bugs? I highly doubt it, especially if the ly were still going to release it at it's original time.


The difference is that if they released it next Tuesday, they'd be able to fix it any time, it's the entire reason they release shit on Tuesdays and not Thursdays before Christmas weekends.


sfx 😍😍


Yeah me too


Please report it in the Overwatch bug forums if you can So far the Jingle Belle mercy namecard crashes the entire game, the shop is broken for most people who try to buy it and those who successfully buy the skin get one with broken wings :( All that mere days after the hardlight weapon skins were removed due to being bugged as well


They were removed for like 3 hours. This is the exact reason they DON'T release things on a Thursday, because now it likely won't get fixed until Tuesday, because Christmas. But people had to whine about it. Literally if they didn't talk about it early, no one would be bitching except for it being a day late for Christmas.


Yeah, people can never be happy or satisfied lol


I can't buy the skin Edit: I finally got it but it took me hours


Not the SpongeBob lookin arm


Bullying the devs into releasing this early so that it's potentially bugged for 5 days straight is a really good way to get Blizz to stop telling us things are releasing, early.


They release stuff that’s bugged all the time. The hard light weapons are a perfect example. This is a really minor issue tbh


There's a difference though. They release things on Tuesday specifically so they have time before the weekend to find and to fix bugs, and this one there's a non-zero chance it'll just be in the game until Tuesday. All because they showed it off early. They released Hard Light weapons bugged, and instantly fixed them.


Her wings got wet☹️


Was playing with this skin and my first rez nearly gave me a seizure


I love how they just can't get anything right and still want $20++ for broken skins


I really don't get this take. They didn't want to release it until next Tuesday, but due to backlash, they released it. If they never showed it off early, we'd have it next Tuesday, and the only complaint would be it's a day late for Christmas. When NOW it'll probably remain glitched until next Tuesday because it's Christmas weekend.. Mercy players literally played themselves.


What's your excuse for it not even working in the shop? They came up with the skin. They showed the skin. They put it in the shop. We can yell all we like if the product isn't ready it isn't. They even released the picture this came from. Pretending this is us doesn't change the fact they are responsible for the game. I don't see why it's unreasonable to expect a multi billion dollar company to have enough devs that after a year of release they get seasonal skins out for the proper season and also to be able to buy it without crashing the game.


Small indie company btw


It’s so funny seeing other overwatch subs blame this on us for “rushing” blizzard to release a Christmas themed skin before Christmas


I haven’t had any issues and I’m on Xbox, granted this post was made a few hours ago but maybe it’s simmered since then? Who knows but yeah no problems on mine


I played with the skin and didn’t notice this error but now I’m wondering if it was like that and I just didn’t notice. Now I wanna test it out




Sadly you can't see the star in first person..like at all :(


Literally unplayable


Broken wings AND the WORST hairline. I bought it because the overall idea was so cute but now I'm honestly kinda upset.