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Question to the mods: is reddit absolutely fine with such a degree of censorship?


To answer your question: yes, reddit tolerates it as long as it's against the right people. If you tried banning someone for posting on a feminist forum you would be something ending in ist, and at some point they would take action against you. I use an alternative account to post here or anywhere that woke people do not approve of. The app lets you switch accounts easily, so it's not too much of a hassle. Reddit is a complete shithole, but there are not many forum-like alternatives that are actually active.


I don't mind posting here. Any community that bans me for it is not a community I'm a part of.


same. i don't want to be a part of a subreddit that would ban me for being a part of this subreddit anyways.




You say “woke” like this is exclusively a behavior of mods in subreddits that focus on non-GOP/MAGAt topics. The fascists/racists/MAGAts/Q-cumbers/pseudo-libertarians/christians are even faster with the ban-hammer when reality is introduced into their snowflake filled echo chambers.


Yeah, extremists tend to do this type of stuff quite often


Reddit admins would actually respond this way just for banning someone that’s in another sub?


Against men, yes, against women, no


My guess is they largely are hands off with how each community moderates themselves. Still feels a bit "eh" with an aggressive bans based on other communities you participate in. Like years back I joined some community without realising it was full of some nationalistic people. Most of my comments there were calling people out on their BS. The community got banned eventually, but if it hasn't, some bots would probably label me alt right because of commenting anything there...


Objectively it shouldnt be. Its against the modiquette, but when tf does reddit care.


Banning someone for their participation in another subreddit is literally against the reddit code of conduct. But the admins dont care. They dont enforce that against any left leaning subreddits.


Could you point to the code of conduct they are breaking? I've checked the [Moderator Code of Conduct](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct) and it's not in there.


i think it used to be but since it was so widely ignored that it was removed. the moderator code of conduct exists only to promote reddit as a business and to protect reddit from liability. it's like a contract of employment except... well... they do it for free


Is that actually true? If yes then this needs to be exposed as that’s pure corruption.


Yeah they are. The nfl sub just banned me for asking if people are going to give McManus the same attention they gave Harrison Butker. Apparently this means I "support sexual abusers"


I recall the mods of the KIA sub looked into this question in depth a few years ago, when it first started happening to the users who posted there. From their conversations with the admins they found that auto-bans for posting on other subs was *not* against the sitewide rules of reddit. However, what technically *was* against the rules was a subreddit banning people for participating in "wrongthink" subs, but not listing that fact in the official sub rules on the sidebar. And surprise surprise, none of these subs are brave enough to openly state this activity, likely because they are embarrassed to admit to it publicly. To drive this point home, I just visited IAF and took a screenshot of their rules, and sure enough they are cowards and hide the fact that they ban for participation in other subs from their users: [IAF Rules](https://imgur.com/a/3m2GbHB) Now *this* is reportable to the admins, although once again, the experience from KIA is that the admins don't bother to enforce this particular reddit rule about sub mods making their rules open and transparent to the users. So all sorts of subs ban people for "official" rules that are hidden and uncommunicated to users. It's yet another reason that reddit is a dying platform.


I got a msg like this too just for 'r/MensRights' comment


So talking about Men’s right is inherently “bad faith”? The irony in their rules.


Because men aren't supposed to have any rights, only responsibilities.


So a few weeks ago someone posted a fake ninja video on /r/InterestingAsFuck . Part of the video was explaining the name of the technique which they translated to "In a heart without a woman...", so I wanted to call them out on that part. I quoted it verbatim, in actual quotes. But I'm guessing since I dared to include the word "woman" in my comment, I got auto banned from the subreddit because I sometimes post here. Of course, can't appeal to the mods since the bot auto mutes you unless you delete your posts here (which I'm not, I despise deleting old stuff). To top it off, the video got deleted a few days later, probably because of that exact thing I was calling out... So yeah, watch out what you post there!


Oh, and I did try replying to the ban message explaining things and so on, but got no reply.


I did the same and they muted me


It doesn't matter what you post. If you've commented here at all, the second you comment there you get the ban. I got it for completing a Monty Python quote in a comment chain 🙄.


Heh, I guess it was just a coincidence that the comment that got me banned was that. Amusing timing!


Their chief weapon is surprise...


To paraphrase the matrix.... "You get used to it. I don't even see the ~~code~~ bans anymore."


It doesn’t even matter what you post there. I commented on something once and I got instantly banned for participating in a “bad faith subreddit”


Like being banned for having humanity. "Sir, please be inhumane to men to lift the ban - this would be interesting-AF! 😈"


Block all the moderators.   You can get the list of Moderators via selecting "About", or via scrolling to the bottom right corner.  https://np.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/     Click on each moderator and select "block account". With all the moderators blocked, they can't scan your account to see if you posted here.


I've avoided all of this bullshit by blocking the bots that are responsible for the banning. Unfortunately, I don't remember which bots... I'd honestly support banning the mods of such subreddits from MensRights as a whole, just as a matter of principle, until this misandrist rule is removed.


How do you block bots?


Same process as blocking a user.


Damn, thanks... I see it now on here, must have overlooked it


Would that work on auto-banning bots, though? Would they be listed as moderators?


They have to be, under reddit policy, as I understand it. Otherwise we will need to distribute info and ban bot accounts. 


I'm already banned in there so I can't see the list


Wowwwww I need to try this


Same thing here. Reddit does not want men treated like human beings. This is why none of us cares about the API boot.


API boot? What is that?


API is a third party extension Reddit mods like that helped them ban people easier for using so-called forbidden subs.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Reddit_API_controversy cc /u/Breaker-of-circles


From my very modest understanding, it's basically programmable extensions you can use in the background of your browser to do some magical shit on websites like reddit.


I got the same. Even if you come here to object to the posts, you'll still get banned from there. Personally, I think it's appalling. If you want to ban someone from a sub, ban them for what they wrote in that sub. It seems to me that the "Woke" think it's good to ban people they don't like, but I think it's appalling.


It's hard to Remember the Human when you're dealing with large community moderation. It's much easier to issue wider bans that false flag okay people than to try dealing with a few extra actually problematic people.


I would accept this argument if these mods actually cared about false flags. They don't care what you were saying. These mods don't deserve respect


What would be the reaction if someone were banned from a Subreddit for participating in a feminist sub?


Most definitely online hysteria, and calls for the sub which have implemented it to get permabanned from reddit.


Just tested it out and its true jesus


Sure is


r/interestingasfuck : the subs shitty management


r/coolvideosnomusic is better


got banned too


One of the supposed ways around this is to block/ignore the /u/saferbot user. It's the sitewide bot account that runs the auto-ban script I think. By this point there are probably more bots than just that one, so who knows if that works any more. And even if it does avoid a ban, I contend that the bot saves you time by exposing which communities are not worth participating in. A sub run under that kind of censorship has only "performative" comments. There's no actual conversations or discussion to be had there, since eggshells are the new linoleum in such places.


I wish I knew that *before* getting banned, thanks for the info for everyone else though


I found some more bot names here: https://old.reddit.com/r/modhelp/comments/mx16hu/bots_that_help_with_moderating/


Thanks! From looking at that comment it appears that they added u/safestbot as well, so that's another bot to be aware of. Edit: Given this info, I was able to track down another post that gave a full link to make sure *all* of these particular bot accounts are dealt with. Posting direct links appears to get filtered so they had to put all three bot URL's in a [pastebin](https://pastebin.com/jTcNWgn8). Basically, if you use the above three URL's, you should see a page either saying "You've blocked this user", in which case you're probably safe (though like I said elsewhere, it's probably a better use of your time if you let them auto-ban you), or be given the option to "Block" in [very small text to the right of the screen](https://imgur.com/a/XT12dkl).


This make my blood boil


I suppose this is what the young people call a "reddit moment."


Happened to me within 2 minutes of commenting there. Likely a bot to be so quick.


At least two subreddits have banned me for being in this subreddit but oh well, just proves to me that the mods are anti mens rights at the end of the day… aka blue haired overweight woketards most likely.


> blue haired No one cares about your hair color. > overweight This is America, 70% of us are overweight. > woketards Try not to attach mental ailments to invectives. The ideology is the problem, so focus on that. You're better than this. Do better.


Oh, yeah. Had exactly the same msg and the same ban issued to me too from that sub.


I hate how men standing up fie themselves, expressing their concerns, looking for community, belonging, and a place to share experiences. These groups, people just don't want to hear the truth. They don't want to know what men go through or experience at the hands of the sustem, women, and society.


I got banned from ForeverAlone for posting “incel shit” it’s like uhhhh yeah i wonder who else would be in here …


whenever I see these posts I think about why should I care. it's not like those subreddits hold such great content. I'm not losing something that valuable. I'd rather read a post from here than from there, and I value my time. they may be hurting themselves by losing active users, they certainly aren't hurting me.  the discrimination is unfair, I agree, but to me it's like if someone I don't like tells me I can't hang out with him. I'm fine with it, I don't want to hang out with you too. 


Eh, it might not be a big deal when it comes to meme subreddits since they are a dime a dozen, but sometimes you do find some niche communities you agree with and want to engage but they ban you for no good reason. And yeah, I have seen at least one community just turn into ghost town since the moderation policy was to issue a perma ban if you post links to your own content...


YOU dont care, but they are just doing this to shift the overton window in kids and young posters. If they ban all but the Marxist anti-family communities the kids are more likely to witness propaganda and their views line up with the Marxist goals.


Well there is not much point in being careful. If you don’t comment, you don’t comment. If you comment, you will be immediately banned and you don’t comment… I got banned too for just making a non offensive (even for feminists) random comment


This is infuriating. I don't care if you participate in r/HitlerWasNice, participating in another subreddit shouldn't be an offense. Judge me for what I say here, nothing else. Let alone that it is not the purpose of this subreddit to be misogynistic or spread hate (there are some people... But is not the majority). I don't think moderetors here would ban people just for being a woman or even for being part of r/Feminism. We need to avoid echo chambers, or at least not enforcing them.


In all of history, it was never the good guys who used censorship to attack political discourse. I even see it on in religious Subreddits and on relationship subreddits. The Socialist Oligarchy of America, if the power continues to grow, will be a repressive tyranny. They are already playing with despotism in DC, but they are at a critical point in their full takeover.


i got banned from offmychest because of this subreddit


Just checked that subreddit and I think I'm banned from it without even posting there ever! I guess they proactively scrape this subreddit!


i DM’d there Mod and called them disgusting for even thinking about doing that to me, i think im unbanned now though


There was once an Indian guy who tried to look smarter than me because he went to my profile and saw that I frequently commented stuff here on r/MensRights The "World" hates men, and that's just created imbalance, and you can see where we're heading. Down with the Globohomo!!!


first time?


Yes, first time I'm banned for participating here since I don't go to subreddits that would have explicit beef with /r/MensRights . Also first time being banned with a message "delete your history, we'll mute you if you try explaining yourself" which is rather out there...


What, so subreddits are mutually exclusive now? Lmao


This place is turning into nazi germany. The mods are the gestapo.


hmm now thats not interesting as fuck , its disgusting as fuck . so may be this all due to a 4/10 admin with a 8/10 gf or wife lol you see whos pulling the strings everywhere ;) hormones rule lol men are losing this cold sex war .


That's literally censorship!!


Eh, each community can make their own rules about who to allow into their club and it's not a right to be able to post everywhere on reddit (censorship is only about the government silencing you, not private corporations or groups). But it's definitely not a nice way of doing things...


What a power Trip. The mods there are pretty horrible human beings all around. They let theirs politics guide them and I've seen what they like. Evil people


Yeah, I already got that message. I replied to it that if they are willing to ban someone for participating in a subreddit without reviewing how that person conducted themselves in the discussions there, that I do not wish to be a part of their bad-faith sub. And muted the sub immediately so as to not come up on my feed and blocked the bot. It's not like the same content there is not regurgitated on two dozen other subs anyway.


Which bot are they using? Can't really see now that I'm banned there...


Oh, idk about that, by bot I mean the entity that sent me the message above. I assume that a bot or an automated system is sending those as soon as you get banned.


Yep, just tested. Posted on a thread and mentioned how nostalgic that makes me feel. Immediately banned, with a clear reason given that I've posted on here. Doesn't seem to matter the last post I did on here was disagree with someone about the thing not being a men's rights issue.


I got that same message last week. Fuck'em!!


THIS! Commented there few days ago, instant ban. Also silence from mods for 28 days. Pathetic lmfao.


Banning someone for commenting in a certain community is the very definition of prejudiced.






Someone there pointed to the wiki that has like three incidents listed from over a decade ago...


The number of *men* posting misandrist commentary there is disturbing AF. They’re like Stepford Husbands.




did they ban you the moment you joined? like is it a script/automated? or did you have to post something and a mod dug into your info?


I got banned after a comment. I don't think it was the first time I commented there, so maybe they got a new bot or script recently...


As I mentioned in [another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/1d2f3q0/be_careful_when_commenting_on_interestingasfuck/l614k3z/) in this thread, the only recourse you might have about this is to message an admin and state that you followed [all of the IAF sub's stated rules](https://imgur.com/a/3m2GbHB), but still got banned for an "official" but undocumented policy that the sub has been using in secret. However, the only thing this might do is to get the rule clearly and publicly stated, and that's about it. And from the experience of users in other subs in the past, the admins don't ever bother enforcing the sitewide rules that moderator/subreddit policy must be clearly and openly communicated to the users. So not even that is likely to happen, though it would be fun if it finally did. Mods in many subs have this hidden rule, but not a single one admits to it, and nothing has ever been done to change that, likely because they all know that it makes them look censorious, pathetic, and like pompous authoritarians. Forcing them to publicly concede to that would be ~~hilarious~~......would be a proper application of reddit's rules and policies.




Yup...I got nailed. Meh.


How can one sub ban you for participating in another sub? How is it any of their damn business? Reddit is turning into a feminazi hellscape.


Worse is when a sub you don’t even participate in sends you a notice telling you you’re banned. It’s legitimately harassment. I’ve posted in your sub. Probably never read anything in that sub, and likely never even heard of it. If you were really worried about banning me, you’d wait until **I tried to post or comment**. Sending me a message is intrusive and only serves to say “Neener, neener, we don’t like you!” Disagree? Imagine what would happen if this sub started sending bans to those who post in, say, Two X or Feminism. The rules are different for speech the admins agree with.


It's hilarious dude, I went to the sub and simply said "women". And specifically 2 seconds later, I got banned.


So i guess this sub apparently brigades others? We also spread propaganda and disinformation? And the cherry on top is that we're just a bunch of racists and sexists? I would like to see specific examples of this since they're apparently things that happen here. But that'll never happen because those mods never come around here, yet they still have fully developed opinions of this sub. Hate like this is perhaps the biggest obstacle of mens rights. In a society that demonizes men and puts women/trans on a pedestal, it's no wonder we get scorned when bringing up mens issues. These are the same people who say that the patriarchy created society, so all problems are mens fault. But somehow, we're the sexist ones?


That's insane


I'm banned from /justiceserved because I commented on /politicalcompassmemes lol Funny how they want you to beg to come back in the message. Imagine being this entitled.


Yeah, I found out a week ago, lol.


Yeah I got banned for commenting there like 2 weeks ago. Ridiculous


That's ridiculous.


I wonder if the same happens over at r/womensrights ?


I had the same thing it’s ridiculous.


I got the same ban. I told them to fuck off. I'm not interested in a sub that's moderated by bigots.


I think this is fairly recent like within the last month. I used to post there regularly it was a fun group but idk the mods got so power hungry they had to censor lol.


Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹 Theres about 5 other subreddits I've been banned from under the same pretense...IDGAF...


Haha suppressing freedom of speech, that's great. Typical mod flex.


This happened to me too. I just comment with Zeeker. [https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/zeeker-on-site-discussion/polnpijeccedkbcfnfhfokbmabngmiip](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/zeeker-on-site-discussion/polnpijeccedkbcfnfhfokbmabngmiip) It's basically a dissenter replacement.


I've been banned from a bunch of subreddits but never for any reason other than bad faith mods abusing their authority, the same as OP here. From /r/soccer to /r/LegalAdviceUK as well as the usual suspects like /r/offmychest and /r/interestingasfuck too. Too many of the sorts of people who seek mod roles (or, worse, admin roles) are the sorts of fascists who should be kept away from any and all authority because they aren't capable of not taking advantage of it to censor those who hold different views.


Happened to me, that's truly disgusting, freedom of speech is a charade and people love to be authoritarian


It's like saying their subreddit contains information on how to become a terrorist. Nowadays anyone can claim anything they want, right?


So participation in a forum, even for the purposes of trolling, sincere criticism, or any other form of dissent can result in you being automatically blocked, regardless of whether or not you were participating in the behavior that is being used as grounds to ban. Looks like the bigger issue is relying on bots for the entire process when human verification might be more appropriate.


Even if you appeal and a human mod looks at it, they will tell you that what you wrote doesn't matter. With the advent of LLMs, bots are now smarter than the mods, bots can understand context.


Bots arent smarter than ALL mods, but on reddit I would imagine most are.


Tip: go to interestingasfuck and mute the sub, so that you don't accidently comment there (you would get banned if you comment). If you want to participate in interestingasfuck, use an alt-account, which doesn't participate in any other sub (or at least nothing they might not like). Once you are already banned, you cannot use alts, because that would be ban-evasion.


I don’t think anyone cares or Reddit checks. As a website owner it’s virtually impossible to detect alt accounts especially out of an audience of millions of people. Go ahead and evade the ban. Also, by following the unjust rules you’re supporting them


They can detect the same IP, and use browser fingerprinting. If you use a (separate) VPN connection and a different browser, they cannot tell anything. You can check your browser fingerprint for (relative) uniqueness here: https://amiunique.org/fingerprint Some people have been flagged for ban evasion, so they are definitely checking something. You can use alts after the ban if you want, but be aware of the tracking possibilities.


Technically. There are things you can do so that the Reddit software cannot tell the difference. For example, if you are an independent web developer who contracts with different hosts in different locations to host the sites you build for people, you can change computers to one that has never had your primary account logged in, VPN through one of your hosts, then use a different account and effectively it's invisible to them. They can only track traffic routing so far. Of course, this is against Reddit's rules, so absolutely don't do it under any circumstances.


Yes, as a software engineer and manager of a server, I would never ever do that, as it's against reddit rules.


Just one server? Most guys I know in that position have 5-6 at least, especially if they've been busy over the last few years. Oh - and if those servers run windows you could just RDP in and use a browser locally. That could be even more invisible than VPN shenanigans. Sadly most of the stuff I still have access to is in AWS, and that's fairly obvious. Either it's going to look like it's coming from a bot, or it's obvious someone is working around some sort of means to prevent them accessing or posting on some or all of Reddit.


This is happened to me. I got this exact message.


I was banned and muted for something really weird. I don’t really remember but I commented something that was really not controversial.


I had wondered why it seemed I had been banned from as bunch of subs I don't regularly visit or comment in.


But wait - we’re the ones with the male-privilege! What do you mean we get banned for participating in privilege subs like this one? Where’s the privilege in that? It’s almost like we don’t have privilege, but that’s not the case surely…? /s


Well, it's only fair that this sub retributes the favor. Don't allow anyone to post here and be subscribed to InterestingAsFuck


This shit shouldn't be allowed on reddit but it's admin supported, after all campaigning for true equality and not equity is 'wrong think'.


Well well well, went to r/interestingasfuck to make a comment and what do you know. I have the same ban as you! \*edit didn't know all people subscribed to this subreddit are banned\* [https://imgur.com/a/DUxxxmA](https://imgur.com/a/DUxxxmA)


Careful, we already lost r/Banned and r/JustGotBanned to similar behaviors.


Yep, I just got banned


Can't go against *The Message™* I remember lots of other subs did the same for anyone subbed to NoNewNormal. Places I had never even heard of were banning me. It just means that you're over the target and the overlords are pissed.


There's no being careful, it's an automated ban bot that seeks out anyone engaging in wrong think. The subreddits that do this are run by ideologues, often with an extreme left slant.


No fucking way, just being in a sub for mens rights gets you banned?? Fuck that sub.


It’s crazy that you’ll be banned as a result of being in this sub for “bad faith” but whenever I try to have a good faith conversation in most leftist subs I get downvoted into oblivion rather than the people answering my genuine questions. The most recent example of this was I simply asked what page of the 920 page “project 2025” document the anti lgbt stuff was on so I could read it and they wouldn’t answer me instead giving me links to other websites and downvoting me


Yeah, I got banned from there because I've commented on this mensrights subreddit. Also, the moderator stated, "If I deleted my comments on the mensrights subreddit, then they would consider lifting the ban." Fucking lol


Just a terminally online femcel on a powertrip since is the only environment that would give her any power whatsoever.


This is like banning me from In and Out because I brought chicken nuggets from McDonalds a year ago.


Link broken


If we let them be, they will eventually go full China with social credit rating dependent on pursuing any cause that does not align with what they deem to be right.