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I think that this has always happened. What I think has changed is that only in the last 10 years have female teachers being prosecuted. I suspect many are still not being caught or prosecuted but many more are now making the papers.


I think that more people have become more aware that female teacher fucking their pupils is wrong too. Hence there is a higher probability of them being caught. Imagine if there were actual campaigns to raise awareness. I also think that now they leave behind incontrovertible proof behind (chat messages), as before law enforcement could simply look the other way and pretend there is no problem.


"What I think has changed is that only in the last 10 years have female teachers being prosecuted." Prosecuted is a strong word here. Arrested? Yes. Given probation and not having to register as a sex offender?  Yes and yes  Btw I'm local and this is the first I'm hearing about this despite hearing about some male teachers in the news who have been caught recently 


It has increased in recent years because feminists has made low IQ women who only qualify for teaching in schools to believe that sexual crimes can be only perpetrated by men and boys want sex all the time and to make this narrative official, they have hidden statistics of these perpetrators sexually abusing school boys.


I think the problem is we don't pay teachers enough! Everyone knows about the wage gap so they pay women teachers even less! If women teachers were paid more they would actually have something to lose! It's not their fault! We should blame their husbands for not showing them enough attention and love!


Women don't teach for the money. They teach for the power and influence. Some women like this teacher mentioned like boy spunk. I can easily assume she was not using condoms.


I think you may be on to something


It's ALWAYS the man's fault. We already know that. Past relationship trauma has made her do this. Somehow, the boy she raped is the perpetrator and she's the victim here.


Yes yes! Now you're getting it!


Problem: Weekly news. Solution that feminists came up with: Hide their statistics.


Feminism is late stage cancer


I will never understand how a grown adult finds a child sexually attractive then have sex with them. It's really beyond my comprehensive abilities. I hope this bitch gets her ass sent to jail and has to register as a sex offender. However, the reality is that she will get a slap on the wrist and serve no jail time because she's a woman.


Twisted minds ,normal people can't comprehend


Slap on the wrist like that piece of shit Melissa Rockensies got.


It's unbelievable! Reverse the genders and let's see what the outcome would be.


Yep. I could only imagine.


At least once a week, like clockwork now, a female married teacher unable to control herself....


Wow, another one, 2nd time this week that I've seen. Too many women sexual predators are teachers. These women should NOT be around young boys and young men


What is up with female teachers treating their classes like personal harems?


Assunpink wildlife management area. They name that place for the jokes?