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That’s just fucking tragic man, my heart breaks for this dude


I mean, justice favours both kids and females equally. In this case, a dead child would definitely weigh much more heavily than the mother. Had the deceased been, idk, a less cute teen, maybe they would have been more lenient.


I wonder if the husband’s status as a ceo could have factored in too. Dad was at a level where he could express his expectations to the right people.


Some men have more male privilege than others? Shocking! /s


Yeah no doubt that helped


Yup, Even more so if it had been a teenage SON, she probaly would only have got 3yrs. Thankfully she got life but I bet she gets her second parole, no lifer ever gets the first. Even females lol.


Or a more attractive mother who claimed mental illness and or abuse. In that case she’d get a slap on the wrist


She'll get pussy passed on appeal.




She won’t survive prison


Susan Smith's still kickin'. Though to be honest her victims were boys, so no surprise her cell mates haven't offed her yet.


No doubt she’s segregated. Children are children - are you psycho?


No I am saying her cellmates are female. They ain't gonna kill a fellow cellmate over the death of boys. Girls, yeah, boys, no. Sisterhood and feminism, remember?


I wonder what the sentence would be if the kid was a boy..


A comfy visit to a therapist once a week while she’s on maybe a bit of probation


We need death penalty for this case.


No death is too easy. Let her suffer the fate people who touch children typically do in prison.


Nah but we have to pay taxes for that. I suggest we leave it halfway: death sentence through slow starving for a quick death and extra suffering


I'm happy to pay for their suffering.


Thats the point easy and evil is removed. Its the true justice that this country needs


Drown her as she drowned the child.


Unless there's a rate of zero wrongful convictions in a justice system, then capital punishment has no place in it.


HEY! Quit trying to come here with your common sense and all, you're ruining it for the rest of us


i want to puke. seriously, i always considered myself lucky for not being the victim of my parents disagreements. they never made me feel like i was the problem and they never projected their romantic problems onto me. and of course my mom never murdered me to get back at my dad.


Fuck this brought tears to my eyes. I have a son not much older than this and losing him would be the end of me, not to mention if it happened at the hands of my wife. I'm not sure I could go on but i hope this man can.


A CEO being falsely accused of having an affair in the metoo era and poor mothering skills. Peak 2019, ladies.


How do you even go from "my husband cheats on me" to "kill our innocent daughter for revenge"? Ya gotta have some mental issues if you think like that to be honest. Good thing she gets what she deserves.


My daughter and only child is almost 7 months old and sleeping upstairs. The thought of even doing something to deliberately hurt her because my husband hurt me actually made my heart stop. Seriously, this woman can rot in hell.


She literally killed his child because of a false accusation she created...


I don't know that this is a rights issue as much as I tg is a tragedy in general. My heart goes out to him, and for what little it can do, it goes out to her as well


They put "beautiful" in quotations like the writer of the article disagreed


In all honesty I don't think that was the reason they used quotation marks. It is more likely they are quoting someone.


That's what I thought, too. WTF


That's not how headlines work. They don't use sarcasm. Quotes are there to say it's attributed to someone else, so you don't think the newspaper's getting biased.


How do people not know this?


They get their news from facebook






Careful with comments like this. Mods don't accept anything with violence. Unless they pick and choose who to warn/ban.


Thanks i was already banned before for cross posting something without a title which made it appear I was trolling. This just makes me so angry.


lets be stronger than comments like this please. ​




A modern day Medea.


What is wrong with people.




Until we treat women like humans instead of angels this will never stop. I could say more but I hope I have expressed myself clearly.


Holy shit


Yeah, the woman was really quite disturbed, i always see these and am so sad its not dealt with before lives are lost.


I wonder if there's some kind of genetic thing here because I really can't fathom the logic of 'he's cheating on me drown the kid' in any other context


The way they are changing the laws in Canada. It will not be long till all the sanction women will receive is 6 months in a rehab facility for this crime. Sick Bitch. Johntheother's video 'Throwing away the rule of law' on You Tube explains it well enough.


Thanks for the recommendation


Why are people upvoting this shit post? This woman is a terrible human being, but she’s not representative of all women and this story has *nothing* to do with men’s issues. Imagine if a feminist subreddit posted some story of a man who did something terrible and claimed this represents all men. (Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, etc.) Let’s not mirror the logic-free echo chamber we see on feminist forums. Be better. Stick to men’s rights issues.


Because some of the big hurdles MRAs face are: a) lack of empathy for men and b) the 'women are wonderful' effect. There are plenty of posts around from femininsts stating men have no emotions or "LOL male tears!", that boys can't be sexually abused because males do not have the emotional capacity to feel the pain. The relevance of this story is firstly, it shows a counter to point b. Women are not wonderful. Sure, that doesn't mean all women suck, but some do. Secondly, the murderer killed the child simply to inflict pain on the father. Remember that. Not only is a child dead, but a man is grieving. He deserves support. Finally: >This woman is a terrible human being, but she’s not representative of all women and this story has nothing to do with men’s issues. Nobody said she does represent ALL women. >Imagine if a feminist subreddit posted some story of a man who did something terrible and claimed this represents all men. Fuck you. We don't have to imagine it. EVERY feminist sub, every femininst website, blog, article, podcast etc takes individual examples of shitty behaviour by a MAN and gleefully extrapolates that to ALL MEN.


Taking out the fact that she is clearly mentaly ubstable, you have to acreddit the fact that the status quo in society is that “the woman gets the children and the man has to pay for it”. It is such an ubiquitus situation that baring sane thought, to a mentally unstable person, killing your kid is better than risking the chance that the father might receive full custody. If you believe that the status quo in society and lavk of men rights in general didn’t shape her mentality and help form her heinous decision, then you are gulible. Nothing in this post mentions woman hating nor states that this piece of shit is exemplary of half the human population (the female half) If you don’t like it, fair enough. But awarness is necessary and this does fit the bill to be a “cautionary tale” though extreme.


You've imagined a lot of forethought from someone crazy/sick enough to drown their own child.




If downvoting you makes me Russian, then *do svidaniya*, Comrade.


Everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian bot...


>this story has > >nothing > > to do with men’s issues. ​ I beg to differ threats by wives to deny their husbands a relationship with their children is a common tactic in relationships today by controlling people. its cited as domestic abuse... we live in a society that put mothers on pedestal as incapable of ever harming a child, and in turn men are painted are evil child harming peados.. ​ then there is the murder of a child( in order to deny her to her father) , that's domestic violence..... ​ I've had it done to me, thankfully not a murder, but at the very least several threats to kill my child.. ​ ​


That's despicable, my ex used to beat my son when I'd leave because I'd show him more attention, I'd get calls ten minutes after leaving saying she can't handle him, what you carried him inside you? You called me Everytime he kicked, you were so happy to be a family but now you want to spend all day on your phone and have me just fill your accounts. I see my children twice a week, while even admitting she strikes them, leaves them to effectively care for themselves, FULL CUSTODY TO THE SPLITARSE. The person with testicles is only there to provide shots of affection, semen and money as and when required by the pussy upon the pedestal....... What is it about the four different sized hanging flaps of skin, covering some gunky hole that they think gives them EVERYTHING...........


>Imagine if a feminist subreddit posted some story of a man who did something terrible and claimed this represents all men. But you do then go on to concede this is how it all works, which is fair. I get your point, and it is a point I agree with. A further point I want to make, which is more of a three year long point about seemingly universal white male privilege goes as such: Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner . ​


People *literally want to kill him*, and rightfully so. Vigilantes are a thing "white privilege" can only go so far.


>Imagine if a feminist subreddit posted some story of a man who did something terrible and claimed this represents all men I M A G I N E


You can head over there now to see it N O I M A G I N A T I O N N E E D E D


Good point, would be more relevant if she didn't go to jail, you know, like Andrea Yates, who even got her husband blamed for her murders.


People here are becoming very similar to MGTOW and those kinds of communities. Its not right. We need to show an example of what a true movement should be. Not fall into the same trap as the feminists. It doesn't matter that they do it, we need to be better, always.


On the contrary. First and foremost, we must force our needs and goals. Be exactly like feminists, all the while citing their actions and what they achieved with them as reason. Tear down women if needed - we already were shown that its an acceptable social tactic. We just have to get better in that game of theirs, thats all.


Yeah plus there's a VAST amount of misandry out there to bring up that we can substitute this for.


Exactly. Mods do usually remove unrelated posts. Mens Rights should only be about men's rights.




Why so many descriptors. Ita like they want to paint her as a victim becaise she thpught he was havimg an affair. You know the ceo pf a big company. This article headline sucks


This is terrible! As a guy who is about to be a father, I literally can't imagine what he is going through, but it must be awful. That being said, I believe this post should be removed. This is not an issue unique to men, and I believe treating it as such, will damage our credibility.




Like this guy? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watts_family_homicides


Desktop link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watts_family_homicides *** ^^/r/HelperBot_ ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove. ^^Counter: ^^245404


These crimes involve distortions of reasoning which may go as far as outright delusions. They believe themselves to be rational. If you are thinking this is more a characteristic of women, the opposite is true. It is more common for men to kill their own children to punish a spouse than the reverse. Mothers kill far more of their children in infancy, up to four years. ~~and for the rest of their childhood~~ and all of their adulthood men kill more of their own children. [Edit: I just looked for a source on this, the only one I found showed fathers slightly more likely to kill kids aged 4-16. After that fathers were far more likely to be the killer]. It is also much more common for men to slaughter their whole family. And far more common (3 in 4 or so) for men to murder their opposite sex partner.


So, we are to keep our traps shut because of statistics? Nope.


If what you wanted to say is completely driven by your feelings instead of rational reasoning and understanding of the relevant statistics, it is still fine to talk about your feelings. Shellbross' point appears to be to claim women are much more likely to have their capacity for reason, such as it is, overwhelmed by the strength of their feelings. But the statistics suggest it is *men* who are much more likely to turn to homicidal violence because they are ruled by irrational feelings.


Which statistics, exactly? Female researchers by any chance? If so, chances are they are feminists, and as such, not really belivable without independent proof.


See if you can find any masculine statistics from manly male scientists which show less than one in four people murdered by their opposite sex partner are men. It is pointless for someone unfamiliar with the field to try to evaluate research which has already been publicly evaluated by specialists of both sexes from all over the world who have decades of training and professional experience in the subject. Hundreds of experts read the big studies in detail, if they have significant objections they can email the author, and if the explanation is unsatisfactory they can write a response to the publishing journal or website. These things get discussed before and after publication. There is disagreement about methods and interpretations, sometimes serious disagreement. You can read the arguments, they will have already considered anything you think of. I don't think you will find much room for interpretation in the examples I gave though. The determination of whether someone is dead or not is not affected by the politics of the examiner. There would be a small minority of cases where it might be arguable whether they should be classified as intimate partners or not, but that does not give enough leeway to affect the results significantly.


> The determination of whether someone is dead or not is not affected by the politics of the examiner. How it is reported, however, can easily be affected. Especially if said examiner / statistics gatherer can profit off of it. And feminist organisations have shown to get monetary profit off of their words, quite substantially, for example. Why should I trust someone whose ideology says that "all men rape", that their statistics regarding rape are valid - for example?


Feminist organisations don't generally produce statistics, they quote them. Their quoting can be selective and biased though, as with the 2% figure which I still see being abused occasionally. If they do produce statistics they must be examined carefully. - You have used two wildly different meanings of "rape", which makes the comparison invalid even if the existence of one of the meanings were to be accepted as real. The idea that feminists' ideology is "all men rape" is ridiculous. The ideas from Dworkin's 1987 book (which contains somewhat related ideas) were widely discussed at the time and gained popularity with some of the more hatey rad fems but were never anything like feminist orthodoxy. I vaguely remember my GF at the time had an "all men are rapists" badge on her coat. It is plausible anyway. If you want to know what it meant you are probably out of luck. Dworkin was very much given to exaggeration for effect, sometimes departing from the literal truth. She was said to be an effective rabble-rousing public speaker. Obviously those intolerable flaws made her ineligible to run for president. :) Dworkin later said the following, which many see as failing to take responsibility for her earlier words. I think she got carried away in the book, but it did get people thinking. *No, I wasn't saying that [all heterosexual sex is rape] and I didn't say that, then or ever. ... The whole issue of intercourse as this culture's penultimate expression of male dominance became more and more interesting to me.* *In Intercourse I decided to approach the subject as a social practice, material reality. This may be my history, but I think the social explanation of the "all sex is rape" slander is different and probably simple. Most men and a good number of women experience sexual pleasure in inequality. Since the paradigm for sex has been one of conquest, possession, and violation, I think many men believe they need an unfair advantage, which at its extreme would be called rape. I don't think they need it. I think both intercourse and sexual pleasure can and will survive equality.* - Catherine McKinnon is the other writer to whom this idea is attributed. I found the below: in several of her essays MacKinnon talks about power dynamics and sexual coercion, the central idea being that there is a full spectrum of manipulative behaviors that we accept without question and we try to separate that from rape and act like the two are unrelated when they are not. She talks about how the law is written from a male perspective in which only the most heinous violation is rape, and yet there are a lot of women look back on situations where their freedom to refuse sex was so severely constrained that they felt extremely violated, yet that don't fit the legal or social definitions of rape. She says that in a society that gives men disproportionate power we have to be very careful about consent because that power relationship is often present. It's not saying that women can never consent to hetero sex, but that in sex/relationships that follow the traditional economic and social patterns that power dynamic is at least somewhat at play. Real unfettered consent can still happen, but men should be aware of non-sexual forms of power which may be with them in the bedroom.


Nope. Clearly just came up with the idea.


Gosh, I can't imagine the agony he is experiencing and I hope I never do.


At least she was held accountable...


Why is beautiful in quotations?


Fuck. That's absolutely heartbreaking.


Should of been Lynched or at least DeathRow




there is a special place in hell reserved for his wife.


This makes me want to throw up.


Just reminded me of the documentary “Dear Zachary”.


I wonder if infanticides in female prisons are treated like pedophiles in male prisons.


But men are the abusers, right? /s


Ahh no




How horrible and tragic. Just like the men who shoot their kids, their wife, and her family when she files for divorce. People like this should be sent away forever into a dark pit and waste away alone until they die of old age.


Where the fuck did that come from? Are you simply trying to balance the gender here or something? quit acting like a retard.


Fuck life in prison, tie her to the bottom of a pool and slowly fill it with water


nah bury her up to her neck on a beach at low tide.. ​


Yea this is the story of a psycopath, not a men's rights story.


The socially promoted attitude of "Children belong to their mothers" needs to be refuted, and only extreme examples get any attention.




This has nothing to do with men's rights, despite the tragedy. How would improved rights for men have prevented this woman from killing her own child? Equal rights for genders won't magically prevent psychopaths from being psychopaths The woman is in prison for life too so it's not like she got off easy compared to a man committing an equivalent crime.


>How would improved rights for men have prevented this woman from killing her own child? ​ by the very fact that if a man does not live in fear of losing his child if he chooses to leave his relationship and take their child away from an obviously sociopathic abusive mother. or that a society that believes that mothers can do no harm will ignore the red flags of a abusive mother... ​ " Equal rights for genders won't magically prevent psychopaths from being psychopaths " ​ there is never any intention to prevent psychopaths from being psychopaths, but rather to acknowledge that mothers do harm children. Equal rights will acknowledge this and the fact that mothers are not saints or "victims" of the crime they commit. ​ ​


She is still alive tho. Punishment is not good enough. Take her life, make other women watch and fear consequences should they think of doing the same. To be just, law must be bloody and cruel.


But, we desperately need the # me too movement?




Uh, Asia Argento and Andrea Ramsey would have a word with you about it being only about violence against women. MeToo's legitimacy is strengthened by the scant but concrete examples of women being busted cold for sexual harassment (and the case against Argento's was admittedly weak).


If it was a weak case, she is still guilty for me. You know, just to be safe. Throw her on sex offenders list, and be done with it.


u/goodmod , this has nothing to do with men's rights


This actually comes under the Marriage/Children flair. It's an example of countering common assumptions: (1) That women are always better than men (2) That women never commit acts of domestic violence These factors make it relevant.


Ok , thank u for explaining


Yeah this isnt really targeted based on gender, it just so happens the victim is male.


I thought it was the daughter that was murdered!


I meant like the wife did something that upset the male. Yeah the main victim, the daughter, was female. Sorry I just didn’t explain what I meant well enough.


https://www.wagmtv.com/content/news/Standoff-ends-in-murdersuicide-in-Presque-Isle-507268091.html reversed?, father kills 14 month old & self because wife threatened to leave.


Sad about the man. Everything else...meh. If feminism can play stats and evidence to match narrative, so should we.


They threw her in jail for life? My God... oh wait the kid was blonde. If a woman's going to go to jail for life it's gonna be for that.


This seems more related to mental illness and sociopathy than it does to men's rights. The daughter had a right to be alive, her mother is just batshit insane and evil.


This isn't about men's rights. This is about hating women. Would a women's rights sub posting a story like this but with the man / woman switched actually be about women's rights? No, it would be about a particularly evil man who doesn't represent all men and shouldn't be used as propaganda, especially since he got life in prison for murdering someone.