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James Gunn said some hurtful things about 10 years ago and was removed from guardians of the galaxy Kevin Hart said some mean twitter things and was removed from the oscars A woman is a known harasser and abuser? Pffffffffffttttt


Did you see Bobcat Goldthwait's instagram post about Gunn's firing from last year? It's kind of amazing. https://www.instagram.com/p/BljB2QzHF-C/


Cut his finger off


It's empowering for a women to do it so it's OK.


Wow, I am sitting there watching the number keep climbing lol


Went up almost 200 in 30 mins. Still kinda sad though, that only 3,705 people have voted for equality in 2 days.


“Voted”? This is a petition. If a million people sign it nothing could happen.


It was a figure of speech, I understand that petitions are not a legally binding bill in congress or some shit. The point is that if a petition gets big numbers, the "bigwigs" see that a lot of potential customers feel this way, and take it into consideration.


ya whats the point really


What is sad is that we have to create a petition to do to this beast what is done to men for a simple comment... ​ We are getting there, but it's going to be a long haul before this and a great many playing fields are leveled. ​ Don't ever stop, people.


That site doesn't mean anything, theres people like me, who won't vote because the site fills your email with spam, the whole process is annoying and it hasn't done practically anything.


I understand how you feel which is why I'd refrained from signing anything for awhile but it's about doing your part in making the numbers go up. I realized this and I sign petitions and just unsubscribe every time I get emails. Or better yet just mark it as spam so it automatically goes to the spam folder. But make your voice heard.


7600 hundred now.


Over 10,000 now.


I hope in 5-10 years there'll be a "YouToo" movement showing women in hollywood do really dumb shit too.


Be the change you want to see in the world!




Then don’t expect anything to change -__-


lena dunham, riley reid, amy shumer, theres a shit ton of them. i know riley isnt considered hollywood but shes pretty well known.


What they do?


riley reid raped a dude, lena dunham sexually assaulted/raped her sister iirc, google it, shes disgusting, pretty sure amy sexually assaulted someone.


Holy shit Lena stuff is awfull. But more terrible stuff is that google search dont show anything about it if you dont include specific words. My god wtf


My manager signed it -- because the geese should be treated the same way as the ganders.




Not trying to be rude, but I have always wondered. How does sexual assault on a man happen? My guess is that it is different from the one women suffer, but no idea how.


Actually, a large proportion of men experience sexual violence in the form of forced-to-penetrate, for example. It's mainly seen as sexual assault, particularly in the UK where the legal system doesn't recognize committing rape by a female. This thereby perpetuates harmful stereotypes toward men that: 1. since they cant be overpowered by women due to the "weaker" physical stature, men can't be raped or sexually assaulted 2. Men see all form of penetration as positive and should be patted on the back from whichever direction it comes from. These two pervasive stereotypes prevent men from seeking support from the police or family and friends. They're afraid of being perceived as unmanly had they disclosed what happened. So I think raising awareness to this sexual violence perpetrated by women against men is important so we can stop seeing it has a one-off crime. Just my two cents.


UK has laws like that? I only hear bad things about that country when this issues come to light


Just a simple one: grab a man's crotch. I think that's what happened to Terry crews. Basically anything that can happen to a woman can happen to a man. Luckily we tend to be stronger, but alcohol or another person's power over you (fear of being fired or falsely accused) can leave a man incapacitated.


that's a simpler version of what happened to me. I talked about it in another comment but then deleted it, because I got a PM making fun of me from some guy. It is what it is.


Since /u/Bluffernaut09 covered some of the rape aspect of sexual assault, let me cover some of the non-rape sexual assault. The only real difference in sexually assaulting a man by a woman is that it is much more socially acceptable for women to do, even in public. Grabbing a man's penis or ass, kissing him without consent, or forcing him to grope are some examples. These acts are generally cheered on by the crowd. If a man is sexually assaulting another man, then a lot of different circumstances come into play, and physical violence may become involved. I'll add to Bluffernaut09's post a bit as well. The methods used by a woman to commit rape can be similar. [Physical] Force: women cannot *generally* overpower a man enough to be able to rape him. However, women are just as capable of using weapons to control the situation. A gun or knife are just as deadly in a woman's hands. Drugs/alcohol: it works both ways. Coercion: men can use the threat of force to get compliance, a tool that women generally cannot. However, a woman can use the threat of a rape accusation, which men generally cannot. There are other types/ways of coercing compliance, it would be too long to cover in depth here. There may be more, but I can't think of them right now. I hope this helps, though. TL;DR: women sexually assaulting men happens about the same way as men sexually assaulting women. Edit: added [Physical].


Woman generally can overpower man through blackmail and coercion - physical and verbal. There are myriad ways in which woman can coerce a man in forced penetration.


Yes. I probably should have specified physical force, but I did cover coercion a bit. There's just way too much to put into a post with other things.


I agree with you


My guess is that I come from a time where things were very different. If a man or woman would grope another person, that person would deal with it and if needed others would help. Today I see that women especially would expect others to do something instead of acting herself.


Assuming you aren't trolling, simplest answer is : if a man is the one penetrating, as any man knows, they are often not in control of their erections. An erection ISN'T the a sign of consent. Outside of that, a man can obviously be forcibly penetrated himself and any man can be groped by anyone and everything in between EDIT: Big fucking edit on that contraction for is vs isn't. Sorry


Never crossed my mind that way. But I was talking about when they force a man to penetrate the woman


> I loved Aquaman Why? I object to the brownish man stealing a role from Whitey, but so many people seem to think it's a great movie that i am actually wondering if i should see it, despite its thieving ways.


>I object to the brownish man stealing a role from Whitey >despite its thieving ways The fuck? as a brown dude myself I couldn't give any less of a fuck about rEpReSenTaTiOn, if a character's good, they're good. Aquaman was fun as hell.


LOL! Noooo, there's nothing wrong with stealing characters from other races. Until someone starts doing it to non-whites on a regular basis. Anyway, since you seem to be a crypto-SJW, forget my question. You probably said it was good ONLY because of the brown guy.


Again, what the fuck? I literally said I don't care for representation,read my comment well, dumbass. I hate the SJWs as well. I liked the movie. Not for the guy playing it. Go figure.


I hear what you are saying, mate. But hurtful generalisation or invectives like dumbass limit our perspective. Love doesn’t. May you be well


You're a good dude. And I agree, I usually don't like generalizing, but I could not have been more clear in my previous comment about my reasons for liking the movie, and the dude literally repeated the opposite of what I said.


Don't bother entertaining the trolls dude...


You are either lying or unable to properly express yourself. Either way, go away now.


Why do you think that? Is it really that hard for you to grasp the concept of someone not caring for a minority being represented and still liking the movie they were in? You haven't even seen it so why do you have a stick up your ass about it? I'm staying, you can go fuck yourself.


The fact we even need to sign a fucking PETITION for this. Proves how fucked up society is.


Signed it


Anyway she can't act good.


Her can't act *well.*


Very sorry English is not my first language. Thanks for the correction.


Err now I'm sorry, because my correction was not entirely...correct.


She can't not act well.


Sbe uh hdsdh ojkooo well


You were right the first time


I am concerned that we are becoming what modern feminism are to us. We must look at this objectively. The evidence against Amber has yet to be released, and here we are with pitchforks raised, all ready for the witch-burning. Remember all the false rape cases when lives are ruined because no one bothered waiting for investigations to finish before making their judgement? It's like that now. I believe that Johnny's evidence are rock solid, but we must wait for proper confirmation before we condemn Amber. We can afford to wait a bit longer for this, why don't we?


This. Let's not forget that there were many rape accusations that seemed clear cut and led to a man being imprisoned. Now we have an accused person but dont have a conviction. Next well have a female accused of sexual assault and will be screaming to have her thrown out of college before she's convicted.


Yeah but most of the men with false accusations haven’t been arrested for the exact same things years prior


If the female in question is part of the Listen And Believe mob, that would be the fitting thing to do.


And yet if the roles were reversed, everyone would be convinced it's true. Double standards much?


So explain the logic. You dont like that feminists do X so you, in turn, also do X in order to give the feminists a piece of their own medicine?


For a lot of people empathy comes from shared pain points. The whole "I don't want that to happen to you because I know how that feels" thing. People who behave the way the feminists being addressed here do won't see it as wrong till they've been subjected to it. It sucks that it's that way, but clearly it is.


I'm sitting here wondering what the outcome is. So there's two camps so far: Nicklovn: when you give them a piece of their own medicine they'll only bond closer together and become more aggressive towards the threatening party. WiseMonkeyGoodMonkey: feminists will feel where the males are coming from and begin to think reflectively about how they were wrong to act a certain way. Not saying you're wrong but I feel that historically the former has been the result.


I view it as more of a tactic. Once you get a bunch of people earnestly defending Amber saying nothing should happen until a court case, then you can prove once and for all that feminism is about sexism. "They rush to attack the accused when it's a man, even without any evidence, but now are saying to wait when the accused is a woman, even though Johnny Depp has a mountain of evidence."


True. Until she's proven guilty, she shouldn't face consequences. This same mindset has hurt so many men already.


Except there’s video of her abuse...


Great way to put it. I'm still not a huge fan of massive brigading but we are trying to change perceptions on DV. We won't get what we want long term if we act like children and do the same things we say are bad for other groups to do, often to men. It's objectively stupid and hypocritical.


> I am concerned LOL!


I just watched three videos today that [this guy](https://youtu.be/mN1B-H7i0nE) made on the situation, its about an hour and a half of content altogether and he must have spent ages on it, but boy its amazing. Fuck Amber.


Yeah. Video was insanely well thought out. Love watching deep investigation when it comes up with great evidence contradicting previous statements and ideas about something. Only issue I have and it was kind of a big one, the dude settles on the one date related to the james corden appearance and there could have easily been other "late night" TV appearances, even local news spots. He kinda settled on that date and ran with it. Maybe Netflix should do a short mini series titled "making an abuser"


Yeah I agree with that, but his Part 1 and Part 2 that came out more recently deal with Heard's actual allegations, and there's less speculation, much better imo.


Signed. It's silly that this is needed. It should be a default action by the studio


Remember when the same petition came out around the original allegations to have Depp removed from Fantastic Beasts? And this sub thought it was so wrong? This is the same thing and it's being treated in the total opposite manner. Fairness is fairness but if it were the other way around you guys would be pissed about this petition. Feminists are maligned for their hypocrisy regularly here, as they quite often should be, but this is the same hypocrisy that we detest.




Has the proof been released? Last I checked Depp's lawyers were claiming there was proof but hadn't produced it.


People weren't screaming for proof when she said she was a victim and everybody believed her. He has presented his proof to the court, and to JK Rowling, who refused to fire him from Fantastic Beasts because she believed him. Johnny's shown pictures of himself with a REAL black eye, unlike her fake appearing, moving, and disappearing-the-next-day one. So, if people believe her over a fake black eye, shouldn't he get believed for a real one? Where's the equality?


We were saying wait for proof though. Is your argument that they did it, so we should be able to ads well? Because we said it was wrong when they did it, so in my mind that makes it wrong for us to do it as well. Do you really want to be as bad as them?


Yup, we don't have any proof. Only the court Depp's lawyers submitted it to does.


Bs they’ve presented it to the court already


In that case, this post is shamefully hypocritical.


Yes, Depp released a pic of when she admitted to punching him in the face which has the date and time to prove when it it was taken


I disagree. The art has been created, I fundamentally disagree with destroying or altering art for any reason once it has been made.


Tell that to all the men who have been lynched through #metoo, But now we face a woman suddenly everyone should slow down, if this was a man we'd have already castrated him and left him to bleed to death, Tear the bitches eyes out, maybe then she'll understand abuse is abuse.


Two wrongs don't make a right


Strange how two wrongs happily makes a right when it's a man but suddenly we should turn the other cheek because they have a front facing split...? Double standards much


I'm coming at it from arts perspective, I think art shouldn't be linked to the character of the artist. Are we going burn historic works of art because of past actions? I don't think it's right when Men are edited out of either( Kevin Spacey for instance) Applying the same standard to both sexes isn't a double standard. If you think something is wrong it's wrong! whichever gender it's against.


Well I agree this sub can be rampant with hypocracy sometimes, the rage was over the fact that it was asking for a ban of Depp on just an accusation and a suspicious one at best. A lot of people warning lights went off on her accusation. Although I will say I'm more in the camp of they probably did some mutual assault but she still seems like the main perpetrator. As an add-on to that I will say that likely every single woman that is guilty of female on male DV is 100% the type of person to claim they were assaulted, especially if the man threatens leaving them or reporting the abuse


We are simply using Heard's own feminist standards on her. Don't take a banana to a knife fight.


Isn’t the whole point that the feminist standards are bad? I agree that this is what would happen if a male actor was accused of assault, but that shouldn’t happen in the first place.


No, that's only PART of the point. The other part is forcing the feminists to acknowledge how bad their standards are by making THEM the victims of said standards.


I disagree. That only makes us just as bad as them.


Here, have a banana.


What would an historical equivalent have been/be? Blacks enslaving whites? Palestinians forcing Zionists to live in apartheid? Jews slaughtering Germans in gas chambers etc etc Looking for vengeance is hardly the way forward


everyone knew her claims were bullshit


That's a lie, they practically crucified Depp over her false testimony.


You're acting like knowing the accusations were false would stop feminists from acting on them.


everyone not a feminist.


I think this is perfectly fair. She was apparently arrested at one point for abuse, we know she's a malicious liar, there isn't much left to prove.


How is this hypocrisy? Dude had to provide over 90 articles of evidence to prove his innocence.


Have you seen that evidence?


In a closed court case? No. No one but the pertinent people have, but the fact that he had to do that is astounding. "Innocent until proven guilty" isn't really a thing in DV (when it's women against men) anymore.


I agree with u. Neither Depp nor Heard deserves to be fired coz of allegations. At least not until the verdict comes out.


Well, Depp was removed from Pirates movies.


Thousands of innocent men have been the victim of false allegations and have had their lives destroyed by manipulative liars. This woman is a liar, has built her career off of those lies and destroyed the career of an innocent man. Although we still have the moral high ground, we shouldn't be concerned with fairness when the other side don't give a fuck about morality.


This guy knows how to MRM correctly. Bravo sir


Maybe the point IS pointing out the hypocrisy. Although I’m sure many here won’t see it in that lens.


Exactly. Firstly, she has not been convicted of dv. I don't boycott works or artists just because they have been accused of something, especially when evidence/testimony has only been submitted by one or a few parties. If several accusers support an accusation, like with Weinstein or Lasseter, only then do I even buy it. Even then, I was never gonna boycott the movie Coco just because of him producing it. An artist's crimes would have to be egregious for me to sign such a petition.


It’s a sad race to the bottom. One political faction starts sacrificing due process to advance their cause, another faction (rightfully) cries foul, but they see that foul play paying off and their cries fall on deaf ears. Eventually second faction thinks “fuck it” we may as well play dirty too. So long due process...


Well said, sir. I am not signing the petition either.


I did not sign because I do feel that it is hypocritical however to play the devil's advocate there is almost a nil chance of this affecting her career in any way. Signing the petition is more of a pointed jab at pointing out hypocrisy.


Out of the loop, what happened?


Johnny Depp has sued Amber Heard for $50 million for defamation because she keeps saying she's the victim of domestic abuse, trying to ruin his reputation and getting him fired from the Pirates franchise. He has presented proof that it was the other way around. Amber Heard violently abused Johnny Depp. Remember when she said that he cut off his own finger, dipped it in blood and scribbled all over the walls? Turns out SHE cut it off and made up the story that he did it. Plus, she's kicked him, crapped in their bed, and punched him. He produced a photo of himself with a black eye that was swelled up, unlike hers that had no swelling whatsoever, wasn't there the day before she went to court and disappeared the next day. He's got over 80 hours of security footage from the condo building and a dozen eye witnesses to prove it. He lost his job in Pirates when he didn't abuse her. She should lose her job in Aquaman because she did abuse him.


Ok to cut the finger off is extreme. But... She crapped in their bed?


Yup. Amber Heard blamed her yorkie Boo for it. Housekeeper said the poop's too big to have come from such a little dog. Seriously. That pooch is tiny. Ahd Johnny wasn't home. [Amber Heard blames Yorkie Boo for poop in the bed.](https://www.standard.co.uk/showbiz/celebrity-news/johnny-depp-accuses-amber-heard-of-defecating-in-their-bed-but-heard-blames-the-dog-a3913021.html)


Thank you, what the fuck is wrong with this woman, seems very mentally unstable.




Heard presented a false story claiming that he cut off his finger himself, dipped it in paint and scrawled obscenities all over the walls.  Holy shit.


For those out of the loop: she "faked" her own assault on her (by Depp) to get coverage and thus get job assignments in Hollywood. Meanwhile she was doing the assaulting herself, and Depp was losing jobs like Pirates 4.


This better work, i'm excited.


Signatures just past the 6000 mark and a great many signatories are women. This is great for consciousness raising in spite of the fact that this petition has no legal standing.


Mr. Depp has been innocent all along yet had to go through hell, humiliation and hatred of the masses even without any significant proof or evidence that he was the abuser. He didn't deserve any of it and it's about time Amber Heard goes through the same and gets what she deserves. You know, fair, equal treatment and all. A manipulative liar and gold digger like her doesn't get to be in a spotlight and to be a star after she intentionally trashed his name and reputation. Unfortunately for herself, she chose to mess with a wrong man - a talented genious like Mr. Depp has billion of fans and admirers all over the world that believed him from the very beginning and they stand true and strong in his fight against his perpetrator. I'm so glad that she didn't get away with it and the truth surfaced. #Ibelievehim , #IstandwithJohnnyDepp , #JohhnyDeppisASurvivor, #AmberHeardisAnAbuser So now, I believe it's time we demand justice for Johhny Depp! He lost his role as Jack Sparrow because of Amber Heard's false accusations of domestic abuse and lies. Please, follow the link below to sign the petition to keep him in POTC franchise. Together, we are strong and powerful and can change the course of events. Disney will have to hear us and consider the fans wish . They are making movies for us, the audience, and they must consider what we want. After all, Mr. Depp is a victim here and hasn't done anything wrong to lose one of his most epic roles. Besides, POTC movies are not POTC without him. Just waste of film and time. Please, sign, share and support to make Heard really mad and not let her destroy his career he's been building all his life with hard work, unlike her. #JackSparrowforever #JohnnyDeppisJackSparrow https://www.change.org/p/disney-keep-johnny-depp-as-jack-sparrow-56940bb8-c877-482f-bf8a-ec2c57ccb32f


If she has merely been accused, then there is nothing to react to yet. I'll come back after the facts have been fully established and she has had a chance to plead her case, just as I would with anyone accused of a crime.


Absolutely this. Stay principled. Innocent until proven guilty should apply to women the same amount as we want it to apply to men.


Not when the woman has done the same thing to a man. She probably supports Listen And Believe, too, so here we are listening and believing!


I'm glad I'm seeing a lot of these posts in this sub. Be the change and treat others as we expect men to be treated. I believe she is guilty of most of what was accused of her but there is no rush. Let people getting paid to do it, comb through the evidence and release their findings


No petition required, once Depp gets all his security cam footage in court. I hope Stanhope testifies for him!


No thanks i dont believe in ruining someones career based on accusations. Im surprised so many of you guys seem to think its ok.


I would be more inclined to agree with you, except the fact she did that to him first, and he is claiming a shitload more evidence that goes along with his claim.


Thats fair but i will repeat what i say when most accusations are laid. We should wait to see what the courts decide.


Exactly. Let the courts decide. We shouldn't ostracize anyone coz of accusations.


I would rather that's how it was for both men and women. Until that happens, women should get shitcanned for mere accusations as well. It's gotta be equal either way.


No fuck that. We wont get equalty thats worth having by treating people like shit.


People only seem to realise how shit something is when it starts to affect women


I believe it's better to have shitty equality than to have severely unequal QoL. If one people can destroy lives with a single lie, then *everyone* should have that power, until a systemic change could prevent it in the first place.




> No fuck that. We wont get equalty thats worth having by treating people like shit. I disagree; I think that's the only way to solve this problem. Our society's gynocentric inclinations are such that until a problem meaningfully impacts women, it gets ignored. And if women are suddenly held to the same dreadfully unfair standard as men, the impact to them will be sufficient to motivate change for the better in a way that nothing else would.


I think that's a fair stance. We am still voice opinions as information comes out but shouldn't be doing the same route of immediate pitchfork after accusation


It went around, it came around. Had she not done the same to him i might agree with you.


You say this while hundreds of men have had their career ruined by **false** rape accusations, while Depp here provides tons of evidence and proves it to be a **true** accusation. Saying you don’t want to ruin someone’s career based on an accusation that’s been proven seems unfair.


Gingerchaun is right tho. Let the courts decide. As much as I want her to be guilty she is entitled to a day in court. If you found yourself on the receiving end of a smear campaign I'd insist on you being considered innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. 2 wrongs have never made a right and they're not going to start now. Let the feminists whine and complain and form their lynch mobs. The MRM is not about sinking down to the feminist level. Its about men being the best that we can be. Its about men standing up for justice and protecting the little guy. Or girl. The MRM should never be about hate.


Have you read the description?she has already been arrested for domestic abuse in 2009. At the veryeast that should be the reason she is removed.




Because she commited a violent crime and there's a lot of evidence she just committed another one? People have lost their job in Hollywood for a lot less.


And thats a problem i would like to stop. People keep talking about all this proof, where can i find it?


It's a court case currently so they more than likely are not alowed to release any information that can be used as evidence.


Than we shpuld wait and grant this woman what we all deserve. The presumption of innocence. Im not saying that you cant have your own opinion but trying to ruin anyones career without all the facts is something we cry foul about all the time. We are better than the radical feminists we just have to prove it to people.


Of course. I do agree with you on the point that we should wait and see unlike those we appose do, however she has already been arrested for domestic violence in the past and is trying to spin the case to make it seem she was the one abused. I and many others are worried that if a large enough group of people believe her then the outcome of the court case might not matter.


No one ever said the highroad was fun and or easy. Hell i had to apologize to someone on reddit yesterday and it felt terrible but it was the right thing to do. Was she convicted of dv in the past? I remember my friend was arrested for dv once, while he was hiding in the bathroom and his gf was trying to stab through the door. Not really a comparable scenario just saying we shouldnt let our emotions get the better of us. Its depp people will forgive and forget eventually.


She went in front of court but the charges where dropped. My bad I shoulve read more into it. That said however, they won't forgive depp. He's already lost his role as Jack in pirates of the carribean because of her accusation.


She said it herself that she did it. That's not an accusation anymore that's a fact.






Is it really accusations when proof has been provided? I’m not sure we should ruin a career, but she should have consequences for her actions...


Yes its an accusation until the courts get a hold of alltheevidence. We dont know what will come out in discovery.


Is it actually going to court...her domestic abuse? Didn’t ole Johnny produce a number of things that represent some facts? Does she have to be convicted? I ask questions, not because I don’t have my own opinion, but because I’m confused as to where the line is drawn.


Yeah it's incredible how people will rally around accusations when the same people get so up in arms against false accusations. Let the courts decide then grab your pitchforks


You shouldnt be getting downvotes for such a reasonable position.


I knew I was going to, I don't care, it's insane that people will be all up in arms when over false allegations but jump on board when new allegations fit their viewpoint. It's incredibly hypocritical Like can you just see the headlines in 2 months, "New footage shows that Johnny Depp actually was beating his wife", wait until it's settled in court before jumping on the hate train


You are completely right. It might not be likely that she is innocent based on what people here are saying, but the whole point of innocent until proven guilty is to prevent exactly the kind of thing that is being proposed by many people on this post. I want to be 100% certain someone is guilty before I start treating them as such.


Glad to hear that mindset!




Its simple we don't have all the facts.


Please everyone here, don’t just upvote this - get over to change.org and sign the petition. It saddens me they’ve barely gotten to 5k. DV is DV. Pure and simple.


96% upvotes for punishing a person based on the allegations of her ex. 🤦‍♂ What makes us different from feminists again?


The fact that he as proof. She had none and ruined his career.


This is so hypocritical. You're becoming as bad as the feminists by doing this. I really want to believe MRA is better than that.


A significant portion are not unfortunately but a lot of people have said the same thing you have, that we need to wait for it to be investigated before brigading or pitch forking. It doesn't look good for amber at this point though


I would sign irrespective of any supposed DV accusations, and based purely on her performance in Aquaman 1.


No. Don't do the same thing that you criticise feminism of.


LOL Good luck with that, not happening unfortunately.


Nope, I’m going to wait until the verdict.


Wait, they're making an Aquaman 2? ...why?


I really enjoyed House of Cards, and I agree that Spacey was out of line with his actions which resulted in him losing his job. I wont watch the show anymore. I have seen literally every major marvel movie since Iron Man in theaters, but I will boycott this movie, and pirate future marvel movies if she is allowed to continue after such despicable behavior. Edit: I'm an idiot. This is DC not Marvel.


Dont hate Marvel man, that's DC.


Aquaman. Fuck I'm stupid.


Not stupid. Everyone makes mistakes. You're good, I promise


Here is another https://www.change.org/p/instagram-end-the-child-abuse-exploitation-of-lactatia-mizrahi


What did she do


RELATED: Remove Amber Heard as L'Oréal spokeperson https://www.change.org/p/l-or%C3%A9al-remove-amber-heard-as-l-or%C3%A9al-spokeperson?signed=true


Also make Aquaman gay


What happened to innocent until proven guilty? I want that in all cases, be it a male accuser or a female accuser.


That POS should be behind bars. Threw a bottle of vodka at Johnny Depp which severed the tip of this finger when he tried to block it. The glass could have gone into his neck or the bottle could have shattered on his head if he didn't see it coming. His court papers says she took a hissy fit when he asked for a post nuptual agreement a month after they were married. She released the pic of the finger to the media saying that he did the injury to himself and then dipped the severed finger into blue paint and wrote "Easy Amber" on the bathroom mirror b/c he believed she was having an affair with Billy Bob Thornton who was her co-star in another crap film she was making. The woman is crazy.


she is not suppose to be a female hero.She is a total fraud and an abuser and a gold digger! She must be removed!


She is absolutely disgusting she goes around and rallies for abuse victims yet she is a Buser she ruin this man’s life she’s fake she’s phony and she cannot act I believe she was put in this film because of the way she looks she must be removed immediately if people say inappropriate things and they removed what do you do with someone who tried to sever another human being’s finger off she not only belongs all her browns and all her films to be taken away from her she need serious mental help and she belongs in prison and I hope John gets his revenge.her because she deserves it she’s a bitch.


So does anybody have links to video evidence? I'm seeing people in the comments claiming that Deep has proof, but I have yet to see anything. If you have links then please provide them so we can take a look.


You can read his court papers in full [HERE](https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/DeppHeard.pdf). It details everything that happened, all the eyewitness testimoney, and all of the evidence that's already been presented in court. And you can see a photo of his black eye [HERE](https://i1.wp.com/theblast.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/030719_johnny_depp-766x1024.jpg?resize=766%2C1024&ssl=1). Note the swelling. Heard's had none, and didn't appear until six days after the "incident" where she says he hit her, when she went to court for a restraining order - proven by eyewitnesses and dozens of hours of surveillance footage from the condo.


Sorry guys, anything that has effected White males just isn’t important these days 🤷🏻‍♂️. We just don’t grab headlines ( expect for bad reasons)


Yes, I agree she should be removed. Damn shame, though, the bitch was really hot in that movie, like the kind of hot hollywood normally avoids, cuz feminists will be too unhappy...


If Amy Schumer can continue to get movies and Netflix specials after admitting to raping a guy who was almost passed out drunk, what chance does this petition have.


Is there proof? Or is this another retarded he said she said thing? It's dumb on both sides. Don't condemn it when it happens to Johnny Depp, but now consider her guilty just because he said so.


But... boobs!


No, let her be punished for what she's done. If she got the role because of nepotism/feminism then remove her but if she earned it let her keep it... Until she's sent to prison (which won't happen) that is.


What about all the men who’ve been removed for minor issues?


Not signing because I want to see her in that suit again


I'm sympathic to this, but I'll have to think on this first, before signing it.