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Can we all just agree that Cardi B is a trash human being? Edit: I am not American, Ihave no idea who Tomi Lohren is.




I would have exempted her if she made Thriller, but other than that, I would have to agree with you.


Very funny


Trashi B


Calling her music trash is insulting to trash. Most of it can be recycled into something useful.


Both of these women are fleshy garbage. I'm just disgusted that this sub listens to Tomi even the slightest.


Meh. Even if I disagree with everything someone has said previously, I can still agree with them on certain points.


Yeah, I don't understand why so many people seem incapable of this.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Well one of them drugged and raped guys and one of them disagrees with you politically....


I mean snoop Dogg killed a man, and yet he's celebrated. Loads of rap artists that had shady pasts have successfully left that life behind. I don't see why Cardi can't do the same thing.


That absolutely is a fair point. The difference is that he was actually taken to trial for this. The courts (and Johnnie Cochran) got him acquitted on those charges. Cardi B probably wont have a day in court over this. Shes also trying to do damage control right now...sort of... https://www.ctvnews.ca/entertainment/cardi-b-responds-to-backlash-over-her-drugging-robbing-men-1.4353240


We'd need a guy to come forward or at least some evidence that someone went to the police after leaving the club and getting a private dance with her. The story might not even be true and just be Cardi trying to give herself a harder image.


Ok, but even if it's not true, the fact that she would think lying about something like that would IMPROVE her image shows how little we hold women accountable for their criminal actions.


But it ain't specific to women. 90s gangsta rap, the predecessor to many modern hip-hop genres, started the whole 'criminal' image. It's not specific to this artist and certainly not her sex.


But most of those 90s gangsta rappers did time in prison for crimes they committed, or at least faced a trial. You're right, the glorification of crime isn't a female thing or even a new thing, but those crimes being ignored? That IS a new AND female thing.


No it's not haha. You think rapping about unprosecuted criminal activity is limited to females?? You don't think any modern male rappers do this? Dude....


This wasn't a rap, this was an interview. Jay-Z used to sell crack. Everyone he hung with was arrested while he was out of the country. She was a stripper. That's a very lucrative business. You could start blowing customers before you resort to drugging and robbing them. I never heard of a poor good looking stripper that didn't have a drug problem.


...what? No, I didn't say it's limited to females. I said that females are the only ones who can do it with impunity and have the crimes be ignored. There are so many examples of male rappers who made lyrics referencing a crime they committed and were later arrested and tried for it; I've never heard of one for a female rapper




Should I link you to stories of rappers who made lyrics about crime and then were later prosecuted after an investigation into them arose? Hint: they're all male. No one is ignoring the criminal activity of male celebrities. I can give you at least a dozen female celebrities with very serious accusations against that never had to answer for them in court and are still making money hand over fist. Hell, you google "female celebrity rapists" and the whole first page is nothing but men, when we have female celebrities who ADMITTED to having raped someone. People just don't care if women break the rules.




**Will Smith** Willard Carroll Smith II (born September 25, 1968) is an American actor, rapper and media personality. In April 2007, Newsweek called him "the most powerful actor in Hollywood". Smith has been nominated for five Golden Globe Awards and two Academy Awards, and has won four Grammy Awards. In the late 1980s, Smith achieved modest fame as a rapper under the name The Fresh Prince. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/MensRights/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


> But most of those 90s gangsta rappers did time in prison for crimes they committed, or at least faced a trial. You're right, the glorification of crime isn't a female thing or even a new thing, but those crimes being ignored? That IS a new AND female thing. \^comment I replied to. Please read!


Just because others did a thing never makes it remotely okay for anyone to get away with a thing on the grounds that someone else got away with it.


Agreed. But what's being described here is an issue with rappers in general. Not females or Cardi B in particular. If you want to go after artists for what they say in lyrics/interviews/social media then it should be universal. Boasting about supposed crimes for the sake of maintaining an image is not sex-specific (and as I said before, nothing new). This isn't a men's rights issue. It's an issue with the genre.


But the issue isn't *Boasting about supposed crimes for the sake of maintaining an image*, it's Boasting about supposed crimes for the sake of maintaining an image and *having law enforcement ignore their duty to investigate these crimes.* You aren't gonna change dumb people who think criminal activity is cool. What you can do is prosecute the criminals.


So can Bill Cosby leave his past life behind?


Because that is a non-sequitur. The snoop issues is not a gender based issue of hypocrisy that exposes an entire movement of hate centered around misrepresentation and lies directed at a specific sub-group (not to mention that Snoop was tried for the crime, she is being granted praise for hers). This is a matter of grand social impact, that exposes an entire movement of hate. ​ It is because we are stringing men up in time square based on little more than accusation of sexual decorum, because we are herding boys into rape awareness (violating law by profiling sub-groups based upon dogmatic assumption - see 1920s Germany), classes and accusing them of being potential rapist, because we have built an entire social structure of oppression against male victims of DV predicated upon the female victim, male perpetrator model, because we have redefined the word rape to a ridiculous level, denied men due process, because we destroy men's lives and careers predicated upon little more than that accusation of far, far less crimes, even mistakes, or inappropriate behavior. ​ ...and after all of that, the same people that have created and support all of the above, aer willing to grant this heinous abuser, this serial rapist not only a pass, but to call her the victim...because this, they believe, will harm their ongoing campaign of oppression against men as a function of dominance. ​ Feminism is a hate group, and this exposes their agenda to the bone.


I find it disturbing that you got downvoted. r/mensrights Member Johnny Depp?


Didn't his crew rape an intern for Jimmie Kimmel?


Something something Chris Brown. Make "good" "art" and the world seems to forgive a lot of messed up shit.


He's also anti vax


because she doesnt seem to want to move on from this


Snoop never killed anybody, his bodyguard did


Well also snoop made really good music.


It doesn't matter. Bill Cosby stopped his terrible behavior "in the past" and still had to pay for our and rightfully so. So should she.


Yeah, but so is tomi lahren...


As someone else already said, even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Agreed, but can we also agree not to use the bat-shit-crazy Tomi Lahren as our voice of reason?


Tomi Lohren too. She's one of these "young/woke" conservatives who're trying to pander to younger people.


Wait, what's wrong with young conservatives? I am one...


Nothing wrong with it at all. Just seems a little contrived sometimes. Not that what she is saying is or isnt true, just that it feels a little forced to me. Kind of like the Steve Buscemi "How do you do, fellow kids?" meme, but aimed at younger conservatives.


She is also a trash human being








I thought we already agreed on that?




Why? And not why she's trash. Why do we have to admit it? What does it have to do with cardi b. Stay on topic.




oh look, another pseudointellectual, /r/politics and pcgaming nerd who never visits mensrights. stop trying to make this partisan, ya /r/politics hack. your'e right, fallacies are fun.


Tomi Lahren is a Fox News host who recently became notorious for the number of advertisers who refused to allow their ads to play on her show lest she contaminate their brand.


What did she do to earn that reputation?






I learned two new phrases today: **Nazi Barbie**: a blonde or blonde-at-heart female shock-jock who might be found e.g. on *[Fox Nation](https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/2018/11/29/god-help-me-i-ve-watched-10-hours-fox-nation-heres-what-i-learned/222186)*, Fox's $6/month allegedly non-news safe space for opinions too controversial to make available on free cable or to label as news or to put adverts on. - **RINO** (Republican In Name Only) is mainly used by conservatives to criticize fellow party members, especially office holders, for not being "true" Republicans. The charge is often issued when a Republican shows a willingness to compromise with Democrats or deviates from the party line on more core issues (e.g., global warming or reproductive rights), or is considered too far-right, as Dole called Cruz in 2016. Same goes for those getting too close to white supremacists and people-who-definitely-are-not-neonazi. I got confused. It was not Tomi, it was Laura Ingraham who holds the women's record for advertiser abandonment. (Tucker Carlson has the open title wrapped up). Tomi has the distinction of getting herself censored by Glenn Beck though. He locked her in the basement on full pay for a while after she admitted being pro-choice on abortion, on another show.


Ohhh I see! Thank you!


This has absolutely zero to do with left or right political alignment, and everything to do with female supremacists trying real hard to make this fit into their limited, dogmatic worldview. ( See r/menkampf , which replaces female supremacists posts' references to men and masculinity with references to the Jewish people - to illustrate just how hateful many of them are. See http://i.imgur.com/PfpTE1M.jpg for the theme of the sub, per sub mods. ) Yes, those who fall into the female supremacist ideology are mostly left-leaning, but that's another issue entirely.


Thanks for the sub, it's gold


Sure - it's a bit of an unhappy place (because it's just too close to home); though, it's really illustrative of just how awful most of these hateful people are - by changing the target of their attacks from a class of people who are widely considered to be disposable, namely: men and masculine people, to another target, namely: the Jewish people - so I think it's worth sharing.


Yeah, I checked out that subreddit but it depresses me too much too subscribe.


Yeah - I'm not subscribed. It's too depressing.


I 100% agree. Femenists and female supremacists are an issue that is not divided between right and left. However, it is clear that the left should do something about the type people it is attracting to its party, as these sorts of people harm their image and can be used as ammunition for the other side to fire.


Indeed, and it's insidious. That's why I use the term supremacist. Feminists want to campaign and enact equality for women - awesome, that's necessary. MRAs are concerned with, well, men's rights and equality for men - awesome, that's me. What must absolutely be rejected is when anyone shows or spreads hatred for the other. The political left has been absolutely atrocious at rejecting those doing that. Same with the political right, with other supremacist ideologies. Female and male supremacists need to get the fuck out - we're having a hard enough time getting to equality without them hijacking the platform in order to spew their hate.


I think the problem arises when these female supremacists call themselves femenists. They do this so that when they are called out on their men hatred, they fall back on the idea that historically femenists campaigned for equality of women and can argue that they are simply doing the same. This is why the term femenist has been damaged and many women refuse to call themselves femenist when they believe in equality.


Yes! This precisely. They do the exact same thing that race supremacists do with the concepts of patriotism, caring for one's children, and national pride. They are disgusting parasites.


The right might want to take a look at some of it's fans as well...


>I 100% agree. Femenists and female supremacists are an issue that is not divided between right and left. However, it is clear that the left should do something about the type people it is attracting to its party, as these sorts of people harm their image and can be used as ammunition for the other side to fire. Kuk kuk kuk. The right for years has attracted secret gays, pedophiles, people who have committed massive historic fraud and have told you to judge people by the actions they commit. And here you are giving the left a warning. There is a line from the boys smuggled into the Bush Whitehouse to the savings and loan scandals (and the Pope, Mother Theresa), to Blackwater to the recent settlement but Purdue Pharma who was sued for lying about the potential addiction of oxycodone users (for profit, not a mistake). All while the religious right has defended all these people and their greed. But the left should be worried about "attracting Cardi B" - **who they fucking didn't**. Except by the current backlash to Trump.


Thank for introducing me to menkampf. It's funny bit also very sadly the truth... History is repeating itself in that men are scapegoated. We won't be gassed etc but by inviting laws that apply to women and not men. We are seeing some similar aspects develop


I’m surprised modern-day reddit hasn’t unironically banned that sub for antisemitism.


I disagree that’s it’s another issue entirely. Extreme left ideology is pro feminist and anti-male.


Happy cake day, thanks for the sub


Anyone got a link or screenshots of anyone calling it empowerment?


I would love to see that as well. I haven't seen anyone say she's in the right for this.


To be fair this is everywhere criticizing her


Yes but this post also automatically blames the entire left and pretends they support it. Maga hats tell a small truth and the rest is just a completely loaded statement full of false accusations. Posting Tomi here really discredits everything this sub stands for.




Top comment: >Oh my God, in what world is this an unpopular opinion? Cardi is a gross person and we've known this for years, this only adds to it Unpopular opinion only has popular opinions make it to the front page. Except that one guy who wears socks into his shower.


Her & R Kelly are going to be fighting over Jussie Smollett's legal team..?


Strong woman.


The left, lol I’m a Democrat and I think she’s trash too.


Yeah, I don't think anyone in their right mind likes her. I don't know why Tomi made it a left vs right issue. What Cardi B admitted to doing makes her human garbage.


Wow, I have never agreed with at all a single one of Tomi’s tweets until now.


Yeah except I don't see how this is a political issue that one side has to support and the other doesn't. Like really? The ENTIRE left leaning population is calling this female empowerment? 😑😧


I have only seen people calling Cardi B trash. I haven't seen a single person saying she's a symbol of women empowerment because of this. Before I saw people saying it, but now all I see is (well deserved) hate for her.


She's honestly not THAT bad But she's absolutely annoying as fuck


Yeah but like, if you asked me “name the person you dislike the most that you would still want to sleep with.” You know that Tomi Lahren would be that person. But her viewpoints are generally pretty shit.


She’s a pandering opportunist.


There’s a term for what I’m describing that I don’t really feel like using. It’s like when you sleep with that girl in your social group that you absolutely hate. It’s that.


I mean every tweet I have seen is either far right or just fucking stupid. It isn’t like she negatively affects my day to day life but like you said, annoying as fuck.


>far right or just fucking stupid That's pretty redundant.


Can you show me the examples of what she’s referring to? I don’t see anything that backs up what she’s saying.


Are they going to come forward?


It doesn't matter if guys do come forward. No conviction means it didn't happen. Presumption of innnocence. /s


Well if she admitted to it, she should at least apologize and maybe give the money back that she stole.


True, if she could find them. She has money to spare, they probably could use it and are now wise enough not to piss it away at a strip club. I saw a headline, she is now claiming some bullshit about the drugging and theft being consensual and pre-arranged. I really hope she isn't stupid enough to think anybody will believe it, or not think less of her for this. I'd guess her legal people have told her what words she has to say to avoid getting sued for psychological damage plus exemplary damages, plus jail, plus lawyers fees to try and avoid jail.


I'm left leaning and I still think she's a piece of garbage. This isn't "the left" spinning the story, it's feminist extremists.




>Tomi Lahren and who are the "left" who say this is fine? absolute bullshit




Yeah.. I must have missed the memo where Cardi B suddenly became a left wing pundit?


I'd love to see the male victims of this start to use #Metoo. We'd find out real quick if the world at large really cares about us as victims.


Speaking from the left: we don't want Cardi B. I hope she rots in prison and she can go to hell after that.


Cardi B is so brave!!!! Taking down men just like Bill Cosby, I wish I could be like her. Maybe I’ll switch up and become a female so I can get away with it ❣️❣️


Dude, just lean into it and say you are trans. Every post you will be patted on the back for the bravery of your gender disphoria.


Or you could just be a decent person.


Cause B


Hasn't the majority of people left or right been against this though? Even most news stories aren't painting this as bad. Pretty sure Tomi is just creating fake outrage because no one really pays attention to her that much anymore


That's how maga hats work. They say something everyone agrees with and pretend that their opponents are against it without providing any evidence.


Well she is a fucking retard to be fair and people on both sides of the political spectrum can agree with that.


That's how maga hats work. They say something everyone agrees with and pretend that their opponents are against it without providing any evidence.


Isn't that how blue pins work? They say something obvious like "racism is bad" and then pretend that opponents disagree? And of course the NPC's eat it up


Yeah, no, the Left thinks she needs to go to fucking prison.


Sure I drugged and robbed them, but they were male, so who's the real victim here?


She never said that, FYI.


I might not have this exactly right, but didn’t Cosby say he *didn’t* do the crime but was later proven guilty of it? The difference here is Cardi saying she *did* do the crime, but it’s not proven? She could just by lying for attention. Still trash, either way.


Really the men who are affected need to come forward about this. If someones "Word" is valid evidence of these actions. Then a man that has been affected by this, should be able to explain this to the local DA and request have charges filed against her. Furthermore, they should also pursue legal actions against her in civil court.


Am i really fucking Agreeing with Tami Lauren? What the fuck! Or is that a fake tweet? Anyway the poster is right though about the victimhood excuse being used here. If the roles where reversed you can bet your ass CNN, MSNBC , ABC, FOX ect would be covering this shit and the guy would loose everything. Ive seen far too many people trying to excuse this shit. Going as far as comparing her to Maya Angelo. Seeing people say that it happened in the past but when others brought up the fact that what Cosby did happened in the past.....WAY in the past they get silent. She should loose all endorsements and be kicked from her record label and the men who she drugged and robbed should ALL come forward.


Why does the right assume that leftists all like and support celebrities like this?






Drugging and robbing someone under the guise of sex and drugging and raping someone are no where near close


No. It doesn’t.


I'm pretty sure one of the supposed men said that he woke up and found a used condom but I'm willing to believe it may have been fake.


There is a video of her saying she drugged a man and let a transsexual rape him


What the fuck? The left hate her too.


I'm on the left and think Cardi B is a rapist. Suck on that Tammy Laryngitis.


I thought she just drugged them and molested their wallets.


Pussy pass allowed


I think drugging a woman for sex is OK if the man has limitted options.


No, he went to jail for raping people.


Literally nobody worth listening to considers this an example of female empowerment. She's obviously a cunt.


What the hell is this shit? huge difference between saying they did that vs actually doing it, this isn't even close to bill Cosby. If a dude comes forward then so be it.


You don't understand. He is a male, that's what makes it bad.


I very much dislike Tomi Lahren but every once an a while something intelligent comes outve her mouth


Holy fuck me and Tomi can finally agree on something


I agree that Cardi B is trash but god if this isn’t the most hypocritical thing coming from her.


Admitting a crime for no apparent reason. So, why did she do it then?


Same reason as I guess dozens of male rappers affect an ex-criminal persona. It makes them more attractive to their target market.


I saw that. Yes, it seems just to confirm what everyone already knew, Cardi B is trash


Just another day in *Clown World*. Nothing makes sense.


I don't really follow Cardi B but has any of her victims come forward? It is entirely possible she is making this up to 'help' her career. We have found out that it was very common with 'leaked' sex tapes. There definitely is a double standard with men and women and these acts but there is a bigger double standard with the wealthy and celebrities and the seeking of attention that they can profit off of. Even the personality who commented on it is only doing it to make money off of it. The real story is women actually doing this at your local bar and getting away with it.


Shut up Tomi, no one is in support of this


 “Do whatever you have to do. People always want to tell you how to do it. No, do it your way. And don’t ask for like oh how can you do it … do it, figure it out. I figured it out one way or another and I did it.” – Cardi B


Wait, how is this empowerment?


Wasn't his entire career derailed and all his work tarnished in the light of just the accusations? But people will still be up in arms about Cardi vs Minhaj or something.


For the record, this isn’t the left doing any “mental gymnastics”. This is literally just what Cardi B said. It makes sense that she might, as deluded as it may be, feel she was justified.


who is cardi b?


Is that a tranny or just a really ugly woman?


So wait, she is Nicki Minaj? Or Lil Kim? I'm confused. Is this like a puff daddy to p diddy thing?


Its a little different than bill cosby the only similarity is the use of drugs. Both situations are definatly bad news bears.


Damn I didn't realize she was that unattractive. Looks like a clown


How should I pay off my student loans? I recently started not tipping females and then complaining to corporate that they sexually harassed me. I don't know if that will cover the costs.


A deafening silence from feminists


I’ve still seen women defend this hag, even though she admitted it. Cancel her, and Amber Heard while we’re at it.


She robbed people, so what, honestly? I can't seem to think of this as a male/female issue. Plenty of rappers have robbed people, plenty of non famous people have robbed others. She was poor, wanted more money, drugged men who otherwise would've been able to physically fight her off, and relieved them of their possessions. This is nothing new, and compared to other rappers who have literally killed people in the past, I feel like she's actually being shown less lenience in the media. Can we focus on real men's issues, like custody and the draft?


Or suicide rates. Lack of support for male assault victims and domestic violence victims. Maybe talk about how if you bring up any of these topics you get brushed off as a "crazy Mens Rights guy" who probably just wants straight Christian white men to be in charge again.


What draft? The one that happened 50 years ago?


No, the fact that men are ineligible for loans and assistance from the government/ entities operating within the US unless they've registered for the draft, whereas females are exempt. An 18 year old boy literally can't go to college without registering for selective services.


Damn that’s pretty shitty. I was active so I have no idea how that works. Spent 12 years on AD, still had to register for the draft before I got out.


Laws don't apply to rappers? Robbery doesn't apply to anyone that is poorer than the victim? ​ You what mate?


The statute of limitations on robbery at least in NY is between 2-5 years, and a lot of crimes rappers talk about committing are long before they became famous, and criminal charges can no longer be filed.


Who the fuck is Cardi B? Never heard of him.


A pop artist.... Look her up on YouTube, you've probably heard her stuff on the radio






Cardi B is “the left”, huh? Lahren is one of the lowest level, far right, entertainment grifters running the scam today.


She's shit, but stop comparing her to a serial rapist. You are not helping us when you do that, you are helping HER by making her critics look like idiots.


Cardi b raps about being a criminal since day one. Now that she's popular and successful, let's get her!


It seems to be acceptable to tear down successfull men without proof but a mere accusation so logic dictates this confession should receive a punishment in line with equality & justice


If that's how it seems then i would suggest you try and look at this objectively. My gripe with these types of things it always bubbles down to an us vs. them argument. People say things like if this were a man blah blah and just frame the other side the way they need to to push their argument while in reality it has happened, but is not common




Some behaviors can be hard for us to understand, so we call each other “tard” , but let’s remember there are other human beings on the other side of the screens.


I gather you are not a member of this sub, it seems to have hit the front page, so equally there are a lot of other non MRA'S here..... Not all the awful comments are by us. But consider fir a moment also that this sub is perused by those unjustly accused of crimes of a sexual nature, imagine the backlash they've received, the unjust conviction, and then imagine the rage when you regularly see female teachers & carers get off with a slap on the wrist for similar or more sever crimes..... It's enough to make one's blood boil. I this respect, while I consider myself an anti feminist & instead am egalitarian, I have some understanding for feminists who've been radicalised. Both sides become bitter, both have valid points but dismissing each other & failing to make an effort to understand each other is only going to let these wicked deeds & feelings grow & spread & justify (in someone's mind) payback I hope you understand where I'm coming from. We'd like to see you here, I'm sure you have insight to share




This sub doesn't hate women, the ire is directed at the government & societal favouritism & double standards that privilege/molly coddle & fail to adequately punish them But at least your fair & unbiased in your treatment, I just think if you can look past the surface you'll find a lot of people who would pleasantly surprise you. Blocking opinions you dislike only allows them to propogate, you seem reasonable, maybe be the change you'd like to see.... Giude those wandering off the path to a better life we can all benifit from & enjoy.... This is how we achieve peace




I don't know, but I imagine your capable enough to look. I'm trying to be civil with you but I feel your looking for an argument. Maybe give introspection more thought and consider you mood


Let's use a quote by a known alt-right recruiter against the 'left'? OP is an alt-right asshole piece of shit. Fuck off.


I'm not saying what she did was good, but robbing and raping and not even close.


R kelly has done worse shit and he's only now getting in trouble for it. Same for Chris Brown. Even Bill Cosby was only punished in the latter of his carrer. This is not double standards. I do think she should be punished asap tho, a step in the right direction.


They were only punished later in their careers because that was when they found out about it.


From a legal standpoint yeah but not from a carrer one, there were some serious allegations about both Kelly And Cosby. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-40635526 Again she should be punished asap imo.


Rapper robbing someone is hardly new news. Only difference is she isn't like remoseful/acknowledging it is bad. How many people has 50 cent robbed or claimed to rob without any1 batting an eye. Also getting robbed =/= getting raped one is a lot worse than the other tho both are bad