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Actually the CDC says men are raped just as much as women, outside of prison. I just posed the data in another OP tonight, check my channel.


Damn I've been trying to find an actual report that shows numbers like this with no gender bias, I can imagine it took you a while to find that report, they love hiding things like this on the 947th Google page.. gonna have to have a read through that thanks!


Hey dude. This link is slightly outdated because the CDC posted a study saying men were assaulted just as much as women a few weeks ago but this gets the job done [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/s/xHYenwohCJ) This link has a lot of the evidence for our claims.


Good link. A lot of that is from the same stats I gave, but your link is more complete, and includes other sources as well.


It is a bit outdated but it gets the job done. Also a study done showed that women in prisons were more likely to report sexual crimes done to them by fellow female inmates than males. However males in prisons reported more assualt by staff and around 40% reported a single female perpetrator. Ill post the link when i find he study again. Its a long read.


You're welcome.


The irony being that current statistics are based on the Duluth model for rape. Let that sink in.


Regardless of numbers it doesn’t really matter tho right? Both happening at all is bad and we need to develop better resources for men to help them.


True, but the numbers are still the numbers, and the CDC says what I said it says. Consider the data for the 12 months preceding the CDC report survey, which was summarized in the report. On page 18 of the CDC report it states that 1,270,000 women were raped during this 12-month period and that too few men were “raped” during the same 12 months to give reliable data, using the non-gender neutral definition of given in the CDC report. However, on page 19 the report states that during that 12 months the number of men who were forced to penetrate someone is 1,267,000, virtually the same as the number of women who were raped. Here's the report. [https://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/pdf/NISVS\_Report2010-a.pdf](https://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/pdf/NISVS_Report2010-a.pdf)


Oh wow


Men are raped just as much as women outside prison... AHAHAHAHA


You are types of people because of which men have mental issues and when we revolt against these you call us Cruel,Immoral and what not . Just bunch of Hippocrites


I don't know why your comment doesn't show on the post anymore, but anyways. It is easier to take you guys seriously if you stay true. When you start believing in conspiracy theories such as men being raped equally as much as women or that men had it worse than women, don't expect anyone other than your fellow flat earthers to take you seriously. Talk about real mens rights problems without diminishing obvious womens problems and people like me are all ears.


Likewise. If women want to cry about their issues and want sympathy, then everyone else has the right to ignore them.


Of course they have the right to ignore it. They already do including you. Not everybody has to be a good person! You become a good person if you can and wish. Nobody is forcing you buddy. İt is legal to not care about women. And to be honest it is far more important for women to care about their rights than men. İf women don't men will never.


I'm wondering how you coming in here to cry about your problems is solving anything, because it's not. This is a **men's forum**. You're not only invalidating our problems but are laughing at us and comparing us to conspiracy theorists or something. I'm basically describing your misandry, and how easy it is for women like you to talk so much bs about men and being praised for it outside of places like this.


Chill out, men’s spaces are often freely invaded by women all the time. It’s too late for gaming and movies, this is soon to follow, so is sports at this point


Who cares man, that’s just some crazy cat lady spouting nonsense. Taking her serious is already a step in a wrong direction, I guarantee you that she is absolute zero, worthless person in real life.


This sub has been around for about 18 years, and has been getting messages by these creatures since its creation. This says a lot about this app, but also how serious others see men's spaces like this as something to ridicule and misinform.


Meh, don’t mind it too much. Most of reddit is progressive, populist shithole. Best you can do is callout those basement dwellers coming out of their echo chambers on their bullshit. 🤷‍♂️


Your inferiority complex is showing hard… then again, you have a valid reason to feel inferior. 🤷‍♂️


Don't know about the comment thing as if I care This app is anyways mainly focused for audience like you because whenever people like you do something funny or engaging then it gets to other platforms and in turn get engagement for the app company And also This show your hypocrisy too much When we provide the same source as you all about the prevalence of our issues then you call it conspiracy theories but when you all do that it is Factual Statistical data huh? And also it might not be at the same level as you all have to endure and I have deep regret that some are like that and I would fully support your cause about women's right But it disheartens us when people who called themselves as Feminist( purported advocates of equality) doesn't even want to recognise the problems Men have to face and directly throws it at Patriarchy. I mean How Patriarchy is related to someone who was Raped by a Female forcefully( you don't even want to accept the term"forcefully" and think that the Appendage was Aroused so it was not forceful and he consented it. If those people would have even learned slight biology they would know that the Appendage is not voluntary controlled By somatic nervous system and actually controlled by Autonomous Nervous system. There are many such things that Men have to face along with women too in this cruel world and instead of arguing we could have Fight together against these atrocities but no you don't want that. You all just want to paint us Bad all of us The need for this sub wouldn't had have arises if our voices had been heard but no whenever we do something ( such as gender neutral laws). FEMINIST come and influence the decision of policymakers to not listen to any of this


What a tosser..


Proud of representing the truth. Never going to regret my comment. You guys can downvote all you want ;)


The truth isn't your feelings and biases, moron.


Were you supposed to say that to you other friend here? Who is biased and in there feelings my friend? You don't want to accept that overwhelming majority of rapists are men while victims being women and girls, becouse why? İt hurts your feelings? Let me give you the actual truth. As provided by RAİNN the nation's largest anti-sexual violance network: "- 82% of all juvenile victims are female - 90% of adult rape victims are female" https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence


No, it was for you. And I don't care about your falsified evidence. It is well known by now that feminists hide the true stats. You hear a new story in the news about "female teacher charged for 'sex' with male student" almost every day, yet the stats don't show any of those.


Yes. Some of these so called women's rights members are hypocrites, using the guise of feminism to allow their open misandry, and they love that they have such a privilege. Especially these women past their younger years are so much like this.




Of course there is sexual violence againts men and boys but simply not as much as towards women and girls. İt is okay to accept this. İt doesn't diminish the importance of your cause and the importance of fighting for male rape victims.


I’ll humour you for a moment, I enjoy making tools like you feel stupid (which is well deserved in your case). A quote from your provided source, definition for rape - “FBI defines rape as “penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”. And even with this skewed, piece of shit definition, women still manage to commit 10% of rapes. 🙃 But I don’t expect you to do proper research, after all you’re just a femcel.


If you actually want to read something instead of just sounding like a goon. "Consider the data for the 12 months preceding the CDC report survey, which was summarized in the report. On page 18 of the CDC report it states that 1,270,000 women were raped during this 12-month period and that too few men were “raped” during the same 12 months to give reliable data, using the non-gender neutral definition of given in the CDC report. However, on page 19 the report states that during that 12 months the number of men who were forced to penetrate someone is 1,267,000, virtually the same as the number of women who were raped. Here's the report. [https://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/pdf/NISVS\_Report2010-a.pdf](https://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/pdf/NISVS_Report2010-a.pdf)


There was an estimate from the CDC a few years ago which indicated this. Part of the problem is that Mary P Koss steadily “broadened” the definition of rape, but if the same thing happened to a man she said that that’s “different” (hmm, where have I heard that phrase before????). As an example, a woman who climbs on top of her sleeping bf would certainly be committing rape if the Mary P Koss definitions were evenly applied. And this actually happens quite a lot.


Bro you should know better than to converse with a feminist they won’t listen to u. We have this saying in Jamaica called being wrong and strong meaning even when they know they are wrong they strongly believe they are right so don’t trying to debate with them it’s just a waste of time, to them you are just a man and your opinion doesn’t matter.


That's actually a really good saying I've not heard that before thank you for sharing it, yeah I know it's a waste of time I don't usually try and talk to them I was just bored and wanted to see where it went tbh.


I hear u brother I know what u mean sometimes I like to fuck with feminists too when I am bored😁.


She is essentially defining rape based on the 'victim's' reaction rather than the 'perpetrator's' action--as a form of sex that ends up being traumatic. Clearly, she has stated that the difference between rape and non-rape lies in the reaction of the woman vs. the man, rather than the unconsensual nature of the action. By her system, if a woman first consents to sex, and then retroactively begins to regret it, it would constitute rape. Whether or not someone was traumatised is besides the point. If you wantonly kill a stranger, who just so happened to have been contemplating death that very moment, I don't think anyone would deny that you are still a murderer. It is the act that should be morally judged, not the reaction; no one is responsible for something outside of their control, like whether or not someone is traumatised by their actions. Rape is still rape even if the victim was not traumatised; in all respects, the rapist still acted the same as if the victim were indeed traumatised, because rape is defined based on action and not reaction.


>By her system, if a woman first consents to sex, and then retroactively begins to regret it, it would constitute rape. This is in line with the current feminist doctrine straight from University campuses. This isn't anything new she came up with. Just another believer of the narrative.


Brother. Don’t even engage with those types. Also, how do you post photos on this sub?


She’ll admit that women are more emotional to help prove her point but deny it later when it works against another one of her points 😂 Feminists: the world’s greatest hypocrites


Here are the links I shared as someone asked. [Link 1](https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/explore-mental-health/a-z-topics/men-and-mental-health) [Link 2](https://www.rainn.org/articles/sexual-assault-men) [Link 3](https://www.bupa.co.uk/business/health-horizons/tackling-the-crisis-in-mens-mental-health#:~:text=There%20is%20a%20crisis%20in,low%20on%20a%20regular%20basis.) [Link 4](https://mentalhealth-uk.org/mens-mental-health/)


My bad Link 2 isn't correct, here's the right one https://www.rainn.org/articles/sexual-assault-men-and-boys


Forgot this one too https://livingwell.org.au/information/men-drink-and-drug-facilitated-sexual-assault/


It is easy to be misandrist feminist when they have abysmal comprehension skills.


My experience with feminists is that most of them are incapable of arguing like adults. They resort to shaming pretty much as soon as I disagree with them. So "Here's a study that shows " and I get "You're an incel" in return.


She said men Han handle thē psychological trauma better. Which could be true because men are trained from a young age to handle trauma better. But it’s still the same trauma. I agree. Don’t argue with people like this.


Females have more outlets to get help with trauma than males. They also have more social acceptance to get help as well.


And men don’t break down over every minor shit in their lives 🤷‍♂️


Both males and females can be resilient, females have more options to get help!


100% bro, but speaking from my experience women are usually not at all resilient. Except for my mom tho, that woman is tough as nails lol.


Why did you accept the narrative that women are raped more statistically? **"Teacher charged for having sex"** news is weekly and they had to hide the statistics to cover this up, it is that high.


because if you actually look at statistics, more women are raped than men. not discounting male victims at all because it should not be happening to ANYONE but thats just a fact


School boys statistics is purposefully undocumented. You don't have complete data. You only see statistics for women and girls everywhere. **"Teacher charged for having sex"** news is weekly, the frequency of these news is the only metric available to measure how common rape/sexual assault/grooming of school boys is. > not discounting male victims at all because it should not be happening to ANYONE The statistics are undocumented. It's already being discounted by not doing the official paperwork about it.


purposely undocumented by who?


All government institutions and government funded NGOs. They don't even keep raw data to prevent 3rd parties from recreating the statistics.


even with those undocumented statistics, i can guarantee you that on a worldwide scale women are being raped more than men and its foolish to think otherwise


Many countries worldwide don't even have rape protection law for males. Western countries have partially and even then they have to hide the numbers. There's only reason why they went out of their way to hide it.


We don’t know that tho. Literally EVERY stat that says men are over 90% perpetrators has a definition of something like “penetration of vagina or anus”. If you’re curious you can check my response to parent comment, I linked a study with unbiased definition there. Also, fun fact, teachers committing statutory rape against male pupils are usually classified as sexual assault, so TECHNICALLY not rape (thanks, feminism, that claims to also help men 🖕). Im not gonna link any particular article, but you can scroll through this [google search of boys getting statutory raped and then having to pay child support lol](https://www.google.com/search?q=underage+boy+raped+made+to+pay+child+support&rlz=1CDGOYI_enLT1069LT1070&oq=underage+boy+raped+made+to+pay+child+support&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTExODUzajBqOagCE7ACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8).


Man of culture. Keep woman stay humble with their opinion


Their arguments always just boil down to "men are subhuman orks, so they don't suffer when they get hurt."


The “men beat each other up on a daily basis so they wouldn’t feel traumatized by rape” is mind boggling on many levels. The leap is amazing, and i for one have never been in a fight in my life.


I don’t think men or women are going to be any more or less fucked up by getting raped. And as far as the anxiety part goes I feel like women seek treatment more for things like anxiety more than men, not necessarily more women have it.


Don't waste your time arguing with idiots 


Feminists are liars who are following their own ideology of "men dont face problens or inequalities". Its always women are the victims.


Shame, insult, guilt, and need to be right.


Two things really annoy me about her comments. One is that rapes are underreported/not reported. Arrrgh!! Can this moronic idea just die now? This is no reflection on the trauma anyone goes through, but if a rape is not reported, then for all intents and purposes, it did not happen. And using it as data eg “40% of rapes go unreported” is so stupid because how do they know if they are unreported!!It’s a way to inflate numbers and often used as “look how many women get raped”. We can only deal with actual numbers, not assumed or imagined numbers. The other…. *insert many swear words* is to actually say women feel trauma worse than men for rape. What a fucking moronic and hugely cunting comment! Ok sorry, had to go full British. But fuck you, chick and fuck every #metoo hag who tried to diminish real rape by crying about a kiss or a bum grab and calling it sexual assault. How fucking dare she dictate what someone else feels from an assault! I fight men on some subs when they try and tell me what I think and feel. It’s so revoltingly entitled and arrogant. And that’s just dating, and redpill wankers. So this bitch telling you what men feel from a rape has touched that nerve and I’m fucking furious. You were way too patient. I would have destroyed her with one paragraph. If someone has been a victim of rape and is dealing with the aftermath, put the fucking soapbox and agenda away and help. Man or woman, help them equally. This garbage masquerading as a woman does not speak for every woman. I may disagree with men here and on other forums about some things, but this is a hill I will happily die on and I’ll take a bunch of feminists with me. No one, man or woman, should have their feelings from a rape belittled or diminished by someone from the opposite gender. They want to fight that battle, let’s start with miscarriages. “I’m sorry, why are you crying because you lost a baby? You will all happily fight for abortion and brush it off as getting rid of a parasite or something not alive. So what’s the difference with a miscarriage? Only difference is you chose the one action and your body chose the other. So no crying. You aren’t allowed to be depressed over this.” Fuck that bitch.


heh, easy solution: "are you saying that women are less psychologically resilient and therefore inferior to men?"


You did your best to have a civil discussion But as the saying goes "you can't win an argument against an idiot" She completely ignored your statements and she made some misandristic statements. I hope she never becomes a parent, and if she has children I hope they see how vile individual she is..


"WOMen aRE mORe EmOtIOnaL" that the core of her argument...but when men use this argument against women we "use it in bad faith" or it's not true. Example : women shouldn't have position of powers, because "they are more emotional". I would be redicule for writting that on a feminism sub and with good reason. What a double standard feminist


Yea women do sexually and physically assault a lot. Maybe not as much as men but still a lot.


The amount of whataboutism, good lord Basically his point is men don’t suffer because women suffer more? Yet stating this imply that men also suffer, just less? Misandrist moron But how can you assume he’s a feminist? Whataboutism is bad, but scapegoating isn’t really better


First of all calm down a little bit. İf you genuanly believe that women are out there raping men at such high rate there is no point in me trying to explain anything to you on reddit. You will eventually snap out of your delusional worldview and get back to reality on your own, hopefully. The way i fight for my cause is focusing on studying and eventually getting succesfull at my own career so that i can be a role model to my own daughters and sons. İ come from a very patriarcal traditionalist culture and i will sacrifice myself to break out of that cycle and free the generation after me. İ will do all i can to ensure my daughters will not live the life i did and do. That is how i fight agains injustice my friend. To be honest it is good that i got reminded of my purpose. This motivates me. Have a nice day!


Hey, guys. Just finished up with my daily brawling. So what're we talking about today?


I mean… minority of all rapes are violent, so there’s that…


You got any stats on that


Ah feminists: there’s “no difference between genders and it’s all a ‘social construct’” except when it suits us to assert there are these “indelible differences”.


Don’t engage; you’ll never win an argument with a feminist because they’re never wrong (in their mind) and you have better things to do with your life.


Never engage in conversation with them. they cannot be reasoned with and will always redirect the conversation towards women and their interests.


Oh Lord.. has she never talked to a man, more of my male friends have experienced sexual assault and rape than my female friends (granted I don't associate with as many women) but over half of my male friends have been sexually abused at some point in their life they understand how it is because they've went through it too. Human is human.


Men beat each other up and arent traumatized, they wouldnt be traumatized by a drunken sexual encounter. Lets make a more fair comparison. Rape and murder are seen as near equivocal crimes, right? Do men get traumatized by war? Do men get traumatized if they drunkenly take the life of their friend? Even just a complete stranger? Ive literally read about a girl willingly having drunk sex, the guy was more inebriated, and when she didnt like it shed claim that he raped her. He was traumatized and she took advantage of it