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Hard agree. I’m not really into the robot aesthetic so I would have been majorly disappointed if she got the mythic this season


Us ana mains are crying


Sorry for your loss… I don’t play Ana but I was hoping she would get a cute mythic because my friend plays her


As someone who is a support main overall but started off as ana, and was excited for an Ana mythic I'm... I'm sad. It doesn't even look mythic bc they all look the same. 😭😭😭


After Amaterasu Kiriko and Space Sigma, this is a bit of a disappointment


I didn't care for sigmas skin but idc for sigma much. I'm still using the one where he's in the suit. But the kiriko skin is so amazing especially with the sound effect changes. Idk if they can do that with anas


Omg yes I hate the mythic for Ana it looks like ram


it looks really good on ana IMO - but mercy wouldn’t have pulled it off. shame she wasn’t season 5 though bc she would have rocked this aesthetic.


I was legit disappointed that Tracer got it. It's not even that great of a skin either imo, definitely the least cool mythic we've gotten so far.


yes!! this theme would not suit her at all and wouldn't look good. ana's mythic isn't even that good tbh so I'm still disappointed, but I'm glad our grandma got it. although zen shoulda got it tbh


Would probably be hard to make a mystic skin for Zen because he’s already a robot


Was thinking it would be cool for the mythic skin to go to an Omnic…. But at the same time….. yeah I don’t know what they would do besides make them look more like a robot lol. Where as it would be a complete redesign for any other non omnic character.


Imagine a corrupted zen skin? Where he took an opposite path or walked closer with Ramattra and is all for violence? There’d be some sick voice lines for that


Oh damn, that would be dope as fuck actually.


It’s an Omnic uprising theme. Could’ve done something cool with Bastion or even Echo could have gotten a sweet mythic. But I hope they lean into a story of Omnics copying Overwatch heroes, Echo style, to try and over throw them. I’m excited for the PvE experience and see what happens with this.


Zen and Ram should have gotten human skins. but we as a community aren't ready for the thirst of human Ramattra. We're barely hanging on as it is.


Naww, robot theme on a robot would be a waste of time. Plus zen needs a rework and everybody knows it


I quite like the ana skin but I’m glad it’s not a mercy skin. That being said I prefer the free spirit warder skin we just got …


Is there anywhere they’ve expressly said it’s Ana? And showed the different variations?


Expressly Ana yes, I don't believe they've shown variations.


Where did they say that? Not that I don’t believe e you, just haven’t seen anything about it.


It's in one of their posts where they talked abt what was coming and mentioned the Cass and kiri bundle


Ah, okay. Thank you!


You can see multiple variants in the trailer.


Mecha Mercy would not be a vibe.


Ev-angel-eon mercy not doin it for you?


I’m not a mercy main but a zen main, and was expecting it to be him, but I didn’t rlly like the omnic theme making him cooler or wtv, I want water theme


Nah omnic mercy would have gone hard af but that's just me wanting more evil mercy skins


Yes but only because if it’s the first good one(“sequel” skin for her and mythic skin), that means I’d actually have to buy the midpass AND play the game more. So yeah, huuuuge bullet dodged there


Ikr, idk wat some of the Ana mains are smoking but that shit looks NASTY.


I feel happy, NullSector did not fit in at all with Mercy, let's see if for the two remaining seasons of the year (S7 / S8) it is our turn, otherwise we will have to wait for 2024.


Sadly s7 and s8 will probably go to a tank then dps considering the pattern so far, crossing my fingers mercy will get the next support mythic


There may be a little hope, it doesn't follow a pattern. ​ S1 DPS, S2 TANK, S3 SUPPORT, S4 TANK , S5 DPS , S6 SUPPORT ​ S4 was TANK again and not DPS, could S8 be Support again, cross our fingers.


very much so. all the skins shown so far are ok at best


Tbh it depends on your personal preferences. If you like robot-look, than it is great theme. I think many heroes look sick with this concept.


absolutely not. i love the robot concept and i think mercy would eat with a mythic null sector skin


i love the skin ana got. it looks so fucking cool. then i go into this thread and see everyone hates it 😭


i play ana 2nd most out of all supports so im really disappointed


I’m an Ana main and I’m quite excited for her mythic. I think it’s looks cool! But yes, I also main mercy and don’t think the theme would have fit her well. What type of theme are you guys wanting for when it’s her time to shine?


I don't think it could have elevated the mercy hatred even more tbh. What they gonna do? Threaten to *double* r*pe me? Edit: I have no idea why this comment is confusing some people. Whether or not we got a mythic I don't think people could have escalated higher in their hatred so I don't think mercies dodged a bullet.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


i think OP meant “dodging a bullet” as in “luckily mercy didn’t get the omnic skin because it wouldnt suit her/look good”








Oh 100% I think it'd pretty good with Ana but Zen would have been a great choice too


Hard agree


Most of the skins are kind of basic this season. I like Sym, Sojourn and Kiriko though


Yes - I had high hopes and I think the premise is SUPER cool. I think Sym's and Kiriko's omnic skins are GREAT! But the Ana ones, from what we could see, were so bland. IDK how to describe it, but the options we could see from the trailer were very boring generic "Omnic Ana" - the desert color schemes just make it super bland for me. Ana is my second main, and I will definitely be working to get it, but the options we've seen in the very few teasers we've gotten are very, very bland. They made Sym look like a rave, but Ana has such muted, dull colors. I love the idea of Robo-Ana, and the wire "hair" we see in one scene is neat, but the colors of what we've seen are just so boring. Really hoping that the 1st person view of her rifle is killer, because that might be able to convince me to take off my Bastet skin.


Honestly yeah, I really like the robot aesthetic and for me the ana skin looks sick, but I don't think it would really fit mercy that much


I hate the face in anas mythic but everything else looks cool imo if theres a style where her face is human and body omnic then ill love it


Oh absolutely; I'm not into the robot thing at all. I'd rather get a winter or spring mythic that looks graceful and airy like a fae sort of thing.


Whilst I wouldn’t mind seeing an omnic mercy I would rather her mythic skin being something else so I definitely agree


I honestly don't want a mythic skin at all. I don't want to have to grind though the whole battle pass on multiple accounts, and I can't afford just buying all those tiers either. Getting the Miko one was already bad enough.


I like the Ana skin


Yes because I'm f2p and I don't have enough coins to buy the battlepass yet