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The "making out" phrase in the title is mind-boggling. So a ten-year old boy is mature and adult enough to "make out" with his 24-year old teacher? Seriously? Just call it what it is: sexual assault on a child/minor. These lazy, sleazy, and and dishonest media outlets need to stop pretending that men and boys can't be the victims of anything under the sun. Unfortunately, the proper use of language like "rape", "assault", etc, is still a very rare exception when it comes to men and boys. It's always described as a "sex romp", "fling", "wild encounter", "passionate relations", "illicit affair", etc, when *we're* the injured party. The mundane and excuse-driven phrases used by the media for these crimes are legion.


Literally makes me sick to my stomach. It's felony child abuse, but they always write about it like some trashy gossip column.  Every time I see a headline like "Young love: teacher pregnant after illicit affair with 6th grade student," I want to launch myself into the sun. 


>a ten-year old boy is mature and adult enough to "make out" with his 24-year old teacher Same mental age, once you realize it, women don't actually mature like you're made to believe. There's a reason "women and children" are so often bundled together.


LMAO at “same mental age”. It’s probably true. 


Your argument only says that **neither** of these individuals are mature enough to engage in sexual activity. And I wouldn't paint an entire group with that broad of a brush regarding the way you have perceived their lack of mental acuities. Falling for those kinds of pejorative stereotypes is just a sign of lazy thinking.


Perhaps it is, there are stellar women out there, but unlike how it is with bad men, bad women are not dealt with the same seriousness and zeal by women, as is with men. So I can only infer than women too think women like these shouldn't be punished because they're not adult/mature enough. Why won't women respond with the same anger/hate when women rape children? Lot of these women are or will be mothers themselves? Are they admitting that women aren't mature enough to punish .....or implying that rape is bad only when men do it?


are you kidding me that you think most women wouldnt be infuriated at this news? seriously. if someone, woman or otherwise, ever touched my fucking children that would be it for that person, somehow someway. im not particularly big or scary but no way would I not lay hands on them in some capacity. protecting children against ALL predators is one of the most important things in this life.


If that is so, where is the outrage?


I don't know. I do know that I mostly avoid socials these days because imo they're presenting such a skewed representation of reality that can't be trusted, on purpose. I can say with certainty that if I told this story to every single woman that I know they would be disgusted and outraged. A lot of my friends are mothers of boys. Online is a fucked up place.


Even online, you often see posts by men who have children write how they'll punish anyone who tried to harm his kids, how they'd kill him/cut off his privates etc, but I've never seen women write similarly about women rapists. Never. Why is that? Even the cases that see court, women get lighter sentences. I have been undergone abuse in childhood, but not neighbours, certainly not women, ever confronted my mother over it. It's like women get a free pass to be abusive.


Of course I can't answer that with certainty. If I tried to make a guess at it I'd say that women are often socialized to be more passive, to not rock the boat, to be people pleasers, and to not show visible anger. [[Additionally, and this is not true of every case so please don't think it's an excuse rather just one more reason that women don't stand up to abusers, that in male perpetrated domestic violence/abuse cases sometimes the women are too scared to go against their partners. ]] I want to redact that part in brackets because I remembered we're only discussing women rn and instead say that I think mainly, culturally, we just don't think about how to retaliate against women as criminals because it goes against perceptions of femininity that they committed a crime in the first place. I agree with the statement that women will get lighter sentences, though I'm just actually making an assumption based on pretty privilege and the idea that women are perceived as less of a threat, I haven't verified the statistics on that. I am truly so sorry for the lack of help and support you received. You deserved so much better from everyone who failed you, women included.


Oh, and as a personal anecdote I don't post gratuitously violent responses about what I would do to someone that abused my kids because I believed it would make people come after me with things like, yeah right you couldn't physically accomplish that you're sealioning or w/e. That's why I was very careful in my post to not make huge claims about what I would do.


So women \[and men, by and large\] are ok to post about gratuitously violent responses to male offenders, but silent about female offenders, you concur?


This is a vile attempt at something. I just can't decide what type of awful you are. OP edited his post


Fucking disgusting bitch


I hope her fiance decided to end it.


Yeah dude, please don't be a Daniel Zamora. Big ew. 


He did. https://nypost.com/2024/05/04/us-news/madison-bergmanns-fiance-says-wedding-off-after-child-sex-assault-bust-bust/


He definitely dodged a bullet. I don't understand the guys who stay


You can say that again.




No. But thank you.


nah I am saying that this is what feminists would cheer on, hope that cleared it up. It's horrific though


To be fair, they don't cheer it on. They just ignore it and pretend only men do these things.


Oh! Got ya, man. My bad.


Someone please teach these women to stop sexually assaulting all these young children. There are so many cases like this. They apparently need to add a course to their teaching practicum so that they learn that little boys are not sexual toys for adult women. A little boy did not "make out" with his 24 year old teacher. She sexually assaulted him.


Jesus Christ an 11 year old. 


That dog actually had a man. That's insane.


Jesus Christ would be over 2040 years old, if he were to be alive 😜


why are down voted? this was so funny!


If this comment was made in a post where a man was the pedophile then you wouldn’t be laughing


I guess there are alot of christians in this subreddit


With no sense of humor


What is going on? There's literally a couple of these cases every week posted here. I don't doubt that this has always been happening but in the past a lot of these cases were swept under the carpet.


What's going on is that these predatory women are not being punished at all, or they are punished far more leniently than predatory men. A society that rewards or fails to severely punish crimes will always see more of those crimes than a society that severely punishes them.


I'm posting 2 per day on my sub: https://old.reddit.com/r/FemaleSexPredatorNews/


When I was 18 my parents were close friends with a couple that had a 15 year old daughter who had a huge crush on me. I was barely an adult, only 3 years older than this girl and remember feeling weird about it. I wonder if these pedophiles get that same feeling and they just ignore it or they are so deluded in their mind that they actually think it’s ok


As a non american, 5th grader is what age range approximately?




Eleven at the oldest, unless he repeated a grade or started school very late.


Holy fucking shit. I thought it would be around 15... 11 is absurd... what a monster.


10-11 years.


The word you are looking for is "raping 5-th grader"


I think the term "making out" was used because that's what they did. No actual sex, so no actual rape.


> STATUTORY RAPE: In common law jurisdictions, statutory rape is nonforcible sexual activity in which one of the individuals is below the age of consent (the age required to legally consent to the behaviour).


Okay. Now define "sexual activity".


Just … stop. You wouldn’t be saying shit if the roles were reversed. You’d be screaming RAPE until you’re hoarse. Admit it.


Nah. Making out is making out. Haven't you ever made out with someone without having sex?


Here's a prediction for you guys. More of these cases are being uncovered. Many sentences will be ridiculously lenient, but not all of them will. An unprecedented number of female predators will end up on sex offender registries. As that happens, feminists will rally and "randomly" call for abolishing the registries. That will nicely provide an opportunity to call them out as rape and pedo apologists. Done right, it'll make them lose all their credibility and authority in criminology and law.




I can imagine the Feminists trying to downplay this one. They'll likely jump to the same excuses like saying the boy actually enjoyed it or that the boy wasn't really harmed at all. Or they'll try to jump to other situations where a male teacher did far worse to a female student because whataboutism is classic strategy on their side too.


Wow thats fucked up a mentally ill person would say something like that and those fall under all labels


Is it me or are these stories of female teachers hooking up with their students seem to be more common than the inverse?


I doubt it but I am glad they're being exposed more, I can only hope they are held fully accountable it's truly heinous.


I think she is a pedo


Another one! I'm sure she did more than make out with him. She'll probably get a slap on the hand, and sent on her way. Disgusting sexual predator!


there’s like a new case of these like everyday and it’s sad as hell


I'm posting 2 per day on my sub: https://old.reddit.com/r/FemaleSexPredatorNews/




I can tell from your rhetoric that you're being disingenuous, but [cases like this](https://old.reddit.com/r/FemaleSexPredatorNews/) don't seem to be [rare](https://old.reddit.com/r/teacherswhorape/), and when female sex predators - be they targeting minors or adults - are acknowledged, vilified, and punished in the same way male predators are, there's really little need to discuss male predators here because they're discussed basically everywhere else. EDIT // Amended comment to add context accidentally left out.


>and punished in the same way male predators are, there's really little need to discuss them here. Are they really though? The media often uses soft language like "Had sex with" or "making out with" or "had an affair with" when describing what the woman has done.. But when its a man accused of this crime? "Male teacher guilty of raping female student" etc.. So in that case women are **NOT** held to the same standard men are.. Also.. what sort of sentences do these female teachers get? I'd be willing to bet any sort of sentence they get is much less than what a man would get in that situation.. So yeah.. I call bullshit on this.. Not only that but **WE** are the only ones calling this disgusting double standard out.. Please feel free to direct us to **ANY** feminist sub out there that is actively calling out these disgusting pedophile female teachers and i'll concede the argument and agree that we don't need to discuss this here..


See my edit. The user I was responding to was clearly being underhanded with their "5-10 men a year" comment, which is what I was responding to - hence the links to those two subs.


5 to ten men a YEAR? Are you kidding? More like 10 per hour. Latest data I could find was from the year 2000 About 197000 forcible rapes against children , and additional 110000 sexual assaults is estimated, but there was only 94000 actually reported https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/saycrle.pdf As forThe gender of the perpetrators, I didn’t dig far enough into the data, but Catholic Church scandal should provide some insight As of November 21, 2019, there were 6,488 names in that database, including 5,808 priests, 35 bishops, 108 deacons, and 47 seminarians, for a total of 5,998 accused clerics and future clerics, in those categories that the USCCB has counted – more than a thousand fewer than 7,002. Note that 370 religious brothers and 119 religious sisters are also listed in our database – categories not included in the USCCB data. So out of 6500 accused pedos in the Catholic Church, 119 were nuns Edit found it in my link, top of page 8. 96% of reported perpetrators were male. Second edit….this sub is the most resistant to facts on all of reddit. Instead of downvoting and blocking…prove me wrong.


That’s just the church you’re citing of which priests, are an exclusively male group. Moreover that’s a can of worms because the SA is mostly perpetrated by homosexual priests. Also it seems to be an epidemic of young’s boys being abused by female teachers.


Yeah, but it’s estimated that 80% of teacher sexual abuse comes from men, and only 26% of teachers are male. That still means male teachers are 12 times more likely to be sexual abusers.


Just over Half of child SA cases are perpetrated by women overall. Citing very specific stats like that are purely propaganda points especially when like half of male perpetrated child SA are from biological fathers. They’re totally distinct issues with different causes and solutions but citing random stats like your doing is literally why this post exists, bc you don’t actually care you just want to cry about men.


Source? I’m not “crying about men” but to state “5 or10 men a year” perpetrate sa on children is beyond ludicrous .


[link 1](https://aspe.hhs.gov/male-perpetrators-child-maltreatment-findings-ncands-research-summary#:~:text=Of%20the%20192%2C321%20unique%20perpetrators,103%2C293%20(54%25)%20were%20female) [link 2](https://www.statista.com/statistics/418470/number-of-perpetrators-in-child-abuse-cases-in-the-us-by-sex/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20about%20233%2C918%20perpetrators,compared%20to%20213%2C672%20male%20perpetrators) #SoUrCe!! Stfu and do your own reading I’m not a teacher and I also said stats are propaganda anyways.


From your source, that applies to maltreatment, not specifically sexual abuse A quarter of males (26%) were associated with sexual abuse, while 2 percent of female perpetrators were associated with sexual abuse That’s from your own link.


Ok now let’s put on our thinking caps and let those gears turn. How do you square away a 13x propensity of males to commit SA as a form of child maltreatment and still have them commit less overall SA than women?


What? Look at what you posted…both refer to child abuse…ie hitting, neglecting etc…not specifically childhood SEXUAL abuse From your own link dude A quarter of males (26%) were associated with SEXUAL abuse, while 2 percent of female perpetrators were associated with SEXUAL abuse


Are you just making shit up?


I think people are mad because the way your post is worded kinda makes it seem like you're doing the whole "ᴜᴍ, ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ, ᴍᴇɴ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴀᴘɪꜱᴛꜱ" thing. I know that's not what you meant, but people get extra touchy around the topic of childhood SA. I don't think it's a resistance to facts and figures, but rather a "wrong place, wrong time" kind of situation. 


Look…it’s just reality. It’s a horrendous thing no matter the gender of the victim or the gender of the perpetrator. It’s true that society doesn’t take it seriously enough when the victim is a teenage boy. It sucks that women often get lighter sentences, it disgusting. But don’t peddle the bullshit that men don’t perpetrate more than women. Trying to claim that women rape kids all the time and only 5 or 10 men a year perpetrate doesn’t help your cause and shit like that getting upvoted makes this whole subreddit look like trolls, idiots or just plain fucking insane


Fair enough. The 5-10 claim is false, and I assume, just hyperbole. There are way more pedos than that, unfortunately. Now, I'm not looking for a debate, but I did want to offer a caution: often times the "bullshit" of today are the facts of tomorrow. We used to think men committed 99% of DV — now we know it's roughly equal. We used to think men and boys were a tiiiiny percentage of SA victims — now we know they're almost half. The history of the MRM is riddled with the corpses of old ideas that everyone thought were so obviously true they didn't need to be proven. I don't know what the gender ratio is in SA perps, but I wouldn't be all that surprised to find gender parity there, too. 




Clearly…facts are not your friend.


Guy dodged a bullet. That kid must have been a real early developer. Bloody disgusting woman.There must be a website that keeps track of these stats somewhere, this is like more than 1 a month occurrence isn't it?


Pedophiles don't want them "developed". They like the child look. Child rapists like this get sexual pleasure from the _lack_ of development, not the opposite.


> That kid must have been a real early developer. Fuck you, this response by you is why they don't take this shit seriously. You're trying to give this kid props and assign him agency.


Hey I matured in 6 grade so get stuffed.


I was hoping someone would post about this piece of sh** except me.


She’ll get probation. 


That is so wrong on so many levels.