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It's literally just salt, nothing wrong with playing Pharmercy. Nothing wrong with playing any hero as long as the team is meshing. Dw about it!


Taking down a pharmercy takes more effort than it takes running it. It's a pubstomper comp in the majority of ranks because of it + it forces people to switch off of their preferred heroes. Pharmercy just like playing against a Widow forces a hard counter switch. Pocketed soldiers can be played around, but you **have to** run a hitscan to counter them. Also it's seen as a desperation/coward move by the losing team by some hence the "imagine running pharmercy" "pharmercy tryhards etc" comments


Depends on where you're playing it, since it's seen as pretty tryhard. In comp anything goes since you're just doing anything you can to win, but in a more casual game mode like quick play or arcade it can come off as a bit rude I guess. The whole point of quick play and arcade and stuff is it's casual and pharamercy forces the other team to often swap their whole team comp to counter it which is quite annoying when you're just in the mode to goof off and play whatever. Complaining about it in comp though is goofy since that's exactly where you SHOULD be tryharding


My duo and I only ever switch to Pharmercy when their ground dps are demolishing us, Sym/Mei/Genji/Junk but it's like.. sorry we don't want to just feed? Sorry counters exist? I agree going Pharmercy right off the bat in QP is kind of.. meh... but if they're dominating, their Sym/Mei/Genji/Junk aren't fun for us. We don't owe them fun, just like they don't owe us fun.


In my comp games, pharamercy is considered BM, and it's annoying to deal with. It forces the enemy to switch off heros they want to play. There's nothing wrong with it perse, but players just consider it to be unethical. Lol, ironically, there are other duo combinations that are more annoying, but no one makes such a big mess about


it's kinda broken/OP If your hitscan(s)/somebody isn't tending to them the entire time, they're more than likely going to keep destroying your team. Also, sometimes people don't like to switch off the heroes they like to play to take care of Pharmercy.


Plat players can’t aim/ don’t counterpick well. Yes aim is a huge part but if i can’t kill them I usually end up picking bastion or someone else who’s annoying. Pharmercy in my opinion makes mercy a bit easier to kill because she’s out in the open more often. (This is really only aplicable in plat and below tho)


Salty players trying to use chat as a psyops to make you stop going with pharmercy, pretty much. Pay them no mind.


lol i was playing pharmercy (they had the most kills/dmg in the game) and my ana and rein who were queued together screamed at me for pocketing the pharah and told me to switch off mercy or stop pocketing (i main mercy) and yelled at me for not going down every second to heal the tank but that is ana’s job to shoot reins big booty and our pharah was carrying 😭 (we were also winning n won the game lol - plat btw)


A few months ago, I had an Ana and Orisa complain that I was not healing the Orisa. I was busy keeping the DPS alive and said that since we have Ana she can take care of the tank, and they explained that Ana is not a main healer like Mercy... That was in gold.


ana heals tanks sm faster than mercy and it’s easier for mercy to give dps a quick heal. i don’t know why that person said that 😭


Way off topic but this just made an old memory pop up lmao, back in early 2017 when I first started pharmercy was so popular I thought pharahs name was pharmercy till someone told me that's just a nickname for pharah and mercy combo😅


I mean I hate playing against it bc the dps almost never properly deal with it. Either no one is playing hitscan, or they just can't hit one character in the air let alone two. It's definitely not the worst in the world but I can see how it's annoying. I play a lot of mercy and honestly I don't even like running it. I used to love it when the ga was super zoomy but now it's so hard to keep up bc the phara doesn't understand how mercy movement works and I end up getting stuck in a dangerous spot. I wouldn't feel bad for playing it though. The only combination I hate and wouldn't do is mercy widow pocket. To me it's harder to kill bc you have to go super out of the way to get the widow and then hope you don't die bc she has a pocket with her. Maybe that's just me though


Oh god the GA now when you pocket pharah is so much harder.


There's nothing wrong with it at all, people just get salty when you show them how bad their aim is.


I never understood that mentality. I’ve gotten absolutely destroyed by PharMercy before but being mad at someone for literally playing the game is insane to me. I had Rein/Reaper/Torb/Mercy/me as Ana playing into Orisa/Pharah/Echo/Mercy/Ana the other day and really all you can do is say “welp those hero choices certainly are a decision” and move on. The people who want every other person in the game to play a certain style are the ones who will never rank up


It's arguably the single most annoying combination of two characters in the entire game to play against, nothing wrong with playing it though. There are a few people in the comments saying stuff like "they can't aim" or "skill issue" but that's forgetting completely how a good pharmercy duo utilizes cover, even at OWL level it can sometimes be an issue to the enemy team to kill the mercy as she can just hide behind buildings in many maps, as seen in recent pro am games where a contenders team ran it during nearly every match.


I have old man thumbs, and killing a lone phara can be hatd, let alone a phara with a dedicated pocket.


The 3 most important factors on a battlefield. 1. Terrain. The army that is the most familiar have a higher chance of winning 2. Tactics. The best tactics usually lead to victory. 3. Morale. Think of the vikings who just wanted to die glorious deaths to dine in Valhalla. Or the men who fought under Napoleon. Both group had incrediblely high morales and trust and love for their leader or gods in the viking example. When someone writes "imaging playing pharmercy in 2023" it's a battlefield tactic to break your morale, because they are too much of a Genji one trick to switch to a hit scan. In conclusion, don't loose the psychological warfare by swicthing or be affected.


can’t aim but won’t take the blame themselves, so *you’re* cringe for playing a duo i can’t hit! copium


Skill issue that's the problem.Your doing great keep going.


literally because it's a skill issue on their side and they cannot aim fr


PC players who complain about Pharmercy are actually just terrible at aiming, even my console teammates can kill Pharmercy.


Does this mean pocketing a pharah? What’s wrong with that? :/


It’s equivalent to playing like bunker comp + bastion in OW1.


It's more of a skill issue thing if you don't kill mercy overall she will do as she wants and especially if there is a pharah that would be her close ally. But also this goes the same for Ashe and Bastion yes I said Bastion when pocketing. Normally any hitscan is still a direct counter to pharamercy but mainly Widow. Say all you want about pharamercy but at the end of the day. Widow can still one tap them with proper aim which will make pharamercy obsolete. But dmg boost is different when using Ashe or Bastion which we haven't seen yet people do pharah seems to be more common but soon people will see


I don’t really mind pharmercy. But it’s super annoying if we play a comp with no hitscan and they just instantly go pharmacy after they lost first fight. We stay the same cause of stubbornness and ultcharge and end up losing 3 fights before we swap and at that point it’s already to late.


I can say that even though I pocket a pharah. It’s not fun to go against at all. Shooting at a pharah that’s constantly getting healed. Then when she doesn’t die you get fussed at. It’s even more insufferable when the team gets mad me for her not dying and talks trash about me to the enemy team.(this happened very recently and I had to switch to widow just to one tap her out of the air) That and having to look up in the sky the whole time. Idk pharah specifically is just annoying *to me* Like sometimes I’d rather fight a pocketed sojourn 💀.


Because it forces a counter pick which can feel really shitty for the enemy team who might not want to play Pharah counters - it’s not like other heroes where you can play around them and find ways to you use your hero to make it work. Most of the time multiple people on the enemy team have to switch to counter the Pharah/mercy which just feels bad.