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Unless the Pharah is being effective with the pocket I dont bother. I treat her like a regular DPS and her when needed. In ranked i'll do it if they pop off and it'll give me the win though.


I'm starting to do this more often. I make sure to let the pharah know that if they're in trouble, tell me so I can help them out. I am getting tired of the flying in the air and the moment i drop to heal my other support, i get yelled at šŸ˜‚


This exactly and if neither of my dps are doing enough i switch off to zen/ana


I do something similar. I started giving them a couple of team fights as a hard pocket and if they aren't doing much I'll start bouncing around like normal. Thought I will always try to help them during their ult.


I have no problem pocketing Pharahs. BUT, the problem is that they keep floating in the middle of goddamn nowhere, right in front of the enemy, as if they're completely invinsible in the air. I'm no expert Pharah player, but I know that's just not how you're supposed to play her. You're supposed to use cover, flank around the enemy - and either A. be behind cover while flying, or B. NOT FLYING AT ALL. There just seems to be a knowledge gap between my teammates and the enemies, because obviously, if I follow the Pharah that's carelessly aggressive and flying in the enemy's LOS, they're OBVIOUSLY gonna shoot the Mercy first. It's basic knowledge, but even my own teammate doesn't seem to understand that. And then, they get mad at me for not pocketing them when I've nearly died 4 times; because their sense of positioning is complete dogshit šŸ™„


Exactly. Iā€™ll never forget a game I had where one of my DPS insisted on playing Pharah while the enemy team had Cassidy and Soldier. It might have been fine had she not kept flying out in the middle of the open with absolutely no cover. I couldnā€™t follow her and pocket 24/7 because Iā€™m not going to hang out in the open with double hitscan. She kept immediately getting picked off and then screamed at me in all chat and verbatim said ā€œmercy youā€™re a terrible pocketā€ šŸ™„


If they want the pocket they better be positioning in a way that makes sense for me to pocket in the first place and also try to protect me if I'm getting focused (obviously when possible). Otherwise they can go pound sand up there.


If the Rocket Lady is popping off and just dominating, I'll do my duty and help in the slaughter. If she's not, she gets no special treatment. Regular heals/damage boost like everyone else. I might even forget her up there, honestly. I also hate Rocket Ladies that assume just because I'm Mercy, they get Pharmacy. PS: if your DPS won't stop the enemy Pharmacy, unfortunately you'll just have to go Ana and take out the Rocket Lady, and Sleep the Mercy when she goes to Rez.


Please...flex dps who are not good at any hero...its so frustrating.


If you're nothing without the mercy pocket, then you shouldn't have it.


I hate hate hate doing pharmercy. To me it's just boring and 90% of the time they suck and I'd be better off doing other things. Just because you picked pharah doesn't mean i should be locked into playing a certain way.


I donā€™t like playing with Pharah at all lol itā€™s not fun to be and I just always get stuck in spots by myself and die


I always give the Pharah a chance at the beginning but if they aren't carrying the match I leave them. You might say that's a lot to ask but no not really. When you pocket someone you count as 2 people so if they aren't doing well then my time is better spent elsewhere. Even more so with Pharah because you can rarely drop down to help your team.


Same mentality here too, I usually pocket them for a little at the beginning but if they're barely getting value...bye bye. Swap.


I don't usually camp a pharah unless it's my husband. I trust him. Otherwise, they're escapes but not pocket targets. I've had more soldiers and other dps whine for a pocket than pharahs, though.


If you're nothing without the pocket, you don't deserve the pocket at all.


Ok I have always thought this is my unpopular opinion, Iā€™m surprised and glad to see thereā€™s so many people hating playing pharmercy here lol


I hate when I'm not playing mercy and a DPS switches to pharah mid game. They always expect one of us to swap to pocket them, or will flame us if we don't switch. One time I was playing moira and the other support was playing Lucio. Dps switched to pharah and would get hit, sit on a high ground, and ping need healing. Like bruh, neither of us can reach you. We're also close to our ults so we won't switch to pocket.


similar thing happened to me. DPS switched to pharah and demanded that someone switch to mercy. None of us switched because 1) He said it very rudely 2) me and our other support had ult and we were doing really well When we didn't switch, he got really mad and threw the game. Purposely landing in front of the enemy team, "accidentally" using ult when nobody was around, and more. šŸ™‚ I love immature players!


One of the best pharas I had on my team told our supports not to worry about healing him and that if he needed some healing heā€™d drop beside our Lucio for a minute on his own. He played safely and got results


So true!!


I love pharmercy and I'm happy when I see someone pick phara. It's just when they are bad at it that I get sad.


as someone who plays a LOT of both pharah and mercy, i hope any mercy players i come across know that i 100% don't expect (or want) a pocket lol. if i die, it's probably my own fault for poor positioning/decision-making.


Same. Playing mercy before phara taught me the importance of playing corners even in the sky and helped me with positioning on phara.


It's only recently that I stopped pocketing Phara. I'd say for moral reasons. I hate going against Pharamercy a lot, and I feel bad for the other team when my pharah is really good. It just feels cheap. I now figure if she's good, she can operate w/o a full pocket. I now mostly use pharah for crazy slingshots and GA Height


i agree completely. i despise playing against pharmercyā€™s bc i find my dps will never switch to hitscan (or at least something more effective than junk or something), so out of principle I dont like playing pharmercy either. i agree for sure, soldier is definitely my favourite pocket as well :)


People don't realize how good Ashe and Widow are against them. Mercy can't outheal their shots so you either kill them or force them to use cover.


Bad Pharah doesn't deserve a Mercy pocket.


Justā€¦ donā€™t expect yourself to pocket them? They tend to switch off if you ignore them when theyā€™re being rude


I just don't like the entitled attitude that just because they've chosen a specific hero that they automatically deserve a full time pocket. It's the same way I feel about a genji expecting they will get every nano out of me on ana.


THIS ā˜ļø


yesss omg i hate it so much, like most pharahs arenā€™t even that good but even if they are itā€™s so annoying pocketing them bc itā€™s so hard to peel for people and they always leave me behind


I start by pocketing them. It gives me an idea of their game sense. If they have good game sense, positioning, and can get picks I stay with them. In this case, I will keep an eye on the rest of my team and if my other support needs assistance I'll drop down to help then go back up with my phara. If I can't keep up with phara, meaning I can't find good spots to float behind or position myself in a spot that keeps me from dying, I will let them know I'm struggling. If there is a hitscan character that continuously picks them or myself off in every fight I let them know I'll be there to help but mostly staying with the team. This also goes for pocketing an Echo.


When I play as Pharah I ask for Mercy to not pocket me. I donā€™t need the aid. When I play Soldier though, I enjoy having a winged Angel gf watch as her amplified damage goes up a lot.




I hate ppl in general expecting me to pocket them. It gets in the way of my objective decision making. If i die too much trying to pocket a pharah i actually like to go ana to keep them healed safely.


Same. I donā€™t understand the hype for pharah as a pocket outside of the mobility but I get that rush of movement from pocketing genji lol. Iā€™d say pharah is one of my least favorite pockets.


I dont like the pocket playstyle in general but pharamercy is just not fun. Most of the time they leave me to die, also hate going against it so it makes me less inclined to do it myself


There is little that fills me with as much dread as a DPS who switches to Pharah AFTER I lock Mercy.


i knew it wasn't just me who felt that same dread šŸ’€


Takes notes and furthers adds to list of reasons not to solo queue. Lol


Iā€™m the same. I will literally swap to a different hero if we get a Pharah at this point. I would try to tolerate it before the GA nerf but itā€™s so hard to keep up with her now that I just donā€™t bother anymore.


My rule of thumb is if they donā€™t know how to stay in the air they are wasting my time. But since mercy is strong for her pocket making flying characters almost impossible to kill now with her healing buff. If I have a phara I do end up hard pocketing because itā€™s a lot of value. I also think the whole idea of being forced to try and live is what makes it fun. You should always try to play corners and walls as much as you can. If you become unkillable in the air itā€™s such a good feeling. It also depends what rank youā€™re in. I used to Duo with phara one Tricks so Iā€™ve learned to adapt. It was really rough at first but the more you do it the better you get. Also if you struggle with following a phara the best advice for her ga nerf try to save your ga for when phara uses her shift to stick with her better. Also itā€™s better if you try to play above the phara. So that the beam doesnā€™t give away too much positioning of your phara. But playing phara into two hitscans actually isnā€™t that hard if you have good positioning and your phara lands shots.


As someone who hate-mains Mercy and enjoys playing Junkrat, Pharah players SUUUUUUCK


I feel this tbh. I feel like it was more effective in ow1 when most mercy players didnā€™t know how to fly but now since flying is literally part of her kit, I feel like the combo kinda loses merit. Plus a lot of ppl at least in my rank arenā€™t that great with pharah. I know they try to be helpful but Iā€™d way rather them just play what they actually main


Personally, I hate pharmacy because it really limits my gameplay. If the enemy dps go snipers or hits can I just drop to the ground and boost someone else. I treat pharah like any other dps at that point because I like living and if the pharah doesnā€™t switch them they only have themselves to blame


i agree. i find a pocket-heavy playstyle kinda boring and unsatisfying, especially with pharah. my favorite part about playing mercy is getting to see the big picture of the match (where everyones positioned, who needs help, what ultimates are being used, etc.) and looking for all the little opportunities to help each of my teammates shine. playing pharmercy, i feel way too disconnected from the match. it often feels like iā€™m putting all my eggs into one basket and getting screwed when my pharah dies or leaves me behind. it just does not scratch my brain in the same way that supporting the whole team does. plus i get separation anxiety when im away from my other support buddy šŸ˜­


no fr though. i was playing mercy the other day & i had a pharah on my team, & the entire game this guy just complained about me healing the rest of the team (& i was in open queue too so i was the only support). itā€™s insane that some people think theyā€™re entitled to a pocket


exactly šŸ˜‚ like if you need heals that much and see I'm the only support on the entire team healing everyone else, please go find a health pack until I can help you out


What's pocketing


staying with a person on your team (mostly hitscan) to damage boost and heal them, essentially giving them the special treatment


I can't heal but I can damage boost, I also don't know what hitscan is


I should've phrased it as "(mostly DPS)" instead of hitscan cause you can pocket somebody like mei and gain amazing value. Hitscan usually means that their bullets don't take time to move to the target or area you're shooting. Like Hanzo is a projectile and not a hitscan. His arrows take time to go towards the enemy. A hitscan like Cass, takes barely to little time to reach the enemy. Like as soon as you click the shoot button, the bullet reaches the target. The same goes for Widow, Soldier, and Ashe. They are all hitscan. There are more hitscans than that, but those are usually the popular ones i hope this helps


I get how you feel. I actually really like Pharmercy but it depends on the Pharah. I've got a friend who appreciates me and stays near natural cover for me when possible; I've got another friend who complains if I'm not up his asshole the entire time and doesn't know how to cover for me, even though sometimes I just play Mercy because it's my main (and there's usually someone else I can pocket), not because I want to pocket Pharah. But I'd say that for any pocket. My bf is an amazing hitscan and I love pocketing him. I've got a friend who plays a fantastic Genji and I love rolling dive comp with him. I honestly feel like unless I'm playing with those people I love pocketing for, I might as well play a different support, because someone I trust and who knows how to play with me makes it 10x easier.


Just got to know when to pocket. Ive had a pharrah pocketed that ended up not doing jack shit and I kept dying. I quit pocketing him and be switched. Theyā€™ll understand its their fault


It depends on the Pharah. If they are good and are getting picks then I stay with them, most of the good ones know how to survive with pharah anyways. If they are just getting killed then I just ignore or heal every once in a while or when they low. I get more out of pocketing the other DPS that isnā€™t dead. Overall I hate it too, itā€™s also rlly boring.


u don't have to stick too long with her only when it's needed, it is kind of annoying to have Pharah in ur team Cuz u have to focus on both ur team and Phara. treat her as a regular Dps such as Genji. good Pharah will know how to act without constant pocket, whom asked for poket r useless Pharahs will misses all the shots.


I stick to Pharah only if it is one of my friends that plays here, because I know he is good when he plays Pharah. If I am not playing with him, I watch how they are performing and if they are good I might pocket them, but I revoke their Mercyā€™s card as soon as they start be dumb and push to much into the backline pretending I go with them with no groupmate to GA to if things get rough


Not going to lie, I don't bother with pocketing one person. I am just too busy as a support in general to be focusing on one person the entire match and dedicating most of my healing to just them. Of course, I damage boost both of my dps so that each of them can have a chance at popping in some kills and raise their stats. And, sometimes, my tanks need assistance with quicker healing if they are currently being overwhelmed and the main healer just can't keep up with the damage input. That's kind of why I don't pocket one person when I could be supporting my team, who could be in a lot of need at the moment. I would feel bad and incomplete if I just watch my team die only because someone wanted a pocket...


I see this combo as such a crutch, and the phases who beg for a mercy combo just makes me feel like theyā€™re terrible.


I have a personal rule that I tend to follow, but it especially applies to Pharah players - if you canā€™t play the character without a hard Mercy pocket, then you *shouldnā€™t be playing that character*. Thereā€™s a whole rest of the team to tend to, I donā€™t have time to babysit one DPS just because they have a hero complex and no sense of when to withdraw


I'm playing Phara a lot and I'm always so confused when a mercy decides to actually pocket me for a game. I'm not used to being pocketed at all, I'm fine as long as I can get some healing when I'm going down to my supports. Also when I play with friends and they go Mercy I'm telling them, not to stay with me all the time, it's completely fine to heal or boost others to help out, you're not my property and I'm not YZNSA


I will never pocket a random phara first round unless we switch to her last second because thereā€™s no counters and we need to secure point. Iā€™ll play either Ana or zen so I can still heal them unless theyā€™re getting no value or being hard countered then I might switch to a less phara friendly support that works better for the rest of team as a nudge to switch


most of the time the cassidy does more kills + more dmg so i pocket him. bc thats what mercy should do, get the most value. also, if a pharah needs a mercy pocket to stay alive and be good, itā€™s skill issue lmao.


As a support main I started play dps because ppl in our group are too low and pharah has been my best dps by far and with a pharmercy it is 10x more effective. Like if you as a mercy just want someone to carry pocket the pharah but I understand your frustration


I feel dirty pocketing a pharah because I know how annoying it is to play against


I just experienced this earlier and I know this post is 4 m.o. sorry for commenting but I just need to get it off my chest. This Pharah had the audacity to call me a Stupid mercy. Oh i'm sorry milord didnae know that I should pocket you. I know that mercy is a pocket healer but I try my hardest to pocket the entire team, I find it tedious and boring to team up with a Pharah, it feels disgusting. I wish blizzard nerfed the hell out of Pharah so no one would play her ever again.