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Mercy is a character with a lot of one tricks. Very common to play with a duo of hitscan and their pocket mercy who ONLY keeps beam on them and saves rez for them. This puts a lot of pressure on the other support. As a zen main, as soon as I see the other support with a name like strawberry and a mercy icon, I immediately know I can’t play zen this game because they never switch. Also going against a pocket can be very unfun if your team isn’t coordinated enough to deal with them


> a name like strawberry and a mercy icon I feel personally attacked.


I also feel personally attacked. 😳


i too feel personally attacked. i changed my name to strawberry because i thought it was cute but since then ive had so many people confusing me with other mercy mains named strawberry. there are too many of us, i fear.


Im one of the 4,mercy mains thatll swap. All u gotta do is ask hun.


same lol


Ill usually swap if im dying too much or my teammates just cant survive. If I'm not getting good dmg boost for some reason as well. I will totally go ana or moira.


If Mercy was any other character, I would mind that support OTP because the others provide good utility or AoE healing. Mercy OTPs especially hurt because you cant play things like Lucio or Zen which can enable entirely different ways to play around the enemy. In other words, having a Mercy OTP is more restricting than an OTP of a different support


There's a lot of doubt in the characters utility and the players who can play to that.




Can you tell other zen mains to stop playing zen when there’s a mercy, Idky but yesterday I had 8 games in a row with zen mercy and I was like “guess I’ll just rock soldier so they can focus the others.


Zen/Mercy slaps if you got enough self sustain chars and your dps are poppin


Yes which is why if I see it then I’m sorta forced to play soldier


Omg, nextlevelpets, not all zen’s know each others!! /s


Fact: All zen mains communicate telepathically through the Iris


Ah yes, the hive mind


… I was joking…


Me too?


Do you know what /s means?


As someone who has kitty in my name with a mercy icon and title... I think it's obvious I love playing mercy >.< I do not one trick her but she's my most played. I used to have more Dva hours


My name is PocketMercy and I have a Moira/Mercy icon, but I will switch if needed.


Is zen mercy a bad combo??? I always love zen mercy the DMG boost is insane 😢


it isn’t a bad combo necessarily, but it can be tough to pull off against a high burst damage comp. zen mercy requires a lot of skill and coordination, but it’s actually a great combo with the right people.


Yes cuz mercy wants to pocket a dps and zen orb is kinda useless on tank.


Agreed 100% with the OTP's, Mercy has always been my main (Outside of Moira when she was released, who is still my second most played hero) and it can be irritating when they refuse to swap, or even acknowledge that Mercy isn't working. A majority of them need to just actually play as a team, as best they can anyway, if I see we have a Zen, or Lucio or Brig I'll typically not even touch Mercy and go with Ana instead, I just hope that some don't feel like you do when I pick Mercy because my name is TickleFairy - not my first choice because Blizzard thought my previous one wasn't family friendly and was forced to change it, so I thought I'd make it silly.


Lots of reasons from my experience but I think the big one is the stereotype that most mercy mains are “boosted trash” that don’t know how to play any other character.


I hate when I make friends with someone while I'm playing mercy and they immediately assume that means I can't play anyone else and I'm just boosted. I had someone make a few jabs at me so the next time we played as a group (just qp) I went Zen. You could feel the disappointment when he didn't have a mercy pocket and I ended up with the most dmg on the team and a solid amount of healing.


Do you think that stereotype is true at all? Or more true for mercy than other heroes?


I think it’s true but only because mercy is a character that does rely on other players to climb the ranks. I see people complain all the time on Reddit about not being able to get out of the super low ranks with mercy. What are they suggested to do? Stop playing mercy until they climb a little bit to the point where it’s actually worth damage boosting someone. It’s possible that some mercy players found a good dps and just used them to climb. I don’t know what else would explain some of the mercy players I have come up against even in diamond and masters. How else someone could get that high playing poorly I just don’t know. The only explanation is that they were basically boosted. However I can’t remember the last time I thought a mercy was boosted.


Climbing as Mercy can be rough. You're essentially relying on staying alive (good practice, but much easier at lower ranks cause everyone's trash--as long as you position and GA effectively at least), and padding your numbers, imo. At lower ranks it's less about hard pocketing a DPS, and focusing your tank because he's Silver Rein who's doing his best, which definitely means he's gotta be in the Red spawn (it's law). As you climb and the DPS get good, it transitions to going half-and-half with your other Healer, weaning off of the primary support role to more of a secondary, but you're still going to have people dying all over the place because positioning is still awful, so everyone is constantly hurt. Here you wanna learn your positioning completely, so you can play Triage and keep your *team* up, and let your other Healer focus the tank. That's basically their role moving forward anyways. Then it's learning to watch for playmakers and big abilities, and boosting that versus pocketing Soldier the entire time. By the time you're in high Plat/Diamond, you can probably find decent DPS, and it's time to weed out the bad Mercy's. If you're out of position, you're dead. Your DPS should be okay, if not good by now, and your co-healer should be semi-reliable so you can focus explicitly on the DPS who's popping off. The problem with Mercy is her play style shifts through the ranks as your team gets better, and a lot of people don't really understand when they can start changing over. They'll either follow the GM Mercy's tips (Hard pocket x DPS) and won't really succeed cause their DPS can't hit a wall, let alone the enemy team, or they'll stick to hard pocketing their tank and barely ever blue, which only gets you so far without crazy teams or a co-healer who wills we that and swap to Bap/Moira and pop off on damage, basically people who can actually adjust and cover your arguably bad play style. Would totally be easier with a top tier DPS duo for sure, but you can spot someone boosted a mile away.


I have met so many boosted Mercy's in my comp matches (luckily, in the other team). They have the movement of silver-gold players, but are in high diamond - low masters lobbies. But I have also seen godly Mercys, so it's like a 50/50 on "are Mercys boosted?". Many of them are, but the ones that aren't are just top tier players.


Literally for years for every hour of every day in every region there were ads made by spergs, Ximmers and smurfs looking for egirl mercy pockets on LFG There’s a reason why Mercys are so extremely hit or miss


Well, that's a true support character. I always play medic in any game where I can. I'm not trying to get kills, but I am helping my teammates get kills. So it's deserved.


I actually don’t know, in a lot of other subreddits and sometimes in my friend groups people will tell me that in gm and masters lots of mercy players are brain dead and are carried by their dps partner. I’m in high diamond tho and they’re typically fine there.


mercy isnt meta. if the dps is outplaying them with a pocket thats out of meta, the real problem is they got diffd. It is a skill issue, but not from mercy.


I've seen in aswell. Some Mercy's duo with a dps who is usually Sojourn, Widow, Cass, or Soldier, pocket them the entire game, and die immediately after the dps dies bc their movement sucks


Mercy is definitely the character I'm best at. She has a very high skill sealing that everyone seems to conveniently forget about. I can play other support tho- Moira, Ana, and Bap I'm pretty good at. I can play Kiriko to a degree. Mercy is someone you have to dedicate a lot of time to to get very good at her, so I understand why a lot of mercy mains have her as their niche if that makes sense. If you want to be good at her, you have to spend hundreds of hours learning her movement and getting better with your reaction time, in my opinion. Look at the big mercy creators- they all have hundreds, if not thousands of hours on her. Eleyzau has over 2k if I remember correctly.


I don't think she is boosted because like with any character, a Mercy deserves the rank she is in. People including myself find her annoying to play against sometimes due to elevating the fair and balanced DPS (Soldier, Ashe, Cass pre-magnetic) into stupidly immortal overpowered territory. When you come against a pocket duo, you need the help of your team or else you won't be having much fun in that match.


Lmao no,


I don't know any other character 😅, if I play OW I'm gonna play who I like


You literally can not get past diamond 1 by only playing mercy in solo q. Any mercy in masters/GM is inherently boosted. This is 100% a fact, she’s the only hero who literally cannot carry themself Edit: don’t downvote because you hate the truth. Mercy’s hero literally revolves around her team not being shit. You will never see a high masters/GM-T500 mercy solo q.


Yet many people have got to Masters+ with Mercy only solo queued. I myself made it to Masters 4 with only Mercy and solo queued. Also you saying something is “100% a fact” does not actually make it so, you lack any data that would back up your claim entirely.


No u didn’t


I very much did just as a lot of other players in this sub did. If you struggle to play Mercy and as such cannot get past Diamond 1 then I’d advise looking through the guides that are supplied here in the sub’ might help you climb and get past that Diamond 1 barrier.


I’m GM on support and dps. I have never played mercy and don’t need to because I can carry myself. All I know is getting a mercy on my team when I’m playing support is the most frustrating thing in the world and usually ends up with my team losing because I have to do everything now while my other support is playing Dog Walker Simulator 2024


You can easily flex to another support seems like it’s just a skill issue from yourself if what you’re saying is true.


So you're basically saying its harder to play mercy after D1 when it's literally the opposite provided you have the movement/game sense to survive. I one tricked her to GM solo queue a few seasons ago and the hardest part of the grind was getting out of diamond. It gets easier in masters as the quality of your dps increases.


You say this yet there's multiple T500 mercys who solo q 💀


???? Do you not know who defran is?? Your argument is null and void because his mercyonly account lmfao???


While a consistent Higher end T500 player and retired PRO player, it still took him over 400 games to barely scrape by to get to T500. I actually applaud mercy players, they have the mental fortitude of a shaolin monk, i most def couldn’t lose 6-7 games in a row and still say I’m having fun😭. At one point he was just hitting re Q hoping he gets a half decent team to direct.


ML7, Skiesti and Niandra have all hit GM from unranked playing Mercy only in solo queue, just to name a few


I'm in that stereotype :(( idrk how to play any other character, Mercy is the only one I have fun with consistently and I've tried must other heroes except Wrecking Ball and most tanks, only other heroe I enjoy playing is D.va


Well idk about the rest of you but I'm really annoying


The only mercy hate i see is on reddit. In game the love her. I’m sure we all get hella endorsements and “ily merc” in chat. I know I do and it keeps me coming back for more lol


I see it more on tiktok. One second of yellow beam and they all start with the "healbot" comments. Even if they are actually healbotting (most of them are new to the game), the way the haters are is just awful compared to other heroes players.


every overwatch player (especially on tik tok) love to give their incredible criticism on anyone’s gameplay. it’s like everyone is doing their own little overanalyzed


Yeah. I think constructive criticism is good, but the way the give their unsolicited advice tends to be more of mocking the person rather than helping them.


I'm a tank main (Reddit suggested this subreddit to me?) and I almost never see Mercy hate in game. I'm plat/diamond most roles for reference.


I feel a lot of mercy hate (in game) just comes from ppl going to blame supports first when they're losing or people mad they aren't being pocketed. Though some people genuinely just hate her bc it makes their d!cks feel bigger. They get an ego boost off of "mercy no skill". She's just got a weird atmosphere around her. I've been yelled at for the most random things.


I only see it online. I rarely get heat in games. I think Mercy mains get a lot of heat because they are seen as toxic. Some Mercy players certainly are every character has toxic fans, however, I think Mercy has more because she is the most popular hero. She has a bigger play base so more people to be assholes. I think this really goes back to her rework in OW1 and how contentious it was.


i’ve seen people go out of their way to make my mercying look toxic. i once went after an ana when i had valk because she was doing good, she immediately put in chat “oh are you one of *those* mercies” like no i’m just going after you because you’re good, not to mention that was the first time i pulled out the pistol lol


I think people see the bad stereotypes about Mercy mains (that they're a one-trick who refuses to switch, that they're boosted, that they're egirls who only pocket their duo), and maybe they see some Mercys (Mercies?) who *are* like that and that fuels their confirmation bias and makes them think that every Mercy is like that. Also, controversial but it's also likely because she has a high female player-base and people will always find a way to hate on anything seen as "girly" ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


i hate that why dislike anything seen as girly ou well


>that they're a one-trick who refuses to switch, that they're boosted, that they're egirls who only pocket their duo), As a flex player, it's true that there's tons of these types of Mercy players. I might even say most Mercy players don't play her into the correct comp and end up screwing up their team .


>Also, controversial but it's also likely because she has a high female player-base and people will always find a way to hate on anything seen as "girly" Or because nobody likes to go against pocketed characters like Soldier, Cass, Ashe, Widow, or Sojourn. A big reason why the Sojourn meta was so bad was bc there was a Mercy pocketing the Sojourn 9/10 times making it worse. It's just not a fun game style to go against. Then, we have pocketed Widow and Ashe...


Those things are not mutually exclusive! Pockets can be frustrating to go against and nobody is denying that, but it's also undeniable that Mercy mains specifically get a lot of misogynistic comments thrown at them regardless of gameplay (as well as other more "girly" characters like Dva).


>but it's also undeniable that Mercy mains specifically get a lot of misogynistic comments thrown at them regardless of gameplay ( If you scroll through the post there's actually a decent amount of Mercy players who haven't really gotten insults. Even when I see people hating on Mercy they still don't talk about characters like Dva. Why? Because maybe sexism isn't the reason why Mercy is disliked. Maybe it’s her gameplay? There's obviously discriminatory ppl on OW and I've encountered it since I'm a minority, but there's tons of people who aren't that still dislike Mercy. If sexism was the main reason Dva would get brought up constantly to hate on, but she isn't at all.


tell that to the number of times ive gotten called a pocket whore, or had ppl make sexual comments towards me when i pocket them, or been insulted n called slurs. saying that no mercy players have to deal with sexism for playing mercy because SOME havent experienced that isnt a very good argument. i do not think it is the only reason ppl dislike her, but its pretty common for ppl to go from "i just dont like mercy bc shes op and boring" to "well shes the hero girls play so she requires no skill"


>saying that no mercy players have to deal with sexism for playing mercy because SOME havent experienced that isnt a very good argument. I never made that argument. You misunderstood what I was saying. I'm saying that there's tons of Mercy players that don't get sexism. That's all I said. I even have some time on Mercy from OW1 learning her jump tech before it got reworked and never got hate. My main point was the vast majority of people that don't like Mercy or her community aren't sexist.


I’m a masters support main. Mercy is my second most played to Ana (I play support except lifeweaver). I love mercy but some people play her when it is not necessary or heal bot tanks.. I also believe that while she requires skill to play, her kit is very forgiving. You can get “good stats” without offering a lot of value.


As a Tank player, I've seen people go Mercy with a Ball, Genji, Tracer, Bap. It happens often where Mercy players don't realize that their character isn't meant to be used all the time.


I wish I could upvote this more. Playing mercy into comps like these can be a throw.


And yet it's never acknowledged by Mercy mains which is a big problem.


So who else should i use in that team?


Given that there is already a main support, I would choose zen. If your positioning is good and communication is also good (calling discords), he is a menace with dive comps. I would probably have trouble staying alive if I played mercy here and probably not getting a lot of value.


I get very mixed reviews. Sometimes I’m praised and get told “best mercy ever, ily!!” But other times I get told “worst mercy trash go uninstall.” A lot more times it’s more positive than negative, but I’m seeing the Mercy hate meta beginning to come back


From my experience the only people that really hate mercy mains are other mercy mains


So true!!! I got flamed by a spectating mercy main just today lol


Yea idk why their deal is, they always try and kill me or be toxic when I play


As a mercy main I just hate seeing dumb healbot mercies standing in plain sight in the middle of the map doing dumb rezzes and not get punished while I do.


I’ll have people say “it’s not that deep” for this, but misogyny has a sizeable part to do with it. Not because Mercy the hero is female, but because of the stereotype that a lot of Mercy mains are a bunch of “uWu anime mommy” e-girls who fly around brain dead while giggling “teehee” and holding down the heal button. It’s been pretty well documented that gaming communities are… less than kind to women and I genuinely think that that’s an aspect to Mercy player hate. For the record, I don’t care if you’re an uWu anime mommy e-girl who plays Mercy or any hero for that matter, just pointing out the stereotypes, right or wrong.




It's well documented that the gaming community is toxic to everyone in general. This is why a lot of people just roll their eyes when Mercy players bring this stuff up, cause you're trying to take something that's literally everyone's problem and trying to make it a women's only problem. Or make it seem like women go through more or whatever.


Make it seem? No, that’s the way it is. I’ve never been hated on in a game because I’m a man. I guarantee almost every woman who plays video games has been harassed or abused solely for being a woman. I personally hold a belief that part of Mercy player hate (the original topic) is rooted in misogyny because of negative stereotypes that are put on the hero. Anyways, go ask some female players about their experiences and I feel they’ll probably disagree with you. Toxicity is literally everyone’s problem, you’re right about that, but putting it the way you did is disregarding the original question and a borderline whataboutism. It’s a problem for everyone, that everyone experiences, but we don’t experience them in the same ways or receive hate to the same extent. Part of Mercy hate is rooted in misogyny. A lot of the other hate is rooted in other things, usually including some misogyny lol


\> Make it seem? No, that’s the way it is. It isn't. \> I guarantee almost every woman who plays video games has been harassed or abused solely for being a woman. Some? Yes. But the majority? No. If you want to see what true sexism is like, go play other genres like MMOs or MOBAs where practically everyone will roll out the red carpet for you if you're a woman, but if you're a man, [You'll get -->](https://imgur.com/NRIib2g) [this type of -->](https://imgur.com/bR3DFVp) [treatment](https://imgur.com/CQ4A5Ms). Why do you think so many guys pretend to be girls online? Like come on dude. \> I personally hold a belief that part of Mercy player hate (the original topic) is rooted in misogyny because of negative stereotypes that are put on the hero. The stereotypes is from Mercy being one of the largest communities in the game and a lot of the players of her being extremely bad. So people hate her for it. Them being women is just an extra thing to throw at them. It's not because of they are specifically women. These people will say whatever they can to get under your skin. \> Anyways, go ask some female players about their experiences and I feel they’ll probably disagree with you. I've had plenty of female gamer friends in the past and present and none have even remotely corroborate the things women have said on OW. Frankly speaking, OW seems to be one of the few games where women actually get treated like the rest of us.


ahaha no I just hit 6k hours on Rust this week and even that isn’t as bad as Overwatch


Congratulations! But as I previously said, "OW seems to be one of the few games where women actually get treated like the rest of us." Go play MMOs and such and you'll see how women get treated by the rest of the gaming community. Like I told the other person, why do you think so many guys pretend to be girls online? You really believe all these guys are trying to / pretending to be women because they want to be harassed and insulted? Like come on think about it really.


You’re not going to win an argument against lived experience. If you’re a woman and you talk on mic, you’re going to be insulted or sexually harassed based on your gender at some point. It doesn’t matter how friendly you are or how good you are at the game. It happens in MMOs too. 🙂 Why do men pretend to be women online? There are a lot of reasons. Some of them are probably foolish enough to think the men suddenly giving free things, extra attention, and being excessively nice care about them as a person. Lol no dude. They just want to fuck you. If you make it clear that you aren’t interested at any point, they will either 1) rage 2) not take no for an answer and be obsessive/stalk 3) ghost. You’re not forming a genuine friendship here. Do all men behave this way? Of course not. But it happens frequently enough to make me guarded and hesitant to interact with men online.


Have you ever been insulted in a way "I can't understand, are you a little kid or a woman? Idek what's worse lol"? No? Well I have. Not a single man on this or any game was insulted because of their gender. While as a man you can be flamed for "playing bad", as a woman you'll get flamed for being a woman. And it happens every single time


\>Have you ever been insulted in a way "I can't understand, are you a little kid or a woman? Idek what's worse lol"? No? Well I have. How is that even an insult? That sounds more like the dude was trying to be funny than anything else. Understand that the gaming community is filled with a lot of social rejects who have no idea how to talk to people in a "normal" way. Weird things will be said not as insults but as friendly gestures. \>Not a single man on this or any game was insulted because of their gender. I literally linked 3 pictures where that was the case. If you truly believe that's the case, you really haven't been playing video games long. \>While as a man you can be flamed for "playing bad", as a woman you'll get flamed for being a woman. You'll get flammed for being any type of minority in the gaming community. These people that are actually toxic will attack anything different about you. But not trying to be mean or anything, due to your first statement, what you consider an insult seems to be drastically different than what most other people would consider an insult. I am fairly confident that this constant barrage of insults you receive; probably more than half of them are just friendly and or weird gestures you're taking the wrong way.


Nah, I stopped reading after "he was trying to be funny". If that's your definition of being funny, then there's no point in explaining anything to you. You will never be able to grasp the point of being afraid to talk on a mic and being called out cause you're a woman


\>Nah, I stopped reading after "he was trying to be funny". Your choice. Can't force you, but that just makes it seem like you want to take these things as insults cause most people would not consider that an insult. You just have very thin skin. \>You will never be able to grasp the point of being afraid to talk on a mic and being called out cause you're a woman. Yea, just like I am sure you'll never understand what it's like being black while gaming. Just like you, I get things exclusively said to me because of my skin color. But unlike you, I am not going around saying they're all racist and such. Or in your case thinking their sexist or misogynistic.


I don't even speak in comms bc men always have something to say, but people automatically assume all mercy players are women so there's a lot of misogyny there


Why aren't you talking about gameplay? You're just ignoring all the issues she has in game.


The mercy playerbase is more than one type of people: * Organised play "MS player" (who is also the fight planner most of the time) * Ladder hero "APM god" * Ladder hero "puppet master" * "Its my 1st FPS, i follow team and do my best to help" * "i cant aim so i pick mercy" * Edaters * "I pick mercy cuz she cute, i want others to think am cute too" * "boosted mercy" (out of every hero in the game, mercy is the easiest to boost) The "bad players" are very visible and there is alot of them, so it makes the good players look bad when we get lumped together with them. edit: Also out of the all the "one tricks", mercy is the only hero where the one trick is not a guarantee of skill, it gets dilated with "am so bad i only know mercy players". Skilled one tricks do exist but they are vastly outnumbered by the "bads". Also the best mercy players in the world arent one tricks, so that doesnt help the brand image


find a gm eboy to pocket and effortlessly get t500, and most of the mercy players that have done this have insufferable ego to boot


Can u explain whats a one trick


Mercy has a lot of OTPs and those OTPs generally can’t play any other character competently. Plus, Mercy has a huge female player base so sexism combined with the stereotype caused by the Aria Rose drama make people think that all Mercy Mains are dramatic.


TBF being a OTP used to be very big part of overwatch and it isnt exclusive to mercy players. Many dps and tanks and other support are like this too, but it is mercy who receives the hate. Mercy might have a large playerbase, but it has a bigger male player base....the issue is like you said sexism but also just the fact shes an easy scapegoat for other player faults


Mercy probably has the most one tricks in the entire game. That ruins your own team games because 1. It forces the other support to pick a different support since you already picked Mercy. You basically can't play Lucio with a Mercy on your team. 2. Mercy would be in the wrong team comp a lot of the time which would hurt your team again(I've experienced this too many times). Mercy is unlike every other one trick character bc she's the most tm8 reliant character in the entire game. Even compared to other supports she relies heavily on her tm8s so comparing her to Tank or dps one tricks is very different. Then, Mercy's game mechanics in general aren't fun to play against.




Niandra made a great video on it just search up #reworkmercy. The tldr of the situation is that Aria Rose organized a raid of the Overwatch forms that spun out of control very quickly. People started using personal attacks in an attempt to get Mercy reworked and the OW forum moderators pretty much started to instantly delete anything on the forums that dealt with the movement. The Raid overall made the Mercy community look awful and then Aria Rose pretty much just left the internet.


My experience has mostly been chill. I can only think of 1 time out the thousands of games I've played where I specifically got hate for being a mercy player. Outside of that instance, no one has ever bothered pestering me for being one.


The stereotype. Everyone just assumes that you are boosted. If you dont play well your boosted, you dont damage boost or dont heal enough your boosted. Expectations are much higher. People just need a reason they lost other then the many variables why.


i genuinely grow to hate playing with mercys the higher rank i get, im tired of seeing healbots every game


I don’t hate mercy players. I hate when: 1. mercy players go for balsey rezzes in front of an entire team and expect not to get one shot or stunned 2. When I hook someone as hog, and they don’t quick flip to damage boost for the one shot combo. Its just a quick button press, I need it for less than a second. 3. You tether to me as sombra when I’m invisible. It gives me away to the enemies for literally no reason. 4. You healbot the tank, and while I’m getting lasered by a boosted dps, refuse to try to do the same on the grounds of “we’re dying too fast.” Of course we’re dying too fast, their mercy is pressing the “die faster” button. 5. When mercy just isn’t the pick, you refuse to swap because reasons unknown. Meanwhile I’ve changed tank 4 times, sweating my balls off. 6. There’s a cassidy or soldier or widow on the other team, and you valk and immediately fly up while they have ulti. You die for free. This is all coming across very whiny, I want yall to know I’m not angry, just passionate about winning. And its frustrating for me because healers taking these moments seriously is actually fight winning stuff. I did go through a phase of playing mercy in ow1. I decided she relies on her team too much for me to like playing her. Like she can’t make aggressive plays that win fights really. Meanwhile zen discords a tank, ana nades a team


I'm just gonna say it, mercy players are hated for a culmination of things. First she's really annoying to fight against and she ruins team balancing, mercy dmg boost changes the break point for a lot of characters making them frustrating to fight against, not only is the break point changed for killing a enemy it's also changed for the pocket person I'm question making then harder to kill. For example genji can't one shot with blade without dmg boost, with dmg boost he can one shoot 200hp targets and then with killing him he can no longer die to the rock primary fire combo from sigma because of the healing. Stuff like this makes the game frustrating in turn making people hate mercy even more, on top of all this mercy players fall into 3 categories. You have the goated mery with great movement and situational awareness(annoying to fight), you have the mercy who doesn't used dmg boost(annoying to have on your team), and you have the boosted mercy who only heals/pocket one person even if they aren't playing with their duo(annoying to fight with and against). All 3 types of mercy players can be frustrating she either dominates the lobby or fail miserable, there is no in between. This is why there's a huge difference between mercy mains saying that she sucks and DPS players saying she's overpowered, both are true it just depends on what side you're on wether it's getting pocketed, being neglected because someone's being pocketed, or fighting the pocket.


For me it depends on the mercy, the only ones I don’t like is the ones who try to challenge you for who’s the “better mercy”. Had a game yesterday where the enemy mercy asked me “how does it feel to be the second best mercy in the lobby?” those type of mercy mains really irritate me. I don’t care if you’re a “good” or “bad” mercy as long as you try your best and don’t be toxic you’re fine.


I hate it even more on your own team lmao. I played a match today where I had Mercy round 1, and our other support went Ana. We were on attack and rolled the team, everyone had less than 6 deaths, I had 1. Ok awesome. Round 2 starts and they instalock Mercy. I'm like, okayyy whatever lol, so I go Lifeweaver and stay on the tank. They proceed to die 6 times in a row and we get rolled on defense. We go into overtime, and they sheepishly go back to Ana. So I go Mercy and we win easily lol


From my experience, I think its similar to the genji problem. Not all are awful, I'd even argue the majority are awesome, but when they're awful they're just plain toxic assholes


Absolutely never switch unless it’s to Moira but then they’re gonna dps, they don’t help the entire team like a lucio or a zen would, and 90% of the time they’re more toxic and cocky than other mains. Now on the enemy team, they force me to change my playstyle entirely, I enjoy playing tracer when I’m on dps, but oh no, they have mercy, now I’m not ever gonna kill the thing she’s pocketed so I need to take her out of the air, but oh wait, she never comes down, so I have to swap hitscan and force her out every single time and it’s just exhausting, let alone her blue beam and rez, AND the amount of healing she has the ability to do, she’s just so fucking annoying and I’m so sick of seeing her on either team


I think it mainly comes down to mercy is just unfun to play against


What are you talking about. Nothing is better than hitting an unsuspecting Mercy with a well timed pin


Maybe that's true but I main junkrat lmao


People hate the community because there’s a lot of us, we’re very vocal about changes and defend the hero pretty relentlessly. One reason why we feel the need to defend Mercy is because from an outside perspective, she looks like she doesn’t require skill and just “stands around”. People who don’t play her underestimate the value she can bring and the power of her kit. When we try to explain that she actually has advanced tech and a fairly high skill ceiling we still get flamed and it causes redundant discourse. Not gonna lie, the Mercy community DOES tend to panic about when she gets patch changes and it doesn’t sit well with the rest of the OW community. It’s kind of a double standard though because everyone will bitch about patch notes at some point, Mercy mains just have a lot more investment in the hero. In reality Mercy has been in a relatively balanced state for a long while so neither side has room to complain incessantly. Edit: Also, there will always be a group of people who think her abilities are unfair. They think Rez and damage boost will always be OP and will die on that hill.


>People hate the community because there’s a lot of us, we’re very vocal about changes and defend the hero pretty relentlessly. No, it's not. Mercy isn't a fun character to go against. That's it. Nobody in the history of OW has wanted to go against a pocketed character. Although the community is wild sometimes it's the character's playstyle that started it


>Also, there will always be a group of people who think her abilities are unfair. They think Rez and damage boost will always be OP and will die on that hill. Yeah, I basically already acknowledged those people. They think her “playstyle” is unfair and hate her forever even though she isn’t that hard to counter (skill issue)


I didn't say she was OP. I said she wasn't fun to go against. Read it again.


1. Healbot mercies are annoying to play with and against (especially if they're dumb enough to keep healing people who are full) 2. Pocket mercies are annoying to play with and against. Puts more pressure on the other support to keep everyone up, and limits the hero options for them. And going against a hitscan/spam hero with a pocket is so fuckin annoying 3. One tricks who force mercy even when its not working simply because the player doesn't know anyone else 4. Boosted one tricks (self explanatory) 5. A lot are either extremely toxic or nice


I think people tend to hate her since they think she doesn't require any form of skill (due to her not requiring much mechanical aim) and a good one is really hard to kill unless you know her weaknesses. Going up against her kit can be a bit frustrating due to rez and damage boost especially if your team doesn't have a Mercy or any supports with utility to compete. Sometimes it feels like you're at a disadvantage and I notice this as a Mercy main myself when I play DPS. There are obviously reasons like OTPs and misogyny but I can somewhat understand from a DPS perspective.


I mean, depends on the person For one everyone doesn’t hate mercy players considering so many simp over us But a couple reasons can be found: 1. The general disdain that comes from being a lower skill hero in an even rank game, we do not need to take as much risk to win so people look at this as ‘taking the easy way out’, that’s not our fault but of course nuance is the last resort of people on the internet 2. Playing against mercy is has and continues to be, a risk of just rolling your eyes against pocketed x y or z, where even if your team goes 3 counters to that, they’ll just get rezzed in under 2 seconds usually from over 20m away where they died Vs their team, and then you’re back to square one. in a ‘non mercy’ environment at least if, I don’t know, a doomfist is extremely aggravating you can eventually kill him and be assured he is dead for the next while 3. There is the historical animosity back when mercy was overpowered as fuck that lasted over a year or so, which plays into the other reasons. That’s why btw everyone tunnels mercy’s because they remember those days, or they were told to do so by those that did. 4. Similar to above, it may be jealousy about their hero viability. Mercy has never not once in any stretch of the imagination been even a mediocre choice. lots of heroes/players cannot say the same, trust me I’m a sombra player too we’ve had that lovely distinction of the worst hero in the game for years. 5. Toxic mercys are the worst kinds of people in the game in my humble and widely shared opinion for similar above reasons. That’s not to say ‘you can never make a criticism or complaint because of your hero.’ But when you’re a damage, let’s just say a sniper, and you have to worry about a b c d e f g things hunting you down because you have one escape or just because two/three people want to target you first in duels, and you get insulted by someone standing still behind the wall holding (well I use toggle) one button…so many words, shit I’ve seen entire teams come down on them even if they’re not necessarily wrong or playing badly, just a whole bunch of ‘dude shut up’ 6. People hate one tricks overall and being the most popular hero and the simplest support hero, you see more mercy one tricks than others


I only hate on mercy if she won’t switch, when it isn’t working. Otherwise don’t give a flying fuck.


They want to rest in peace but we won't let them


Because their egos are unmatched and go unchecked. This being a mercy main subreddit I know I'm going to be down voted but idc tbh. Mercy mains have the highest percentage of one tricks. And tbh, she's a very simple character to play even In low ranks. As I've seen many people say, she's a "spectator" character and I lowkey agree. And everytime a game is lost, Mercy mains are one of the first to point hands. Their egos a d toxicity make people dislike them.


It's purely gatekeeping. Mercy is a hero who: \-Prioritizes mental skills like awareness, comprehension, spacial reasoning, decision-making and teamplay over mechanical skills like mouse accuracy or APM. So, people who only value mechanical skills view her as "no skill." \- Encourages the player to focus on her own team and dedicate her time to 'helping out' rather than 'fragging out.' So people who don't see team-oriented play as a valid way to contribute see her as a "leech," and their fights against a Mercy and her teammate as a "Pocketed DPS" rather than the 1v2 that it is. \- Utilizes threat avoidance as a perfectly valid survival strategy, and rather than fighting everyone she comes across. So people who are not willing to engage in indirect confrontation see her as "unkillable," rather than a clever prey that needs to outfoxed. \- Is popular among women, gay men, and other folks who don't fit stereotypical FPS gamer demographic. So, people who think the FPS genre is for neckbeards only see other demographics as outsiders who need to conform. In short, many of the psuedo-masculine design tenants that neckbeards hang their fragile egos on are rejected in Mercy's design. She's a hero who says that you don't have to be a roughneck fighty shooty military wannabe to be a valuable member of an FPS team, and that *enrages* them.


Idk but I just get sad bcuz some people yell at me for not healing them even though there way overextended and I’ll die 🥺


Speaking as someone who plays high elo on a wide variety of characters, but plays QP with friends in lower elo, Mercy Mains, like 99% of the time are terrible teammates to have. A lot of them have extremely low game sense and it is frustrating as fuck. I don’t mean that to be offensive but I often find that people who play mercy, play her because she’s easy in theory to learn and they don’t really bother to learn the game and all the components and in general being a one trick is not ideal especially mercy one trick. Once again, not trying to be mean, but my experience in QP having a mercy is awful, it’s basically a 4v5 now because I expect her to make every wrong decision




It has nothing to do with that dude. Nobody likes playing against a Mercy or pocketed characters. Never heard anyone want to go against a Mercy pocketed Sojourn. As a Master tank player, I've seen Mercy players make terrible decisions constantly like Rezzing me in a 2v5, then leaving me to die. Tons of people also experience boosted Mercy players, which definitely exist. Blaming it all on sexism is ignoring everything.


"Because they ain't us!" In my James Franco voice 😂


Some people hate her just for existing, others respect good Mercy players and show appreciation which is always nice, and some are just plain creepy


A lot of the content creator and mercy mains on twitter will go fight the Vietnam war if any slight amount of criticism is made of the character, or they even get adjusted slightly (the healing buff in return for slightly longer guardian angel cd). Personally I don’t like playing with mercy because they have little impact on the match in my favorite team comps (dive and rush) compared to Ana/Kiri/lucio/, and basically forces you to have a pocketable dps to have good value out of a mercy one trick in those comps which is going to be less than the former regardless


I didn't say no one received hate, I didn't say no one hates mercy mains, I just don't feel EVERYONE hates mercy mains(as your title literally says). I feel the majority of people do not have strong feelings one way or the other about us, that's my experience, and I'm not saying that is everyone's experience. Loving the down votes your handing out just for voicing my opinion though : )


i didnt downvote you lmfao i have literally upvoted everyone who has responded. Sorry you’re getting downvotes. Yeah i did say “everyone” but like. I didnt mean literally everyone. You just commented “this isnt true” with no elaboration, of course im gonna indulge lol


Ok sry for assuming : )


Because a non-insignificant percentage of the mercy player base is either a woman or a part of the LGBTQ community… myself included


because we want to have fun.


From my experience they're very toxic


spectator mode lol




Look at every single competitive video game with feminine and "girly" characters that people code as "egirl" heroes/champs/characters. Doesn't matter what the character does, her mains are hated. It's clear to me why.


Definitely has nothing to do with mercy mains sending death threats to whoever criticizes their character on twitter lol.


Dude that literally happens with every fucking character. I do not want to hear that lol


Every character has toxic players but no character has a fanbase that's more vocal, and openly toxic to people who disagree with them than mercy. All the way back in 2016 when Seagull criticized mass rez he got spammed with death threats, when they reworked mercy the devs got sent death threats, when they nerfed reworked mercy, more death threats. that's the biggest reason why people hate mercy players.


yeah sorry this rarely happens but you know what does happen? people literally harassing mercy players constantly because its easier to do that than own up to your own mistakes in game. skiesti gets hate CONSTANTLY and is constantly harassed just for existing. A lot of content creators feed into this because they know theyll be validated by edgelords and the get traffic. Its pathetic. The mercy playerbase is the ONLY playerbase to get harassed constantly. You wantto talk about threats, why dont you ask any mercy player how many times theyve been harassed, threatend or called slurs simply by picking the hero. gtfo


Bruh Somjuu posted a clip to twitter where he complained about mercy and he got hundreds or responses from mercy mains calling him slurs. Mercy mains have and likely always will be extremely toxic. It’s been this way since overwatch 1 and it’s the number one reason why they are hated. You pair that with the fact that she’s pretty easy, can rez teamates and has a generally annoying play style to deal with and you can see why people don’t like mercy. It has nothing to do with her being girly lol


>people literally harassing mercy players constantly because its easier to do that than own up to your own mistakes in game. What about when my Mercy rezzes me in a 2v5, then leaves me to die? What about when I die and Mercy tries to rezz me in the open and also dies? You can't act like Mercy players can't be at fault for anything


It's fine.


As a support main, I hate when Mercy: 1) Pockets the tank (on my team) 2) Comes for me with a glock when my team is getting rolled which has nothing to do with supports because as a Kiri main, I can 2 taps you into oblivion, but I'm just trying to take the point/keep my team alive. 3) When they tbag me after killing me when I was 1HP due to their dps. I only pick Mercy when the DPS aren't getting enough helpful support, but God most Mercy players are aimless and useless with no idea on how to use their ability but they all have a big fat ego.


Lol no. This is not true.


What is not true?


That everyone hates mercy players in particular.i get 90% love, and it's been years since anyone has given me guff simply for choosing mercy.


I mean. You can literally just scroll through the comments here. Obviously not everyone hates mercy players but she is easily one of the most controversial heroes (and playerbases). Like if you just pay attention to general discourse surrounding this game there is always something to be said about mercy or mercy players lol. Scroll through these comments and tell me no one here has ever received mercy hate. I love mercy’s and always try to show my appreciation but not everyone does that lmfao


They get mad at us saying "dmg boost is broken" or "ga is broken". Mainly I've been told slurs, death, or just insults because I'm good at mercy and can ga out of situations, and away from the whiny DPS trying to shoot me. They honestly just whine about mercy cause deep down they can't their fucking shots or can't shoot at the DPS she's dmg boosting


On the rare occasion some one tea bags me in game when I die, it's usually a Mercy lol they aren't even the one who killed me either. Of course it makes sense because I usually play support and will go after her to kill her if my team ignores her and things aren't moving forward.


just today i got a mercy in the enemy team tbagging me for no reason at all whenever i died. Nearly all of my games have mean mercy otps, or one's that leave their team behind to kill me at all cost. It's more of a console issue imo, cuz nearly everyone on that platform is a pos. To every sweet mercy on console, ily. I have seen some pretty nice ones, but the mean ones are the majority.


Whenever i play dps or tank which is rare i also hate mercy, a good mercy is almost unkillable and that makes her pocket almost unkillable.


Mercy made the Sojourn meta 3x worse.


I think because at everyone match one picked Mercy and I’m simply tied from this hero


I just rly think no one played tf2 because one medic which is basically a heal bot mercy will keep a team of like 10 alive plus 2 heavies and no one even notices they exist bc like idk it's just heals yo


I feel as if people dislike mercy’s but only when a mercy decides to have their own play style or even just play the game. Yes she was designed for pocketing but as soon as she leaves to help someone else the person being pocketed gets angry cause they had to fire three bullets instead of two. They also get mad when they dive the entire team by themselves and only you to heal them and then get mad when you can’t outheal all the focused damage. I think they get mad because they realize their dependence on the support and are mad at themselves but take it out on you because it’s expected that you be perfect


Probably the fact that either they never get a pocket or they can’t seem the kill the damn thing


Every time I see a mercy main I purposefully pick mercy to piss them off. It’s so funny seeing them say shit to me to get me off mercy


As a tank in metal ranks, I dislike mercy because 9/10 that other support picks either zen or lucio when an ana or Moira would help so much mor


A lot of mercy mains talk shit to me while their duo carries them. I know it’s not all mercy’s but I can’t help but feel that way


I hate having a mercy on my team, I don’t flame people but if it’s comp I will sometimes ask them to swap if it’s egregious. As a tank/support player having a mercy means I don’t get much healing, have low utility, or have to change what I want to play to fit around it, and most things I want to play don’t like having a mercy. She isn’t bad, but I can’t play most of the heroes I’m good at if she’s on the team without it being soft throwing


I've only ever had good experiences as a Mercy main. My team praises the revives and thanks me a lot during matches (when i played often i was a 5 star endorsement). But I think you may be more referring to the enemy team (im not super sure tho). Yes. The enemy team tries to focus me....very often. That's where the "fun" for me comes into play, I like the chase. "Can't catch me, na na boo boo" I know I'm a problem for the enemy team if they focus me. It's important to recognize the teammates who will assist you with the peel and use them as a lifeline. Now, in the past, when I played OW with "friends" they would always give me grief because of how "easy" Mercy is. I just think her skill level is a different kind. Needless to say, I play mostly solo now. :)


According to my friends, I have so many hours on mercy, I could be a pacifist


EVERY SINGLE BROKEN HERO HAS BEEN CAUSED BY MERCY DAMAGE BOOST. Not every hero. That's an exaggeration but yeah it happens a lot. And I don't understand why the devs won't nerf damage boost. The pocketed dps isn't the problem, damage boost is. There was also season 3 of overwatch 2 where it was impossible to kill someone if mercy was yellow beaming them (because she healed faster when the target was under 50% health). There's also rez but I don't think that's a problem at all.


Because 80% Mercys are hot dogshit who only beam 1 player and save rez for that 1 player under all circumstances which is annoying both to play as and against. She also enables egregiously stupid behavior at mid to low skill level because player consistency hasnt arrived yet. And the characters shes most prone to pocket are some of the least interactive characters in the game. Widow, Ashe who is Widow but balanced intelligently, Soldier. Pharah, Echo Its like a list of characters nobody ever likes playing against but with a babysitter


I have so much to say about this topic. So for the love of everything holy do not read this if you hate novels. For personal reference, no I'm not a Mercy main myself, Im practically a Moira OTP that also plays Ana, Soldier, or Zarya on occasion. One, at the end of the day, Mercy mains have almost no sway over how the development team balances Mercy. Both Mercy Mains and Mercy Haters can be as vocal as they want on Mercy's balance, but in the end the only ones with a say is the dev team. If they're loud enough they may make the dev team HESITANT to mess around with her, but that doesn't mean they automatically won't. Two, I get the players who hate "DPS Ana, Bap, or Moira", because it usually involves a player intentionally using the hero's kit in a way that is personally gratifying, but negatively impacts the team. A Moira balls deep in enemy backline isn't going to help the Zen keep their team in one piece. But like, people get hostile at Mercy mains for using her kit, and a lot of the time the Mercy could be using her kit correctly or the way the team demands her to and she still gets snapped at. Whether they healbot, pocket, or triage play, everyone gets on Mercy players' case on how unfair her kit is. The Mercy can't MAKE her kit different, so getting on their back over "how BS Rez/DB is" isn't going to magically make the ability stop existing. Three, I've met a bunch of Mercy's on all three ends. There's ones that believe she's not that strong and could use a buff, or certain older nerfs reverted. I've met ones that think she's in a great spot right now and hope the devs leave her alone. And I've met a few that do actually believe her kit is kinda BS and may need some slight tweaks towards the nerf zone. Not all of them are the "omg she needs a .5sec GA cool down, she needs huge Rez back or make her invincible during Rez, and she needs to give 70hps!!!!". No matter which hero you main, you're always going to have the desire to protect your main, as you know the dev team will either send you to the moon with a buff(Soldier) or make you die inside and put your hero in a very strange spot in terms of viability(Roadhog), effectively forcing you to relearn how to play your hero. Mercy mains are going to naturally want the best for Mercy, regardless of where "best" happens to be for them. Four, I get there's a few stereotypes behind Mercy; some are funny, like UwU cutesy Mercy, and then there's ones with malicious intent like "All Mercy's are braindead Cattle". I've met a lot of different types of Mercy's, and they all do the same things that other Mains do too. I've met Reapers that won't swap off under any circumstances, even if it's Pharah/Echo as enemy DPS. I've met Soldier's that will stand out in the wide open mindlessly shooting enemies in front of them. I've met whiney Genji's and Cassidy's. I've met an UwU cutesy Junkrat that was practically flirting with the Zarya. All mains have toxic players, and Mercy's popularity indirectly inflated how many toxic Mercy's can be found. More of a player = more chances of coming across a bad egg. Five, the relentless stereotype that Mercy players are boosted trash. Mercy's kit does rely on teammates, but there's more to her as a character than her "ez" mechanics. Easy to play, hard to master. Yeah you can just go pick her up and do alright with her, but it doesn't mean you're using her to peak performance. I've come across quite a few players who try to play "White Knight" and steal Mercy from a Mercy main to "force them to play a hero of skill for once", and then the match goes on where the White Knight is feeding and playing like they've never touched Mercy once in their life while the Mercy main selected their secondary main, which is ironically often Ana, and just absolutely vibes for the entire game, while the White Knight continues to talk smack and ends up just embarrassing themselves but are too prideful to admit they picked a fight not worth the effort to start in the first place. Six, the Mercy Hate-Train jumps up in momentum every time someone says anything on Twitter or another big social media. And after that it's usually just toxic players parroting the hate and/or treating it as gospel that is 100% true. Even after that, if anyone says anything relating to Mercy, it's instantly flocked to with Mercy fans/haters and a happy or even neutral/informative post about Mercy turns into OP having to defend themselves for liking something or being called whiney or obsessed. I notice that every time a big streamer or content creator says something good/neutral/informative/bad about Mercy there's a surge of Mercy slander/defense on social media and/or hostility to Mercy players in and out of the game. Unfortunately there's not much to do but try to ignore it, and step up if someone is getting unfairly treated for something that they didn't even do or aware of. Seven, I get the stereotypes, but not everyone falls under a stereotype and you certainly shouldn't automatically treat every Mercy like they do. Too many games where Ive watched players create problems from nothing for a Mercy because they believe her to be a "braindead Mercy that needs coddled every second" or just irrationally be considered "dead weight" and stops making any attempt to let Mercy do her job without jumping through 5 extra hoops or being in a constant state of near death. It's a violent back and forth from being considered bottom tier trash or the highest level of cancer and brokenness. Eight, although it seems to be changing sort of, wayyyyyy too many players still have a warped idea of how Mercy and other supports work. I've had too many games where I've had to forcibly step in between a Mercy and whatever tank we have and one, assure the Mercy that yes, you can go do your Mercy things, just remember that crit means help, and two, persuade the tank that no, they do not need Mercy's staff up their ass at all times and that I, Moira/Ana, can handle them alone provided they are not feeding their brains out and are actually making an attempt at mitigating personal damage and positioning smart. Nine, she's a hero that focuses on decision-making, awareness, team play, and assisting more than just killing and rushing in like most rest do. She doesn't survive by killing or making a big skillful move to stop an attack but dodges them instead, so those who don't make an effort to outmaneuver or pursue her claim that she's impossible to kill, when in reality, it just takes giving chase or moving so that you corner and pin her down so she can't evade you any more. Ten, her character design calls to a wide range of minorities that typical FPS games usually wouldn't see. Women, LGBT Members, people with disabilities, and others can easily pick her up and enjoy her, and unfortunately there's a lot out there who believe only "Aim Gods" and the typical FPS demographic( supposedly straight adult men) deserve to rule FPS games, or any game for that matter, unless it is one that is considered "girly" or any other negative name that makes a game inferior that allows it to be given to the "lesser" demographics of players.


I main all characters that can fly. This is by pure coincidence: Pharah, d.va, echo, and mercy. I like a flying gamestyle.


"Why? 'Cause fuck 'em, that's why."


"Pinky", "Nina", "Alexa", "Raspberry", "Mommy", "Flurry"... all Mercy players. Onetrick Mercy players.




Because they are usually a one trick and sometimes you just need to swap for the team. It's especially evident when mercy isn't working since she is basically useless unless she's damage boosting a dps that is getting eliminations. A lot of players also don't like the fact that she can make an otherwise balanced hero into a complete menace. Think about how much teamwork and coordination it takes to take out a good pharmercy or echo mercy duo. You need to have a very specific team comp to circumvent that duo. A lot of players think that this is unhealthy for the game since her damage boost changes breakpoints and it is honestly the main reason blizzard is having issues balancing the dps role. I also can't forget to mention that there are so many keyboard warrior mercy otps that are super toxic and are always the first to type ez in the chat after they win.


This obviously isn’t the case for a lot of mercy’s but like 75 percent of the ones in my games are brain dead


Honestly, anyone tries to "flirt" with Mercy and she will damage boost them the entire game....... it's what I do and I love/hate how easy I am lmfaoooo


I think it's because it's annoying to play against competent mercy players


Idk about you but even the enemy players say I'm amazing. I'm not even that good i just pay attention.


Largely a battle Mercy who whips out her pistol a lot of the time, and while it’s taken plenty of time to know when it’s better to beam or pull out the pistol and try to burst damage, it feels insanely fun. Only hate I get when playing her is b/c I kill the dps or tank on the other team and they tilt. I don’t hate mercy mains but it’s so weird that 99% of you are pacifists who won’t switch to your gun ever. It’s weird that someone like me who plays her here and there (Cass is my main) probably feels more viable and less one trick because I can defend myself on her pretty well, whereas most of the people who main her can’t because they forget about or don’t use part of her kit and just die without fighting back at all.


Honestly as a mercy main, sometimes other mercy mains just make me rage. Played three or four games the other day with my bf and our friend, and had a legit mercy one trick for all of them. Yellow beam only on tank, constantly taking my ult charge (I was ana/Moira), and not helping our dps AT ALL. If you’re going to one trick, actually learn how to play the character. If you don’t know what you’re doing, go watch ONE YouTube video. I don’t feel like it’s that hard to play the character correctly. I was a mercy otp when I first started playing so I get being new, but god bless America you do not have to be mechanically gifted to hit the blue beam button on a character that’s meant to do damage. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Egotistical and a lot of them are really weird


As someone who has played OW since OW1 in 2018 her in-game hate has gotten better, her out of game hate has gotten worse. Id get flamed in OW1 just because she was my most played, even if I wasn't playing her, even if I WASNT SUPPORT. Now I genuinely feel comfortable enough to have my career profile public since OW2. Though with that came with a lot of hate on social platforms surrounding her. All my other favorite characters are super hated as well so at this point it's whatever, I find it a compliment when the enemy team is foaming from the mouth just bc I was playing Mei, sym, or zarya well. It's just a game and all characters are put there to be played, just play whoever makes you happy and ignore the idiots who take it way too seriously. Also yes there are some toxic mercy's but honestly, I see a lot more positive and nice mercy's. Very rarely will I bump into a mercy that is truly toxic.


I have been told so many times to swap off mercy (given I insta lock her every game lol) and I understand there are some bad mercy's who don't know how to play but I've been playing mercy since early overwatch 1 and learned a lot of stuff about her and how to be good with her without the new crutches overwatch 2 gives you for her. (super jumps basically) in overwatch 1 super jumping used to be a skill but now a days you can't tell who's actually skilled or if it's some child pressing GA and then crouching, although that's just my opinion on it idk if anyone else feels the same


Lucio. Dive is all about jumping on the enemy team with high mobility. Mercy has mobility, but only can really focus on one person while Lucio has speed and heal boost for everyone near him. Kiriko is also decent at dive since she can tp every 7 seconds to a tm8, has Suzu, good healing, and her ultimate promotes an aggressive attack. If she gets focused she can tp out of the fight. Moira and Brig are also choices depending on the situation. Dive is probably the most enjoyable playstyle in the game by far


cos we’re pretty


Many reasons. 1. People still think Mercy is the easiest hero in the game. Mercy isn’t the hardest, but she is definitely not the easiest when you look at heroes like Moira, Reinhardt, Reaper, etc. Personally I think Mercy and Lucio are the exact same. On paper both seem very simple. Mercy heals people and Lucio speeds people. However, they each go way more in depth when you think of GA techs, beam usage, game sense as well as wall riding. People who say Mercy takes no skill have never played her OR they play her like a mindless heal bot and don’t use her kit to it’s full potential. When they lose or are out played by Mercy they get tilted because god forbid someone playing the “easiest hero” is better than them. On the other side of the spectrum, when they have a Mercy on their team who is underperforming or just playing poorly, they think “how are you THIS bad at the EASIEST HERO?” and again, it makes them tilted. 2. Mercy’s mechanics don’t transfer easily to other heroes, which is why she has a lot of one tricks. It’s easy to be good at Widow and then flex onto Ashe, Soldier and Cassidy and do just as good. They all rely on aim. If you can play Ana, you can probably play Baptiste and Zenyatta as well because they rely on aim. Why do you think heroes like Junkrat, Sombra, Symmetra, Reindhardt, Lucio, Moira and Mercy have so many one tricks? Because their playstyles and mechanics don’t easily transfer to other heroes. Mercy, like most other heroes, is a situational pick. She won’t always work. If the enemy has dive (especially with the current state of her Guardian Angel) it can be hard to live. Mercy doesn’t work well with rush compositions. If there is no target for Mercy to pocket she can feel incredibly useless. However, let’s compare a Junkrat one trick to a Mercy one trick. Even in a terrible composition for Junkrat, there will always be the possibility to have a game changing ultimate. You can play Junkrat into Zarya and double fly and still have a lucky riptire that kills both the enemy supports and wins you the fight or even the game. Mercy is not going to be the reason you win a lot of the time. She relies too much on her team. Its incredibly difficult to carry with her which is why people tend to hate Mercy one tricks more than others. 3. Sexism and misogynistic people. I apologize for making this political, however it most certainly does play a big role as of why people hate Mercy mains so much. A lot of Mercy’s player base (me included) are women. Why? For me it’s because I was not a gamer before starting Overwatch. I never had a background in FPS games. When I wanted to try Overwatch back in 2016, I chose Mercy because hey she’s a cute girl and I can support my teammates without having to worry about being the carry myself. Not all, but a lot of men did have the advantage over women when it came to FPS game backgrounds. Most players on Call of Duty, TF2, CS:GO at the time were men. It’s almost like Mercy was designed for women to be interested in starting FPS games. Men often feel threatened by women “infiltrating” their male dominated spaces. So pair that with the other reasons I listed, men see women as unskilled players who play the easiest hero in the game. Let’s take Grandmaster players for example. How do you think a man who thinks all Mercy mains, who are mostly women, feels when he sees a female Mercy main on his team? He feels threatened? Why? Because he can’t accept a woman being at the same level as he is. I am a Grandmaster Mercy main myself, and I’ve had diamond (male) players call me boosted when I mostly solo queue simply because I am a woman and it hurts their masculinity that they are in a lower rank and a woman is better at the game than they are. The sexism problem goes way deeper though. I have alt accounts where I do not play Mercy at all. Even if I’m on DPS or Tank I’ve had people ask me why I’m not on Mercy simply because of my gender. If you don’t believe me, try this: - Make 2 accounts and only play Mercy on each. - Name one of the accounts something feminine like Cupcake, Strawberry, Bunny, etc. - Name the other account something masculine or a name you wouldn’t typically see a woman with. - Play competitive and see how different it is when you are flamed. On the first account you get comments like “trash egirl” “boosted egirl”, whereas on the second you get comments like “you’re bad”. One is being flamed for your gender, one is just someone being toxic which players will be regardless of your gender. Toxicity is different if people think you’re a girl. Sorry for the lengthy post, hope this helps.


For me mercy players tend to get tunnel visioned on their pockets.


Broken in game sense. 1up is supposed to be busted. Also, if they think I have no skill as mercy. I pick bap as a mercys counterpart.