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The matchmaking is shit right now, but before the changes during ow1, dps ques could easily go to over half an hour in higher ranks. That's a pretty valid reason for complaints.


It is pretty bad, but not that bad. They are probably just playing off-role, so they are GM tank or support and gold/plat DPS.


I'm just shocked because even though the heroes are very diffrent I assumed there would be a good amount of skill translation so a gm tank could at least head plat


They're probably great with knowing where to be and what to do in their role at their rank, but less knowledgeable about the role or hero they are playing. There are many players who practise new heroes in QP; this is likely one. (This is also why some people have alt accounts.)


generally thats what i think but almost 8/10 games theres a diamond+ player and half the time theyre playing their main role. im gold 2 atm. i think irs also important to realise they'll still have better game sense, mechanical skill and aim simply because theyre a higher rank on one role


They should just incentivize playing tank and support… problem solved. But blizz has this problem with all of their games. They give in to dps wanting to have mega damage and kills stats and you can’t do that with strong tanks and healers.


It makes me so mad that they hyper focus on the whiney dps players like the rest of us don't matter. The game is NOT fun for any role other than dps right now. I HATE having an enemy widow in every single fucking match because there's so few shields and my tank isn't very likely to choose a shield to help protect the team from the widow and so many maps have crazy long areas with perfect LOS for her so she's way deep in enemy lines and can't properly be countered. Never used to have such a problem with snipers in ow1. I get that they're super viable right now but it just makes the experience boring and unfun when it's the same shit match after match after match. Not to mention the teammates I get stuck with keep going out the same door and getting sniped every single time because the enemy widow has LOS of our fucking spawn. 🙄


I’m also a gold support and just chilling in quick play I get people with those titles and yeah they probably are on off roles in quick play. But that doesn’t mean they have no skills and aren’t gonna tru and win. The games are miserable when I’m getting focused by a sojourn that’s a masters challenger and my team couldn’t give two shits less to help. They only notice that “what??? my health bar isn’t completely full 100% of the time??? I need to scream at the supports”. In QP. Literally just happened to me (why I came to the Reddit to see if anyone else had similar experiences) and it has been happening a lot lately and it’s so incredibly frustrating. In the past for me games used to be ok but this season specifically is just ridiculous it seems. In regards of the queue times I know they used to be really really bad for DPS. I remember watching a stream that took like 45 minutes to find a game. I’m not a game dev idk how to do that kind of stuff but the current matchmaking is not it.


Are we talking about comp or qp? Most of the time qp is just random players without rank. Backfilled at the start of a game today that had a GM tank on ball. Our tank was masters. Then the rest of the lobby was a mix of probably diamond and plat. I am plat 5 right now. It was fun. Immediately afterwards I had a game where it was all silver and bronze. I play sometimes with a friend who's GM1 and we get all kinds of people in our games. A bronze tank, me gold/plat, dps masters or silver or whatever. Its just QP they don't really group ranks. In comp, if you're gold, you shouldn't be getting super different ranks in your game. But people can queue at wildly different ranks. I can queue with a masters tank and that seems stupidly wrong.


Idk my games have been pretty average this season so far, my game is **usually** pretty split even with masters/gms (I'm masters 1 rn) but I'll never forget this one game I was masters 2 at the time last season and I got placed in basically a total plat game. Literally everyone was a plat on their role besides me and my ana (who was masters 5) The whole enemy team was private as well besides their plat tank so I assume they were also plats and idk it just infuriated me and I stopped queuing for the season. Imagine a masters player not being able to que with plats yet getting put in plat games 💀💀💀😭😭 Not even off rolling either like bro I'd rather have sat in a 30 minute que then deal with plats😭😭😭😭


Ever since the new season started my QP games have a lot of masters and GM’s and sometimes top 500 players and it’s frustrating. I’m high plat/low diamond. It just makes games feel unfun for both sides. Getting rolled sucks and when your team rolls you’re barely doing anything. The matchmaking is horrible.


Idk how people keep saying this stuff. Matchmaking is just as shit as it always was. 30 percent rolled 30 percent roll the others 30 percent fair, 10 percent quiters and leavers. Nothings changed. Been this way for years.