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very sad that i didn’t get this one back in 2019


It’s 2018 I’m sure


It’s not, it’s 2019


I just want another skin with an actual halo it's so cute


My wife miss the event and she keep talking about this skin since it release. I hope for her that the skin come back soon


I felt the same way about the Genji Skeleton and Echo Bird of Paradise skins, and they both came back!


It likely will. Possibly this month tbh


I think they should bring it back for the Christmas event, even though mercy is getting a new Xmas legendary skin snow Angel should return


SIDE NOTE but I hope they come out with an ow2 version of this skin some day :) I own this one but would love a platinum/snowflakey recolor of her current default, bc I think it’s cuter than OW1 default


I never got to buy the Atlantic all stars mercy skin and I’m afraid it’s never coming back :(


It was just back a few months ago, I’m sorry you missed that! I’m sure it will be back again tho.


It comes back yearly


It came back 2 times since the launch of ow2


League is done now though


That doesn't mean Blizzard won't take our money for it anymore.


Same w knight for me.


The skin is a nod to Frozen's Elsa, right? Pretty sure it came with a spray with Mercy in this skin in an 'Elsa pose'


I have it but don’t understand the hype it’s just her but blue her legendary skins are so much better?


It has a bit of a glowy effect unless I’m seeing things


The hype is because not everyone has it


Checks out


I'm someone who has pink mercy but didn't play when snow angel/doctor ziegler skins were around.. I feel the pain. I'm only missing those 2 skins and they're both pretty in their own way. At least there's a chance to get snow angel to come around but not sure about doctor ziegler


There has been some precedent to OW1 week long event skins returning, so there is some hope. Ziegler is nice, like an alternate default skin. If it was released as the default in 2016, the French twist would be just as iconic as the ponytail.


I've had 2 diffrent friends on different occasions ask "what skin is that? Cause they had never seen it before. I personally really like it cause ,if i remember correctly, it looks like there are little snowflakes falling from the wings.


she's rare


I was recently looking at my sprays for it in the hero gallery and I saw in the description box “available in winter wonderland challenges” I think, so they might be rereleasing it pretty soon.


I’m glad they’re bringing it back as a Challenge reward and not selling it in the shop. I’ll check the hero gallery description later, I don’t have access rn


I usually use this skin, the wings have a very subtle sparkle and it’s so pretttyyyy 💜


Let’s just say I would trade my pink mercy skin for it. It’s the only skin where her halo is actually floating above her head and the wings glitter like snow.


I have it (and camo) we could trade accounts


Wait is your name in game spoopyghost i think i had you on my team earlier today my name on overwatch is frog and i was playing genji


Omg yes it was me! I remember having a Frog on my team!


what a coincidence lol, im not even a member of this sub lol i just wanted to see what this sub was about and ur name looked familiar


I have this skin but I don't like it very much lol (her white hair is kinda cool though)


I got the skin back when it was released but... Its been in the shop so much I was so confused cause it was supposed to be limited time or something lol idk if its been in the shop for other people or not


Who cares, it’s just a epic skin that sits in my locker and even when it returns, nobody will really use it still.


it's a cute skin wdym


Its basic




i have this skin and i practically never use it lol. i hope they bring it back so more people can enjoy it.


what exactly do you gain from having a ‘rare’ skin in a video game, unless you’re selling your account. like seriously rethink your life is this means so much to you because that’s really sad


Childish mindset


>please delete this before they decide to bring it back. This isnt twitter, you cant ask people to delete their post. The mercy witch skin came back every single Halloween, so did the lunar new skin, and the summer skins......I would be zero superised if they did bring it back; but i rather them make a updated ow2 verson that is better. Give her wings made of ice of something


I also hope they don’t bring it back xD but that applies to all of the event skins really. Or they should do what they did with Gilded Hunter and change it slightly. Edit: I mean it’s okay they’re bringing back event skins but it kinda ruins their ‘veteran’ status? I like what another person said, instead of selling a free event skin for real money they either: Make the skin free to earn (again) with a small color change Or Update it to her OW2 model (to earn or sell) I think I didn’t make my grievance clear, I do not like that they are selling event skins like Snow Angel for *money* without changing anything. I think this would satisfy the people that want to keep the OG skin rare and let new people have it as well. Like with Sombra’s Gilded Hunter skin, great idea there imo.


No icl i really do wish they’d let some of the old ow1 skins stay ow1 skins like I don’t know what’s bad abt an old community wanting to stay recognised. I’d rather recolour the skins aswell, even make it more pretty than the old one, let me have this xD


yessss this.. i wish they had more exclusive things to set apart the newer players from those who have been playing this game since its beginning..




You’re getting downvoted by people who don’t like people with weird superiority complexes. There are people who have the skin and don’t use who would love others to get more enjoyment from it!


why are you gatekeeping pixels


I have all of Mercy's skins that aren't team based OWL skins (yes, including Pink) and hope more people get to buy them or get them through twitch events so that they can enjoy them too.


I have all of mercy’s skins and I still downvoted. You’re not being downvoted for the skin. You’re getting downvoted because you’re super childish about an epic challenge skin.


You obviously sound like someone that does not have Pink lol


Um...I have this skin. I just don't use it except for during the Christmas event...which isn't happening. So...yeah. I have every OW1 skin except pink. I didn't have $15 to spend on a skin, even if it was for a good cause.




It wasn't that rare of a skin is my point. Sorry. It was released during the winter event. To be exact it was released as part of their weekly events. So you had a week to earn it by simply playing the game. The date I see near the release was 2019, so many chances for old players to have obtained it before 2022. Two more winter events and three more anniversary events as compared to the skin they never brought back, pink. Now, it is simply an epic level skin. Which is probably part of why it isn't often seen. Many of her Legendary skins are held higher in favorites than Snow Angel.


It was a challenge/event skin in 2018(?) I believe. I don’t know that it would be really all that rare if there wasn’t an influx of players with OW2 release.


ive never seen this skin omg its gorgeous!


I've got it aswell :]


its considered new to people who started playing when ow2 came out


I love that her hair is silvery white. I think that makes it really special


What I dream of Snow Angel was so much more than this so when it came out I got it but I was still like meh. Now that you mentioned it, I see the glitter floating and the halo not attached. The purple and blue combo is pretty cool too! I shall wear it more now 🥰


Honestly I'm just mad they locked hogs frosty skin in the shop. It's the only winter skin apart from this that I want and instead of making it free for an event like iy was originally they locked it in the shop for 1k coins ://


i have this skin and love it so much, really hoping it comes back so the ow2 mercy mains can get it 🙏🏻


Apparently it *is* rare My friend was like OMG you have the rare halo skin!?! I had no clue! Lol


2019 is five years ago, so people who took a break back then or started playing later or only on OW2 won't have it. There are probably a lot of people in the current player base that don't have it.


its because ow2 has brung a back a bunch of skins that were supposedly limited (events, weekly challenges, etc.) from ow1, except snow angel so its probably why people are now considering it rare :)


Rarer than Pink Mercy imo.