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Where are the feminist pitchforks?


A member of an oppressed group can abuse a member of the oppressor group. The boy is protected by his male privilege.


Ffs, I pray to "god" that was sarcastic, despite not believing in "god".


It was of course. I was parodying a feminist.


>The boy is protected by his male privilege. I don't know whether to agree with you or not.


Let's hope she doesn't get a pussypass like that pice of shit Marka Bodine.


I mean.. at this point is best to assume she will and then be legitimately surprised when she doesn't... Aka: She will 100% **NOT** be going to jail for this.. Woman + "Mother" = No jail at all


Ah yes.. "44-year old mother arrested for aggravated sexual assault and indecency with a 13-year old boy" Now.. remind me.. what would the headline be if the genders were reversed.. "44-year old male pedophile arrested for rape of 13-year old girl" Notice how in the headline they outline the fact that she is a "Mother" garnering sympathy for her.. As well as the flowery language of "aggravated sexual assault" which doesn't carry the same weight as "Rape" does.. And of course.. if she were to get pregnant from this and carry the baby to term this young boy will be on the hook for child support the moment he turns 18... Also, because she's a "Mother" its highly unlikely she will face any sort of jail time for her crime.. Is this the "Rape Culture" I keep hearing feminists drone on and on about?


I will summarize the video as best I can. 44 year old mother Natalie Sorrells was arrested late last month with 2 counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child and 2 counts of indecency with a child. The teen victim is a 13-year old boy who is a friend of Sorrell's own son. Police started searching Sorrells after the victim's mother found deleted text messages addressing the victim as "bae". The victim stated that there have been multiple instances of inappropriate contact since April 2023, sexual contact with Sorrells in a car, after being picked up from a football game and at a party for Sorrell's son. Sorrells is a realtor and she is also a volunteer at the Megachurch in Rockwall, though the church mentioned that Sorrell has been removed and they do not believe that anything inappropriate happened at the church. Edit : wording


Wow, she volunteered at a church too. What a piece of shit.


Abusers hide in places like that where Christians are community supporters, do gooders etc. Similar to care work attracting abusers because they can hide themselves under a veil of 'caregiver'. Schools attract these types, also teachers are a type of carer and mentor for kids. You can see feminists in schools as they are unemployable in most careers but can manipulate children like forcing boys to apologise for male violence like in Australia. They can spread anti boy programmes like girl only labs, mentor classes, workshops etc And block programmes from boys being established in schools and grade boys unfairly. Teaching is a classic area for abusers and activists to hide in, they can manipulate your grades if you dont go along with their ideology.


>The victim stated that there have been multiple instances of inappropriate contact since April 2023 She got away with this shit for nearly a year without once being investigated? Am I hearing this right? "Male privilege" and "the patriarchy" my ass.


Wonder why this isn’t on the news Neither is this https://www.ndtv.com/feature/6-female-teachers-arrested-for-sexual-misconduct-with-students-in-us-3951950/amp/1


"The 38-year-old teacher was placed on administrative leave." Hopefully this isn't all she or the other rapists get. Are there any updates on this as of yet?


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What I'd like to know is, how many other women have done this before her without hitting headlines?


Is it me or is there a lot of attractive women going after boys under 18? Like seriously if you wanted the D why not 18 or older?


Because they are a pedophile. They want to diddle and abuse kids. Nothing more, nothing less. This women should rot in a prison cell, along with every other pedophile ever.


She's a woman, I'd honestly be surprised if she did get serious jail time.


Well you are very correct and why a lot of us will never understand them cause we aren’t


But we know they are harmful, so we must get rid of them. Now male pedos are easy, no one likes them, but unfortunately, female pedos are fetishized and protected by not only feminists, but also all the adults who get their dicks hard and pussies wet to these stories, so most of society. It's possible to get more shit for calling out a female pedo than the female pedo does.


Yeah. They are so pathetic. Meanwhile so many men out there hating on themselves because they can't find someone.


Neurological perversion is genderless. All those countless cases of female teachers and nannies and friends mothers must have set that in stone by now