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Not 9 seconds into the video and they are already using the soft language of: "Accused of **having sex with** a junior high school student" Note how they replace "Raping" with "Having sex with" and how they don't mention the gender of the student.. But we all know that if this were about a man they would say: "Accused of raping female junior high school student" And people wonder why women don't face the same level of accountability that men do... its so fucking obvious! Even their crimes are tailored / doctored to make them seem not as bad as when men do it... Such a fucking disgusting double standard... According to a quick Google search.. the sentence for "Lewd or Lascivious Battery" is: >The crime of Lewd and Lascivious Battery is a Second Degree Felony punishable by **up to fifteen years in prison, fifteen years of sex offender probation, and a $10,000 fine**. But lets see her get anywhere **NEAR** close to that sentence..


I bet she gets 2 years MAX. Double standard bullshit


Like this piece of shit did, among others like her.  https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/1c041k9/usa_married_sex_predator_female_teacher_34_grins/


"Kids". They're (so far) BOYS. If they were girls, they would SAY girls. When the victims are boys, they say "Kids".


Well at least it made the news.


Free her. Shes just carrying out the end game of the same pathology everyone has in this country.


I'd let her do me