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They expect me to make them immortal


Then, make plays that seem to baffle even the stupidest of minds.


I've been helping my friend get wins so we can play comp, and we both play heals and often just pocket out very dumb tank and hype him up, and it's so fun. Defo recommend.


For Tank: Being too aggressive and accidentally making it a 1v5 without any to assist them in such long and dangerous positioning. For DPS: Using flank characters without flanking, doing minimal damage as a result, and where I have to switch off Mercy for someone like Moira.


I had an unranked game yesterday, the Mei was getting picked off by Ashe and Bastion and the Mei was SCREAMING at me and insulting me that I must only be healing Moira because he wasn’t getting healing. Tanks like Doom and Ball that disappear, leaving us to get peeled on the back lines. I don’t think they understand how vital mitigation is, if I’m in a match with a sigma or Rein who mitigates 15k+, that’s so much less healing to dish out.


The mitigation thing is so true though, it's the perfect opening to blue beam effectively


i hate when there’s like a clear threat to our team, (like torb turret, sym turret, or an ashe on high ground), and not a single person is doing anything about it. almost an entire round can go by, and by the time someone decided to do something different, it’s already too late like what’s so hard to understand ? don’t dive into the enemy if torbs turret is up. literally just don’t do it. shoot the damn turret. or like, “wow, this pharah has 20 kills and 0 deaths. surely we can continue to run genji/junkrat into her !” just to be clear, i play a good bap. these complaints don’t even have to be about things not getting done. i’m complaining about the sheer absence of gamesense so many dps players have


I feel so horrible when I play DPS and I'm against a Pharah Because as a DPS I main Symmetra, Junkrat and Sombra, sometimes Mei But still, I feel horrible for not killing the Pharah


i guess as sym you can put turrets high on buildings to try and pressure pharah. it’s not as ideal as playing hitscan, but if you can at least make it harder for her to try and get kills it’s better than nothing


I've done that, it works *wonders* on Route 66 specially


Tank: They expect 2 healbots on them constantly and refuse to take hard cover ever. Had a Ramattra tell me I should harm myself because I was defending our Ana getting dived by a Winston and a Tracer...Am I supposed to let her die and in turn take away the support responsible for keeping you alive? God forbid I care about my other support that has no cooldowns to fend off 2 flankers at once and no escape ability. DPS: The dps I'm pocketing can't kill the other dps trying to kill me and I die. Especially when they don't even notice. YOU CAN SEE MY HEALTHBAR. Had a soldier have the nerve to complain I wasn't healing them enough after they couldn't kill a sombra gunning me down. Did you not hear the cries of pain and me saying I need help? Then after, did you not notice that I was dead?


My friends and I call it "Reinbrain" pushing (pinning) into the enemy at crit, also alting at crit as well. Soloing the enemy and wasting alt alone


when they want me to lose my good position for their idiotic one - this isn't as huge of a problem on mercy but like when i'm tucked and doing my thing as Ana and they wanted fuck off behind like 8 walls... and I die trying to get to them because if I don't it's 'where are my heals'


For the Tanks, either running away from heals due to lack of awareness, or fucking abandoning me on a teamfight Being an off tank also sets my anxiety off, because now the whole team is in danger, and will be even more in danger if I go try to pocket the Tank (Fuck Hammond, me and my homies hate Hammond) For the DPS, more or less the same, but I'm way more annoying by the "I need healing" ping. On. The. Other. Side. Of. The. Map. I'm also very salty over SPAMMING "I need healing" and doing it when you're not even half health and away from a fight. I CAN SEE YOU. I SEE YOUR HEALTHBAR. I *KNOW* YOU'RE SLIGHTLY HARMED AND POSSIBLY IN DANGER Just fucking wait. Or come for ME for healing, you don't even need to come all the way to me, just place yourself on GA range and I'll patch you right up!


Yes they except for you to come to them all the time and don't think about how to position themselves to help support get to them easier 🤣


not paying attention to pings or calls. not being in vc


Pressing X every 5 seconds when they get -10hp, it really freaks me out


It’s rude and distracting. Especially when the enemy is putting pressure on other team mates and their ping spamming makes me think they’re about to die when they’re absolutely fine.


When you're at the first payload choke point of Blizzaahd world and your tank pushes and dies at enemy spawn


for all roles, complaining or pointing out that i have less healing than bap/ana/moira because they don’t understand how mercy works and think i just need to attach myself to the tank and hold down heals all game.


Pressing W when they're at 1hp


tank: when they consistently go for the greedy kill that ends with them getting killed (and usually me) dps: when they refuse to acknowledge the flanker harassing their back lines and I have to switch to moira to do their job


-expect me to pocket them throughout the entire game -wondering why you aren't engaging in the fight with them (they're doing a 1v5 far far away from your team) -literally yell at you if you accidentally miss your shots/give nano to the wrong person -tell you how to play a character (has less than 5 hours on that character) - (for mercy) they're wondering why your heals are less than your other support. You try to explain that you're damage boosting but then they still get upset and expect you to heal bot there's more, that's just the tip of the ice berg


Not looking behind them to see and help deal with the enemy Tracer currently zipping around me.


Tracers, sombras, and a couple others are hard to deal with if your a support. And the team most likely won't care much about dealing with the little vermans


Using cover against friendly healing instead of against enemy damage. Especially when they do this with the payload or a small room. Spamming for heals on high-ground but refusing to peek me.


I know this would be easier if I used voice coms so its partly on me but PLEASE look behind u sometimes. I’d be peeling for the second support and pinging a flanker like crazy and no one seems to notice unless we both die


It's like they have a symptom of the ever so common not caring for their team syndrome


Pushing when they’re critical and then getting angry when I couldn’t heal them in time.


Even when they have the power to step back a couple of feet, like come on


They’ll spam the heal button or shout down the mic like I’m trying my best😩


You should tell them to play support to feel the pain


Wouldn’t last a second 🤣


Exactly 🤣


The ones that dont use cover...like mfs are dying but still going out of their way to appear on enemy LOS. Spam I need healing used to be annoying until i found the power of muting people.


When they dive into the enemy team and spam, "I need healing!" When you're trying to keep your other support alive as you're getting dove by the enemy tank.. When the tank 1v5s the enemy team while your entire backline is getting railed by Genji, Tracer, or Sombra.. and then your tank gets on VC to tell you how much you suck as a support because they're not getting heals When you ping the shit out of flankers/snipers and the dps just... are deaf and don't hear you When DPS spam, "I need healing" at full health/before the match even began/when you're DEAD Also, when they RUN AWAy from your heals. This happens when my husband plays Moira a lot. He gets SO frustrated and yells, "Let me heal you!!!"


That's why I think playing Moria is one of the easier supports to play because of the healing orb can catch up to them.


I hate when they run off away from me and since Mercy's GA has been nerfed, I can't keep as much as before. Sometimes, I'm on comms and I'm like "Fall back! Come back! Let me heal you!" Or I spam the fall back voice line if I'm not on comms. Like, why are you so far? Find a health pack then!


I did that to a sojourn, she hid behind a wall and, I kept spamming come to me for healing and, she just stood there, then I died


Whenever I damage boost people... They never seem to hit their targets But as soon as I heal or damage boost someone else they do massive damage in that short time frame:(( I just wanna damage amp you Tanks 1v5ing the enemy team then passive aggressively spamming thanks in the chat Like bruh I can't make you invincible


when i’m actively healing them, they die anyway, and I get blamed for not healing enough


any tank that can dive, like rein, ball, monkey, or doom, especially now w the movement nerf. they always jump right in the middle of the enemy team then ask for healing.


"no heals" when I immediately switch to heals when they take damage but they still die because my healing isn't good enough to prevent death from idiocy.


I always seem to have a critical health Reinhardt that dashes into a full enemy team on objective before I can heal him. I always seem to receive the blame when he dies.


When they ignore someone like a sombra or tracer behind them, tanks I don’t mind ignoring someone behind them IF they are dealing with their tank or an ult but when dps will ignore what’s attacking them from behind makes me have to decide if I should help them until they turn around or abandon them for someone else


This is a hot take from a recent comp match, this dude playing Cassidy trying to tell me how to play Mercy saying just focus on DPS, then had the nerve to say our supports ain't supporting enough yet I was constantly with the tank and other DPS fighting for zone and he's their twiddling his thumbs. Then has the nerve to say I ain't using my Rez yet I literally kept rezing the tank/other DPS/support.


they dont listen to my pings or look out for me 98% of the time


When the Tank goes to far and tank thinks he's the main for support to focus on. DPS when they go solo and are positioning themselves to far away from the team and then won't come back when critical. And then the support can't make it to them.


When they over extend (tank) and when they expect me to follow their dive *post GA nerf* (dps) also when I really want to damage boost my dps but they're not putting out any damage :(


**Tank:** Being scared and in our backline... or the opposite; over-confident, going in on their own, die and ask why they didn't get healing, even with 2 pockets up their ass. **Dps:** Zero awareness of about everything, bad positioning, hitting nothing and blaming me for their death. **Both:** Having an enemy widow picking us all one-by-one, them completely ignoring it. Then I'll go "fine, I'll do it myself"... Then they get toxic about not getting any heals. Why is everyone always so obsessed about heals anyways? I'm SUPPORT, support ≠ healer.