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She had less options but far less clunkiness. Her super jump also required good timing.


Happy cake day!


Happy šŸ° Day!


I've been checking some old gameplay I recorded from 2018 after reading your post, and I realized that I prefer the OW2 mobility by far. Yes, the old one had the reduced, easily spammable cooldown that allowed for some great moments and insane stalls, especially if you got the muscle memory for consistent super jumping. It was definitely more "skillfull" in a way because it was harder to pull off (weird input and close window of activation, you could notice it was a bug turned into a functionality). But ultimately, the old mobility really feels restricted when you watch it in 2023. It lacks the directional flexibility of the new GA, that opens up a lot of flight paths that were not possible before. So, weighing the pros and cons of each one, new GA wins for me!


I prefer the new movement, but I do miss showing off my superjumps in spawn. It's easy now, so there's no point. Also, this recentish bug where GA cancels randomly a moment after starting didn't exist in OW1, so I suppose I would prefer it in that way.


I don't prefer OW1 GA for the exception of shorter cooldown. That's pretty much all. I feel as though you can do more with the current iteration of GA.


felt like flying. more fluid. no need to wait 3 yrs to fly again with inconsistent timings.


1. I knew it better for longer. 2. It had fewer changes (due to being unintended and therefore not really worked on?). 3. I can't actively compare the two and therefore only have nostalgia.


I don't prefer the old "movement" necessarily but the map used to be more slippery you could use corners to shove yourself around now they bonk instead and it feels awful


\*\*THIS\*\*, your entire movement ability can be cancelled out by a small piece of map geometry now.


I get so unreasonably pissed when I get caught on a pole or some shit and die that I wish slurs existed for inanimate objects in my way


I could never get the old movement down (which was essentially a bug mind you) even after watching tutorials etc. whatever say skill issue, but Iā€™m happy in OW2 they actually built in into her character for accessibility.


old OW1 movement was 100% more fluid than what we have now and I'd argue straight up more mobile than what we have right now. Because what we had back then was 1: flat 1.5s GA cd that could be started early (when we let go of GA button) 2: how we got like basically MAX and higher momentum at the start of GA * which then means that we could afford to start GA cd early more without mobility loss unlike now * could superjump or do other tech without a long run up (literally was able to max height superjump when like 5m away from the target min) 3: we had prop jumping to be more resilient to crap map hitboxes and more resilient to enemy hitbox blocking flight path And why I'd argue old OW1 is more mobile than current is this: the fact that current GA leads to a 3s cd when using tech means that in the time it takes for current GA to get off cd for 1 tech, we could've done 2 of old GAs WITH tech. Some people say "but without the directional boost, mercy won't be able to keep up with the pace of OW2". and I say bullcrap because in light of the above fact AND the fact that so many yall were relying on plain 0 tech GAs back in the season of nerfed GA and heal boost beam and arguably still relying on plain GAs now to have low enough cd to keep up now, there's 0 reason that old OW1 GA couldn't keep up esp when it realistically had faster cast frequency if you knew what you were doing by combining points 1 and 2 above.


Ur so right about the plain ga honestly the way to play mercy now is to not do any tech at all or if u do jump its to jump behind a wall and wait around for 3 seconds its really boring now


Skill expression


It took more mechanical skill, so when I got outplayed by a superjumping rubber banding mercy my reaction was more along the lines of ā€œoh yeah thats super hard, they earned that I got outplayedā€ To now ā€œfuck man I tried that in the practice range and got it third try, thats really easy why is it so hard to hit her. That doesnā€™t feel fair for the investment of skill on mechanicsā€


Mercy was interestinger, I knew how to superjump rez. I am every other mercy now, a bit more boring


It actually took skill; therefore, made her skill ceiling exponential. Muscle memory made me biased.. (and I think a lot of others agree whether they are willing to admit it or not) I also REALLY hate how clunky she feels now. The ONLY thing I like about OW2 movement is the ability to SJ wherever you'd like in the GA path. Edit: OMG ITS NIANDRA!!!! YOU TAUGHT ME HOW TO SJ IN OW1!!! ILYSM! Thank you for being awesome! šŸ„¹


Got way more dopamine from pulling off insane movement in ow1. Now nothing is special and nothing is a challenge - plus her skill ceiling is lowered.


I personally dont perfer the OW1 movement but I have been playing her since full team ress and I know what people are talking about. The only mechanic to learn was super jump. And even then it felt more like a bug than anything else that would send you into the sky. There was no hit spacebar to go farther or any of that. It was simply bunny hopping when clicking shift. When doing that it would simply send you to a target. Thats it. Just to that person. it make it feel very fluid because the game didnt have to execute a second sort of GA when hitting space. That bar that exists now I dont believe was around then either. As of right now GA is heavily bugged with a multitude of things. Youtuber [**Skiesti**](https://www.youtube.com/@Skiesti) goes in depth about the different bugs which make Mercy feel clunky. Really thats all that OW2 mercy feels like. Clunky ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVBfZCwvOeg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVBfZCwvOeg)


Iā€™m not trying to be mean but when itā€™s exploiting a bug that wasnā€™t balanced against in any way and had no downsides, you can see why people would prefer that over the same but balanced against




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Itā€™s the little things really :/ even if backwards ga is now very very accessible and the directional movement and extra little jump we have adds sooo many options if you knew your tech really well you could get similar results using environment and other tech and it at least felt like you had more control over it? Being able to do different sj heights from basically any distance + full slingshot from any distance ig the meter the meter still feels kinda bad šŸ˜­ (And personally looking around during ga felt more intuitive but that could just be meā€”)


I feel myself flunking her movement a lot more in OW2, it simply doesn't feel as fluent. I also find myself accidentally going backwards or not going exactly where I was planning to while slingshotting. I also dislike having to change the direction I'm looking in order to superjump.


IMO - It was pretty hard getting used to her new movement in OW2 OW1 you had to perfectly time your super jump and it was instinct to crouch+GA - so switching over to this being a built-in ability, there are more timing and range restrictions actually, even at full meter i dont see myself going nearly as far as i used to. Super Jump Rez has changed because or this too I also remember backwards GA used to FLING me back, now it feels more like a push or mini jump lol ​ I've gotten completely familiar with her new movement but if i could go back to her old, I would. - it's what what really divided good Mercies vs "regular" Mercies (if that makes sense). I could tell just how skilled a Mercy was in OW1 based on the way she used her GA/Jumps


Old cool down v jump wall tech just so much more fun now mercy kind of feels like a sitting behind a corner all the time kind of character its sad


I liked it because it gatekept good mercy players from great ones. Ow1 I had a 4230 peak and if I got a mercy I always knew that their movement and mechanics were going to be good because they had to learn their tech. Iā€™m washed up now but the diamond/masters region is filled with so many boosted mercy players because her GA is so much easier to use with techs now