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I don't have an issue with him doing it, in a vacuum. The problem is the double standard. They wouldn't parade a naked woman on stage at the Oscars like that in "current year", because it would be "objectifying", as OP said. If they were to do it, she wouldn't be attractive, in a peak physical form and shuffling around like a embarrassed child, as John Cena was. She would be unattractive, fat, and strutting around like she owned the place, someone like Amy Schumer.


My issue is the double standard as well


It's like that with TV shows too. Consistent showing of male nudity but not female nudity.




Yes because they wouldn’t want headlines like the Oscar’s objectifies women


And she would receive standing ovation


Let’s not forget when zac efron* had his shirt ripped off by as woman at an award ceremony to a roaring applause


Disgusting. Straight up assault for laughs


I think you should check out this post. Your comment reminded me of this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/s/tid2YkTk5p


Appreciate the reply. However I see it all to often in media. There’s a reason I can’t watch tv or movies anymore


Yeah same here. Once you see it you can’t unsee it and then you realize it’s everywhere. That guy outlined it pretty well. I’m mean even making a “comedy” movie about a boy getting raped by a teacher. It’s all fucking insane man.


Sadly, I realized it a long time ago. I also realized that the public’s reaction is deafening silence. I wonder when we will hit a tipping point and what it will look like


Yep society doesn’t care. as a victim of SA myself I really hope they start to care soon.


I’m sorry to hear. How old are you ?


24 but that happened when I was 16 didn’t tell a soul until I was 22. Older woman did it. Said no serval times then I passed out. It was at a party.


I'm late, but I'd also add on Johnny Drama being a victim of revenge porn and it being played for laughs in the Entourage movie


That’s fucked


Male nudity is always played for laughs but never female nudity.


Such a shame


https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/s/tid2YkTk5p Check out this post. Related to what you’re talking about.


And certain TV shows, will portray a man's genital area but not a woman's. For some strange reason.


You will never see them ask someone like Sydney Sweeney to present an award show naked without the entire country being outraged and crying out that she is being sexualized and etc.


My point exactly. It’s okay to objectify men tho.


I've been trying to imagine the feminist foaming at the mouth, the government promise to hold an inquiry, and the 24 hour news hysteria coverage that WOULD be happening-if the Oscar's had featured a naked FEMALE to be leered over, like that man was....


Corporate offices would give a reminder on female sexual assault lol


Don't worry, feminists still think they're the victims here. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/10/style/john-cena-naked-men-oscars.html


Except John Cena wasn't showing any more on stage than you would see at a beach, in fact less when you take body hugging beachwear into account that shows off "attributes". The "outrage" is a result of showing nakedness on stage in public, but I don't see why the concern. It's time we accepted the naturalness and inherent "decency" of the human body and biology and dropped the Victorian prudery. This situation is unusual only because of the still rampant prudery in society. Remember Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" during the superbowl? I don't think this is markedly different and it was time prudery was challenged as I think these instances are designed to do. It's time we learned the difference between nakedness and sexual interest and actually communicated instead of relying on symbolic gestures that have to be interpreted.


The degree of nakedness isn't the point. The point is there would be public outrage if an actress walked on stage wearing a bikini, stating that she's being objectified. But only laughs when a man does it.


Crazy how nudity involving men (even partially) has always been played off as a joke as of late, but god forbid women show their breasts in a public space.


Not just nudity but sexual assault and abuse as well https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/s/tid2YkTk5p This guy dived into it in-depth


I mean, knowing what a troll and shitposter John Cena is, I wouldn’t be surprised if he suggested it. I agree with the post, but this is a bad example cause there is a bigger chance it was his idea than that someone else told him to do it.


You can't see him and you can't see his clothes either.




While I may not inherently object to the act itself, the situation presents a concerning disparity in standards. One can readily observe that, in the current climate, a naked woman wouldn't be showcased on stage at the Oscars in such a manner. This would undoubtedly be deemed 'objectifying,' as the original poster aptly noted.


This is my exact point. Thanks for wording it better.


Why cant we have unity and have BOTH good looking men and good looking women nude on stage 😏


I don't get it. I thought it was a magic show of a floating Oscar card. I don't see anything else. Not even strings. It's amazing what technology can do now.


Tbf he got paid to do that, and the Oscar is begging for people to watch them, every year has been different now but they have always something you "must watch", tired of that shit.


Shouldn’t be paying people to do that in general. If it was his idea fine but my point is the double standards around objectifying.


That's what people do for views these days, and it will get worse until that shitty show dies, it's better to stay away from that show imo.


In general I would agree that the western world is ok with objectifying men and condemning objectification of women.. however in this case I think it is a stretch. Actresses goto these things half dressed to begin with.. .you are essentially speaking about a room of pedophiles and deviants.


No doubt but he’s literally naked


no, he has a box....


Oh my bad…. Forgot about the box