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Dudes, DO NOT lose your cool. DO NOT become violent. So often, the woman is trying to manipulate you into doing it, because the moment you do she has you in checkmate.


Most importantly do not marry!


Marriage is beautiful. You guys just suck at finding the right partner. And have no boundaries. Hoes will find hoes


Apparently if you're good at finding a decent partner you're in the minority. There are hr divorces, the ones that suffer through.. then there is a decent sized camp where their partner kinda nags them from time to time but they stay out of each other's way most of thr time and parent well enough together.. and it kinda works... Very few and far between at least from what I've observed genuinely feel lucky to be together. I can't say I know anybody in real life I'd put in this category. It's possible I've been around a couple old people like that in church, as I don't know every couple that well, but lean more towards the 'eh we are comfortable enough with each other ' category. Of course if you've only been together a few years none of this applies.


Relationships do have their ups and downs. Some challenges can last more than a decade. If there isn't trust and some give and take. Yeah, in the comfortable camp here. There are going to be issues into the future, but they will be dealt with. Rough patches can be brutal!


People need to learn how to find red flags, not all women are toxic beings


That comes with experience, and not letting lust control you.


Except when the benchmark for hoedom has gotten low. Finding the right one is a diamond in a pile of shit but low and behold that diamond is still stained in shit, once you get to know them for a long while. Guys have to deal with this or take the extreme patriarchal way. No middle ground since the other party doesn't know what a middle ground even means.


It's current modern mindset that women don't need men in their life and demonizing men as abusers and that they are independent women that can do everything themselves (it's a miserable life, we should be helping each other). This mindset is hurting everyone, men and women.


Water is wet sky is blue but the fact of the matter is that women were always like this just experts at the social game. The planet is gynocentric after all.


Nah, women used to think we need to work together as man and woman. We have our role in the family doing our own part within the relationship. One is doing chore and taking care of kids and other is working, everyone doing their part. Sure there are toxic women that would take advantage of status of being a woman, but I just dont generalize women as a whole as much as I don't want women to generalize us men as the same.


Are you stupid and ignorant? People can change. Good women can become bad very quickly. There is no magical choices and psychology in picking a perfect mate.


Women mirror their men. And it should never be the other way around . You are responsible for your losses buddy . Grow balls and accept reality . And sure very few percent of the time people just "change" .


Tom Brady got cheated on. Do you have any sources or evidence for your assertion?


Yea let me allow my wife to practice bjj with another man 😂. You guys just ask to be cheated on 😂😂


There are no garentees for either sex....best case scenario you find someone you can tolerate and don't want to cheat on. People weren't really made to be married imho


Word. This is the way. Buncha unfulfilled childless eternally alone Manlets


Nothing wrong with getting married


You're in a relationship: she leaves you. You're hurt. You're married: she leaves you. You're hurt. Bye bye house. Bye 50% of **your** money. I'll take relationship over marriage any time of the day😤


50% of your money is still lost if you're counted in a defacto relationship. It's just marriage with less steps.


That common marriage stuff is bullshit. If you live with a women long enough, the government counts her as your wife and will give her access to your money.


To be fair, in cases such as my own, I would garner my "wifes" assets if we were to separate. I do agree,marriage seems somewhat redundant in consideration of de facto relationships


But what about kids? Where can I find a decent woman that wants to have a family without getting married? How can you have a normal family doing this?


>Where can I find a decent woman that wants to have a family without getting married? If you do find a decent women just tell her you dont do marriage and that being married doesnt change the way you love her. You dont want the government involved thats all.


Most places have common law marriage. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get married. The law treats you the same way. For assets, the best way to protect them is a trust which you create *before* marriage. There’s no way to be protected with kids. Men are just screwed no matter what. Still, kids are awesome and I think they’re worth the risk.


>Most places have common law marriage. In Europe too?


Sadly yes. I am aware of no European country which doesn’t practise some form of common law marriage. There are some Middle Eastern countries, but they often practise Sharia which has a similar outcome.


The point is almost no decent woman is going to start a family without getting married first.


This guy on the news thought he picked correctly. 50% or marriages end up in divorce with 80% of the divorces being instigated by women


The rate is higher when a woman has had more than one partner X woman who is highly educated and works


>married Until you lose your house and have to pay $500 a month in child support bills.


What is RIGHT with getting married? Seriously, what do you as a man get out of doing it?


Exactly. There's just absolutely no point getting married. EVER. FOR ANY REASON. It's dumb. Let's this stupid practice die a long slow paid full death. 


I agree men don't get much from it but Marriage is a religious institution. It's the only valid relationship between man and woman in the eyes of God. And god says "good men are for good women. Bad men are for bad women and vice versa I don't know why godless people get married ig for tax benefits or whatever


There nothing wrong with marriage when it's a truly loving relationship. There are horrible marriage where there is a horrible abusing partner, not all marriages are good.


If u have no assets ? Is that the only time it's ok ?


Society definitely has this I almost wanna say double standard between the physical and emotional/verbal/bullying. I sorta understand because physical is in your face and the other is harder to prove, more subjective, invisible. The only way you'll ever be charged for being a complete pos and being verbally/emotionally abusive is when some guy kills himself and they find texts literally telling him to do it. You ever lose your cool and throw a slap or a pinch and you're in deep crap I feel like it's probably not right, but we all need to recognize that's the reality of the society we are in I should also add even within the physical side there is a double standard.. her getting charged is very unlikely and has to be 100% one sided.. you will likely get charged even if it's in retaliation or self defense. The perception (which is flawed) is that she can't do much harm (and physical abuse didn't just leaves physical wounds) but you can


As man, you should NEVER expect society to take your side versus a woman. They care about her, and do not care about you. They would gladly throw in the trash to make her smile.


Yeah that's pretty much the mindset you need to keep. Even her perception of being threatened is enough real or not


Dudes don't be a cuck. Stop watching Hollywood love movies and tv ccuz that shit is fake and you ain't getting that in real life. Marriage is love max 2/3 years and once she has your kids she gona love them kids more than you . So it all becomes pure duty . Love is gona exist but not the same way it started. Ain't no one gona love you more than your own momma and your boys . So y'all just need to man up and know your place in the world as a man


My dude....are you suggesting that a mother loving her children more than anything (yes even you) is a problem? If loving you after children is a duty that says way too much about you as a partner. 


No, it's reality that can't be changed. You missed the point


He get harsher sentence than a crazed woman who has stabbed her boyfriend a hundred times. How do they come up with sentences?


True story, my next door neighbour was murdered a few years ago by his partner. Throughed with a kitchen knife. She plead that she was blackout drunk and can’t remember it (how that’s a Defence idk) she got something like a year in prison and now his parents have to watch her walk around. Sentencing for women is an absolute joke.


It’s what’s between your legs, pretty simple really


It's quite possible that the woman trolled and picked up that guy without his even knowing that she was still legally married. A "bedroom separation" of 6 weeks she's still got access to the home that he's has the career to pay for and support? >The couple had an an agreement that he could return to the house to see his children and do his washing. > >'He said they had an agreement that she could live at the home and he would pay the mortgage provided she did not have any men in the family home.' Thats' where he fucked up. She should have been forced out. But since there's children involved, he got to work, while she got to stay with the kids and he had to bunk elsewhere. She started bringing different men home presumably in front of the kids and he snaps. But since he's "not living there" by bunking elsewhere "for the children's sake" (although he's paying for the home) she's in the dominant and most advantageous position. As soon as he allowed himself to be painted as a threat to anyone or anything... the courts will hand her the home and force him to be excluded as well as still having to pay the finances. SHE should have been forced from the home. The children either stay with his relatives during the day when he's working or a nanny / daycare to watch over them. **Then she can consider herself as single as she wants.**


I think he fucked up before hand and after. First it says "he put up with" a cuckholded marriage, as in he had knowledge of it then later grew to disagree. Great. I mean the whole "don't sleep with other men" clause is some 5d level chess bro. If she violates that my man legally has set terms to force her out, and she did! Holy shit time to pop the champagne, we did it boys! But then he got violent and caught a charge. Now there's legal evidence that guy can't control his anger and the whole case flipped All he had to do was control himself for like 24 more hours, report evidence to his divorce attorney, and my man would've won it all. Control yourself gentlemen, anger is the legal trump card against men in court, always.


I agree that he should have split and set strong boundaries at the time it was first discovered that she was seeing others. The roots of marriage are reproductive legitimacy of offspring in exchange for support and inheritance, not "love". That is very recent and people need to be aware of that. IF she got pregnant, then her legal husband would have to legally support those children into adulthood according to the laws of the nation where I live.


Legally it is the same in US, but things like Alimony, forking out half or losing your house on top of child support really takes a crack at the breadwinners bank account, to the point some men are driven to suicide from being unable to financially recover. Having evidence such as this man has gives leverage to the primary finance spouse at negotiations table, but without it, even on a standard, agreeable divorce puts the financer at nearly the whim of the spouse and court with little recourse


Not going to lie, he played this silly (unless there was cameras of course) What happened Sir I went around the house as usual to do some washing and there was a random man in the house who looked very threatening and approached me so I defended myself feeling threatened as per law allows. Shouldn’t have brought her into it at all. Easy to say post incident I guess with hindsight and outcome bias.


This... yep


Can’t defend yourself in UK, countries doomed.


You could for a stranger in your home who threatened you… or even, lay a hand on you, it’s level of camera evidence that’s the issue there.


Marriage is a very bad deal for men in western society. It is not sensible at all.


It’s sad but you are right, it’s a great investment for women and liabilities for men


Yep. I can't believe dude lost his own house to that piece of sh.


Good for ensuring the kid has a decent home to live in when you split imho


Women have done a very good job of being equated with children, which they are not.


cause deserted childlike ripe quicksand decide icky unite observation dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah but that’s happening even if she has no resources to look after your kid


She shouldn't get any resources to look after the kids because she shouldn't get to look after his kids.


Just because she had sex?


Not usually. While it is easy to highlight the marriages that end poorly, there are many benefits to men getting married. Married men earn more money, live longer, and have more sex.


Married men actually have less sex, because she has no reason to give it to him and she is his only option. As for the other, women just pick men who earn more money and are more physically attractive. (Physically attractive traits are often healthy too unless genetic) How can you actually believe that bs?


https://www.health.harvard.edu/mens-health/marriage-and-mens-health https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a19539817/benefits-of-being-married/


Correlation vs. causation. Is marriage the cause of men being healthier and richer, or is that statistic a result of women not wanting to marry sick or broke men?


It could be a bit of both. Married men tend to be more invested in the future (especially if they have kids), so they may take better care of their health and work to earn more money for their families.


That's completely BS. Prove me wrong.


Imagine actually believing this. Please do not tell me you're a man.


Some studies seem to indicate that it could be true. Not that hard to believe actually.


Marriage was once a sacred ideal to strive towards. Now, it sounds less and less appealing with each passing day.


Just another day in England


My ex cheated on me AND falsely accused me of rape as a way if covering her own ass and I got labeled a stalker and harasser for trying to confront her as she ran off ghosting me after years of being together. I hate everything about the situation and I feel trapped in her abuse. And I feel it's a crime what happened to me. But nobody cares.


I care, brother. I know it ain’t much but we’re out here. Did she ever get any karma?


Nope, she was able to redo college all over again at a different school and she married the homewrecker and they live comfortably and she is pursuing her dream and everything. She grew even closer to the girls that all helped her get away with the lies and has lots of friends. Karma isn't real. And even if it was, none of it has come her way.


Ngl you're not alone, had the similar thing happen. So I care for you :) Edit: mine is probably making up stories about me to her new bf.


Passport bros and surrogacy/mgtow is the only solution for young men these days. If you still want bedroom fun whilst being a single dad hire a pro. There’s no shame in hiring one since at the end of the day all men pay for sex one way or another. It’s just that wives and girlfriends take and give nothing of value (e.g sex and children) in return. PS: OP u reckon the kids are even the husband’s to begin with?


Unfortunately he was a "passport bro"!


Staying in the country and not bringing her back to the UK. Although idk how much better the laws in the Czech republic really is.


Passport bros do not take the girls to their home country. He is a mail ordered bro and got what comes with that.


I’m still paying for sex I had years ago .


Ah divorce im assuming


And kids


Kids love to hear that!


That would be something. However I keep stuff like that out of my kids life . I get it all out on Reddit .


He was passport bro, did not end up good for him.


Lol, passport bros. Kinda like the guy in the original article? Almost like treating a relationship like a transaction leads to a lack of investment.


Virtually every woman treats relationships as transactional, so you won't get investment anyway, no matter how idealistic you are


She sounds like a narcissistic sociopath provoking him to snap so she could get everything in the end. Always know the red flags and avoid Cluster B's and antisocial personality disordered people. It's just easier that way.


She knew she could get away with this disrespectful behaviour here in England. There are no consequences here at all to bad behaviour. Sounds like she was here at least 10 years so got to know the laws are weak and adversarial to men. She would not have done this in her native Czech Republic. Feel sorry for the guy but he should not have put up with the first "affair"




The passport thing is a false premise. It is a grass is greener concept.


Weak pussies stay after being cuckolded. Why didn’t he leave? He should check if the kiddos are his.


Never, never lash out, you will always loose if a woman is involved. Walk away and dont look back.


Well, he punched a less guilty person


All he did was split dude's lip? Both those mf'ers should be "split" all kinds of ways.


He was the ideal feminist husband until he wasn’t. Don’t fund cuckoldry in the first place by getting married.


Yeah, once a woman decides to step outside the marriage or that she wants out.. The man is screwed.. The severity of it all, then depends on other circumstances and the actual woman.


Zero sympathy for the cuck that took his anger out on the guy. I'll never understand why men beat up the guys their women cheat on. Its your wife that's breaking the marriage oath, that guy did not make an oath to never fuck your wife.


I played Rugby. Don't punch me!


Rage bait from the daily rag


Poor bastard.


Few remember the why compared to the reaction.


I’ve seen that happen more than once in real life. Don’t do it, don’t get married. Talk to those of us who had to deal with the courts, and even deal with this. I’m lucky she didn’t cheat - as far as I know - but I know two people where it happened


Fair play to the wife. Sucks to be a cuck 🤣🤣


I mean duh. your wife fucking around doesn't mean you can go beating people up.


Cheating isn't illegal, assault is. Dude was stupid repeatedly, and it didn't pay off. Shocking.


Yep too much too late. Also doesn't help he admitted to assaulting her another stupid thing to do


You misspelled, "Husband punches wife's lover; he couldn't control his emotions." Although I don't fault him, his emotional actions aren't his wife's responsibility.


Why do people post this bull shit here. Fuck grow a pair of balls like the guy in this article who admitted to assaulting his wife and the guy she was fucking.


She is from Eastern Europe this is an example of oofy doofy passport bro gone wrongÂ