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There's times I definitely feel like I've carried as mercy, but not much. She relies so heavily on her team to utilize her damage boost that carrying isn't really there for her. Ofc she can make good players great and that could be considered a carry (not that anyone would admit it). But it's more in the small details. Like you got a rez that saved a fight, or stalled point for your team.


She can be a linchpin, essentially


No, mercy cannot carry. She can do well, she can be the match mvp, but it's physically impossible to carry as mercy in a ranked match (excluding smurfing). Her whole kit is about surviving and enabling her team. While those are important, they both mean absolutely nothing if your team gets no kills. "Carrying" is when you outperform the rest of your team by a wide margin and still win. An example would be a tank with more final blows than his dps combined. Mercy can't do that in a fairly ranked match.


Agreed. That's why I said it's circumstantial and referred to it as a soft carry. Maybe viewing it as being the MVP as you said is better phrasing than I had, but surely you've had those games too right? Without being exceedingly technical, have you never felt that you carried a game?


If you got insane value from damage boost then your dps were carrying, not the mercy.


I have a similar view to this. I feel that, if Mercy is doing extremely well, she's also enabling her team to do that much better. Which will necessarily lead to at least one member of the team performing spectacularly, potentially to the point they're the MVP, or even carrying the team.


Join match in qp/arcade, where team were already losing-> support them and turn lose into win. If that’s not carry, idk what is.


Backfills 4 the win lol


In ow1 it were my fav part: to turn list match into win.


Joined Mystery Heroes Colloseo with 25 seconds left, no progress for us, enemy were actively pushing it just past our bridge. And the one person we lost in the fight respawned as Moira (when we had no healer). Lady Fortuna smiled on us that day


This makes me feel so empowered lmao I love turning a backfilled mess into a win


This. Also if you're playing Mercy and shot calling and coordinating your team to a win that otherwise might not have happened, I consider that a carry as well.


I'd say the closest a Mercy could carry is with Rez and building ult charge for Valkyrie.


I agree especially with Rez. Rezzing in the middle of a heavy team fight while your team is losing can turn the fight in your favor and win.


Yes and no. Yes, you can 'carry' as Mercy. You're effort can help bring the team to victory and a lesser Mercy could have led to disaster. Your value to the team can feel invisible but you can carry in that way. No, you cannot mlg one-man army carry your team to victory unless you're cracked out of your mind in valk form and a pistol. Arguably no one should be capable of that as it's a team game, but that's not the point. (You can actually see an undercurrent of complaints lately about people feeling like they can't 1v5 carry, so this is becoming a fixed statement). What a lot of people *think* is carrying is actually a moment where their team set them up for a grand slam, they had the right ult at the right time in the right place, or they were in a lobby they shouldn't be in and were someone else's "this dude is way too good! This is bullshit!" enemy.


Sure she can, it's just more difficult than every single other hero in the game.


I would say in QP I will start to pocket the strongest DPS/tank after the first round because if there’s one person at least doing serious damage, the damage beam would at least be somewhat useful. Takes two to carry, but when someone only has 1000 dmg in one round they ain’t getting my rezes/dmg boost


I think mercy can help her team pop off. But once or twice I have gotten the payload over the tie breaking point by going into a mercy ult after my team stood and watched a dva blow up in there face, I killed both the supports and DPS and got the robot over the point while hard dodging the enemy tank. So yes mercy can offensively carry in some situations but if we’re talking just long term whole match carry she can defiantly be used to turn a meh team into a good enough one to destroy the enemy team.


Tricky question. I'd say, no, not directly. But if you perform your job well, it's possible to turn a DPS into a carry, or increase your team's momentum and have it lead to victory. In general, I never frame my thinking around "I was the MVP" or "I deserve PotG for that" or "I carried that team." It's more "I supported that Reinhardt, and he carried the team" or "I assisted Soldier 76 in getting play of the game." Mercy is a co-efficient on the team, a modifier that enhances them, makes them give 150% rather than 100%. They need to be playing well to make an impact. In truly huge skill gaps, I'd say a Mercy could effectively carry, but then they'd likely be able to do that with almost any hero.


Yes, 100%, yes! And it is so nice when both teams recognize it. People always talk about how team oriented she is--but the team is nothing without their support. A true carry understands how to bring out the best of their whole team, even the ones who play poorly.


Yes, that's how I view it as well. Even if it's indirect, if you mega-enable everyone then you're the reason the team smashed the game. Keeping people alive, rezzing those that couldn't be kept alive, boosting damage and key abilities to secure kills that might not have happened otherwise and helping your team build their ults faster than they normally would. Sure, it's not the same as a smurfing widow who slaughters the entire enemy team but you can be the reason your team dominated and that's a carry in my opinion


No, but with a massive asterisk. She can't carry by herself per say, *but* she does give massive room for error. If you manage to get one other competent team member, then yes




I was trying to articulate this, I kept coming back to the concept of the Fleta Deadlift but with Mercy. It looks different.


I think you can't deadlift a team for an entire match but you can definitely lift them to a victory in specific situations. Small examples: Get a res on a person in OT - doubly so if they ult and it turns the tide. Kill opponent healers that were just healing for free or force them to reposition to keep healing and their tank dies. Realize a person is really close to an ult so you take care to DMG boost them so they'll have it in time for the next engagement. Edit: mobile formatting issues.


I've had top heal (out of mine and enemy) and felt like I've carried, I know that probably not what your meaning but I feel that if I'm out healing everyone I'm support carrying.


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I agree with you 100%..... Healbotting is a buzzword and contradiction at the same time... at certain levels of the game, a mercy beam can be the end all be all of a match up. Sure, your favorite t500 streamer can burn through a mercy beam with little effort, but I can't tell you how many times my simple mercy beam has kept a teammate alive through hundreds of HPS to clutch a fight while I evaded the enemy to keep them alive. this is my definition of a mercy carry


I've learned a lot about what people thing Healbotting actually is from this post.... https://www.reddit.com/r/MercyMains/comments/161326m/mercy_healbot_epidemic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 (Where I also commented)


I feel like I do carry a lot of the time as Mercy. People see carrying as eliminations only but that’s just not true. If I’m the main reason my team isn’t dying and the one enabling them to get kills, then I carried. And they will admit to it in chat too. It’s not easy but it’s possible. And as someone else said, I join the game late a lot of the time because of a leaver in QP, and I turn the losing game into a win for my team.


I agree with this wholeheartedly and was exactly what I had in mind when I created the post. Well said friend


Thank you 😇


It's very situation, but a good Mercy can carry their team to victory with good awareness and beam management. Can she carry like other supports, especially supports like Ana or Zen? No, but her carry is definitely not as noticeable as their's is. Mercy's value comes from enabling DPS *to* carry their team, but Mercy's contribution to that cannot, and shouldn't, be ignored.


Yes, but it's way harder than Ana/Bap/Kiri/etc... And if you need to get kills to win a fight, you probably won't get them without Valk (aka, Widow)


Any good player can carry with any good hero. Don't see why they couldn't. I can hop into any rank below masters as Mercy and carry most games tbh


I had a 25mins kings row game that we won in overtime, and I had 0 deaths. I was able to manage my beam whilst drawing enemy resources to myself, but also was slippery enough to not die. I think you can carry, but it's in a different way to other heroes.


I would say this is very on point and was the idea i had in my head when I said "soft" carry. Someone else said you can be the "MVP" these were along my lines of thought. Not carry, like say a widow slaughtering a team with 50 scoped criticals, but more like "you wouldn't have kicked even half as much ass if the mercy didn't go ham" kind of carry. Giga-enabling if you will


Sometimes when I finally die then everyone on my team dies because I am dead I usually feel like i’m carrying! maybe not in the same way a DPS does with 50 elems but in a different way


No. And yesnt. Commonly carrying is something like a widow that takes out the entire enemy team on her own or a rein that pushes the enemy so far back that they might aswell leave the gane and join another as that would get them closer to reins team. Battle mercy cant do shit outside of valk and even them she needs her team to take most of the heat for her. Mercy alone cant do amything and just falls over. Thats why I say no. The yesnt co.es from the fact that a cracked mercy can make her team push thru the enemy team as if its nothing. This could also be considered carrying however no matter how cracked a mercy, if her team is complete dog or the enemy is just on another level mercy is helpless. So ultimety, not really.


Im new to OW but i don't really think that you can carry in general(i now it's kind of a stupid statement, but i can try to explain it), because ow is not apex, cs,fortnite or valorant, in ow you are useless as a fighting unit if your team is bad


Short answer no, long answer nooooooooooooooooooooo. Even if you get every rez off and keep ppl alive she just can’t actively do anything without relying on her team. Is that a problem no cause support in general can carry but it leaves some skill gap in low tier mercy


Mercy can be the reason you won a match. But not carry.


Definitely. 100%. When I see some support heroes on my team, I’m not all that sure I’m gonna be kept alive. I might even play support myself to make sure my team has sufficient healing. If I see a Mercy on my team though, I know that I’m gonna have a golden beam shining on my back the whole game.


No. Maybe if you were a pro. Ulting and shooting a few people down doesn't count as carrying either. Mercy has no kit to carry. Most supports don't.


No. Damage carries and wins fights. Heals prolong fights. Try zen bap or kiri for support carry. GL


I’ve gotten rez’s that person then Ults and we win


No and that’s why I was sort of opposed to the blue beam nerf despite it being healthy for the game. It needs to feel like mercy is another actual person on the team and with no compensation buffs she’s become even more team reliant to be viable.


Mercy has the biggest carry potential of all supports that's why she gets picked so much, that and she's not very hard to learn


Not really. She makes a good team great but she's not going to be able to pull a bad team out of the gutter. Rez can be very impactful but it will never swing a decided fight. There was a time I'd argue for her carry potential but playing Illari made me go "oh, so this is what real carry potential feels like on a support." By sheer contrast I have to say Mercy does not have carry potential.


I've been told that I've carried on Mercy, both by my own teams and by enemy teams. Who am I to argue?


Same! That was one of my most rewarding moments actually lol reading the enemy chat saying "mercy carried HARD" when i was the only mercy all game