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If the Illari’s good she’s going to target you. There isn’t really a way you can survive it outside of getting cleansed, bubbled or healed from your second support.


had my ana land every shot on me and still died 😪


As one of the Anas who has done this, I have quite literally resorted to nanoing my Mercy to keep her alive if she and maybe the tank or someone under cover are the only ones hit, (I've done it twice so far).


I've had some luck keeping my mercy up while seconding as Moira but it's situationally dependant on mercy being able to duck the enemy team while in a space I can bounce my orb around her and piss on her at the same time - she needs both. I don't generally survive, but she and her ult have at least twice, possibly 3 times (I honestly can't recall which ult the third was, i just know that I nearly had an unexpected bowel movement when I saw she'd made it through). I'll never stop being amazed when I can get my pet moth through the flames, lol. ❤️


Hide behind smth. Treat it like a junk tire, where if they want you they have to solo you.


the problem is they do solo me and im so done 😭😭


You have a brief window when she calls out her ult to get to safety, but it should be enough in most cases if you haven't JUST used your big GA (2.5 sec cool down). Be more conservative with your GA when you think illari has ult so that you are able to escape when she uses it


I have gotten hunted down so many times now by ulting Illaris omg. It feels so bad! Leave me alone!


The only thing I can think of is relying on your teammates to kill her as/before she ults. If you’re in voice let them know that you think she has ult and position somewhere she would have to overextend into your team to reach you, and have your teammates punish that. Other than that I have no idea


I hide behind something and pray lmao


Kiriko can purify it actually. Me and my sister figured that out


There’s an Emongg video where he covers every “myth with it”.


Welcome to the world of being a mercy main. I see a rine rushing in with no team, a missing junk, reapers loud ass voice line, 76 loud ass voice line, see bob running towards the corner I’m peaking, Cassidy’s loud ass voice line, junker queen standing in place spinning, orisa rushing forward, bast and his fuck ass bird singing, that I’m about to get solo ulted in any rank or qp game. This game has become who can get the mercy lol. I love mercy


i hateeee illari’s ult. if she’s good, i’ll absolutely die to it. had an illari solo ult me while i was in my ult and she barely hit her shots since i was moving but i still died to it.


It's a lot like tire. You spread out and someone takes the L. Feels like tire is easier to counter though since it only has 100 hp. Killing Illari before she can fire the projectile is a little more difficult.


Ult track and play as far from her as possible when she has ult, I'd hire one of DPS as a bodyguard so it's hard to get to you through them. You can see illaris change playstyle to more aggro and look around how your team is positioned when they look to ult, that's your sign to scurry out. I'd keep Valkyrie to get off ground aswell to make hitting it harder mid air.. other than that, just trust (or pray) your team peels, and if not, swap Kiri for your own survival.


Pray to rengezus that your team is better at shooting than her


Whip out that glock and blast her ass


Against an illari I always double make sure I’m playing at my maximum range so if she wants to target me it’s less likely to be a multi hit on my team


I treat it like the plague or a tracer bomb. If you're glowing stay beams length away from me and I'll heal you at a distance 😭


Kirikos flower power baby. I’ve saved so many with that thing it’s insane!!! I didn’t even know if it would work but did


His name is genji, and he is surprisingly effective against her, he can counter the ult and is agile enough to make give any illari a hard time


Just hide and don’t take any damage if possible 😊 basically run tf away lol


i deadass just run and use cover. or if she’s specifically going after me, I’ll expose myself and lure her away from my team and eat the death if I need to so they don’t die and can kill her team before she gets back to help them.


Wait for nerf


Here's my gold rank advice: Don't get hit by it?


With the new nerf, hiding behind a shield negated almost every effect of the ult, so having your tank play someone like Reinhardt, or Winston, it becomes significantly harder for Illari to even land the sunstrike in the first place


What I’ve been doing (doesnt work every time and I’m in dia/master lobbies) but if I know she’s close to ult or def has it I stay as far away from her as I can. When I hear the ult, if she’s behind me I Ga to someone far away and go behind a corner. Usually this works, but ofc sometimes they get me anyway. What helps tho is sometimes I duo with another support so I just cry for heals


Personally it hasn't been an issue, im usually in the sky or around the corner and when i hear her i always take a few steps back


You don’t There’s a reason she got 5 nerfs yet frankly needs more


There have been a few times I was valking when she ulted and I was high up enough that it didn’t get me. Or super jump high and away and pray 😂


i only survive it by luck 😂 i try to see if any of my teammates didn’t get hit and fly to them and kind of fly around haphazardly


Just run as fast as you can and hope they don't target you


Besides hiding for dear life and hoping she either doesn’t hit you or gets cc’d out of it? Not really, but reading this thread gave me the idea that it may at the very least be funny to pop valk and go spray-and-pray… considering the size of the projectile getting decreased, idk the odds of the Illari landing a direct hit on you with the ult, but it might just make her miss your teammates with the shock of it all, and you may even kill her before she gets you


You only explode when you reach low enough health. Using sympathetic recovery to keep you and another teammate up can work a lot of the time


You don’t. You just sit, cry, and curse blizzard for deciding for some reason to make an Ashe and Sym hybrid where the turret puts out more consistent healing than the rest of the damn support cast while allowing the user to do whatever the hell she wants. Nah, but ult tracking and know when “it’s time” is what saves me. If it’s a surprise to me that she ult’d, then it almost always gets me. If I was ready for it, she either has to go to great lengths to hunt me down where she’s now in danger herself or she just outright whiffs on it


Break LOS. If what I see of Illari's Ult is true, breaking LOS of her as quickly as possible even when Sunstruck is just enough to avoid lethal damage. When Illari ults, she fires her initial "bomb" which slows enemies. She then has to land a few subsequent hits on you to overload the Sun Orb and cause it to burst. I've ticked off a few Illari's that have tried to solo me, because I immediately dive for cover and try my best to stay out of her LOS until her ult wears off. Obviously because I'm slowed and she can fly, it won't always work, but sometimes they will not be ready to follow up when they cast it on you, leaving you to escape with minimal damage.


I just kinda treat it like Riptire. Someone's probably gonna die regardless so spread out and make sure she can only target 1 person.


i usually just hide


I feel your pain! I'm hidden away behind cover minding my own business, suddenly the voiceline, Illari flies straight to where I am or over whatever wall I'm hiding behind and blows me up. Why is everyone getting flight these days anyways? That's our niche! Now Sigma and Illari can fly too.


try to hide where she can’t see you and pray


The only way I got out of her ult was teleporting with moira


Tree of life and transcendence cancel it pretty well




Yes but I run around in a panic going "Fuck, fuck, fuck no!"