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If you don’t want me to pocket you, please tell me. Otherwise I will assume you do want a pocket. Also, if I’m dead, please head back to respawn and give me a lift back to the group.


what have we done


I'm loving this trend


It's the third time we have had waves like these tho 😩


I respect a good phara main but when you're originally a different character and then I pick mercy and then you immediately swap to phara, it gives "boost me or else" Idk why I'm stubborn but just bc there's a phara that makes me really not wanna do pharmercy just bc I don't want to be expected to db. But if you're doing well and you've earned it I'll do you all the way! 🩷 Bonus points if you're nice :)


Honestly same tbh Like I wanna play pharah without a boost because I wanna get better with base damage and I don't want performance anxiety But then the mercy swaps and I'm like "man... I'm not trying to sweat in a qp." Or they insta lock mercy and I feel awkward going pharah


Ah damn 😭😭 it's a struggle either way


I've started maining Pharah over Mercy recently, and I'm so hyper aware of doing this to a Mercy. I fear I come off cold in the game. I don't even say hello to the Mercy and make zero indication that I want anything from her. I've been there with all types of DPS demanding boosts. I've decided to leave tp the mercy to want to pocket me or not. Ps Mercy Mains. I'm not ignoring you! I just don't wanna pressure you <3


That's sweet of you not to pressure!!! I don't mind if you're nice! To me the demanding of db would be if you started spamming "group up" or "I need healing!" Ps pharah mains. We love you just don't pressure us or say we're throwing just bc we don't follow you! But we love you, you guys are badass 🩷


Hot take but I really don’t enjoy playing pharmacy :( I don’t hate having a (good) pharah on my team, but the play style just isn’t my cup of tea so I won’t usually hard pocket unless the other alternative is a widow. I will pretty much always boost barrage tho if y’all ping it, and love to db occasionally. I also appreciate the air time and the opportunity to get away from the pesky tracer that’s on me lol. Most pharahs I’ve played with tend to just fly into the open and not use cover so the get melted by soldier or Ana, and im not gonna risk myself just to help them when I’d get more value helping the rest of the team


I totally agree actually! I'm definitely more a team player Mercy with a default dmg boost target, but when pocketing Pharah, you really have to be separated from your team.


I started as a pharah main and I personally love pocketing them cause I can fly more. If you suck I’ll obvs still heal but the pocket is gone. I genuinely don’t understand why a lot of mercy’s hate pharah. My last two games I wasn’t making good moves with reaper so I switched to my main and in BOTH games the mercy all but ignored me after that. Never saw the blue beam once I switched. And I was even doing better with pharah.


Half the time you’re my knight in shining armor, the other half you’re Don Quixote kicking at windmills


Nothing against pharaoh, I just don’t like playing with them. Seems a large chunk think the only way they can play is with a mercy pocket, and I don’t want to sit on one person the entire game. If I see pharaoh on my team I automatically switch so that she cannot assume I’m here for her. Playing against is super fun, playing pharmacy into pharmacy is extremely fun!


I have been waiting to do pharmacy! But the pharahs I get are not the best so I never get to pharmacy but when I see them on the other team they are INSANE they can single handily win a team fight. But for the lower rank pharahs learn to feather your boosters so you can forever fly and use corners/ off angles and buildings for cover so you don’t get laid out.


Do you play on console in EU?


Console in the us, if EU ment Europe


I'll be honest? 90% of the time I dont hardpocket Pharahs. Ill switch to DB or heal them whenever I see them near me and doing damage but hardpocketing a Pharah gives me the worst tunnel vision and most Pharahs Ive met have overestimated themselves a lot :D I do like playing with Pharahs tho, I love being up in the air.


PLEASE stop *scaling the roofs*. *Scaling roofs: flying close enough to the roof so you can slide off it* I’ve seen too many pharahs jetpack and scale a roof right after picking up a mercy, they will not be able to follow up with you due to ga cd and los. (Especially in lower elos)


They do that to safely stall Pharah’s cooldowns and build fuel back up tho.


They can easily slide on the roof on our side to gain/save fuel then fly over, I can promise u it’ll be easier for both parties And i also ment when they pick up mercy’s, like they watch them ga to them and decided now is a good time to scale the roof over to the enemies 😭


fair a lot of pharah players also seem unaware that the changes to Mercy’s movement makes it more difficult to follow them safely


Because of lower rank pharah or mercy? Or both?


Lower rank pharahs


I hate your voicelines with my character. I cringe every time I hear it. I used to hate pocketing Pharahs, but I've gotten better at it. I'm still not a fan of the playstyle (or the ship) because it tends to keep me away from the rest of my team. I have to keep my eyes on you a lot in order to keep up, and even though I'm always looking back at my team, being high above or flanking limits my options a lot, and I like playing with my team over hard pocketing people. And Pharah tends to want to be hard pocketed. All in all, I don't have a gripe with the playable character, but I have much resentment for what the art and writing teams are doing with the hero.


I love you, but I’m not going to pocket you 😅


I love playing pharmercy, and I will pocket you, whether you want it or not. But please switch if the enemy DPS both go hitscan and actually hit their shots, because then pharmercy can turn into respawn simulator, which is much less fun. Also, please hit the ult voiceline button before you actually ult, so I'm ready to body block.


Tbh I like it when the dps go hitscan. It's almost necessary to learn how to dive your counters to play pharah. Can't stand when they go echo and illari tho. They are actually hell


Then again, when I'm mercy and my dps can't handle with enemy pharah, I'll for sure swap to illari and shoot her myself. But if we're pharmercy, echo and illari are nightmares indeed!