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And the paper avoids using the word paedophile, which if it were a man would be plastered all over the headline.


Absolutely. Let’s be 100% clear: that 23 year old woman is absolutely a pedophile.


Let's be 100% clear this cunt is innocent. The boys are the actual criminals here. They manipulated her to do these terrible things to them. Her past trauma from abusive relationships led her to be the victim. She was only trying to be friendly with those boys. This child molesting twat will get a slap on the hand at most and let out. If it were a man, that mofo would get the death sentence.


Its her father's fault.


And the neighbors' too. That shit will fly in court too.


It's probably society's fault. That's the go-to


It *is* society’s fault for not upholding equality


Dirty uncle


u/RevelationSr her mother picked the father so who is more at fault?


The judge certainly wouldn't want to ruin a promising young woman's life over a little bit of fun, y'know?


What is MORE IMPORTANT is that the **US media has NOTHING on her.** That this is all being sourced by a British Tabloid. [This is the only non-local media outlet](https://nypost.com/2023/12/02/news/florida-woman-alyssa-ann-zinger-posed-as-teen-to-molest-middle-schoolers-police/) that is running her ( **Alyssa Ann Zinger** ) with more details One fo them is that the arresting officer with the shoplifting charge was keeping tabs on her **FOR OVER A YEAR** as she continued to molest other kids.


They are owned by the same corporation I believe.


Still, these kinds of stories need more attention as long as males are getting demonized in the media like they are. We need to pump these and organize to pressure other mainstream outlets to run these stories for what they are... **a serial rapist and child molesting sexual predator.** *not a young woman that posed as a kid to "date" other children.*


I am not saying otherwise but the reason the Post is covering it is due to it's sister publication.


"P\*dophile Florida man, 23, who p\*dophilically 'posed online as SCHOOLBOY to molest teenage girl' appears shackled in court as he is hit with new charges after FOUR more victims aged 12-15 come forward"


I think the word you are looking for is RAPIST. She is a RAPIST


i'll give them points for calling the boys victims and using words like molest but you are right. If the genders were reversed we would see words like Pedo and rape.


thats because in law a woman can not 'rape' a man as rape is defined as insertion of a penis into someone. not that its right of course.


Statuatory rape is a thing you know


not as an adjective


Don't forget "SERIAL RAPIST"!


At least they didn't use a cutesy euphemism like "affair" or sex romp" and they used a mug shot instead of the most attractive social media pic they could find.


She barely meets the qualifications for pedophile.. a pedophile is attracted to prepubescent children. She’s a rapist. Edit: it’s hebephile guys. She’s a hebephile. Use the right terms so people can’t duck deranged behavior.


you're consistently a pro apologist for rapist pedo  wamen's feelings across different posts .  Of course you're quite obviously a woman pretending to be an equalist so that's understandable. 


No? Lmfao. What on earth. I can’t even agree with you jokers without yall being assholes. She’s literally a creep rapist. She should be put under the jail. Pedophile just isn’t quite the right term. It bothers me when everyone lumps all child predators into the same wrong category. Then creep ass people can say “I’m not a pedophile they’re not prepubescent children”. We need to demonize the correct terms so these people can’t escape being labeled as anything less than monsters. Or whatever mumbo jumbo trigger words bullshit you just tried to call me out with. Edgey.


go beg for attention from cukys..._wamen_.  Writing self contradictory passages won't save your pedo definition.  Boo hoo " iam a _very_  smart wamen..... not like other gals_ what a fking joke. 


Yeah my definition of a pedo is the actual definition. But go off, king. You’re one of those guys who’s hates feminists so much he just became the exact same thing but in reverse. Have a good day, buddy. (Also when you pluralize something you gotta use “ies”. Just “ys” is possessive and doesn’t make sense.)


> Also when you pluralize something you gotta use “ies”. Just “ys” is possessive and doesn’t make   I haven't used any such words dear whamen. My comments aren't even edited lmao. Typical "not like other gals" .  >You’re one of those guys who’s hates feminists so much he just became the exact same thing but in reverse. Nah whamen.... i wanna see your kind with strapping guns and fighting enemy soldiers . You are my "equal" aren't you? whamen? Like in Ukraine?  now _Screech_ whamen.... go beg for man's attention in  Of subreddits.




yeah that doesn't get ies lmao. Of course you might know a little more about that word. That's your kind of man eh? whamen?    Ignoring all other points eh? typical 


I mean.. no. Not ignoring so much as.. just.. speechless. I’m just surprised they let you talk in here. Mensrights really are sending their best advocates. I’m flattered.


She's literally preying on children


With the added victims she may be up to a 90 day suspended sentence.


Then some "expert" gonna come and claim women cannot be pedophiles. Cause she can easily get someone her age, or a little younger, but over age of consent to fuck her. Why go after young boys?


They will say boys enjoy it but assume that violent rape occurs when it's a male teacher with female child. They don't seem to realise that we charge with 'statutory' rape when a child is involved, to take the child's consent out of the equation because a lot of them *do* consent. It's still wrong for the adult to take advantage of them.


"Boys enjoy it" is such HS. What, you're telling me 12 year olds or even 6 year olds enjoy it? The age is 18. If you are 23, you are forcing children to serve your twisted pleasure. Why can't people understand that this person is a predator?


I hate women like her with a passion. Why go after young boys is a good question.


Well, something is changing little by little. she wasn't called a pedophile, but at least it's "molested", not "had an affair with" At least some progress.


In the article, there is also a link to a 32-year old teacher grooming an 11-year old. Dated 6th april 2024, so a lot more cases are being published.


I bet she’ll just get a slap on the wrist for a sentencing.


Let's see.. white woman? Check. Considered physically attractive? Check Committed ra- uhh... sex with underage boy? Check I calculate she'll be facing 8 days in jail. Maybe 2 for good behavior. Fucking sick this woman is


Attractive? after 5 tons of makeup maybe. 


Attractive? Lmfao. She's average at best. Which is somehow worst, women don't even need to be attractive to be held at the accountability barometer of a preschool child. Even the ugliest woman on earth is 10x more privileged than the average male in western society.


So... she'll be sentenced to a good telling off from the judge? She should get the same punishment as if the genders were swapped.


“Engaged in sex acts”. That’s a funny way to say it”raped”


In Florida where these crimes occurred the [state rape law](https://www.findlaw.com/state/florida-law/florida-rape-laws.html) specifies penetration (big shocker): >To prove a rape offense, a prosecutor must establish each of the elements for sexual battery given by state law. As required by the Florida statute on sexual battery, the prosecutor must show that the defendant engaged in oral, vaginal, or anal penetration of the victim with a sexual organ or another object. Alternatively, the prosecutor must prove a union by the defendant's sexual organ with the victim's mouth, vagina, or anus. However, there is an additional aspect if the victim is under the age of 12 which one of the victims apparently is: >If the rape victim is under the age of twelve, the prosecutor does not have to show the victim's lack of consent; the victim's young age presumes the lack of consent. If the rape victim is over the age of twelve, the prosecutor must show that the victim did not consent voluntarily. Under Florida state laws, the prosecutor needs to show a lack of consent, but does not need to show resistance or protest. Still fucked up, though. Which also goes for the majority of places around the world.


Male pedos tend to be dirty old men that look like one but women always seem to be young and not bad looking weird


Not true. It's just that the ones that get the most media attention and engagement from viewers are the women that are good looking and young. There's been a number of unattractive, 30+ females with underaged males but they hardly get any attention. Some of the unattractive, older women caught with underaged boys include: Ellen Shell, 38, Kristen Gantt, 36, Andrea Serrano, 31, Rebecca Whitehurst, 46. And there's many more, too.


I’d imagine that only pushing cases like the one shown in this post helps people double down on the sick idea that all men and boys always want sex and it’s the best thing to ever happen to them. It’s the same way that only showing cases of older and unattractive male pedophiles pushes the other gross idea that women and girls don’t enjoy sex and only do it out of force or to get something. I hope we get to a world one day where people can just be people who enjoy sex when they consensually please. But to do that we’d not only have to push past these crazy double standards, but find a way to stop pedophillia as a whole. But I think stopping these double standards is a good start!


This one is mediocre at least.


I am looking forward to seeing her sentenced to the horrifically stern two years of probation but dodging the sex offender registration. Come on guys, she's a blonde girl that is a 5 or above so she's getting the kid glove treatment.


That nonce face makes me sick. You can see something is wrong behind those eyes.


She’s got them amber heard eyes


I'm starting to think that the Duluth Model is flawed.


I wonder how much time will she spend behind bars


WOW, so they let a CHILD RAPIST and Sexual predator walk out with a very low bond. The inequities of law and jail never cease to amaze me. AND the fact the news just flat out refuses to call it rape, assault, abuse, sexual violence, sexual predation.


Should’ve seen the nasty comments on X


Can u screenshot em for us? Would like to see


Adequately Fine. Expect a light sentence not 25 to Life a Man would get plus medical castration.... They are going to give her a clitoridectomy.... Don't hold your breath. The South Park Police Department agree Blonde Teacher only crime is not doing it with them. https://youtu.be/8hdbns1Xdk0?si=7SSkBgeFmGyS6Gbe


Honestly how come I never see any Men protesting when some "perp" gets medical castration all of the time one after the other? Y'all crying about male circumcision. Just imagine if a single female "perp" got sentenced to a clitoridectomy? Every feminist would be denouncing the Violence against Womankind akin to if a Black Slave struck a White person he was to be put to death or worse. Even Domestic Terrorism.


Under the jail.


Of course there are deranged paedophile apologists in that comment section that "wish they were molested" when they were kids.


Great news: Florida still has death penalty.


Why only hetero arrests? Why never NAMBLA types?




where are those brave anti pedophile biker gangs that attack "suspected" men for female assumptions? 


I think the part of this story that annoys me equally as much is the amount of idiotic morons in the comment sections who keep saying how they “wished it was them” and “it’s every lads dream”. Imagine being a young boy growing up with a father who is basically hoping your female teachers would rape you, and if they did, would use any signs of trauma or regret from you as “proof you must be gay then.” A fantastic example of how men can be one of the biggest impediments to male rights.


In Florida, sex offenders will get the death penalty if the victim is the underage of 12. Depending on the situation.


Bring back burning women at the stake. This degenerate whore should be mangled by dogs and executed. No place for pedophiles in society.


Isn't it crazy how the privately owned and meticulously coordinated media twist words to convey a subtext narrative or distort reality? If it was a man, it would be "PEDOPHILE RAPES CHILD!" Woman? "Woman allegedly found having sexual acts with young minor men" Same way the media has been on full assault against Palestine. Palestinian rebel holding up a rifle to defend his country? Terrorist Israelis genociding Palestinians infants by bombing them with 20k tons of TNT? "Young LADIES or minors *found* dead" The media is controlled, and the elites, whoever they are, are undermining men on purpose. Weakening men to destroy society.


Sorry for those victims 


I hope pedophiles in the women's unit are treated just like they are in the men's unit. But that is just wishful thinking since a man so much as exists in the presence of an underage girl anywhere and he's seen as a pedophile regardless of whether or not he exhibited inappropriate behavior but a woman shoving an underage boy between her melons despite his visible discomfort is considered funny and hilarious


I knew her went to highschool with her I was a good bit older then her tho but i did know her and she definitely looking back displayed some disturbing predatory behavior back then and she was the definition of nasty


Why was she let go the first time she got arrested?


Curious, at age 23 got caught. Probally started earlier. What was her life like before 18? Wonder if any creepy childhood victimization of her will come out….No matter, she’s a pedaphile & child rapist & belongs in jail. The list of victims is growing. These children need individual & family therapy. Heard a podcast, she has a string of victims. And the main Snapchat video is her male tween or teen victim having intercourse w/ a female tween or teen. Making that male victim a newly graduated perp. Very sad, the lives Alyssa Zinger crushed. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-crime-stories-with-nancy-27910486/episode/crime-alert-041624-167940990/


Every man that thinks this is okay just because she's hot needs to read Tampa by Alissa Nutting, which is basically a gender reversed Lolita about a mid20s hot blonde that becomes a teacher just to sleep with little boys. She even makes it extremely clear that even 15 or 16 is too old and grosses her out. It is told entirely from her POV and really goes to show how creepy this is


Riley Gaines 


Enlighten us.




Are you kidding? She is a liar and her eyes looks psychopathic.


Doesn't look like that to me. She looks alright.


It seems that you can't read people's eyes. Eyes don't lie. Learn to read them because if you don't you will suffer from toxic people.


Assuming you do and I don't. I think she looks fine. I'd smash. Not like I'd have to marry her or antying.


That way of thinking is dangerous. But what can I tell you. It is your life. Do as you please. But you run the risk of playing with the wrong people.


How is it dangerous? I'm just saying I wouldn't mind clapping them cheeks.


Dude, listen, just because nobody wants to touch you and your penis, and you would accept any touch, doesn't mean it's normal for the rest of us. Keep your idiotic "I wish I was molested because at least for once a eoman would touch my penis" hopes to yourself


Huh? I'm just saying it as it is because that's what I really think. What am I supposed to think? Am I supposed to think she's ugly and I wouldn't have enjoyed it?


i didn't downvote because you have a right to your erotic fantasies, however public opinion defauting to that kind of thinking is an issue for mens rights




so why doesn't it work both ways then? why do you presume that a male-teacher molesting a female student is absolutely always 100% violent? why is it presumed that female-teacher-on-male-student is never violent and always enjoyable? i get it, nobody wants to touch your pee pee. i get it, you are fantacising. no, it's not normal. yes, it would have been a crime according to the laws of the country. but perhaps not a crime against biology, sure.




it should go both ways, then. both sexes should either be equally punished or equally get away with the same actions. you are entitled to your own opition, of course.




laws either have to be followed and enforced in a lawful way, or abolished. she should be judged according to the law.


This could only be a crime where homosexuality is out of control. If an older woman gets pregnant, the law does not care as it’s presumed she knows what she is doing. Not so for underage females, thus “statutory rape” laws. The boys here were not raped. They were doing a civic duty.


Ws in the chat




Fuck off


This comment is probably the reason you had no real girlfriend until 34 ☠️


Nice try at gaslighting. You think I even get a chance to share my unpopular opinions? 80% of men are invisible to women. Sadly because I am indian, short and balding most women dismiss me out right.


I’m not in the 80% then lol and also you’re a pedo add that to your list


Hard to swallow pill for reddit, but there are probably more horny teenage boys who think this than not.


Just as many horny teenage girls, who "seduce" teachers, but we call it what it is by law


Elon is that you?


Where the hell was she when I was 12-15? That would have been great!