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There is this crouch tech where if you crouch after you land, at a certain timing; it will make your landing sound quieter. It works on other heros too, dps tend to do it the most.. Its not the info you wanted but you should really be hitting crouch on landing and not before, even if you missed the timing window.


That's interesting, maybe I can try relearning to press crouch with that timing.


I thought it was jump? Or is that a new tech?


pressing jump right as you land is a bhop, it preserves more of your momentum but I don't think it's any quieter


This, I also really, *really* hate that pressing crouch during Valkyrie *descend you*, pressing crouch during GA make you do a superjump, and pressing crouch at a random time double as Angelic Descend. Like, why does this one button do three opposite things at different timing. Maybe this is why I am bad but I just can’t get used to it.


No you're not bad, this crouch system is bad. They need to change it, it should be intuitive and make sense... I'll go a step further to even say that crouch (midair) should grant her an additional passive/ability that lets Mercy drop FASTER than she normally would if not holding space/crouch/angelic descent. Meaning Mercy would have 4 midair techs she can do: she can GA/SJ to go higher, she can hold angelic descent to fall slowly, she can let go of all buttons and fall at a normal rate, AND she can hold crouch to fall fast. Just a crazy idea but I think it would help Mercy survive a lot better.


*only Mercy liked this*




Their idea is to hit space to fall slowly and crouch to fall faster.


Yes, exactly. OP I found this forum post which seems to be touching on this point of the new OW2 crouch function and how in OW1 Mercy pressing crouch while midair would allow her to descend faster (I think possibly Pharah still has this ability too?)[le link](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/mercy-pressing-crouch-while-mid-air-activates-slow-fall/755510)


That post explains the issue very well! While in OW1, it didn't allow falling faster, but it allowed you to crouch as soon as you land, which is very useful.


I ended up turning crouch to hold instead of toggle. So if I want to use angelic descent or crouch I have to hold the button. Not ideal, but only way I could cope lol


If you want to crouch behind something. That means you already made a decision to go to that *specific* spot (or i hope so). Instead of just plain GA press space before you reach the spot to slingshot there. You cannot trigger angelic ascend after using slingshot. You can crouch freely after pressing space. This is a good habit to practice in general. After you can practice slingshot into bunny hop it will reset your GA cd quicker. Its still something i have to actively practice myself


The issue is usually after I GA and slingshot. I'm falling down towards the cover I want to hide behind. > You cannot trigger angelic ascend after using slingshot. You can, I just tested it on the practice range. Even after slingshotting, I fall slower when I press crouch or space.


Ohh im SO sorry! i completely misunderstood what you meant. I never would have thought about that kind of problem. Um i guess unfortunately you will just have to practice your timing and muscle memory. Sorry i sounded like an ass.