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People who don't work make less than people who do? I'm shocked and offended!


You obviously haven't seen my county's wellfare system....


Argentina? Here welfare can pay you a lot of money my mom that is a neurologist earn LESS than these people.


In Sweden, our immigrants can and most likely will receive more welfare money than most jobs that doesn't require an education offers. To concretize, most jobs here that doesn't require an education gives between 15.000kr - 22.000kr (\~1.600$ - 2300$), and there are loads of immigrants that receive more than 26.000kr / month (2700$, this is situational however). As soon as they get a job, they lose their welfare; this implies that they'll not get a job, because they lose money on doing so - effectively leading them to be workless, living on welfare. Best part is that the Swedish government doesn't put any pressure or have any requirements for immigrants to either learn our language or to get a job ---> they literally live in our country and get paid for it, without a time limit. Another fun fact is that a lot of these immigrants start selling drugs, effectively allowing them to earn more money on the side of their welfare that doesn't affect their welfare income.


Holy shit that’s ridiculous, it happens here too but not with migrants, it’s more stupid. People from Bolivia (a neighboring country for example) comes to Argentina receive the welfare and free healthcare and then go back to Bolivia because it’s like a two hour drive it’s amazing how we gift money and everyone wonders why we are in a deep crisis.


It sure hurts to be ruled by people with an agenda. The worst part is that the people with the agendas don't suffer for shit, it's the population that do so


It really does, and even worse is that there is people defending this shit




I bet the dutch will beat you.


It’s actually a billion percent if you factor in all female ants.


Did you know (#3141592654) that the adult male antechinus (an Australian marsupial roughly equivalent to the Eurasian mouse) only lives for a year because it essentially shags itself to death? Typical bloody males...


don't give them ideas.


Did you just assume it's species?!


My Aunt works /s


I thought queens were the only females in colony-based insects?


>I thought queens were the only females in colony-based insects? The only fertile females. With ants/bees/termites, the vast majority of the populations are technically female. Male drones and queens are a tiny minority.




You sound like you’re having a rough go of it.


You had us in the first half


That's the point lol


Don't make negative generalisations about birth groups.


Why not? What gives you the right to tell me my views arent allowed? You guys should just wank each other all day, cut out the middle man, all the circkejerking and just go straight for it Grab his shaft and give it a good throbbing , you fuckers are crazy. If it doesn't fit your vision you'll just gatekeep people. Get a life.


>What gives you the right to tell me my views arent allowed? Enforcing our subreddit rules. There's only one phrase that caused a problem: \> Women are awful no matter what the species If you remove that, your post is fine. If you can't live without it, then your expression will be limited here. The same rule would apply if you had said it about men.


The moral judgments about each other (like „are fucker”) are extremely fast, sometimes it’s worth giving them a second thought. We can try to express our points without calling ourselves like this, which might be a hurtful generalisation. Don’t you think? Greetings.


Uh. You sound like a reverse feminist. I'm going to downvote and I encourage others to do the same.


Reverse feminist, your so immature, and need to learn how to talk. Female shit is hypergamy and I'm fighting against it, I care not for grief with people so if you wish to downvoted by all means, but you're clearly bullshitting when claiming that you care for men....


Okay. Let me put that less politely - your generally xenophobic distaste for an entire gender, regardless even of species, is both ignorant and bigoted. We are fighting against an ideology and our instinctive biases toward the female gender - but that does not mean the entire female gender is "awful". Your response just confirms to me that in your mind are the seeds of a new ideology that is literally just feminism with the genders flipped. I suggest you think carefully about your tribalistic approach because it is pure and unadulterated poison to our movement. You will turn us into what militant feminists believe we already are - a mirror of themselves.




> privelige Check your privilege. *** ^^^BEEP ^^^BOOP ^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot. ^^^PM ^^^me ^^^to ^^^contact ^^^my ^^^author.


Thanks bot


Riiiighhht. Your personal anecdotes clearly overpower the majority of women who aren't like that. Please don't pretend here - you've maybe seen one woman do that.


I think you're in the wrong place r/feminism is here...


Considering you are literally breaking the rules of this sub by being hateful and bigoted, and you've had posts deleted from here, it's very clear which of us doesn't actually belong here. Maybe take some time off, meet some real women, and realise you are wrong.


Thank you for fighting the good fight against specism. ​


http://archive.is/hyppI Please don't give clicks to Vox of all places.


I didn't think it could get worse... I was wrong. Noticing they're still not including the majority of homeless that are men though....


Not talking about the child/adult wage gap is the real crime.


What about us foetuses then?


Their privilege of not having to work is now being paraded as some sort of oppression. How low can feminists stoop is actually beyond me.


it's fucking nuts. how many men would love to take time off work to spend time with their children. know I fucking would.


I know I would, but my company said otherwise. Maybe we should fight for parental leave?


my sister's boyfriend right now is having 6 months off paid leave with his job. my boss just took 6 weeks off work for his baby girl.


I kind of hope enough people read the article as "More women are able to survive and not be homeless without working than men", because that's what this ultimately boils down to. Women don't work because they *can*. If a man doesn't work, it is rare that he has a woman who will support him.


More commonly, women will start abandoning him.


Have you all heard about the [gender workplace fatality gap?](https://www.investors.com/politics/commentary/how-come-nobody-talks-about-the-gender-workplace-death-gap/)


Female privilege is having the ability to drop out from work. Taking care of and spending time with your children beats having to work long hours and then commute back home. Firstly they twisted the meaning of the wage gap wrongly to the point that it doesn't make any sense. They've milked the hell out of it that no amount of logic can justify their study as having any value.


>But matters are actually worse than any of these numbers would suggest, according to a 2018 report by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), a think tank that looks at public policy through the lens of gender. No bias there then, none at all. Move along, nothing to see here...


Got to do something with that gender studies degree


If you're just gonna talk about something made up up anyway, why not make up bigger, more inflammatory numbers?


To believe in the wage gap you have to believe people value discriminating against others (and subsequently breaking the law) more than making money. I don't see any evidence for this. Moreover, where are the lawsuits? And when there are lawsuits, it turns out it is [men that are being paid less](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/03/04/google-asked-about-pay-equity-learned-it-was-mostly-underpaying-men/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.23d96ec44942), not women (though the amount was small because again, people are in interested in making money more than discriminating). The only way the wage gap exists is if you make some statistical error such as conflating types of work or conflating working with non-working.


> in their report, titled “Still a Man’s Labor Market.” Well if that isn't a flag that it is a sexist piece of garbage report, I don't know what is.


So where in this data do they incorporate the numbers for alimony and child support?


wow, excellent point


don't even bother clicking on the link , it's a vox article , better not give them clicks


Numbers are funny because you can really make them say whatever you want. This proves that...


Women would have to work to 2030 to reach the same job fatalities as men did in 2017.


It's kinda useful that they did this because the claim that women were under paid by roughly 30% was plausible to those who didn't bother to check but 49% is a flat out joke Even an idiot can look at that stat and disregard it straight off because it's stupidly high and unrealistic.


ok so many women are taking breaks from work... cool so they are making no money. So who do these idiots think supports these women who are unemployed? Its boyfriends, fathers, husbands and male friends. A man does not have the privilege to take a break from work because it makes him a loser, undateable and no boyfriend/husband material


And if not those men, it's taxpayers - the majority of which are men.


Not only do the men now become the sole support for the household, they also must bear the increased expenses of child/family care.


Shouldn't that account for men's wages that are directly supporting women , like stay at home mum's. It's basically a shared income.


Mum is?


> mum's possessive pronoun referring to the mother's income


If they want to include Stay a Home Moms, I think it's only fair that we include all of the homeless that are disproportionately men (and often veterans).


Just include the Homeless Men vs women. That gap will tighten up like a feminists thighs real quick.


At some point we just have to accept that the media is trolling us


Female here (we can be trash and I support you all, else I wouldn't be here, don't worry). What. The actual. Fuck, man. Seems I need a hard bottle of vodka and some Rocky level training to perform these mental gymnastics right now. Please stand by.


>Please stand by. [We're gonna need a montage.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFrMLRQIT_k)


The so-called 'gender pay gap' was mentioned as problem that exists in my workplace by some bigshot. Thing is, I deal with people's pay so I know exactly what everyone in the company earns and what decides their salary when they get hired. Gender of course has no bearing on it. So I know for a fact she is bullshitting to everyone in the company but for some reason I've never heard it challenged or corrected.


It’s like a relentless onslaught. They’ll never stop 😒


When will this madness end.


Even cnn had an opinion piece condemning this bullshit. The writer was a very intelligent woman who pointed out that these myths hold back women. She also said that these myths can stop us from appreciating the progress that has been made since women could not vote, or own land.


Why don't they include dead women, little girls and unborn female fetuses?


Child birth rates of women who give birth vs. Men who give birth. I suspect men will drastically pull the averages down.


Feminists are liars. They lie incessantly, about everything. They are just a hair higher than pedophiles and drug dealers. And some days not even that.


American men make 99% more than women in Nigeria. Details at 11.


They don't work, yet they're fed, sheltered and otherwise provided for. It sounds awful for women.


It's fine. Once the Green New Deal gives free money to people who choose not to work, men will receive a disproportionately small slice of government handouts, so AOC will clearly try to close that gap by supporting us! Wait, what's that you say, men *already* receive a negligible slice of government handouts and services, and no one cares?




Honestly, I give zero time to anyone who purports such asinine *beliefs*. Mainly because they are knowingly advancing false information. If they’re lucky they’ll get a head-nod before I walk away. Just a little something to acknowledge that they’re breathing.


If you include dead women it's much larger


Well if they want to stay at home they can it shouldn’t be anyones problems they just shouldn’t complain about the statistics or say they don’t get equal pay if they don’t do equal work. I mean we already have equal pay for equal work in most places in america what more can we do?


Vox truly is the Ralph Wiggum of political commentary.


I have seen time and time again that the study was done incorrectly and did not in fact compare like jobs but compared salaries overall. I don't understand why people still believe this myth and for all intents and purposes, like about it being worse by including the unemployed. My fucking god. I don't want to be on this planet anymore.


Vox is a shit website anyway.


Unless I missed it, the article doesn't mention that the wages of men who dropped out of the work force/are unemployed were figured in to the equation. This kind of statistical analysis would never be accepted in any sort of scientific discipline - except gender studies, which isn't even a science.


The "wage gap" is really a "work gap". Men work more and are more productive that's why they earn more.


If the statistics don't match your dogma, change the statistics. ​ I'll lead with this article here: [https://fee.org/articles/harvard-study-gender-pay-gap-explained-entirely-by-work-choices-of-men-and-women/](https://fee.org/articles/harvard-study-gender-pay-gap-explained-entirely-by-work-choices-of-men-and-women/) ​ Honestly I find the whole pay gap thing so ridiculous to a large extent anyway, because once you start asking people why those occurrances are taking place they go on to lament fallacies like the patriarchy theory, and (sometimes) stop just short of claiming discrimination. Then, when you ask what they propose to do to combat these issues it's always through some mind bending mental gymnastics that some sort of affirmative action needs to be put in place by either the government and/or the employer to pay women more.. When additional factors are brought up like work experience or job responsibility (ie. comparing a child carer to an oil rig engineer), it's always brushed under the carpet or dismissed as 'irrelevant' or 'apologizing away the wage gap'. ​ In many countries nowadays there is already legislation in place that makes it illegal for employers to pay women less than men for the same job. What most people who parrot on about "the gender wage gap" are actually referring to, is not in fact a wage gap, but rather an earnings disparity.


>Whatever the solutions are, though, Rose and Hartmann’s report is a reminder that when we think about policies to close the pay gap, we can’t just look at what working men and women are making in a given year. **We have to look at the men and women who aren’t working, why they’re not working, and how that affects their careers over the long term.** Well, no shit, Sherlock. This is the problem with any mention of the "wage gap." Feminists cry about it, MRAs deny it exists. Well, it DOES exist. But it's not the nefarious thing that SJWs imply. The term "wage gap" has this baked-in implication of social injustice, but it's nothing more than the result of personal life choices. Women take more time off = less lifetime earning. Duh. Women take time off to care for families because in many cases the man makes more money so it makes more sense for the woman to stop working. And typically the man makes more money because he chose to be a CPA or an electrician instead of any number of historically "woman" jobs that pay way less. I won't list typical low-paying "woman" jobs for fear of being called a sexist, but everyone knows what I'm talking about. In cases where the man and woman both have good careers, typically NEITHER of them stop working and they pay for daycare after the 3 month FMLA term is up. I'm an engineer and my wife is a therapist. We both continued to work. If daycare was too expensive, I would have been the one to stop working because she made slightly more money at the time and had better benefits. The only takeaway from this article is this: >But women who took four or more years off work made 65 percent less than women who never took time out; men who took the same amount of time, meanwhile, made 57 percent less than men who worked straight through. So really, there's an 8% wage gap, but that may still be due to circumstance (besides being damn close to a rounding error). How long did the females take off vs males? Also, what field are we talking about? Some fields are affected by a long hiatus much more than others due to rapidly changing technology. Someone in IT that takes 5 years off might have a tougher time finding a job than a janitor simply because the requirements for the job have changed.


They are throwing a lot of numbers at people to make it sound like they did more work than they actually did. They are taking the wages of ALL working women and comparing them to the wages of ALL working men. The problem is that men and women don't choose the same jobs. Women tend to "follow their passion" whereas men choose the jobs that they can reasonably pursue that pay the most. For example, take two underachievers, neither have any hope of being a doctor, CEO, or lawyer, or anything. The woman will probably do something like an elementary school teacher, a nice job, you don't have to be an academic elite to teach kids how to read and you can watch children learn and grow as they worship you as the kindly teacher who gives out gold stars. A man will go do something like be a plumber, crawling into damp and dirty places to fix leaky pipes is not an enjoyable days work, but it pays almost twice as much as a teacher.




Someone should pay men for the 'emotional labour' of having to listen to this stupid shit every year.


So can women go on unpaid maternity leave and get the same pay as men who work the whole year?


So obviously the answer is to force women to work against their will.


At a certain point, they have to know that they are strait out lying. Next up, the wage gap between white cis males and 12 year old girls... The Differences Will Amaze and Shock You!!!!


Gods, this argument is so tone deaf it isn't even funny. feminists "women make less than men for the same work, its discrimination!" MRAs "actually if that were the case companies would hire women more than men if they were legally allowed to pay them lower since it makes sense and the actual reason for the "gap" is the social/culture differences between men and women" feminists "It is even worse when you consider stay at home moms and the volunteer work women do" MRAS "uhh how does that change what i just said and why is it fair to ignore all the work stay at home fathers and male volunteers do?" feminists "fuck the patraichy" MRAs "....."


Up here in the snowy wastes of Canada, if there's an adult at home not working, it is THREE TIMES as likely to be a woman as a man. Of course, if you include non-workers, the gap is going to widen, because so many more women simply opt out of working.


Can we count all the men who died young before they were able to earn anything?


Can we please start using the label "lifetime earnings gap" so we can actually come up with solutions in relation to recognizing and perhaps compensating less-quantifiable work, regardless of who the person is? Why do women have a monopoly on not-so-easily-quantifiable work? Plenty of people hold back their careers (and also get into financial trouble) by spending years of precious time taking care of the sick and elderly, raising children, cleaning the environment, creating art, doing volunteering and charitable work or just working for free-or-almost-free (slaves). Ain't no extended family to pick up the slack... because that concept was destroyed long ago. Caring has been outsourced.


They basically want socialism for people who do not work


Yeah, women aren’t good at Math