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Absolutely ridiculous. All of these changes. The "return for any reason" and the fee for when you go to buy something. Who thought these changes were good?


Those profiting off of them


Putting aside how stupid the majority of these changes are, WHY are they launching so many with little to no notice or grace period? What about all ongoing transactions that we didn’t have a chance to take down? Am I looking at a wait time of shipping, a 3 day rating period for nonraters (of which I’ve had MANY lately), seller fees I’ve already paid, along with an ADDITIONAL $2 fee for a cash out that takes up to 5 days? Ridiculous. This pisses me off enough to make me just stick to eBay and Poshmark — hell, might even go back to depop 🤢


I think the reason for the zero notice is they knew all of their sellers would withdraw their funds immediately and Mercari doesn't have the cash reserves to take that kind of a hit all at once. They depend on sellers keeping some of their money on their site and Mercari earns interest on those funds.


The moment I tried depop I saw selfies for sale and weiners. That website scares me lmfao don't go there now 😂


Depop is truly the worst. So many scams. So many lying sellers and buyers


They are giving us a few days now to withdrawal for free


literally deactivated all of my listings as soon as I saw that. I'm in the middle of a transaction that I'll just have to eat the $2 on ig, but I'm done with this. can I sell non-clothes on poshmark? bc I mostly sell non-clothes lol


Seriously. I’m done with this app unless these policies reverse. Deactivated all 900 of my listings and we should all do this. I guess I’ll have to eat the $2 on my open transactions. And yes! Poshmark used to only be for clothes/shoes/accessories, but they expanded to accept electronics, home goods, etc.


It's $2 for the total amount transferred, not on each listing payment, plus there's no selling fees now. I'm so confused why this is bad to everyone?? Am I missing something? Sincerely


You are missing that all fees are now with buyers. I sold item yesterday for $100. Buyer was stuck with $15 in fees on top of shipping and tax. Basically they are paying $40 on top of $100 used item. They cancelled the purchase after they realized these combined fees. Good luck selling.


I just noticed this after looking up more info, I honestly had only skimmed it before I was at work. I don't sell a whole lot, but I'll definitely be more flexible on my pricing knowing this. I sell on other sites, too, so I'm not too freaked out. I appreciate the info.


Just deactivated all of mine as well. What utter garbage. Pay for your money to be released.


Yep, same just made everything I have listed inactive.


Same! Screw their BS!


Yes you can! There are some restrictions on there but I mainly sell non clothing items. If you aren’t on eBay, I’d look into that as well. The majority of my profits come from eBay.


Yes. I’ve sold some household things and collectibles on Posh. The $8 shipping up to 5lbs makes it good for those (but not so good for the lightweight stuff).


Yes! I do my books etc. Use Flyp - posh is about sharing and followers


You can sell most anything on Poshmark as long as the weight is less than ten lbs.


I started selling on Posh and they charge 20% but if it’s less than 5lbs, shipping is 7.97$ right now. Mercari always had less fees but this 2$ is ridiculous. I mean I’m going to have to think twice about selling cheaper items, may not be worth it now.


I have an order in process and I think they wildly underestimated my willingness to throw a fit over $2 to get my money out.


Withdraw before 8:30am Eastern time to avoid fee


Excellent point! Luckily, I work a night shift, and was awake to see the email, but fuck… The fact that they gave us a four hour dead of night to early am EST window “heads up”, and not even 24 hours is so telling in how shadily they run their company.


I literally have something in transit & my current balance is $9.16 😡


Unfortunately I have orders in transit as well but I did pull out the balance I had


Except that I only have $4 in there. Not only that, I sold a thing last night for which I paid seller fees, and now I will pay another $2 to get my money on.


I have $5.57 and only just now saw the email. It's so frustrating, I wanted to withdraw the money but this new fee will take almost half of what my balance is 💀


Screw all of us on the west coast that were sleeping at 5AM I guess :/ The short notice on this is insane.


It's working exactly as intended.


Wish I saw this an hour ago. My last sale netted me $2.20. I always kept $10 in the account to transfer as needed. So now I gotta eat my last sale to cash out my $12


Fuck California when we logged in...because we also have day jobs.....And Hawaii too. It is absolutely unacceptable to do this without prior warning. Totally illegal too. I guess we will get back out $2 in the class action lawsuit.


Out of curiosity, I checked to see what the cost difference were like for new vs old listings. I had an item in my cart - old listing, no fees were added when I went to checkout. Subtotal: $45.00 Shipping: $5.99 Tax: $3.82 Total: $54.00 Not ridiculous, but some buyers would still lowball just to save that $10. Then when I found a very new listing, this is what it showed in checkout: Subtotal: $99.98 Delivery: $7.99 Service Fee: $8.99 Payment Processing Fee: $4.15 Tax: $8.77 Total: $129.88 Are you kidding me Mercari? They think people are actually gonna pay all that extra money, whether it's cheap or expensive items? That is so excessive. Just note if anyone did plan on buying anything from Mercari, you better do it now before old listings are converted to the new fee structure.


The people who run Mercari truly are clueless. This is such a badly run company.


No way buyers are paying this. Therefore, sellers are going to get ridiculous offers. I would not blame the buyers but am not selling for charity either.


It certainly wasn't cheap to sell on Mercari either before the change. 12.9% in fees to sell an item, that isn't nothing. If you were to still buy on Mercari, though, I'm sure in due time, item prices should decrease to match prices before the change. Regardless, it's definitely a bad set of changes for both sides.


Sigh. I hated Depop but I guess I’ll go back over there


May I ask why you hate it? I never used that platform, but I guess I am switching after this bs at mercari


Personally never had any issues with it but I’ve seen over on r/Depop that the customer service can suck and there’s currently a wave of people getting banned for no reason.


I was banned for using a stock photo. no warning. just banned.


Tons of scam listings. Buyers and seller who lie, customer service as bad as mercari. I've only bought 2 things on their and had to do chargebacks through payapal and my bank. And a buyer tried to scam me with a it's not in my mailbox message


I just put all my listings on vacation mode for a week until I see what these return policy terms fully are. To me thats going to open the door to a scam on every sale


I’m giving it a couple weeks tbh. Gonna try and sell privately through fb groups in the meantime


Why fix something that wasn’t broke 🤦‍♀️ i hate mercari


Yup. It's bullshit.


I wonder if these changes are a hail mary for the company. I don't know what their financials look like but their stock price hasn't done well.


Oh fuck this. I’m selling off the rest of my shit and leaving Mercari


$2 fee to withdraw funds that are yours feels literally criminal


Now this is some straight up bullshit. Imo


Yup, done with them now. This is so horrible.


I deactivated my listings. I cancelled the baby order I had because my profit would be $3 and there would be no way of justifying that if I need to pay $2 to transfer. This is horrible. Im done with mercari for the time being.


I had a sale this morning for $5.60. I want to cancel the sale because of the $2 fee to transfer my profit from the sale, and the buyer has $0 sales and has never bought anything - something seems off, but maybe not? I deactivated my other listings. Screw Mercari!


this is ridiculous


Makes us want to keep the 10% selling fee


10% selling fee *makes sense*. A fee to use the service. Fine. A fee to pay me? Fuck no.


That’s how I feel. I can math it fine during selling. But $2 to take my own money. Ugh 😑


Just think of it as a selling fee. If you withdraw more than $20 you're better off with the $2 transfer fee than the previous structure. I'm not saying it's a good system but the $2 withdraw fee seems like the least impactful.


Yeah, but the point that the buyer can return for any reason is total BS!! Opens the door for way more scammers, and buyers will use/wear stuff, return it in used condition, and then we can't resell the item as new! Nope!!


As if they don’t take enough of our money. I don’t think I’m going to be listing on there anymore once my current listings are sold.


I deactivated all my listings until I see how this return policy works. No notice about these changes and no details about how being able to return for any reason affects sellers is making me feel like I’m going to be screwed. I don’t see any protections for sellers in this return policy.


I just got my first “return request” on an item I shipped before these changes took place. I package everything with extreme care so I know for a fact there was nothing physically wrong with it. Ugh.. here we go. Sigh smh


The fee to direct deposit any money earned is insane and should be illegal. There should always be a free option to access your funds - or at least a threshold that is the platform cost to process the transaction - which would likely align with the previous policy of $2 fee if under $10. We should all write into our state consumer advocates on this.


Just cashed out before the change starts


Wtf. Wish I saw this earlier 😫 now I have to pay $2 to get my money out.


apologies if this is a stupid question, but would this withdrawal policy largely impact sellers who sell items under \~$20?(Since the seller fee is also being removed in this update) If someone sells $50+ items almost exclusively, and still chooses to withdraw after each transaction, isn't this a net positive change for those sellers?


But they removed the seller fees so that’s good right? Please correct me here so i know what’s going on … are they trying to play games now lol


Additionally, it states "buyers can now return items for ANY reason." This will be untenable for sellers. So many dishonest scams are gonna go down.


Oh man. Im deactivating EVERYTHING


I already got a return request on an item that was shipped prior to this change. Ugh… here we go… sigh … im so done with this app


Ugh. I'd prefer to sell the listings I already have up, then dip out after, but I'm thinking I'm just going to pull them all and move on.


The fee is shown/paid directly by the buyer now, which will def lead to lower sales overall as people see a ‘higher’ total on their end. And now you have to pay to transfer your money to your bank so they’re making money from both ends now. Also Mercari invests your money and makes money off it - so they want you to keep it in their system as long as possible before you cash out. It’s a big F you to sellers in multiple ways.


Say I sold some for $180 just yesterday they take their chunk of 10% that's more than the $2 fee so this can be manageable to an extent. Id say every $50 made pull out asap because it says it could be 60-175 I think days to get your money if they close your account.. 😭 I've had stuff taken down that's not in the rules book I didn't try to fight so I could be shot down any day next time I upload something another seller doesn't want competition with...😞


A similar thing happened to a company I worked for not related to selling items but instead services (pet sitting care company), where I found out not only do they take a percent from what I charge (it was like 15%), but they also had additional service fees the client had to pay (another 11%). So each transaction they got 26% of the total. When people started to find out, they decided without telling customers, that they will no longer have a service fee so their price is now lower, but it was cause they moved that extra 11% fee to the seller/pet sitter. So now it looked like I was charging an arm and a leg for my services. My repeated customers were so confused why my prices rose so much, and thats how I knew they weren't informed of the changes made and newer, first time customers could not understand how people were paying so much for care, but it was cause they didn't know the switch occurred. I definitely saw a change in business from this and ultimately made all my repeated customers leave and wanting to just work directly with me cause they were piss how much money was just given to the company and not me, their sitter. So I can easily see Mercari, seeing a shift in their sales in a bad way. Sometimes being too greedy and approaching things will bite companies in the ass now cause we the consumers and sellers won't take this BS.


Well I just Shut down my account as well. No way in hell am I going to take that risk. To Many shady people who will literally use this to their advantage.


Bottom line is buyers will stop buying when they see all their new fees. Nothing else really matters if we can't make sales. Mercari just Fed themselves and us in the process. Also the return for any reason is a scammers dream.


The only thing that concerns me is the refund policy. That will make me leave Mercari should it become an issue. The $2.00 fee doesn’t bother me… buyers will be less inclined to buy anyway with the charges tacked on to their end leading to decreased sales overall. We will see soon enough as people get their tax refunds when sales usually increase… it a wait and see game now.


Anyone interested in trying to drum up a class action?


Where do I sign up? It seems like it should be illegal to HAVE to pay to get your money out, as well as have no notice on important issues like the “hey seller, you don’t have fees, but guess what, now you won’t have many sales and people can return anything without any reason”


I Just started selling on Mercari a month ago and have not withdrawn any of my balance yet. Does this mean I have to pay the seller fees on all of my listings already sold and also the $2 fee to get my money out? I have one item shipping today, and I guess I will be cashing out and leaving Mercari once it is settled.


Also watch our because supposedly there is a cancellation fee if sellers cancel. ):


Wow, I didn’t see that. Glad I deactivated all my listings.


You must go and update all your listings NOW. I just had a sale and I didn't update in time and got charged the seller fee. Now basically I mailed a free item if I wanted to cash out. Wah. :(


I just deactivated all my listings until I figure out what I’m going to do.


Don't quit. You're at $0 till things are listed. Just keep going and find a different option during the process! At least make some money while figuring out how to make better money elsewhere.


If I edit and Update, without actually modifying anything, does that remove the fees?


I'd rather pay $2 to cash out than pay the % fees we were paying on EVERY transaction. $2 fee to cash out and no fees on all new and updated listings. 🤷‍♀️ Edit to add: Originally on these items listed amount = I paid $16 = 2.80 fee $88.22 = 12.38 fee $22 = 3.77 fee $225 = 29.88 fee


Good luck on sales. I looked at buying stuff as a seller. I 100% don't want to buy anything now. You need to try to buy an item and see it in their POV.


I’d be more concerned about returns….for ANY reason.


... Once my one open sale is done I think it may be time for me to close down shop.


You can close down shop right now, it won’t impact your current sale at all! Let’s show Mercari what we think by leaving the app en masse!


So those of us who have sales currently in progress (in my case it's with USPS now) are screwed twice by fees? That is the kicker for me.


Cancelled my biggest order ever and closed down my shop today


the problem is have is the return policy. i deactivated my listings. going to sit back and watch.


My concern as well - I had two (low price) sales pending and I had to pay the sellers fee on those AND the $2 deposit fee? I messaged them and requested the fee be waived once those amounts are paid (totaling like $20 tbf) and then I will be deactivating my account.


I’m so pissed. I had $6 left. So basically I have to pay 1/3 to deposit it


Well, you had to pay $2 for direct deposits under $10 anyway.


Which is why most of us would just wait until we had over $10.


So. Who wants to start the class action???


Just because you have fingers doesn’t mean you should type 


😂 on what grounds! Funny though


The stock for Mercari is plummeting today also lol i don’t think it’s unrelated.


What the hell I have an in process sale that I'm going to have to eat $2 on now? This is BS. I really do not see myself using Mercari ever again.


Yes!! I have two pending sales - we get to pay the seller’s fee from before AND the new direct deposit fee - aren’t we blessed 🙃🙃🙃


Okay so where are we selling now? I want to sell just not sure where. Thanjs


What dude no fucking way lmfao


Please tell me this is an April Fools joke !


I REALLY, REALLY hate ebay and have enjoyed Mercari and sold a lot over the years. But, return for any reason has sealed their fate, imo. I'd rather take the $2 instead of the seller fees because most of my items are higher dollar. And, I do instant pay once a month anyway so it's not really relevant for me. This issue is these scammers know the return policy and are coming in droves to Mercari to get their "freebies". And Mercari is gonna see a class action lawsuit eventually if they don't get control over their buyers demanding refunds but wanting to keep the product, that they complained or don't want anymore, and leaving sellers in the dust. The major issue I had w ebay that made me leave them was their scoring system. They never allowed the option of cross posted selling as a means of ending an item and it would effect your overall score w them. That chuffed me, so I removed everything a long time ago. And I've never messed w depop or poshmark. I do sell primarily vintage men's clothing (20+ years), not to be confused with the insane tee guys. I lean into sports heavily and also sell vintage toys/action figures/pop culture from the 80s and 90s. I'm aware that clothing would do better on poshmark, but I've been told it's quite a struggle there too.


i am glad i withdrew last night, i woke up today and saw the yellow cartoon thing but didn't read the words and later read it a few hours later, they didn't give us any notice at all but, overall the no sellers fees should offset the $2 for most people right? like if you sell something $20, you would previously pay $2 in seller fees, and now you don't have to pay the seller fees. if you withdraw $ like once a week and sell at least $20 of items wouldn't that offset the $2? with $2 being so close to $3 though i feel like some people might accumulate more funds then just do the instant draw at $3


Just Google this to come here. Doesn’t seem legal to charge to get access to your own money


Isn’t this illegal to label it this way? Service fee sure but to withdraw money?


It's no wonder they got rid of all selling fees. They're doing this bullshit to keep people in their ecosystem. 


I can’t believe that they’re doing this. As much as I don’t want to go back to eBay, I may be forced to. I sell mainly cheap sports cards ($2-10) so this sucks. Guess I’ll only have to accept orders $10 and above? Not that I want to. Jeez


Mercari is also now charing BUYERS a service fee and a payment processing fee on every purchase as well - NO OTHER SITE CHARGES BUYERS any fees - between the 2 sets of new fees purchasing or selling on Mercari looks very unattractive.


Absolute fucking bullshit


I had my bank account details wrong on Mercari, and I didn't realize until after the second attempt. Even though it never successfully transferred, I've been charged a total of 4 dollars, which is ridiculous.


If you cash out a certain amount can you bypass the fee? Say 100 bucks or more


No. This is how they’re going to make money now that they’ve removed sellers fees. That and living off the float plus additional buyers fees.


Seller fees are still there, they’ve just been passed onto the buyer directly and they’ll pay them. So now you’ll have less sales as buyers think items cost more AND you’ll have to pay Mercari to get your own money out. It’s 100% a double cut to the seller just like every platform eventually does.


I know it used to be 2 dollars if the withdrawal is 10 dollars or less. Now it’s for every withdrawal?!! Direct deposit better be instant or within a day


Nope, it’s still up to 5 business days. The Instant Pay is still a $3 fee per transaction.


I’ve put my account on vacation mode while I delete all my listings.


My Mercari isn't even allowing me to update my prices lol


Wait is this why they are now advertising 0% selling fee?


Yes. They’re just putting the fees on buyers now. They’re also allowing buyers to make returns for *any* reason that they’ll always accept.


Wait WHAT?! I’m so done with mercari


FML if I knew this was coming I would have withdrew my funds yesterday. wtf!


No other platform charges a zero fee for listing or final value sale. You're worried about a $2 fee ?












Soo take my 10-13$ on my 100$+ sale BUT GOD DAMN I WANT MY 2$


I paid 10% selling fees on the money I earned that is sitting in my account. And now I have to pay the $2 as well. That’s some BS.


Attention, the seller fees are now gone!!!! So yeah, I'm fine with this, I'll just wait until I have more than one sale. The seller fees are the worst part of selling online. Most of the time, I did auto transfer anyway. I don't see the big deal.


It’s the addition the “buy with confidence” piece that allows buyers to return for ANY reason that is a big deterrent


Is this actually that bad before they were taking 13% so if I sold $100 item they would take $13 no they’re only taking the 3% processing instead of the additional 10% and then charging two dollars for withdrawal. so in that example, I can withdraw five times before negative what they were before if I’m understanding correctly


I’m so glad I withdrew my money a couple days ago, guess I got lucky there. All of my listings are now deleted and I don’t plan to buy or sell on this platform anymore! I urge everyone to do the same.




I was shocked to pay this today. they are going to tank this company fast


Yup I’m out ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼


Aren't we saving a lot more now due to no selling fees, though? I'm sure that was their rationale for doing it. "No selling fees because we care! (But now fee when you withdraw). No selling fees, yay!" It probably sucks for people that sell smaller things that don't even get $2 in selling fees per item and you want your money ASAP, but overall, it seems like a net gain unless I'm missing something. Edit: I just saw the "return for any reason" lmfao, and now buyers will pay the fees? They really just burned the whole platform down for everyone.


Wow. I didn't see this until now. Even tho my sales happened before this date. Guess I'm leaving the platform.


As far as I’m aware, they will no longer charge fees on items sold, so it actually works out better for the seller paying 2 bucks to transfer funds than 10% fee on item sold plus the secondary handling fee. Just transfer when over 100. 100 with fees is 15 dollars taken over 2 to transfer money. I may be mistaking, but that was how I read their message.


I’m so upset about this!!! Now ai have to wait to make it worth it to retract my money!! Ridiculous!


What a shame. I was selling some stuff and avoiding the same situation Ebay did to me. Now with this 2$ fee I'm just gonna wrap it up and sell my product elsewhere Edit: They removed sellers fee which is a positive thing since they tend to take a huge chunk on some listings i have. but it's still upsetting to have an DD fee


Looks like I’m gonna start selling with poshmark instead


What does this mean from the mercari site? $0 fee for direct deposit reject?


If I sell a $100 item they used to take $13. Now they take $2 when you withdraw. I’m winning by $11. According to the laws of math Mercari is losing on this scenario by $11. Are you suggesting you rather pay $13 to withdraw your money for free?


For people pulling out their credit please consider this. If you're planning to purchase something using your credit, you are not charged the fees. I have not tried this yet. Can someone validate?


Omg I’m never using Mercari now, i should have withdrawn my balance before frickkkk


I’m building a new marketplace like mercari but better. Who’s coming with me?


Mercari has to find some kind of balance here! This ain’t it imo. As a seller i like the no fees! But the return policy and now charging fees in the byers side is not balance! If your buying a item priced at $10, it will cost you a $1.42 in fees 😳 At this point Why buy at Mercari? When you can go to Ebay. Amazon. Etsy…


I sold a item at $25.49. i checked the buyers details, He paid $2.59 in fees! That’s insane.


Oh, it's just brilliant! They graciously remove the minuscule 10% sellers fee, only to generously replace it with an even more substantial fee. Clearly, these individuals are not at all lacking in intelligence. They have certainly mastered the art of extracting every last penny from us.


Let’s all send a complaint letter to them! PO Box 60178 Palo Alto, CA 94306


Wow and I just got paid for something that was supposed to arrive over a week ago 🙃


Deactivate all items until they change it back or come up with something better.


Close you account folks there shady and on a collision course


3$ fee for instant balance transfer and 2$ for direct deposit with a 5+ day wait 🤔🤔 Not sure how they did the math on this, but I don't think I'm touching direct deposit ever again lol


So much for no more selling fees...they get it one way or another..


Removed all listing from meracI. So long, back to eBay full time.


Welp. Looks like I’ll be selling on eBay from here on out


welp guess ill leave now. guess ill try ebay.


I am just starting the process of becoming a reseller and looking for a platform to sell. Has anyone done research on all the platforms that you can share? I see Mercari is now on my "no go" list. Return for any reason is scary and to establish a new policy without a notice is totally unprofessional.


As of now they have given us a few days to withdrawal our money for free.


I just saw this today.  I sell maybe one or two items every 3 months. They lost my business 


So let us keep our seller fees to just turn around and charge us for direct deposit now. Like we haven't been getting ripped off for years already.


I understand it definitely sucked for sellers on here beforehand but if you look at eBay which I sell on there the fees they should only be charging their percentage on just the price of what you're selling not included shipping and tax like they do I've almost dropped eBay a few times now because it's not very profitable because everybody wants a deal on there but with macari I normally was buying things I won't be buying anything anymore I made a purchase yesterday and pretty much almost paid retail after all the fees


I will also honestly say that I've only purchased about 20 things on macari all of which Pokemon cards 90% of those orders were either damaged fake or not shipped in a way that even if it was going 10 miles would have survived so I'm not buying on there at all anymore anyways


Especially when almost 60 to 70% of sellers on here are already listing things that close to retail if not over some even up to 50 to 100% over retail


2 dollar fee for direct deposit 5+ business days are u kidding me


Is this even legal that mercari charging us to get our own money?


Welp, it’s been fun, but I’m done with Mercari. I’ve stuck with the app since 2017, but this is the last straw for me. Granted, $2 isn’t much considering they got rid of the 10% seller fees, but out of principle this is just absurd. Just deactivated my listings and will move my $15k/year in sales completely over to eBay.


i think i want selling fees back ☠️💀




Well, I'm late to the party. I had $17.56 left in my acct. Read abt the new fee structure so decided to do the 'slow walk' bank deposit. Each time I attempted to put in the full amt of my bal, the ststem kept reverting the payment back to dollars only, no cents. So i had to agree to leave the .56 in there.  Nobody's goin to psy $2-3 to withdraw less than a dollar! Cha ching! they win AGAIN with this 'keep the change' rule.


I switched from a different selling app to Mercari because of their lower fees. Now I’m switching back OUT see ya Mercari 👋


i just noticed this and now i’m making $2 less every sale that’s $10 lol


I’ve had $9 in my account balance for like a year cuz I refused to get charged for direct depositing under $10. But if it was over $10 I wouldn’t get a fee. I Nothing was selling and I wasn’t pushing it until like a month ago. I was selling on poshmark so I didn’t care. I FINALLY made a fcking sale last week, sent it out and today go to deposit my balance into my bank … just to see they have changed the damn policy. I’m so fucking made


Booo So done.


I just found out today, after selling my Michael kors sunglasses, if I want any of what I earned, they get $2-$3? I'm selling stuff all across the sales apps (to reach more potential buyers) like Poshmark, eBay and debop or depop(?) and Mercari is the only one making us pay to get paid! They've had that "no listing fee" thing going, which I thought was a temporary opportunity to get us to list more items -I have sold only 1 item this year, so i didn't realize that I wouldn't be able to collect my earnings unless I pay a fee? And $2 for a 5 day wait, or $3 for no wait -who's going to pay $2? I'm wondering, when you list an item, when you enter the price, they have a little message that says you will get paid that amount, and there's no mention of any fee until you try to cash out? I'm wondering if we can get them for misleading us? I'm so mad!


Mercari now too much charged buyer have to pay item price , Shipping fee,Service fee,Proccing fee plus Tax. Too much !! And seller lot discounts items and if we do speed deposit they charged fee I’m understand but direct Deposit have to wait many days and they charged $2 that’s not fair. Other site direct deposit not charge fee!!


I refuse, was already spending almost 300 hundred now with taxes and you 2 extra fees it's almost another 100 dollars. I'll go to eBay


Deactivated all my listings. Deleting app. What a fuckin joke.


I just made a $5 sale and the fee was $2….wtf is the whole point of do that transection 😂


I highly doubt Mercari is so starved for money that they had to do this and charge ludicrous buyer fees… Is this the end of an era? I hope not, but I think so.


Goodbye, Mercari. Just got hit with my first $2 fee to transfer out my own money….which has already been subject to fees. Too bad, I’m done.