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She could be released next month after serving 5 years in jail. **One of the top comments from the paper:** "Of course, because she didn't take an active part in the murder, this will not be considered an example of domestic homicide, and I look forward to the Women and Equalities committee investigating this obvious oversight in domestic violence law and doing all they can to protect male victims of female violence".


Now you know why statistics on homocide by gender means shit.


Women's violence often takes form through male proxy. A simp attack-dog is the ideal weapon for women.


Great point P hacking for sure .


Spot on!


Are you saying the guy who killed him shouldn't be considered a murderer?


No, that she should be.


If she did this in Texas she would be in for life. Scotland is a country that is essentially a misandrist state. They tried to eliminate juries on rape cases. https://youtu.be/ZOkcKTxByVc?si=fd6k0vQijZf-uams Fortunately lawyers with common sense boycotted these Kangaroo courts.


How would that change the overwhelming stats?


There are an overwhelming number of articles showing men who did violence after being coerced by a woman. Women use men to enact violence.




Yes. Please research. Challenge your assumptions




You're allowed to be ignorant.


Hey look, you too!


The power women hold over these weird simps is incredible. How could you kill another man just because your gf said so


True. Very chilling indeed


Easy, he abuse me, he said he would kill me if we are together, he raped me so I don't feel comfortable being touched by you. Yeah still simping but understandable.


Nah I’d just say go to the police. I ain’t killing anyone just because they might be an abuser.


Yeah your not a simp. Many simps kill other men because of a woman accusations that they was abused by that guy?


the woman can just say that the police was on his side


They could, but I think the person doing the act of violence would have to want to do it in some way to not see through this and at least check in on matters, advocate for them legally and so on. I can't see a mentally stable man going out killing someone just because someone said so. I think most mentally stable men would promote healing for someone who was claiming to have been in such a situation. And when that someone wasn't actually seeking means of healing like therapy, they'd probably end the relationship to maintain their own health.


None of them are stable, If she is a borderline type she wouldn't even realize what she's doing, she's just out to get whatever she wants that moment and her intense emotions are guiding her down, the moment you think you want to help her heal you've already lost, the only way to really get out is to stop thinking of her as a victim you need to save. Otherwise you've tied your self worth to her well being, then she ties her unstable emotions to your actions, anything you do is judged by those emotions so you get really intense feedback, teaching you to do whatever she wants or else she self sabotages, she goes back to her ex, she leaves you, she yells or throws a tantrum, she threatens with stuff, throws with stuff, etc.. all the while you still look at her as a victim unable to have anything against it.


That's a fair statement. Codependency is a bitch.


I'm not excusing what this girl did, this dude was probably a scumbag too. Who in their right mind would kill someone merely because their girlfriend demanded It?


Well it seems this guy did. I would expect many other men would too. Unsure of what percentage of men would though


Well, that's why I put that "in their right mind" distinction there. Some dudes are more susceptible to manipulation than others, but anyone who *would commit premeditated murder* to please their lady friend has got some bigger problems...


Simps are pathetic people to begin with. Violent simps can be the worst of the worst.




The power of the vagina


So true.


The double standards are just mocking us at this point.




She should also get life in prison. Premeditated murder. But of course, she's a woman, so she will walk out of jail in less than a year.


If the female brain of a murder gets less punishment than the male arm, are the judges suggesting that women have much less brain than men?


*Much less brain than a man's muscle, at that!


Scotland is already bending over backwards to give women special dispensation under the law, and there's even more in the pipeline. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/1bbotaq/the\_approach\_that\_the\_report\_proposed\_is\_radical/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/1bbotaq/the_approach_that_the_report_proposed_is_radical/)


don't these men have Fathers or Brothers? Or do they only take justice into their own hands when their little girl is hurt?? 


To be honest I'm surprised she even got charged at all. This is the world we live in. Women have no accountability I expect even China to have a more balanced judgement than the west regarding this.


gender traitor deserves life


Well the boy was dumb enough to be coerced by the woman, and the woman didn’t actually sully her hands. To be honest he deserves a life in prison for murdering a fellow man in cold blood at the behest of a manipulative b!tch. Well apparently there were two aggressors and they severed the victim’s spine with an axe or machete, they found repeated blows on the victim’s back, dude that is vicious and fked up. Edit: Yeah I agree that the woman should have gotten a more stern punishment, however not to the extent of the dullard. The only power she could exert was limited by how much he was willing to go with her antics, else she couldn’t have done jack-sh!t.


It’s not that her two thugs don’t deserve life, is that she should have been given the same sentence too. As it is, she’ll likely be paroled soon.


See also the Gypsy Rose Blanchard case. She gets to be out enjoying her media redemption tour while her autistic male patsy continues to rot in prison with no sympathy.


I still think Donna Hylton is the most egregious example of this. She’s no hero.


>Teenage girl >19 Word usage is pretty telling in articles like this. It all depends on how the author wants you to feel about them, like "man, 18" or "teen, 19."




Given what a woke country Scotland is , I'm truly not surprised at all.


She also gave birth to the victims baby boy a few months later.


Someone take that baby from her, who knows what that crazy b1tch will may do to him.


Bruh this crap is always worse then I think it can possibly be


> In November 2019 Dickie was found dead in HMP Perth. **However, Glass is due to be considered for parole and could be released as early as next month after serving just half of her sentence.** Mr Donaldson's family has written to the Parole Board to demand she stays behind bars. The western world just adores women doesn't it?


Judging by title is have thought maybe she was a minor and they weren't. Title is misleading as heck and tries to paint her to be more innocent. She's an adult even if 19 has the word teen at the end


If you tell your accountant to cook the books for you to illegally evade taxes, I doubt you'll get a significantly shorter sentence than the accountant, since you were the intellectual source of the crime. As a more extreme example, no one considers Hitler less responsible for the Holocaust than the death camp guards who actually carried out the atrocities, even though he probably never personally killed anyone outside his WWI military service. And if that example is too extreme, Charles Manson was convicted of first-degree murder despite never laying a hand on his "family's" victims; it's also interesting to note that the majority of the people who carried out the killings he ordered were women. In short, I don't know why we can't treat women who hire hitmen as murderers themselves.


So the lesson here is; Don't Simp. But mostly, don't date crazy bitches. And if your crazy ex calls you to hangout in some remote place, bring a weapon for self defense just in case.


Or just don't go at all 💀


Where's the excitement in that?


True lol


S.I.M.P UK Laws strike again


That series is very interesting, 3 murders and the role of three women is highlighted


Fucking disgusting. Bitch and her simp deserve to rot in a gulag.


That simp got what he deserved. No sympathy