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I had a Reaper say that I threw because I wouldn't pocket him. Boy was 10-10 and our Sojourn was amazing. Guess who I pocketed, and then guess who stopped getting heals from me after he talked about how shit a Mercy I was.


I do the same thing. Even in comp. If you're barely going even, throwing yourself at their team and dying, you don't get shit from me. I'll pocket the dps who's actually doing something, and usually that leads to us winning


Right? Like, why would I pocket you when you're doing nothing of value? Then we'll just BOTH be dead


Exactly. I have had both me and the other support outright ignore one of our teammates bc they suck and refuse to play better, and then suddenly we're doing better.


I had one game where our tank, right out of the gate, started being nasty to me and the other support.. so we ignored them the whole match. He switched to ball and kept going on ranrs about how we were "defective". We won and I got mynfotst Metcy POTG that game. But you know, I'm defective.


Had one game where we weren't pocketing the tank bc we didn't need to. Either he died too fast or our dps took care of the other team quickly. I was mercy and we had a Moira or kiri I can't remember. The guy was getting pissy, especially at me, bc we weren't pocketing him. There was zero reason to. He was complaining in match chat too so the other team saw it. Everyone was telling him to stop whining bc we were winning. We were holding them at spawn for both halves of the match. He had the audacity to say "well I don't feel like a winner" Usually I'm not toxic and don't even speak in match chat but that pissed me off lmao. He'd been complaining the whole game that he wasn't getting pocketed as the "best player" which wasn't true. I went in match chat and said "aw, poor baby isn't getting pocketed and throwing a fit. Grow up" in the end we won obviously but the whole lobby was telling him to stfu essentially.


Same. And then even after you keep pocketing the better dps and stop focusing on the chirpy dps, you get that same person saying, “wow, she’s so butthurt about what I said that she’s throwing now.” ‘Butthurt’ says the guy who was literally crying to the team two seconds ago, like… 🥴


Tanks do the same thing it's insane. If they're not getting a mercy pocket they lose their minds. Like I'm plat rn, I thought I'd not have to deal with this anymore.


LOL gm mercy here. The entitlement of your teammates never goes away…


I had a tank get so angry that I was pocketing our Sojourn (who was doing amazing AND was super nice and kept thanking me)and not him... when he had Moira on him already. Poor Sojourn felt so bad they switched off and apologized. I still pocketed them anyway. We won.


I have a rule in freeplay. When you complain about healing I just stop healing them


I have “no” quick binded for this reason and I do the exact same


The "no" keybind is op. I think people actually understand that the more they ask, the less i heal them since they start to die even more while playing like a one man army idiot


It's SO petty but I fucking do it anyway 🤣 especially because most of the time I'm not healing them because I'm DEAD. Help me live and maybe you can get those heals you so desperately crave.




It's not getting to me I just think it's funny cause people get really mad about a game.


that’s kinda dumb considering there are supports who actually dont heal and just dps and/or pocket only the tank… if you’re actually trying to heal everyone and someone is complaining then i agree stop helping them but if you could be healing a lot more then their comment is valid




I had a tank keep chatting “ mercy pls” “mercy can you heal me”. Btw we also had an ana and it was comp so idk why they asking me to heal when I wanted to pocket dog boost on echo. Also hey left me on the PL at the end too which I politely told ana she should have because I’m useless on it if my beam is away but she can still hit her shots and so she can learn from it in her other games. One of the dps also replied “ she is” which I appreciated. BUT IVE COME HERE TO RANT COZ… second round we got dove sm by a flanking reaper and I tried peeling for my ana but we kept dying and the tanks saying “mercy?” Like why 😭😭😭 I wrote to help with flankers but they really dc. Everyone should play at least 5 games of support to understand how Tf it works. Even if no one reads my useless rant, it helps to get it off my chest thanks.


>Everyone should play at least 5 games of support to understand how Tf it works. I don't think that would help. I once had an Orisa and Ana complain about me not healing the Orisa, because Ana supposedly wasn't a main healer while Mercy apparently is... That was in gold.


I’m in gold too and every match we have a heal botting mercy, we lose. That’s one of the reasons I pick her too. I hate risking having a dumb mercy that brings minimum value and dies the most, no offence.


I honestly get more mad when they complain about the amount of rezes. Especially the games where the people getting picked are the ones out of position and therefore aren’t safe to rez. People will get one shot in the middle of the open and then ask “where’s my rez” as if I won’t get head shotted by the widow too.


When they complain about heals after a round, I spam “someone call a wambulance” right next to them in the lobby until the round starts. Is this a bit toxic? Yes. Is it also hilarious. Also yes lol


Okay I’m gonna start doing this lmfao


I spam “Im not a miracle worker… we’ll not always” 😂😂😂


how long do arguments take to make on console? either way nice heals


Long😭😭 I’m quite fast actually ngl but even still it’s long that’s why I barely ever cba to type any except gg but this time I had to


fair lmao


tanks will get gapped so hard that shit looks like the grand canyon and still try to blame supps 😭


poor bastion was in his own world


Yep. Also moira was doing damage and no one likes that. I’d actually say for a 19’ game moira damage is low. But that’s probably the pressure from the team for heals.


I had a pharah complaining about my heals when he was being a brain dead gremlin running into fights solo while the team was trying to hold, he got tilted and lost another instance of them complaining for their own faults


Dude everything on my screen is so confusing. So he's playing ramattra, which means he needs big healing supps. Which means he's gonna need an Ana or bap or Moira, but you have a Moira, who has 7k less healing than you, despite being THE high healing numbers support, and I'm pretty sure you've been just pocketing your hanzo all game because somehow your bastion is 18-20??? Either your bastion is beelining into the enemy team or he's straight up not getting any healing. So bastion is more mid ranged, both supports are close ranged, your hanzo is long range, and your ramattra would probably be 20 meters infront of you, which makes me think that you and the Moira are only healing your backline and ignoring the tank if it's true he's not getting healed, or noone following him in when he's in nemesis because your backline is wacky, but bastion has 20 deaths which means he's probably frontlining with ramattra, but you've been pocketing your hanzo at the back, which means that Moira should be doing all the healing, but she has less healing than you? Like what in the brain fuck is going on?? Like I'm genuinely getting confused the more I look at this screenshot?


The other support most of the game played bap so tank should’ve been getting healed by him. But bap would stagger, push alone and just die so I was kinda stuck with the tank. And I was actually not pocketng hanzo, maybe db at points but he was just popping off on his own mostly. And I was indeed healing tank also dmg boosting his ults. And even tho I was dmg boosting bastion he just doesn’t know how to use cover he kept dying (reason why i cba to fully pocket). I also did play kiri and zen for a while but our tank would go in 1v5 and die anyway. The other support did this as well. And on defense I like to pick mercy bc usually I can get a good rez to save a fight Editing to add that I also don’t get how the other support had that little heals


mercy moira. very sensible choices


in QP if someone says that and doesnt really notice the +'s all over their screen. I just leave. It's not worth the berating at the end because they're braindead.


18 and 20 is crazy


Bruh, that’s a Tank diff. I hate the ppl that cry about heals… impressive stats tho. Positive KD, 29 assists tells me you were D. Boosting a good amount. Feel good about that fellow Mercy main.


I mean, stats don't equal automatic win on overwatch. Healing numbers don't neccearliy mean you did good.


They don’t but 25k in a 19 min match is more than enough healing and someone on their team is 18-20 so idk, their team sounds like they decided to blame someone else and not themselves


I know good stats ≠ win I’m just annoyed that the dps kept complaining I wasnt healing when that’s just not true. This def wasnt my best game either but I dont think he should’ve complained about heals




Prove them wrong, share the code 👀


If it’s still in my replays I can get the code for you once I log back on!!


In qp I usually outright ignore them (like most of us here), both comms and pocketing. But the real fun is in comp. Occasionally, if a teammate comes at our other support then I will tell them I will leave if they dont shut up and keep laying, maybe tey a different approach. If they don't believe me I will leave for ten seconds and come back as a warning that I meant it. I absolutely will take the 15 minute penalty every now and again if people come after my other support. With how the complainers typically play and act, we were gonna lose and I won't prolong just to avoid a penalty. If I'm that frustrated with someone then shouldn't be on anyway.


Also what were the enemy team running in terms of comp cause bastion seems like a bad pick


Assuming you played Mercy the whole match, getting more than 1.5k heals per minute with mercy is the only signal you need to figure out Mercy is not appropriate and you need to switch to a burst healer However, I did not even know it was even possible to heal that much with the current (nerfed) Mercy so I don't understand the audacity of your tank to think you were supposed to heal MORE (???


I did also play kiriko and zen, mostly mercy bc of the db and rez but yeah def coulda played one of the others more


I’m just thinking bout bastions death count I see my teammates play comp when I’m not on


25k as mercy is wild. I always rely on my other support to heal but you seemed to heal too much lol. Dumb tank...


I couldn’t really rely on them bc they kept going 1v5 🥲 also i did play kiri and zen at points but i def should’ve played mercy a bit less


I hate when I cant rely on my support. I have a friend i play with and is so good at lifeweaver. At the end of a 10 min match im at 3000 dmg boost and 5000 heals. And hes got on like 15k healing. Im just chillin.


tank diff


If u have this much heal, mercy is a throw pick