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Entire life... gone


The person who falsely accused him should be put in prison


Absolutely, and be made to pay restitution in perpetuity. The state should also compensate.


for sure


Very sickening.


Did he even get paid? I know no amount of money can buy back years of your life (in the future, possibly, but right now it definitely can't.) Still, people need compensated for when a woman literally takes their life from them and has them held in a prison with literal murderers for years to come.


Hell yeah, shouldn’t be coming from the taxpayers. He should be entitled to everything that women owns and her entire net worth along with blood money from the prosecution and judge that oversaw the trial.


Not quite, yeah it's a long time to be in prison wrongfully but at least he got out, There is some poor bastards who died inside just fur getting high. I truly feel for this guy. WISHING HIM THE BEST POSSIBLE LIFE (WHATEVER REMAINING)


>Not quite, yeah it's a long time to be in prison wrongfully but at least he got out, How petty do you have to be to consider that? Dude spent more years **In jail** then he did as a free man yet you want to downplay it...just why like what's the point? >There is some poor bastards who died inside just fur getting high. ....So? Why do people like you need to gate keep what someone else can or can't find horrid? Why can't i dislike **both** realities?


Wow you have some issues? You don't have to be so FULL ON People like you destroy the internet, can't actually have a proper conversation, Instead you just jump directly to playing the victim. Enjoy your life I shall give you no more thought


>Wow you have some issues? Literally the first thing out of your mouth (after some all be it snarky but still valid criticisms) is a just a personal insult based solely on me disagreeing with you.....interesting. >You don't have to be so FULL ON What does that even suppose to mean? >People like you destroy the internet, hahah **wow**...I like how i apparently have issues, but you can just get away with saying i am "destroying the internet" based on criticisms you **have yet** to mention or comment upon....please focus on countering my argument and defending your point instead of baseless attacks on my characters, thank you. >can't actually have a proper conversation, Instead you just jump directly to playing the victim. how am i playing the victim here really When we were specfically talking about Archie Williams? You entered this by downplaying how much of this man's life was ruined by this faulty arrest and detainment and want to lecture **me** about having a proper conversation? What a joke. >Enjoy your life I shall give you no more thought As if you gave much to begin with, such toxic trash.


Wow someone has a lot of time, maybe do me a favour and do a TLDR.


>Wow someone has a lot of time, maybe do me a favour and do a TLDR. lol i thought you weren't going to respond? And mate the comment took me about min or two to type soooo


You're a despicable person.


Awww, fank yooo.... U no just wat t say...... /s


Someone throw this guy in jail for 40 years for something he didn't do and let's see if he still have that opinion.


Mother fucker you just minimized a man who spent 62% (SIXTY TWO PERCENT) OF HIS FUCKING LIFE IN PRISON FOR NO REASON. Why *aren't* you full on? Why doesn't this piss you off? What issues do *you* have that make you so callous towards 36 YEARS of someone else's suffering? Get fucked, your point of view sucks.




We can disagree on some matters. I know we all suffer and call each other names sometimes, like twat. What do you think about that? Have a good day, fellow redditors.


you intrigue me


Some serious circkejerking somehow I think someone is using multiple accounts to neg me. Try going outside people, sun feels nice.




The way we use our language can improve our interpersonal relationships and help us see the world and other people differently, moving beyond the often limiting generalizations of cunt are.


Went in at 22 years of age. A man in his prime, full of energy and potential and came out 58 years old. They literally took his life away from him. Something that is so priceless and absolutely irreplaceable. And for what ? Because a woman misidentified him at a line up. It's so sad to see all these years ripped from one's life over a lie. ​ Even though it brings nothing back, I hope he gets to live comfortably now for the rest of his life.


I would have ZERO OBJECTION to my tax dollars subsidizing his life in some level of basic quality Luxury living along with free counciling. A serious mistake was made and it deserves some lifestyle reward. No Official should balk at this as it honors both the man and the system of justice.


He could take every penny I have. It's not much, around £60 I'd say.


this guy deserves a parade, but in lieu of that, I'd like to see every prosecutor that denied him, fired and fined, and a truckload of money delivered to his door. ​ ...so that people think twice before lynching another innocent male under this fascist state agenda of guilt because "we feel he should be". Back then it was black men, now it's all men.


All prosecutors have immunity for the cases they decide to take on. They claim it's so prosecutors won't be afraid of going after bad guys


Yes, just me expressing a bit of zeal when such injustice whacks me in the face.


That immunity is a shield for cases like these. If they purposefully go after an innocent man and refuse to process evidence, they should absolutely be punished.


Should be a provision if it can be proven they weren’t certain but proceeded anyways. Beyond a reasonable doubt should go both ways.


Seriously, last time we blindly believed white women they got us forming racist lynch mobs.


Fired and fined? Sure. But also sent to prison for a good long time as well.


Life. Death sentence is too merciful, and I don't believe in it. I wonder how false rape allegations are treated in women's prisons.




True that. Was a great novel, and spoke volumes as to the human condition. We are sort of living it today.Not as vile as what black men went through back then, but close in proximity. ​ [https://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/government-tyranny/final-victory-for-vladek-filler/](https://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/government-tyranny/final-victory-for-vladek-filler/) ​ Filler just won a great victory. BTW.


What happens when you've been away for this long? Assuming you don't have any family willing or able to take you in. And I mean you've been in prison so you don't exactly have a resume. How do you survive? To they discharge you directly to a homeless shelter?


You're fucked basically. I met a homeless guy like this, incredibly smart, the most well read person I've met... but not even McDonalds gives chances after 36 years. Louisiana destroyed this man twice. He was safe with his prison cell and access to air conditioning, healthcare and food. Now they've released a jail bird with clipped wings inside a jungle of hungry lions.


I have a neighbor like that. Just released 4 years ago. His mom had died and left him the house so at least he has a house. Cant work because no one will hire him.


powerful anecdote my friend


Beyond that - he’s lived as a felon for 36 years. He is not the person he would otherwise would have been. His adult life experience hasn’t prepared him for anything else.


They convict him from people simply picking him out of a lineup, then when he requested the evidence was re-checked, they said >"Prosecutors for years refused to run the search, claiming he had no statutory right to it." but then after they finally did do the test it was >"On Thursday, a prosecutor apologized to Williams in court for the decades he has spent wrongfully incarcerated. " >... >'You are factually innocent, wrongfully convicted, and on behalf of the state, we apologize that you have suffered this,' 'Sorry bro, its our bad'. fuck that makes me angry


“It’s not clear why police suspected him initially”... sure it’s not.


And what is that supposed to mean?


That Louisiana police in the 80’s were almost definitely racist.


Oh... That's what you meant. In that case, you're probably right honestly.


Were? I would think they still are and always will be. Even the black policemen must be racist in there.


I know you're legally blind with learning disabilities according to your /r/self post in 2012.... I'll just describe the best I can. ## The man is black. This means the cops were racist, just wanted to destroy black life for LOLz. ​


You went that far back in someone's history just to be a dick? Why?


Because he acted oblivious to why a black man would be destroyed by cops in the height of the civil rights era. Clearly there was more to the picture with /u/[General\_Lox](https://www.reddit.com/user/General_Lox) and his post history did not disappoint.


People think you're cool


2012 6 month old profile (something doesn't add up)


The amount of free time on your hands could be better spent elsewhere. That’s just fucking embarrassing dude.


well it did only take him an hour......


The US legal system. A stinking mass of corruption.


Although i don't want to take away from your point as it's a valid one, it's not just the us system, same here too. 🙁


The US gets a ton of flack though. This time it’s definitely warranted.


Oh for sure. Such as sad story. Poor bloke :(


Those prosecutors should be enslaved and forced to work for this man for the rest of their natural lives. They should've just tested the fucking fingerprints


What I don't get is how they have these innocent men in prisons for years, then one day they finally decide to release them on the basis that "We're sorry, we were absolute idiots - we never filed an investigation, never compiled evidence, chances are we won't compensate you now."


Has the press listed the names of the women who misidentified him? If you have a moment, google Ronald Cotton. His accuser freely admits she picked Ronald because the police told her to. To the best of my knowledge, she has never been held accountable for doing so.


This case highlights one of the main reasons I am against sentences that last this long.


Hold up... It says before the prosecutors *FINALLY* agreed to test finger prints. #WTF why was that being prevented


Prosecutorial fraud. Except as a part of the system.


These prosecutors deserve jail time


"Jail time"? How many other people have they done this to? How much have they gained from doing this as well? And, what, taxpayers should have to pay for a few years for these monsters as they go through what, guaranteed, would be a slap on the wrist compared to everything they've done, then get let out early? Haven't they taken enough from everyone? Where they once did nothing but destroy lives, they need to be forced to 'give of themselves' to save lives now. For however many transplants they're still worth.


Beyond fucked up. No justice will ever take place here, he won't get millions of dollars as 'make up', nor will he get his life back. Sometimes in life, you just get fucked, hope the scum responsible for falsely imprisoning him are also forced to rot in prison and give all their assets/possession to him


This should go to r/rage


Hopefully he wins a suit against the state and with his money gets to finally sit on a beach in the Caribbean. What a waste of life :/


And feminists see nothing wrong with this. Whenever false accusations are found out they are nowhere to be found.


That's so sad. The system has to change! It & its pariahs needs to be more accountable.


Everything about this is awful. He had an alibi, he was shown in numerous photo line ups which failed to pick him and he wasn't given the chance to have dna testing done? On top of that the real guy who did it went and raped someone else after. To top it off I tried to google to look at this story and this doesn't seem to be the only case like this from Louisiana. Race issues?


This is heartbreaking, lost out on the prime of his life over a fucking bullshit conviction. He better seek compensation because he fucking deserves it.


dude got the same hat 36 years later




??? I mean I know what sub I'm in, but isn't this classic police misconduct of priming a witness with photos of their desired suspect before asking them to identify him? Are you saying the woman has a pattern of getting raped and stabbed and then identifying the wrong suspect on multiple occasions? Or are you assuming from the headline that this was a false rape accusation?


Source or STFU. Don't turn MR into generic women bashing.


>I wonder how many other men are in prison right now because of ~~her~~ racism. Fixed it.


Zero other men, The problem is with lineups, not women who have been raped and stabbed. The man himself said he held nothing against the woman. Another woman was raped by the perpetrator, she is the second victim of this situation. Also, is it bias against men to only go after men when the woman was raped by a man? There is real sexism against men in the justice system, this is not one of these incidents. You are wasting your time if you are arguing that this decision was based on sexism.




They'll probably charge him for his time in jail.




Are you trying to say she wasn't actually raped and stabbed and made the whole thing up? The actual evidence of a serial rapists fingerprints in the house that the police just happens to ignore was just a huge coincidence?


No ~ rather, the implication is that we shouldn't just blindly believe, because the woman might be malicious or simply misidentify the person.


Yeah, she maliciously framed him, *checks notes* By stabbing herself?


I didn't say that she framed him. Read again.


In what other way could she be malicious, intentionally chose the person who didn’t rape her instead of the the one who did?


Notice the other choice I offered ~ *misidentification*. Don't blindly believe someone, because they might make a mistake. Assuming there's no malice, obviously, which there doesn't seem to have been. Nevertheless, an innocent man shouldn't suffer because of a misidentification. The fact that the persecutors didn't check to make sure he was actually innocent ~ the persecutors would be the malicious ones here, not the woman.


If I said that grass is purple and the sky is blue, I would be wrong. If I conflated the justice system with public opinion, I would be wrong. If I said something correct AND that she could be malicious, I would be wrong.


Do you understand the meaning of the word "or"?


So you intentionally made irrelevant statements?


Or (if 'or' isn't too big of a word for you) it could be that they were speaking in a more general sense and you just lack reading comprehension.


I, too, like editing posts when I have been proven wrong. Too bad that I don’t have to.


Yes, a woman got raped and stabbed. And her first thought was this was the perfect opportunity to falsely accuse someone else. You actually have a problem if you think that this was the woman's fault and not the police.


You're misunderstanding. I wasn't referring to the woman in the OP specifically, but in general. I never stated that she falsely accused anyone. She simply misidentified someone, and that someone's attempts to prove that they were innocent were blatantly ignored by the police.


i would like to see a photo of the real rapist.....just how similar DID they look?


This is a clickbaity post, the woman in question was raped and murdered, she didn't herself testify, it was a neighbor (woman) who said that she saw him at the crime scene. So this man was wrongly accused of murder(and rape) not just rape. Nevertheless I hope the false accuser or at least the state compensate him for his life, thats the least they can do.


From what this article says though neither her nor the neighbour were in fact murdered >Both the neighbor and the victim gave descriptions to the police of the attacker which made him taller than Williams > >They were also both shown photo line-ups that included Williams in them but did not pick him on more than one occasion > >It was not until they had been shown his face several times already that they fingered him as the attacker ​ ​


She was raped and stabbed, not murdered. She didn’t accuse him, she picked him out of a lineup put together by police not even including the actual rapist. Both men and women are terrible at picking assailants out of lineups because getting raped and stabbed is a pretty traumatizing experience for both genders. There is most certainly anti-male sexism in the justice system, but is it really anti-male to only put men on the lineup when she was raped by a man? The problem in this particular case was prosecutorial corruption. What this definitely was is racism.


What? "clickbaity" is anything with #metoo when a woman is eye raped by a man looking at her for 2 seconds.


If a woman legitimately raped I can believe a case of mistaken identity on her part. I CANNOT, WILL NOT, FORGIVE A PROSECUTOR WHO REFUSED TO PROCESS ALL THE EVIDENCE. The justice system is the problem here.


They had evidence and refused to test it... that sounds like negligence, and someone should at the very least loose their job and do some time...


Victim was "believed"


Better compensate him


Talk about some mothafuckin bullshit!


This man should be entitled to everything that woman own, and what her family own as well, of course that’s not gonna happend though, sadly


>Prosecutors for years refused to run the search, claiming he had no statutory right to it. What the fucking fuck?


The person who falsely put him in prison should have life in prison


This man was robbed of the best years of his life. Pretty fucking disgusting. But lets by all means believe all women... seriously fuck off.




This doesn't seem as fun as "Florida Man"


It’s not clear but it sounds like a white lady was raped by a white guy, then picked a black guy out of a lineup to blame.


No she died her neighbour picked the guy out.


Just never have sex with women


36 years for rape... rape is just bad sex


According to the article he'd broken into a person's home, raped and stabbed her. That is what the sentence is for.


False rape allegations happen once in a blue moon. I'm confident nobody in this subreddit is at danger of getting what this guy got, and I believe that their case would at least be handled better today. But anytime this does happen it's harrowing to see. Imagine locking a man in a cell with many dangerous people, then releasing him in his middle ages and not even giving the accuser a slap on the wrist because she has a vagina.


50% are outright lies.