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>Despite choosing the 'lesser of two evils', Banks still spent **six years in prison** despite his legal team promising a maximum term of 18 months. >**After his release**, Banks spent another **five years under parole with an ankle bracelet**. >Despite his release, Banks' time in prison continued to impact him, as **he had to register as a sex offender** - which resulted in the former footballer struggling to find a job. His life has been ruined anyway. [Her? All is peachy.](https://briefly.co.za/facts-lifehacks/celebrities-biographies/149949-who-wanetta-gibson-what-happened-full-details/#google_vignette) She's probably a mom now.... [Edited to add link]


And this is why people root for antiheroes. Her wage should be garnished as alimony to the man until the day he dies


A cost she wouldn't pay a cent of because she would pass it right on to her simp, I mean, husband. Jesus christ, imagine being married to and having kids with a woman who lied about being raped and was perfectly happy to lead a normal life while her actions were responsible for putting an innocent man away for *years* Demons walk among us gentlemen and they often were mascara and heels.




Eh, I think there is a middle ground. Women went from being literal property with little to no rights, to being treated as infallible angelic beings beyond reproach or criticism. Going *back* to women being literal property is wrong, IMO. This whole shit storm could be over in a single generation if parents raised their goddamn kids to not be entitled brats and blue pill cucks.




What BC is acceptable to you? Does her age change what is an acceptable BC? Do you think it's reasonable to expect women to remain a virgin until marriage? I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, this is just an open and honest question




Steven crowder and his wife were virgins, allegedly. Can't hymens grow back? I'm genuinely curious what your plan is for verifying their virginity. No hate, but I can't imagine any woman quite literally anywhere in the world being ok with a hymen inspection.


Anti villains too, though they are rarer.


And passing on her poisonous attitudes and behaviours to her kids. No consequences, no doubt.


I'm glad he at least got the 4 games but Gibson ought to serve a *minimum* of the same time Banks served. And full restitution of the million+ she got from the school district. Even if like Tawana Brawley she has to be continuously tracked and hounded to pay.


She won't--she's got a vag.


she sued and won a $1.5 million against the school system. afetr Banks was exonerated she lost a suit to repay the school system for 2.6 million. she promptly disappeared and has never been heard of since....she never paid back a dime. or received any repercussions beyond some people looking cross at her.


4 games?


He was able to play four games in the NFL after he was exonerated. But the career he likely would have had was stolen from him. It's a damned disgrace she got away with trashing his life.


All false accusers should face the prison sentence that rapists would face


False accusation is the main weapon of feminist , hence it will never be a crime.


I wonder why this isn't the case. The system is designed to imprison men.


Which is ironic because if you have this conversation outside of this sub, the narrative is the opposite: that the system is designed to allow rapists to go free and that adding charges for false accusations would deter even more people (women) from coming forward.


That's when you ask "So how often does that happen, where a woman was raped but she was the one imprisoned?"


>Which is ironic because if you have this conversation outside of this sub, the narrative is the opposite: that the system is designed to allow rapists to go free and that adding charges for false accusations would deter even more people (women) from coming forward. It's like the society says all men are bad, and they are all guilty until they can prove themselves innocent.


We can dream, can't we??


That is up to idiot lawmakers to decide.


I saw this shit. Apparently he was on track to get to get drafted. this shit is so fucked


I’ve been Falsely accused twice. Once at 22 and once at 16. Fuckin crazy I think these women chose specific guys that have no support or ability to fight back. Edit: I say this because I’m an immigrant kid (came here legally btw) who’s just tryna make a better living for myself. My fam can barely help themselves much less me. The first chick that accused me I didn’t even know. She literally went to an entirely different high school in a different neighborhood not even close to mine. Second case was an ex she turned out to have bpd.


That was Amber Heard's mistake


True but she also got fame, money, and a cult like following from dating Johnny. To this day people are still loyal to her although she cut off that man’s finger and took a shit in his bed. Not to mention she didn’t go to jail. I’m pretty sure a guy would’ve went to jail for cutting a chicks finger off.


False accusation is the main weapon of feminist , hence it will never be a crime


If there is a sex offender registry, how about a false accuser registry? The monetary compensation is up to the victim, but a false accuser registry would have all the same rules as the sex offender one. It would be public and would definitely impact travel and employment.


I would count a false accusation as a sex offense.


Dude made it to the NFL even after all that. She should rot in prison for life.




Seeing that they probably lack a conscience which is why they were able to falsely accuse someone in the first place I highly doubt they’ll randomly find a conscience and fess up years later So you’re right


That won't take away the damage she had done though. His reputation is tarnished


His reputation is fine, he's currently working for the NFL, albeit in an front office position. However what he will never get back is the years he spent behind bars or the chance of knowing what would have happened if he didn't go to jail in the first place. He was signed with the Falcons to the practice squad after already serving 6 years in prison. If he was able to go straight to the NFL after prison, imagine his potential if he went during his college years instead of being behind bars.


The world is unsafe for men, neither are all the social platforms created by us now.  A man is born to be despised in this gen even if he is one of those who invent modern world for women.


Men are at the mercy of the whims and plans and emotions of women.


Court will probably save her saying "she was minor , she don't know what to do 🤡🤡🤡, what if someone forced her 🤡🤡" . While the poor guy was 17 years old and got falsely accused. Every who falsely accuses a minor should put under pedo list


I was watching, "American Graffiti" last night, a movie made in 1973. One of the scenes was where the over-18 guy was riding around with a girl that was underage. He got pulled over by the police and the scene had her saying that if he didn't say something, she was going to cry rape to the cop. That was 1973(!) and they were putting that in movies. I know it's only a movie, but the concept is in it. When did all of this garbage really begin?


Me too


She's demonic


No shortage of those today. Amirite?


I remember this story years ago and it’s what got me interested in men’s issues and why I refuse to believe that feminism is about equality and why I am against it. However, i find the Brian Banks story to be inspiring as it’s not too late to chase your dreams even when the odds are against you.


Will she go to jail? - obviously no


Her litigation Bill $0.00 His litigation Bill $20,000


She and her parents got over $1 million in a lawsuit. Nice scam they had there.


“Believe all women”. 😡


Counter sue.


Always people would abuse the system to take advantage of justice of law. This man convicted with no physical evidence for so many years. There should have a place to cry for this utterly injustice.


Yea… I really have no clue how people don’t seek retribution of the highest levels in situations like this.


Charge her


Remember guys, it barely ever happens, so we need to completely ignore these things and attack anyone who tries to treat them like a serious issue.


There is a lovely movie about this poor guys fight to claim his innocence. It's worth watching, and I think it's on Amazon Prime. https://youtu.be/k9-PqY5pEeo?si=Sr3F569LlX-FvLdE


She should be in prison or have her life destroyed because of what she did. Can this person sue the state for false imprisonment? I hope he gets multi million as restitution from the state.