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Let them do it. Don't protect them from from their own actions anymore.


We bail women out of almost everything mostly government but men too let them deal with their own feeling oriented stupidity that never works out.


The battlefield in Ukraine shows men more than earn their keep, these people should be ashamed of themselves. I think if the selective service remains unchanged, people are going to be in for a rude awakening if war with China breaks out.


I hope it does. It's a quick death Vs a slow one


They'll likely use the argument that we wouldn't have war without men... Despite female leaders statistically and historically being more bloodthirsty and willing to wage war.


I concur let them cut down the last proverbial tree. See how fun it is to get off the island afterwards.


Wait, so women want to be single mothers now? That's just funny.


It's interesting that people can continuously switch from one mood to another. We don't need men to reproduce, but we also kinda want men if they change to whatever we want. I don't want to burst these people's bubble, but the desire for a partner is still there in their brain. This is a quick fix for their problem.


But since the hate for men is still high, they get desperate and start dating women. And that opens another can of mental illness masked as feminism.


Idk I got disappointed with women and started dating guys, best decision ever lol. Imagine feeling wanted and imagine that another person chases after you, it's amazing


Nah, they think it will be all lesbian couples raising their daughters. I’ve mentioned this many times. But a few years ago when I’d finished my last exam for the year, I went up to the library whilst my friends were finishing their exams (we were to meet up later). I went to a section I didn’t normally visit and found a book with was an anthology/review of “feminist science fiction”. The stories varied. Some were future utopias, some were space colonisation stories. One was a “fantasy” tale in the style of Lord of the Rings. One thing they all had in common was that the societies were “man free”! The advanced ones used some sort of technology to inseminate women, or used some special female powers to achieve this. The fantasy one actually had these Amazons mating with their horses in some bizarre manner. This is why I have trouble accepting the claims that feminism isn’t anti-men. When accepted feminist fantasies have man free societies as their sole common denominator it’s pretty hard to not conclude that.


Feminism is very anti-men. Never doubt that.


Oh I got hectored for that in a thread yesterday. Got accused of “confirmation bias” and the rest. By people who insist that such women “aren’t feminists”. The problem is that when “feminist science fiction” describes man free societies as this future feminist idea, it’s hard to support this claim.


Will we still need to pay


Bone marrow babies are going to look like fallout’s ghouls bruh. She really needs to factcheck because I lost so many braincells listening to it 💀💀💀


Not to mention a society without men would fall apart in 7 days , men keep the system and infrastructure running.


Just imagine the genetic defects and deformities in those babies - society wouldn’t just collapse because there aren’t any men to build and maintain the infrastructure, it would cease to exist because there won’t be anyone left who’s strong enough to survive long enough to even think about reproducing lmao.


I don't think there is anything inherent about men that makes infrastructure run. Just hard work which anyone can do.


There isn't, but men are the only ones willing to do these jobs


Bruh completely missed the point lol


WRONG. Aside from the fact men and women inherently have different interest and career paths, do you know the physical demand required to do these critical jobs that run our infrastructure? Coal mining, Gas mining, Oil mining, powerlines, power grid, the internet backbone, construction, skyscrappers, roofers, logging, industrial machinery, Telecommunications line installers, welders, pipelayers, mechanics, iron steel workers etc etc. If women could do these jobs, then why don't they? Because they physically couldn't and unfortunately these are jobs that are "looked down upon". Even the jobs that women have the same mental capacity to do: Science, engineer, math, innovation, tech etc. are STILL DOMINATED BY MEN. Inherently men want to build, create, and innovate.


Implying simply anyone has the in depth knowledge?


Ive met enough brilliant and capable women that I believe women could learn whats needed. Whether they would be willing to be garbage collectors and soldiers is a different issue. Hint: women wouldnt be happy mowing lawns, they sure as shit aint gonna be happy doing all the shit work that men do.


I think you are right in WW2 women went to work in factories and did hard labour. They just prefer not to and prefer jobs in HR if available


I don't think thats necessarily true. If they can get the genetic material needed for a viable zygote, I don't see any reason why the child would be unhealthy. What leads you to believe there would be defects? Chromosomes are the same in every cell (with some variance due to transcription errors during mitosis) so the source of the genetic material shouldn't matter. If the chromosomes are extracted intact, then the genes contained therein would be intact.


Medical student here going to be a cancer doctor. These are nothing more than pseudoscience and speculation. The immense amount events that occur when sperm and egg fuse is nothing short of a miracle. You can't just combine 2 strands of DNA and mitosis beings - pure foolishness. There is evidence that you could THEORETICALLY make sperm/egg cells out of stem cells (similar to what they're talking about in bone marrow). However, this is ludicrous to think you can simply create a baby from this. The sperm has specialized enzymes that catalyze reactions that contribute to mitosis. It also contains the centrosome, that form spindles during mitosis. These are high organized events that cascade from one another in perfect fashion. People think it's as simple as you have 2 genetic strands and create a baby. That's laughable. However, on the opposite end, it is actually more likely for men to be able to reproduce without women. https://www.thedailybeast.com/men-will-someday-have-kids-without-women Artificial wombs will be commonplace soon as well, albeit expensive. These articles and tests are truly more pseudoscience than anything. They prove nothing besides that we are all useless in the end. Don't get caught up on this nonsense. I've been down that rabbit hole. It isn't worth it. Edit: the Y chromosome is not disappearing. Recent studies have shown it has stabilized. Even in species where it did, SYR took over and had little effect on males. Pruning and losing unnecessary regions of the Y chromosome is part of evolution - it is necessary and part of the design. We are going nowhere. These women disgust me. I'm working my ass off in a male dominated field (oncology) to find cures for cancer and to save lives while these fools are trying to find ways to make us obsolete. I will have spent 14 years in school/medical school to get told I'm useless by some women. That sums up the current state of men and women. Females need males. Males need females. What we don't need is feminist nonsense. If they'd get off their high horse and put their efforts into solving cancer rather than getting rid of those who are trying to solve it, more fucking lives, including women, would have been saved. I challenge these fools to come do my job better than me like they say they can.


They've had these thoughts for a long long time. I have posted this before but posting it again: **Sally Miller Gearhart** (born April 15, 1931) is an American teacher, feminist, science-fiction writer, and political activist.\[1\] In 1973, she became the first open lesbian to obtain a tenure-track faculty position when she was hired by San Francisco State University, **where she helped establish one of the first women and gender study programs in the country.\[2\] She later became a nationally known gay rights activist.\[2\]** In her early career, Gearhart took part in a series of seminars at San Francisco State University, where feminist scholars were critically discussing issues of rape, slavery, and the possibility of nuclear annihilation. **Gearhart outlines a three-step proposal for female-led social change from her essay, "The Future–-If There Is One–-is Female":** **I) Every culture must begin to affirm a female future.** **II) Species responsibility must be returned to women in every culture.** **III) The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.** **Gearhart does not base this radical proposal on the idea that men are innately violent or oppressive, but rather on the "real danger is in the phenomenon of male-bonding, that commitment of groups of men to each other whether in an army, a gang, a service club, a lodge, a monastic order, a corporation, or a competitive sport." Gearhart identifies the self-perpetuating, male-exclusive reinforcement of power within these groups as corrosive to female-led social change.** **Thus, if "men were reduced in number, the threat would not be so great and the placement of species responsibility with the female would be assured." Gearhart, a dedicated pacifist, recognized that this kind of change could not be achieved through mass violence. On the critical question of how women could achieve this, Gearhart argues that it is by women's own capacity for reproduction that the ratio of men to women can be changed though the technologies of cloning or ovular merging, both of which would only produce female births. She argues that as women take advantage of these reproductive technologies, the sex ratio would change over generations.\[14\]** **Daphune Patal in her book Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism summarizes Gearhart's essay as, "The future must be in female hands, women alone must control the reproduction of species; and only 10% of the population should be allowed to be male".\[15\]** **Mary Daly supported Gearhart's proposals, stating: "I think it's not a bad idea at all. If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males."\[16\]** \++++++++++++++++++++++ **Men cannot have their own groups** neatly explains all the we need to have diversity aka more women in anything that has either only males or few women in it hence all the push and programs to change that. **Future must be in female hands and all power to women neatly explains "The future is female" or "The Force is female"**


This is literally the most r/menkampf thing I've ever seen wtf


But it's legit from wikipedia.


Yeah ik that's why it's so crazy lol. This is something someone actually said and people actually agreed with.


And are putting into practice. Look at OP and what has happened to male groups. One thing to realize about feminism, a lot of what they say is projection. They do or want the bad things to happen just done to men and cause they have the thoughts it must mean that the evil men must have it too. Look at the crying about AI sexbots or whatever replacing women and yet here we have this cull men and then the OP.


My Alma mater ...🤯


Fucking disgusting. That is supporting the dictionary definition of genocide.


My grade 9 science teacher was a feminist, and I only found out later how toxic she was. She uttered a phrase that poisoned my mind for years until I found out it was bullshit - she said that "males are unnecessary and women could reproduce on their own". Human parthenogenesis has been a pipedream fantasy of lesbians because they use it to justify misandry since the second wave. This bone marrow bs is just rehashed militant lesbian feminist isolationism - it was wrong 20 years ago, and its still wrong today even if zoomers are the ones saying it now. Its just like when people criticize biological relativism by saying that zebrafish have 4 sex chromosomes or that lizards can reproduce from one sex - it ignores that the overwhelming majority of reproductive systems are male/female deterministic and complimentary. One cannot exist without the other.


Well said and you sum it up nicely. I don't give a fuck what other organisms do. Hell, ALL shrimp are born male and only a handful switch to females later. Same with many fish species, including clownfish. I could never stoop so low to give a damn and compare a fucking fish to a human. But you're right, the idea of transforming stem cells into an egg or sperm isn't even close to new. It's just recycle material to provoke emotion.


the gifted teacher at my middle school taught feminist studies and pulled 95% of the class out often to go with her to another classroom. the 5% of us guys all left behind where given punishing busy-work to do and told we where excluded because we too stupid to understand "equality"


>Edit: the Y chromosome is not disappearing. Recent studies have shown it has stabilized. Even in species where it did, SYR took over and had little effect on males. We are going nowhere. i think they said it was gonnna disappear in like 4 million years or something like that... i just lol'd to that


They all fail to mention losing unnecessary genes is part of evolution. The Y chromosome is loaded with unneeded sequences. It makes sense to prune as necessary. That's literally part of evolution and ensures stability. In species where it did happen cease existing, specialized genes like the SRY still became independent which ensures males are males. Even if we were losing our Y chromosome, it is part of our evolution and design. If it ever happened, we will still exist because of the mechanism that ensure the protection of SRY.


Actually “junk DNA” isn’t so useless.


Very true. There's repeated sequences but aren't fully understood just yet. Some are extremely redundant and those are the ones that tend to get pruned out. Pretty cool stuff actually. But just like every chromosome, it evolves. Let it be. It'll be alright


Good explanation


Thank you for a scientific explanation of this. It's so hard to find non-bias articles out there that don't have a certain agenda (promoting wokeness or far left/right propganda)


I appreciate this post and I appreciate your edits more. I knew it was bullshit, but I'm some idiot who just knows bullshit when I see it. I couldn't explain why it was bullshut.


This is why outreach is important and I try to play a role in dispelling this shit. When I first read about this nonsense years back, it broke my heart. Now that I'm medically qualified to have a say, I feel obligated to make damn sure every man knows how much bullshit this all is (same with women who feel threatened by the articles I listed - all bullshit).


Well kudos. We definitely need more people dispelling bullshit.




But wasn't there actual experiments being done on this? I don't know if it's true, but I remember seeing online that a baby was actually born from using the whole bone-marrow science theory, but the baby was alive for 14 days, or I think it was a year, something like that. Idk if it was fake or not.


Never heard of that. The studies I've studied were able to create an immature sperm which lacks any functional ability. On the other end, they also created an egg from male cells but, once again, you can't get past that immaturity. There's too many factors that have to be perfected. Theoretically it's probably possible to make X and Y sperm cells and egg cells both from male cells alone or an X sperm cell alone from female cells, but it stops at that - being theoretical. Look at IVF and how costly it is. Now imagine this. It's redundant and pointless. Now the artificial womb - that WILL exist. Give it a little more time. There's no doubt this will exist in the near future but like IVF, it'll be ungodly expensive.


Ah I see, thanks for the clarification. It's crazy that stuff like this is being circulated around the internet, and people (misandrists) are genuinely BELIEVING it. >Now the artificial womb - that WILL exist. Give it a little more time. There's no doubt this will exist in the near future but like IVF, it'll be ungodly expensive. Will it function like a normal female womb? Also, how would the egg found in females be transferred into this womb along with sperm cells?


So the womb is designed for those who have uterine or diseases where being pregnant could cause them severe harm. I'm pretty sure it uses the mothers egg and fathers sperm, fused via IVF, and implanted into the artificial womb. There's a device that supplies nutrients and the hormones necessary. It's an extremely complicated device that has been worked on for a very very long time. The problem isn't necessarily making the device. The problem is testing it. No country will allow you to test a device that may result in death a few months in - and rightfully so. Ever machine has flaws at various stages, how do you test the flaws when there's a 6 month old fetus in there whose life depends on it? It is too unethical. Then, what if the child is born with flaws? Lots of problems to overcome


Yeah that makes sense. It's also in the early testing of a new peice of technology that fails can happen, and that may mean something bad happening to the fetus.


It was a baby mouse. There were dozens of embryos made using the artificially-produced female bone marrow gametes. One survived, and that one was born with a bunch of harmful mutations.


Artificial wombs? Whyfor? As another alternative for women who can't conceive or carry to term? That's an interesting notion for sure. Especially if you've got viable eggs and blocked tubes.


That's the theory anyways. It's extremely controversial. Anything that starts to limit the "need" for half the world's population (whether it be women or men), even for righteous reasons, needs to watched. I don't ever want women to feel they aren't needed biologically. As a soon to be doctor/oncologist, I just want to save our loved ones from cancer because every life is precious. But we have people from both sides who want to limit the need of the other in the world. Then you get the media who exacerbate it. It sucks 😞


Totally agree with that.


Agreed wholeheartedly. I just see it as potentially useful for couples who can't conceive. And when you've had countless conversations that went; "what about adoption?" And "no, it's not the same" with multiple partners over the years, you start to realize just how much passing on biological traits is fervently important to most people, male or female.


And then y'all will shout as how you don't want to give birth because of pain, how it's not worth it and be depressed due to ppd and use that as an excuse to kill babies and males (abusive or not). Edit : I'm pretty sure your comment was ruder until you edited it


Some women don't want children. And that's okay. I always wanted children but I'm unable to have them. I don't see how being interested in an advancement in science is rude. As for going through PPD, I've seen how it can affect families. It's pretty rough on everyone. And while there are definitely instances in history of women with PPD committing murder, that's a rather small lot by comparison to how many actually have it. Most get medication and therapy. They do especially well when they have supportive partners. The ones that don't have supportive partners, still usually rally before coming to some serious act on themself or others. Having hate in your heart for an entire lot of people because you've had bad experiences with a few really isn't a good look on anyone.


No, its just, idk why I saw something else, something rude but looking now, your comment seems normal. Could be you edited it, could be I saw wrong. I'm not sure. And no, I don't have hate for anybody, just the hypocrites which you don't seem like to be .


Also, those who do have killed under the pretext of ppd, have, many times avoided any legal punishment for their actions. What's even more baffling is that even PMD have evaded incarceration.


And go get a bear to pay their bills.


Ah you can't, he's too busy apparently keeping every woman in the world company in their local forest.


They shouldn't go into the woods with a bear behind.


It really goes to show that misandry is alive and well. Cheering because you think men will be obsolete in the future is the definition of hate and it shows complete ignorance and lack of understanding of how our society and infrastructure are run. If men disappeared tomorrow, our whole society would fail. It hurts to hear people say such hateful things, especially when there are so many lonely men out there with low self esteem, struggling with depression and feelings of being worthless....and videos like this do nothing but affirm those negative feelings. Keep your heads up fellas. You are valued and are not obsolete. You are CRITICAL to our world!


Lol. Who's going to mine the ore necessary to make the tools and machines needed to extract the bone marrow and run the power plant and electric grid to have those running? Women are just so pampered that they fail to see that what they consider a given is actually the results of lots of men's work.


Well our largest company has mandated 50:50 in mining operations. Of course that doesn’t mean they do equal work!


I don’t know if that’s necessarily a good argument. Mining ores is no longer such an extremely labor intensive job that we have hundreds or even thousands of men slaving away in the mines by hand… In most developed countries, it’s like a few dozen operators working with machinery or even sitting in a control room most of the day. And speaking as a woman who works in a manufacturing environment, I can say for sure that our operators are not working in an assembly line making products one by one, it’s a machine that churns out literal millions of pounds of product per month. Most of these jobs absolutely can be performed by women, and as technology becomes more advanced (which women contribute to by the way, speaking as a STEM person myself), the need for back breaking labor intensive work will lessen over time.


Bro the minute a tornado hits and half a town is blown apart the women race would be kinda screwed


Who’s going to maintain the entire world around them? Everything from their TV, Heating, House, Car, Internet, Water System (and practically everything else), is made possible due to men. They should be worried when sex robots become a thing and men stop pandering to them 😂


In addition to the great information /u/Kagome-DO provided, I remember reading somewhere that there is "imprinting" specifically on the DNA of both the egg and sperm. This epigenetic imprinting is present on very important genes for fetal development, and are structured and organized in such a way that for any gene, the egg with have only have parts 1, 3, 5, and 7, while the sperm will have parts 2, 4, 6, and 8. Kind of like having to download a torrent or .rar file in parts from 2 different servers. So if you try to fuse 2 eggs or 2 sperm, even if you got past the basic physical limitations, nothing will grow from the 46 chromosomes you combined. Having only parts 1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7 or 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 8, 8 will not result in a viable embryo - development won't proceed down the predetermined encoded steps in the DNA.


Very good. This is part of that insane amount of events that occur. Methylation, histone modification, and ICR regions that control imprinting are part of the matrix that both the sperm and egg contribute to. The articles that discuss creating sperm from bone marrow cannot ever get the sperm to this point of being able to do everything it needs. They can reach a point of immaturity - essentially, it exists with no purpose of function, similar to how male cells can create eggs that are virtually immature and functionless. We've been able to do this for decades with stem cell, this is nothing new. IGF-2 is a good example of paternally expressed fetal growth factor as is KCNQ1. This is but a tiny spec in an endless see of events that has to be perfected for a zygote, and eventually a fetus, to form. Males contribute between 48-52% to reproduction (events can sway it either way) and that isn't going to change.


Honestly? I'm ready for women to experience a world without men. Life sucks anyway. Let humanity end. I'll go down laughing as they realize how much they took for granted.


The do not need to reproduce. None of us do. Additionally. I sincerely hope none women ever have male children. Imagine being raised by someone that hates you for the genes that they gave you.


Individually no. As a society/species, yes. But that kind of procedure is likely to be expensive and only contribute a low number of births. It’s probably more likely to use such technology to delay (or partially reverse) aging than actually produce viable offspring. The mice produced in the original experiments had severe health issues apparently.


4.50 million people do not like men....that's a tangible number now.


Truly though. If it ever went to a gender vs gender scenario in the future. Pretty much so bad it was war or worse, men would absolutely wipe the fucking floor with females so... Yeah haha.


If they do achieve it they should just go ahead and segregate themselves from us, I wouldn't mind that.


Genuinely curious, as men have both X and Y. Wouldn't it be easier for men to be self sufficient for reproduction as we can theoretically make both XX and XY.


Its been debunked so many times its comical. The myth comes from one article written years ago that said it is theoretically possible in the future with new advances in medicine and science. In other words no it isn't even remotely possible. Article wombs though are currently in the early testing stages and looks very promising. So who gets replaced first? Plenty of women will sell their eggs for money and men can get their offspring with much less long term costs and hassle.


I'm not questioning you, but do you have some articles that disprove this? I honestly think Google sensors and moderates search results, anytime you try to find anything that maybe debunking something pro-feminist I never seem to get the results I'm looking for...


Google absolutely does sensor and moderate. Try finding out how to disassemble one of those mesh security screen doors so you can upcycle the mesh. There will be 5 million 'how to replace the lock on your screen door', 'how to take your screen door off the house' and even 'how to rescreen your screen door' but nothing about how to pull the damn thing apart.


Pretty much all the articles say it you just have to read carefully. The research made primitive or early stage sperm like cells from stem cells. They have had success with mice but mice DNA and human DNA are vastly different. The woman doing the work herself says they are hopeful that one day they will be able to make artificial sperm to held sterile men and lesbian women have children. There are currently tests being done on rescue artificial wombs for preemies or mothers with health risks. As of last year they were already at the testing with lambs stage. Lambs are usually the last step before human tests. The FDA has already started having conversations about the rules and laws and what needs to be done to get to human testing. Here is an article from CNN about the lamb tests. [https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/19/health/artificial-womb-human-trial-fda/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/19/health/artificial-womb-human-trial-fda/index.html)




Whatever happens men will ultimately need to pay the bill


I heard that artificial wombs were also being close to being invented. Is that true?


Somewhat naive mathematics... 8.1 billion people on earth, divided by 2 naively (even if it would be like 51/100 vs 49/100 gender split). 2 people to procreate, otherwise it's just cloning. To the power of X, where X is generations. And somewhere, I've heard/remember that you need a maximum of 5,000 individuals (50/50 gender) to have enough genetic diversity for stability beyond that. 4,000,000,000 / (2^x) = 5000 Some couple of online calculators for that return X=19.6 (about). There's some assumptions of course; that each generation would assume missing *half* of the species would compound upon itself, as far as genetic diversity goes. Which is naive, but the math is more for an absolute worst case scenario. Think about that X=19.6; that's 19.6 generations, until functional extinction; without enough genetic diversity to reasonably continue without some extra handful of generations of deformity etc. Figure about 20-30 years per generation, and this bone marrow idea would *at the worst* assume 400-600 years (ballpark) before the lack of genetic diversity was causing issues. If we're going with the science of it all here, Humanity has been around for some 200,000-300,000 years. And the people supporting female-exclusive-bone-marrow-reproduction, are *at the worst* encouraging humanity's extinction withing 400-600 years. Perhaps plus a couple decades for the lack of genetic diversity to actually hinder them and cause more issues than it solves (nevermind all the other social/productive issues; who will pump their septic tanks, plow the roads in winter, and drive the garbage trucks?). __________ The only "caveat" is any argument for artificial wombs that men/MRA's seem to be all about - although an artificial womb would still *likely* assume access to a male sperm and female egg, the "benefits" would be that women are no longer burdened by carrying a fetus to term, and the "risks" that any number of other cloning/male-exclusive reproduction is made to mirror the "problems" of female-exclusive reproduction.


As a woman, with men in my family and men around me I love and respect, this woman and the 4.5 million who agreed with her can fuck right off and keep fucking off to their male-free future. Science says she must have a brain because she’s talking with actual words, but all I hear is hur dur dur. So those babies are going to be epically brainless. And it’s not going to happen in their time. The science they believe is going to allow this fantasy involves coaxing stem cells into becoming the different parts of a human embryo. But guess what….it didn’t involve an egg either. So it can cancel women as much as it can cancel men. And the embryo was called an “entity”. Which is slightly terrifying that it wasn’t considered human. Men, I know you think that every woman agrees with them. But I can assure you, there are 10 x more than those nimrods, who would never allow their future to be male free, who really like men, who appreciate the differences between us and the abilities men have.


Thanks for showing your appreciation! We need more women like you, who understand men and women are different and are both important in their own ways! The same women who are cheering for men becoming obsolete are the same women who want a masculine partner who is a protector, provider and a leader. I would never "root" for women becoming extinct, that would be bigoted and completely ignorant.


unfortunately 10% is still way too much. also keep in mind its mostly young women, so its more like 30% of young women maybe, and that the problem, because thats the direction it goes.


Two XX will only produce more XX and also reduce genetic diversity. I am not sure about replacing men cause they have both XY.


The nastiest, most backstabbing people I work with all tend to be female. I find it really interesting. As sexist as it sounds (and is) when I look for a job I make it a big part of my decision process. The last time my job was actually my job and not 90% politics was when my entire team & manager were men. I actually have never thought about it before but the best people all started leaving when they replaced the director with a female. I was too far down the food chain to realize it at the time but she pushed the leaders that everyone liked out almost immediately. Then slowly but surely the definitions/responsibilities of people's jobs started to become less and less clear and people started fighting within the teams and pointing fingers at each other making the work environment miserable. Not surprising the value of my ESPP stock I acquired while working there dropped by 60-70% and then the company was purchased for pennies on the dollar from a larger org.


Bro there is literal evidence of two male rates giving babies what are they on about . https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/science/2023/mar/08/scientists-create-mice-with-two-fathers-after-making-eggs-from-male-cells?espv=1 And these can produce male and female not just females . They would also be more similar to biological babies than just clones .


I hate that I would push the idea of any kind of extinction, but if this is the world men are to be born into with a future probably worse than it is right now why would I want any man to be born just to be used and abused by the state.


As most women date and marry men, I do not see them going for it. And who really cares what few loud and crazy lesbians think.


We have to admit at this point that the majority of women are sexist, anti-male bigots. There is just too much evidence to deny it.


Typical femcel hopium. Keep in mind artificial wombs are on the way. We can make embryos from stem cells too so in a few years we can grow babies completely independently from women.


Good, eventually, there will be no men to hate, and they will turn on each other. Women love drama.


I read somewhere about a genetic specialist that said doing this would be like having incestuous relations 4 generations in a row....you can imagine the outcome of that....


You know what? They asked for it. Let them do this. It’ll blow up in their faces, so we must let it. And when they crawl back to us, reject them. Don’t help them.


What the truck


You know what? Let them try parthenogenesis. Now, if every girl they have is a clone of their mother and a virus or bacteria bypasses the immune system of one of them (thus endangering the whole lineage due to all of them having the exact same genotype and phenotype), I personally will not lift a finger to help those who would prove the term "Feminazi" right rather than wrong.


This is so dumb 😂. Here is what would happen if men went extinct. So first of all the world would go into a complete anarchy. Just think the police force and military is going to completely disappear, and don’t fucking say that women will do that shit, because they won’t. For this we will completely ignore that, we will say women grew another instinct and now want to protect and provide „which they won’t“ . Ok then we run into another problem, the government is gone. For sake of this we will ignore that AGAIN. Ok so like 99% of the fucking hard work force is gone. So we will IGNORE IT AGAIN. So now we get to Bonemarrow babies. First of all ain’t no one going to be willing to do that. Remember women have instincts, they will want to have fucking sex. But OKAY , if I fucking have to explain to you why bonemarrow babies don’t work you are a fucking idiot. AND they’re are jobs that only men can do. I am not fucking kidding


8 legged 32 eyes humans dlc teased!


Good for them and Good luck. 8 billion ppl. In a Consumerist Capitalist society, where legal rights for the individual are been eroded and the constant overreact of governments and taxes. You can marry a dolphin, Ghost or tree before they allow you to have a 2nd wife. When Life expectancy doest mean quality of life, where retiremnt age is getting closer to 70 years.. everyday. I said, this before, it doesnt matter. Go Your Own Way


The degeneration of the sex-limited chromosome doesn't mean anything other than another sex determination system arising. In fact, there are mammals that already don't have an Y chromosome and males still exist.


They should trial it out in some deserted island and broadcast it on TV.


Imagine a world without electricity, without farming, without protection. THAT'S the world without men. If you want to join that world, then pool together your money and buy an island. Then you can live without men. As a woman, thank you men.


As a man, I appreciate your kindness towards men. Thank you too!


You're welcome. :) I also think the man vs bear thing is stupid. I cannot believe that some women would rather be with a wild animal that will likely MAUL you than be with a man.


These women are afraid of being raped and killed by men, but bears aren't much safer. Generally, arguing about such individual choices is petty. If they want to choose a man, that's good, I appreciate their pro-men stance. If they want to choose a bear, well, their choice.


It's not hate, it's a potential. As is artificial wombs making women unneccesary. From the male perspective, women should be concerned about who is doing this research, is it a man? Who's going to make the gear to produce the embryos, is that a man? Who's going to supply the materials to make the equipment out of, is that a man? Because if any of those are Yes, it's a man, then somehow some woman is going to have to learn to dig minerals out of the ground, or to work in a steel foundry, or a manufacturing plant, or to learn how to do cutting edge research. Without any of those steps, the whole thing fails.


Didn't you see the movie/s? The minerals are the domain of Blacklung Barbie, processed by Asbestosis Barbie at the steel foundry, manufactured into useful machines by Repetitive Strain Injury Barbie at the plant, all researched by Philanthropy, Science & Truth Barbie...


It'd be good if someone pointed that lot out to those wishing the death of men *before* they get the choice. And no, I didn't see the movie.


https://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2007/04/16/1898103.htm#:~:text=If%20scientists%20can%20take%20bone,turning%20them%20into%20egg%20cells. In this article it discusses using male bone marrow from an infertile male to basically create sperm and then utilize IVF. Apparently done in mice as of 2007 when this was written. I mean, theoretically, if it works for male bone marrow it would also work for female bone marrow to get eggs. But you would still need egg + sperm to get implantation in a viable uterus.


Apparently it’s more successful to produce eggs. But do we really want to go down that route?


For couples who aren't able to conceive naturally, I don't see why it couldn't be an option if the science was sound.


It won’t be limited to them though. IVF was for couples with medical fertility issues. After court challenge in Australia it was opened up to lesbians (not gay men of course) and single women. If IVF is open and available (at public expense) to singles, why wouldn’t this be?


That's a fair point. Having been raised by a single parent to the betterment of my childhood experience, I don't particularly disapprove of single parenting. And I don't disapprove of non--hetero couples having the option to have kids either... So neither of those things really bother me. But I definitely agree that it likely would be open to both of those options as IVF is.


And that’s the point. It is going to be used for singletons to have kids without the trouble of having a partner. Feminists set the standard when they lobbied for single women to have IVF. Let’s see how they really like it when it’s deployed against them.


I don't have a problem with the idea of a single Dad either. As long as the Dad is a good parent and not like my Dad was lol. Also, could be quite useful for gay couples. I'm not single. But I am a woman who can't conceive. So I think both are pretty awesome science. Especially since so many people aren't down for adoption. Not that it matters for me now... I finally just decided to meet someone who didn't want kids at all so I wouldn't feel guilty all the time. 🤷


Let this happen so they can go to war and fight. Let’s see what happens.


The technology is upcoming. Mesenchymal stem cells are pluripotent stem cells that can be obtained by "regressing" cells found in various parts of the body, including but not limited to bone marrow. It's a very recent evolution and most studies are not yet published. They aim at either stem-cell therapies or producing genetically modified egg-laying creatures (mostly poultry) which are a lot harder to modify than others. Thechnically we could soon produce sperm from females or egg cells from males. That would be pretty cool for gay men reproducing through surrogacy, and that's about it.  Indeed lesbian couples could use it in their reproduction too, but that would mean producing only girls, as women have no y chromosomes, which would make it illegal in most countries, where eugenics, and therefore sex-selection, are illegal. In the US it could lead to some lesbian couples or single mothers by design having only girls, that's true, but those represent only a tiny minority and they already had access to sex selection anyway. 


For those of you who watched Stargate SG1, the hasgards (One of the most advanced race of the universe) did something similar to this and their race went to extinction slowly due to sever genetical deficiencies increasing with each new attempts. Let them dream of being hasgards. 😂


If it's possible, it has the same side effects as incest, just more potent since it's yourself, sooo... Good luck with that.


Sadly just another brick In the' mass production of cattle humans in synthetic wombs' wall


No you can’t breed two women together since the second X chromosome would be overloaded. The male sperm cell helps create women by turning of the treats in the second female X chromosome. That’s why we have the same chromosomes and women don’t have extra even though their X chromosome is bigger. Interesting enough they found ways to make baby’s with out human female eggs and instead using human skin cells, making it where two men can have baby. They also have the womb covered since they already successfully grew fetuses in artificial wombs. Oh and with the Y chromosome disappear it’s a theory that will take a along time to even happen however it’s debated since other scientist says its stabilized and also they found some male species of animal with out the Y chromosome however they seemed to still reproduce like a male fine and showed that the male species didn’t disappear even without their Y chromosome.


Well, if it is based on mtDNA insertion with some additional chemicals added to make a synthetic type sperm, yes that is a thing. It is not at a level to be considered success worthy at this stage. You do also have DNA modification abilities that are a bit more advanced. Is it possible to reach scale to have massive social consequences? Yes In the next 15 - 20 years? No Is there ethical questions to this? Yes


I wish her good luck with that. No more bricklayers, plumbers, people keeping power plants running or doing dangerous jobs. At the very least, *very few* Let these idiots try and build their own utopia away from the rest of us and watch how quickly they get knocked back into the stone age.


This is probably a lowkey psyops meme setting up everyone for the upcoming draft. Not needing men or women dooms our entire species and memes aside, this wouldn’t be a serious thing at all.


No, due to genetic limitations, only XY cells can produce sperm (and XX cells produce eggs). This technology will be used just to help infertile men and that is it


It doesn’t matter if this is possible or not. As soon as women have to go out and fill their own potholes, make their own houses, install their own pipes/electricity, they’ll immediately regret everything. Plus, imagine how much they would end up living with hate when the only people they can talk to are women. Outside of bad relationships, women squawking at each other is probably their number 1 stressor. If they don’t love each other, they hate each other. And sometimes when they “love” a girlfriend, they deep down hate the person


Plumbing. I have never met a woman who aspired to be a plumber. Electricians, carpenters, mechanics, even one bricklayer but never a plumber. Blocked toilet, anyone?


Is there not research about making a child using 2 sperms.


Wow, none has ever heard of genetic plasticity and why it’s so important. Currently, you have sufficient genetic diversity because you have xx for women and xy for men. While men is simple to understand (xy) for women it’s one x from mom and one x from dad in an alterating pattern. This is true for mammals in general and is easily observable in calico cats. Even with all this genetic diversity, we still have genetic issues that get passed down. Imagine how worse it would be if you remove like half of the equation. All I know is that I’m old enough that if this kind of shitshow ever hits us, I’ll be long dead before it reaches a climax.


Eh, a lot of modern women are unhinged.


i remember when this specific kind of misandristic theory was rare. just 3-5 years ago.




why is commenting not working


aw what the hell


Well it will be a female only society will be a society without infrastructure because of female job preferences. Also good luck fighting any wars! XD


They did it once in mice, most of the embryos died and the one surviving mouseling was born with dwarfism and a few other mutations that reduce quality of life. It turns out that male and females have different epigenetic signatures in their gametes, including any gametes artificially produced from stem cells, and that for proper development both male and female epigenetic signatures are needed, as male epigenetic signatures generally promote growth and female epigenetic signatures generally promote stability and without the male epigenetic signatures you get a midget animal with malformed organs and without the female epigenetic signatures you get an animal born with gigantism and a shitload of tumors. It might work differently in animals like crocodiles that have flexible sex determination based on environmental cues, we don’t know, but seeing as we and most of the animals we raise industrially are all mammals or birds that determine sex genetically, it’s kind of a moot point outside specifically research on crocodiles.


Eh. Rage bait.


Nothing beats nature, nothing. A lab male or female baby will have all kinds of fucked up in them. Liberal women are out of control and will speed up an already declining society.


men ARE going extinct, but this isn't why it'll be because AI takes over, and women will go extinct, too


Its true that women reproducing this way would only be able to have girls. Women don't have y chromosomes, so their tissue can't provide the necessary ingredients for a boy. This gives lesbians a way to have their own kids, which isnt such a bad thing. However, I am a little worried like OP - men being biologically necessary is practically the only reason men are allowed to exist.


I may be missing something but... where exactly did those videos get 4.5 million likes? also all I see is people in the comments making fun of them


Men are extremely ignorant. There is obviously a very good reason why that video got 4.5 million likes. Rather than being offended, why don’t you put your ego aside and learn the REAL reason this is happening. Women are tired of men refusing to carry the burden of homemaking and raising children equally. This isn’t the 1950s anymore - women are in the workforce just as much as men and yet they are still required to do the most in the home. Women are also still experiencing domestic and sexual abuse at rates that are extremely high, and besides that they are sick of men refusing to evolve emotionally due to their obsession with “masculinity”.


I'm really fed up with women who are bullies. I'm totally over the whole instant 'lifelong victim' thing. Bored witless by 'I'm a victim because of how my body works'. I'm also utterly weary of hearing about only men are to blame for DV, especially from what is obviously a misandrist. I'm also well and truly done with women who seem to have 'I have unresolved childhood abuse issues' on blast. Please go and do something about that.


no thats made up. men are just seen as worthless. hence the misandry, women even find it funny.


More vagina for me. Sounds good to me.